
  • imwritehere1920 posted an update 2 years, 11 months ago


    Hey Issabelle! How are you? I’ll make this super quick: Jennifer Nielsen is starting a newsletter and doing some sort of giveaway when people sign up. Thought you’d like to check it out! 🙂

    Ps. Giveaway ends around Labor Day weekend (and if I don’t reply in a day or two, don’t worry! I didn’t get swallowed up by a black hole… at least, I hope there won’t be any at the coast…. *starts googling if that’s possible*)

    • Hey, Lily!!! I’m good, wbu? (Annnddd I just now realized I totally forgot to respond to your last comment and I just feel SO terrible. :,( I’m SOO SORRY!!! I don’t know where the time went. *offers apology chocolate*) *GASP* Girl, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for telling me about this!!!! I just checked it out and subscribed to the newsletter. I’m honestly SO happy she’s finally started one, ’cause I always forget to check out her site. 😉 THANK YOU SO MUCH again for telling me!!!

      Hahaha, okey dokey. (Okaaaaay now I’ve got a new fear of black holes at the coast…XD *also begins googling if that’s possible*)

      • @issawriter7

        Oh, don’t worry about it! I kinda forgot to come back and check anyway… *slams palm onto forehead ’cause I’m a dweeb* XD Ooo, thanks for the chocolate! *offers to share some*

        You’re welcome! I also told my sister to check it out because she adores Sage! (of course, who doesn’t?!) And I’m so glad Nielsen is starting a newsletter too! I always have to remember to come back regularly; this way, it’s easier to keep up with her writing! Anyway, so excited that you’re excited!!

        Also I checked; apparently no black holes are scheduled to appear at the coast *whew*. *passes out more chocolate* 🙂
