whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
Coraline! It’s a classic children’s horror story. The book reads like a fairy tale, and I could gush about the movie for a long time, but I won’t. XD
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
I was told the writing style wasn’t great either.
It’s crass, in a funny way. XD I’ve only read the first book.
Have you read the original Rapunzel? Like, the 100 page narrative? Old, old, old.
I don’t think so. Then again, I know a lot of variations, so I’ve probably read an abridged version at some point.
I’ve nev…
whaley replied to the topic Fantasy/Modern School AU RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 6 days ago
Here ya go
Marcel meandered through the morning rush, stuffing his satchel shut and tucking his wings in for less drag.
Since yesterday, he had kept an eye out for the youngest students. The low staff wasn’t helping anything, and there was no way a kid was going to be kidnapped again.
In a matter of hours, the kindergarteners…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
Oh, and Tangled is better than the original tale. I feel like that doesn’t count, because the fairy tales are so short and not-detailed by nature.
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
Never read the HTYD books because someone told me not to and just stick with the movies.
Haha, I know why. Some of the differences are night and day. Toothless is tiny and green, Fishlegs is thin… Makes me laugh to even think about it.
Oh, War Horse reminds me of another one! 101 Dalmatians is better than the book in some ways.…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
Ha, your drawing illustrated the confrontation quite well. :] I like the subtle coloring for Sniper’s tail and legs.
whaley replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
Wait… you posted in the spring channel here, I think. Are you joining KDWC?
Oh yeeaah, I did. Okay, makes more sense that you knew. 🤣 Yep, I signed up! I think I’m in Brookside Stories?
Lolol! Yeah, senior year is kind of crazy.
All of the kids are really smart and empathetic, but that also means they know exactly how to make each o…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 week, 6 days ago
@keilah-h @theducktator @the_lost-journal
How To Train Your Dragon, Coraline, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and maybe Dune are all better than the books.
hybridlore replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
Wait… you posted in the spring channel here, I think. Are you joining KDWC?
Lolol! Yeah, senior year is kind of crazy.
Normally everyone’s trying to kill each other with jokes.
Oh wow. I’ve never really thought about that before, but it must be really weird and interesting. What’s the coolest thing you’ve learned so far?
Yea…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
The only problem is, I’ll have to figure out where that belongs in Cole’s character arc, since the timing on that is a little uncertain. I’m planning for this to be a duology, so that might be a great idea for the second book. I’ll just have to spend some time figuring out when I want to repair their relationship.
Ah, so you want th…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
Oh, this is unrelated, but by the way, how is Challenge 4 going? What are you planning to do for your senior thesis? (I saw you were sprinting to work on it.)
You’ve seen that already? I haven’t figured out how to make a slack account yet. 😂
4 is going well! Classmates have been a little emotional, though. The first day this year, one…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
Great! Yeah, I thought it was a really cool way to detail the narrative and make Sara’s voice distinct. I’m glad it doesn’t feel too distracting.Â
Now to be more consistent with it 🤔😂 -
hybridlore replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
You’re good! XD
Oh, this is unrelated, but by the way, how is Challenge 4 going? What are you planning to do for your senior thesis? (I saw you were sprinting to work on it.)
I think I understand what you were trying to say, and I love that idea! A scene is starting to form in my head already 😅 The only problem is, I’ll have to…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
Awesome!! Sorry I stopped tagging you, I didn’t know if you were still reading.
I’m sorry I didn’t read sooner. XD I seem to have the unfortunate tendency of promising my feedback on multiple manuscripts. Nevertheless, I am here.
Making the world relatable was one of my big focuses, because I didn’t want it to just be this unr…
hybridlore replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
Awesome!! Sorry I stopped tagging you, I didn’t know if you were still reading.
Thank you so much for the feedback! Making the world relatable was one of my big focuses, because I didn’t want it to just be this unrealistic cliche dystopian. I wanted the reader to be able to see why the government was this way, and for the gra…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
I’m sorry, that sounds really hard. You were able to find a doctor that seemed like she knew what she was doing, right? Have they been able to figure out different ways to help you?
Yeah, it can be hard, but most of the time it’s not too bad. Same. Mine’s more guilt/compulsive thoughts. Mainly just enhanced anxiety, but i…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic KP GOOGLE MEET!!!!!!!!! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
Aw, I’m sorry!! I’ve been praying for you. Is it the health stuff, or just everything?
I’m doing pretty good. I still struggle with my OCD a bit, but for the most part it’s better. I do still have bad days though.
Okay. What time zone are you in? I believe the next one will be at 11 EST, but I guess that still counts…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic Snowball Fight! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
Yeah! It’s not too late, if you’re not too busy for March!
Ahh, yeah. That would explain it
hybridlore replied to the topic Snowball Fight! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
@liberty Ellette is in Brookside Stories, I believe.
hybridlore replied to the topic Snowball Fight! in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
XD Yeah, poor Dale. That was a lot of snow in his mouth at the end.
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