Catwing replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 7 months ago
@warrenluther04 I’m just going to post your cover here, cause I finished it a while back. Yay.
(I hope you didn’t want color cause I didn’t…. I left space for words. I could add them or you could.
@dragon-snapper Those are melted chairs behind you.
@dekreel sitting… thinking about some book probably.
@sam-kowal Stan has probably grown a lot…[
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 11 months ago
@sam-kowal You actually counted the number of turtles in Daeus’ signature? Impressive! 😀
And @mnvalentine , I’m sorry I’m getting back so late: I was on hiatus. 😐
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 11 months ago
@mnvalentine I cannot read it as of right now because I have to go, but I just wanted to tell you that I’ll beta-read the first chapter for you and get back to you on this. 🙂 If I’m writing tomorrow, which I hope to be, I’ll read it. 😀 But I liked the
newspapermagazine article you included! -
SleepwalkingMK replied to the topic The School Bully in the forum Characters 6 years, 11 months ago
Ooo, interesting topic, @dekreel.
I want to expand a bit on something @notawriter said – often bullying comes from family life. I know this firsthand; I know many small children who are bullies in some way. They usually act differently around adults, or at church, if they go. But family problems is a huge thing, especially if it is the father (and…[Read more] -
valtmy replied to the topic How should I continue this? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 6 years, 12 months ago
Hmm… yes maybe that will work. I was planning on having a more sweeping epic but maybe a tighter story might suit the premise better. Thanks!
Sure no problem.
valtmy started the topic How should I continue this? in the forum Novel Idea Critiques 6 years, 12 months ago
I have a problem.
I tend to start off writing well but I have trouble deciding how to continue my stories. This causes me to get stuck and saps away my motivation to write. For my WIP, I have been trying to see if outlining will help but outlining is hard when I’m not sure how I want my story to go.
So just to try something new I’m putting one…[Read more]
valtmy replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 12 months ago
I agree with what everyone else has said. I think the problem has to do with the pacing and the passiveness of the main character. There is a lot of description that slow the story down and much of the information conveyed through dialogue could have easily been summed up in a few lines.
Just some thoughts…
#1: The article in the…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 12 months ago
@mnvalentine I think it is somewhat boring, in a way. Of course, there’s the question, ‘What’s going to happen next?’ which is partially engaging and makes me want to read more. But, the characters and the conflict didn’t drag me in for the first chapter. August has some conflict because he’s not as popular as Trent, but he didn’t seem to want…[Read more]
Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 12 months ago
@mnvalentine Thank you for sharing! I do agree with Elizabeth and Skredder. It is a little to dull and slow moving, even though its great for establishing some facts. I like how you described the characters. Now I am curious to read more. 🙂 I have terrible times with my first chapters too. So exiting you are so close to publishing!
Skredder replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 6 years, 12 months ago
@mnvalentine Shorter would probably help. I don’t think you necessarily need more conflict as much as you should capitalize on the conflict you’ve got. Humor would also help move the story on a bit faster. 🙂
Skredder replied to the topic Is this boring???? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
@mnvalentine Thank you for letting us read this. I have to say that I am pretty curious as to what happens after this chapter. But, it does seem a bit stagnant. It didn’t feel like anything was really moving. Even the part where they had to rush to move everything in a week didn’t feel hurried. The characters themselves didn’t seem to move much.…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic KP Literature Character Search Corner in the forum Characters 7 years ago
I just made a serious mistake: Not everyone wants to, or is able to, submit their entries on the doc! So I will allow you to submit it here. In fact, I think it’s best if you submit it here.
Submit this information:
Species: (Can be human. Or anything else…)
Other notes and/or facts:And if you are already on…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@warrenluther04 Where… is it?
Hang on — I got your back! 😉
A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen
Part 4: The Raspberry KingWarren, Catwing, and Riddlewit turned to see a tall girl with long, caramel hair and stormy grey eyes. She was wearing an olive jacket, jeans, and combat boots and was striding towards…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 started the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen 2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Welp. The other one got too long for me to post in. So… here’s #2 of my forum for stuff! Anyhow:
A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen
Part 4: The Raspberry King
Warren, Catwing, and Riddlewit turned to see a tall girl with long, caramel hair and stormy grey eyes. She was wearing an olive jacket, jeans, and combat boots and was striding towards them…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@supermonkey42 I guess that was also back when you had the idea for the Compendium. XD
Well! Apparently so…
Yeah, that’s the problem with wanting to include lots of people…
@mnvalentine You think so?? 😀
@gh24682468999 @ariel-ashira Thank you!!! Aethasia is a land from The Aetherlight, which is like an online, steampunk, alle…[Read more]
Kaymart replied to the topic New Topic: Is this okay? in the forum Novel Critique Requests 7 years ago
Ben Powell replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@mnvalentine What’s interesting is: @dekreel said she wasn’t good at humor. It appears she didn’t know her true potential. 😀
This was way back when the idea for a KPA was first hatched.
The fledgling Artist replied to the topic Filling in the gaps? in the forum Plotting 7 years ago
@mnvalentine Ooh I didn’t even think about making a map.. That sounds hard though!
Hmm Maybe my plot elements would become clearer if my characters motivations were more defined. -
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Another favorite part. With good reason. 😉
The GIF-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Eleven: Daybreak, Mayhem, and Rocks
“This wasn’t supposed to be my problem.”
“Aww, cheer up, Xonos! It’s an experience!”
“Yeah, it’s—AUGH! Oomph! ARIELLA!!”
“That wasn’t me, it was Iliara!”
“Sorryy, Aisyyy…”
Jenna cocked her head and smirked at N.C.’s…[Read more]
WarrenLuther04 replied to the topic A Dog in the Kingdom of Pen in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ariel-ashira Thanks! It will hopefully get better as time goes on…. 🙂
@skredder Thanks!
@catwing Okay. If you want a full-body picture of my dog, though, I can give it to you….
AAH! I DON’T WANNA BE NOBODY!!!! *howls* *shivers* 🙁 🙁 🙁 ;( ( 😉 ) *winks* It’s fine. 🙂
Yeah, I know. Oh. I must have made it seem like Riddlewit actually…[Read more]
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