OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Characters with cancer? in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 7 months ago
That’s all right, I was confused for a sec.
I really like the concept so far, and I’d love to see where this goes in the future! -
OrangeArmadillo posted a new activity comment 1 year, 7 months ago
Sure, what’s the thread called? -
OrangeArmadillo posted a new activity comment 1 year, 7 months ago
Yeah, my goal is to be a preacher as an adult. Yep, younger than Solfyre too.
Good luck on that idea by the way! What’s it about? (if it’s classified info that’s okay lol) -
OrangeArmadillo posted a new activity comment 1 year, 7 months ago
My writing has been kind of slow honestly, but I have been “writing” in a way. Wrote a couple sermons, wrote a song for a worship night, wrote code and stories for some games, blah blah blah… I have been wanting to write a finished story sometime soon though. As far as that story with my sister, it kind of came to a stop. We might…[Read more] -
OrangeArmadillo posted a new activity comment 1 year, 7 months ago
Sorry I haven’t been on much lately. I’ve been super busy, and just kind of started to drift away from KP. I probably won’t be on here nearly as much, but I’ll try to read or post some stuff sometimes. I’m doing good, though. My summer’s been great. How about yours?-
No, that’s ok! I totally get it. That’s great!! Mine has been pretty good so far too 😉
How’s your writing going? Are you and @kyronthearcanin still working on your story together?-
My writing has been kind of slow honestly, but I have been “writing” in a way. Wrote a couple sermons, wrote a song for a worship night, wrote code and stories for some games, blah blah blah… I have been wanting to write a finished story sometime soon though. As far as that story with my sister, it kind of came to a stop. We might…[Read more]-
Wow, that’s amazing!! Are you wanting to be a pastor or something like that? (I’m pretty sure you’re younger than Solfyre, right??)
Yeah, tbh I haven’t gotten too much done but I have been trying this idea I’ve had for a while, so there’s that 😉 I only have a couple hundred words so far, tho.
Aw, yeah, that’s always how it’s been for me too. I…[Read more]-
Yeah, my goal is to be a preacher as an adult. Yep, younger than Solfyre too.
Good luck on that idea by the way! What’s it about? (if it’s classified info that’s okay lol) -
Awesome!! Thanks 😅 No it’s not classified lol, it’s about a girl learning she’s going to die from cancer and dealing with doubt and hopelessness after that. There’s actually a thread about it if you want to read it. -
Sure, what’s the thread called? -
– (@) July 18, 2023
If you have any tips or anything, I would love to hear them!
OrangeArmadillo's profile was updated 1 year, 8 months ago
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 8 months ago
Thanks, that means a lot. I try to resemble Christ in sharing the faith, but sometimes it can be VERY hard. The simple questions are what I try to use most. I’ve found my self (ever since having these conversations on KP) praying that I would be able to debate an atheist and lead him to Christ! That’s a huge step for me, I used to…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 8 months ago
@freedomwriter76 @thearcaneaxiom
My beliefs are non-denominational, so I don’t have Calvinist or LDS views, but discussing them is interesting to me. I hope these conversations can help bring to light the truth.
also, and this is open to everyone, my church is doing a VBS about apologetics and I thought it would be a good time to…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 8 months ago
@freedom @thearcaneaxiom
My church is non-denominational so I don’t have LDS or Calvinist views, but it is very interesting to talk about it. One thing I do admire about the LDS churches is that they have missionaries in their own towns. I know that some non-LDS Christians do that too, but I haven’t noticed them as much. I hope that through all…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 8 months ago
Don’t get me wrong here, you can believe in Calvinism if you want (it’s a variation, not a false gospel), but since this forum is about defending our beliefs, I’d like to give my reasons for not being a Calvinist.
1. If we must be chosen by God, and we cannot choose him (as you stated), why wouldn’t anyone in the Bible say so? The…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 8 months ago
I completely agree. I try to use science as much as possible, since it is the thing that most people would trust more than anything. The only time I wouldn’t is if someone was obviously emotional at the time and what they really need to hear is just that they have a loving Father who’s there for them. At any other time, I love to…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
First off addressing the translations. We have original documents of the written Bible (In its written language), and we use those to make our translations. We are not copying one English Bible and changing it to a Spanish Bible, we are deriving each one of them separately from the original Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew.…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
Yeah, you got it right. That’s what I meant.
Interesting theory. I can see that being true.
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
My take on it is that the plagues were the hardening of pharaoh’s heart. God gave him a chance after every plague, but because of the plagues his heart was hardened. God also knows everything, so he would’ve known if there was any chance that pharaoh would give in without the plagues. There’s a lot more to it but that’s my basic opinion.
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
That theory is definitely true, one hundred percent. I have discussed God with at least a few atheists before, and all of them said they didn’t believe in God because of Christians. They said they had seen Christians act godly on Sunday, but then be hypocrites the rest of the week; people were trying to fit Christ into their…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Progress Chat!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 year, 9 months ago
Great job with your WIP!
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
Good points again, but the whole thing with numbers, you’re starting at one. God didn’t start. He is outside of time, and by eternal, I mean we perceive Him to be. He exists outside of time, so in our eyes, he never began and never will end. It’s not that he’s inside of time, he is outside of it, which means He literally can’t…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
1. The reason God is exempt of being caused is that the only things that need a cause are things that began to exist, because eternal things logically could not have a cause.
2. It doesn’t have to prove that God created eternity. We can’t. Not scientifically at least. Science deals with what we can test, and we can’t test the…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
Yes, I completely agree.
People forget about the “repent” side of things. They accept Jesus as lord, but not savior. It’s sad how many people believe that they are saved, but are deceiving themselves.
But as Christians, we know the truth, and we are compelled to tell others about it in the Commission.
Then Jesus came to them…[Read more]
OrangeArmadillo replied to the topic Apologetics in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 1 year, 9 months ago
Good points, but I do think there’s an answer to all of them.
1. God of Gaps) For volcanoes, we discovered a cause for it other than a god. But what caused the cause for the volcano? With the God of Gaps theory, maybe there is some object or substance besides God that could create a universe, but what caused that to exist?
2.…[Read more]
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Wow, that’s amazing!! Are you wanting to be a pastor or something like that? (I’m pretty sure you’re younger than Solfyre, right??)
Yeah, tbh I haven’t gotten too much done but I have been trying this idea I’ve had for a while, so there’s that 😉 I only have a couple hundred words so far, tho.
Aw, yeah, that’s always how it’s been for me too. I…[Read more]
Yeah, my goal is to be a preacher as an adult. Yep, younger than Solfyre too.
Good luck on that idea by the way! What’s it about? (if it’s classified info that’s okay lol)
Awesome!! Thanks 😅 No it’s not classified lol, it’s about a girl learning she’s going to die from cancer and dealing with doubt and hopelessness after that. There’s actually a thread about it if you want to read it.
Sure, what’s the thread called?
If you have any tips or anything, I would love to hear them!