Active 2 years, 1 month ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 604
@imwritehere1920 your website is adorable! SOOO cute! And of course, so is your bunny XD View
Keilah H. - "@rae @theshadow THE LAST TF2 COMIC IS OUT!!! I CAN NOW FINISH MY FANFIC FOR YOU!!! No joke, I’m super excited cause y’all seemed to greatly enjoy it and I can’t wait to finish it for you!"
Power - "Bah humbug! Who ever reads these!"
GodlyFantasy12 - "Hey everyone…some news…due to personal things, I won’t be on KP for…I honestly don’t know how long… I won’t be writing either… Short notice but yea… Love you all and hope to see you sometime later this year… […]" View
imwritehere1920 - "@issawriter7 Hey Issabelle! How are you? I’ll make this super quick: Jennifer Nielsen is starting a newsletter and doing some sort of giveaway when people sign up. Thought you’d like to check it out! 🙂 Ps. […]" View
Linyang Zhang - "“I’m just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe.” – Jango Fett"
Sara Ann {Spark} - "@devastate-lasting is there any way that i could read hose who were given another yesterday? and visionaries???? i would love to!! also, did you get my emails?"
Daisy Torres - "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHxO0UdpoxM just a funny vid to brighten y’all’s day XDD"
Kads - "“a week’s gone by / with different skies” – about the world, vansire"
Natalie C. - "@keilah-h Maybe we should move over here to fangirl about The Bad Batch… XD I am waaaay too obsessed with it. I agree with everything you said about all the characters!! Hunter is just plain awesome and Wrecker […]" View
Katherine - "@gracie-j Hi!!! I wanted to let you know that I just signed up to your blog and I commented on a post. Your blog looks amazing!!!!"
Abigail.M. - "@koshka Hi, Koshka! I’m Abigail and I realize that I am terribly late in welcoming you here to KP! That’s cool that you’re Power’s sibling, he’s got some awesome writing. And your’s sounds amazing too. I love […]" View
Issabelle Perry - "@imwritehere1920 Hey, Lily!! We haven’t talked in a while and I was just wondering what’s been up? How’s life and writing been going?"