Active 3 years, 9 months ago- Rank: Charismatic Rebel
- Total Posts: 30
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
@issawriter7 SO sorry, i hit send, and i wasnt even done talking!! (I KNOW! your just like, OH JOY!!) BUT! he was just so sweet, and then when he died saving Twitch, *coughs* i mean Quinlan’s life, i was just… *starts crying* like… *crys even LOUDER* OH WOW! THAT WAS SO SAD BUT IT MADE ME SO HAPPY!!!! it was like a really happy/sad thing, and…[Read more]
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago
@issawriter7 Hey! i cant remember, but are you the person who read the Chuck Black books? the Knights of Arethtrae? if so , which one was your favorite? my favorite, (all time) would have to be Sir Quinlan and the Swords of Valor! and my favorite character is Kahil. (The penthomoth monster who is SO not a monster!!) he is just the SWEETEST
Lucy Israel replied to the topic hi there! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@writerlexi1216 New movie? What’s it called? We have Disney plus.
Lucy Israel posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Ok! Hannah just got me some Tate’s cookies! And a pack of gummies. I will probably eat one tomorrow would you care for a virtual cookie?
Are y’all signing on to church tomorrow?
Goodnight Sara!
Never Alone.
@lucy thanks for the cookie! *takes a bite* mmm, good!
i don’t think so. 😕
Lucy Israel posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Oh. My. Soul. I have a favorite book series now! I LOVED it so much! And just think! I would never had read it if you hadn’t told me about it! So, I owe you my thanks! 💖🤪😜😋 “T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. S.O. M.U.C.H. F.O.R. T.E.L.L.I.N.G. M.E. A.B.O.U.T. T.H.E. S.E.R.I.E.S.!!!”
Never Alone,
Lucy.P.S. does anyone here have a obsession with sign langu…[Read more]
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 11 months ago
Hey everybody! Guess what? We are going to Callaway Gardens in 4 days! Here’s the link to the cabin we are staying at! (I get the loft)…[Read more]
Hi Lucy! That sounds awesome:)
And I’ve never read Chuck Black, but his characters sound awesome and I loved those bits of interview you posted. Especially the part where he gives information that the readers don’t know about, because of all the extra dynamics, thoughts, and interests a character can have behind the scenes of the novel:) -
looks so fun!oh, yes! don’t forget to tell Owen happy birthday from me and tell me what he says. XD
Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin and
Lucy Israel are now friends 3 years, 11 months ago
Sara Ann {Spark} and
Lucy Israel are now friends 3 years, 11 months ago
Lucy Israel posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
Hey! You finally got on here! Well, I had a kindle unlimited trial, and it was on there. But you can also get it from the library! So glad you got on here!
Never Alone!
@lucy i’m glad i’m on here too! i’ll check that book out. 👍🏻
Ok! Hannah just got me some Tate’s cookies! And a pack of gummies. I will probably eat one tomorrow would you care for a virtual cookie?
Are y’all signing on to church tomorrow?
Goodnight Sara!
Never Alone.
@lucy thanks for the cookie! *takes a bite* mmm, good!
i don’t think so. 😕
Lucy Israel posted a new activity comment 3 years, 11 months ago
@gracie-j Ok… *in pirate voice* it’s a wee bit to romancey fer me aye. But ya did a Grand job writ’n it though! ( romance books 🤮🤢) (sorry…) but I loved the pirate parts and over all it was a great book! Loved it! (Minus the romance Blech!) *shudders* ok. Seriously. It was a very good book and you did a great job writing it! A+ for you…[Read more]
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 11 months ago
@gracie-j ARE YOU THE PERSON WHO WROTE HELD CAPTIVE???????? The daughter of the seven seas??
@gracie-j Ok… *in pirate voice* it’s a wee bit to romancey fer me aye. But ya did a Grand job writ’n it though! ( romance books 🤮🤢) (sorry…) but I loved the pirate parts and over all it was a great book! Loved it! (Minus the romance Blech!) *shudders* ok. Seriously. It was a very good book and you did a great job writing it! A+ for you…[Read more]
where can you read that?
Hey! You finally got on here! Well, I had a kindle unlimited trial, and it was on there. But you can also get it from the library! So glad you got on here!
Never Alone!
@lucy i’m glad i’m on here too! i’ll check that book out. 👍🏻
Ok! Hannah just got me some Tate’s cookies! And a pack of gummies. I will probably eat one tomorrow would you care for a virtual cookie?
Are y’all signing on to church tomorrow?
Goodnight Sara!
Never Alone.
@lucy thanks for the cookie! *takes a bite* mmm, good!
i don’t think so. 😕
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 12 months ago
Eeeeeppppppppp!! I just looked! Light of the Last is available at the library!!!! I am soooooooo soooooo soooooo sooooo sooooo… EXCITED!!! whoo whoo whoo *victory lap one hundred times* whoo whoo whoo * jumps up and down and squeales with delight* I AM SO EXCITED! @issawriter7 (you and the rest of the Chuck Black fans probably know how I…[Read more]
YESSS!!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!! *jumps up and down* That. Is. AWESOME!!!! I’m sooo excited for you!!! *attempts to do a victory lap but gives up a fourth into it* *goes back to jumping up and down and squealing with happiness* Aaah, girl, you have GOT to tell me what you think when you finish it!!! Yep, I sooo know how ya feel, sista!!!! Oooh I…[Read more]
Oh. My. Soul. I have a favorite book series now! I LOVED it so much! And just think! I would never had read it if you hadn’t told me about it! So, I owe you my thanks! 💖🤪😜😋 “T.H.A.N.K. Y.O.U. S.O. M.U.C.H. F.O.R. T.E.L.L.I.N.G. M.E. A.B.O.U.T. T.H.E. S.E.R.I.E.S.!!!”
Never Alone,
Lucy.P.S. does anyone here have a obsession with sign langu…[Read more]
I haven’t read those titles yet, but they sound utterly AMAZING!!! 😀 😀 😀 Ooh, and I love those email address ideas, super cool!!!:)
Wow, that’s so EXCITING!!!!!!! 😀 I’m so happy for you!!!!! 😀 Oooh, those are cool email addresses!!!! I love ’em!!!
I haven’t heard of those books, but I’ll have to totally check them out! 😉
Lucy Israel posted an update 3 years, 12 months ago
Hey guys! Have you ever read a three book series where you don’t have the third and the second book ends on a cliff hanger???. PLEASE. HELP. ME. I am going to die! I don’t know what happens next in my book!! I am reading the wars of the realm series,(you heard me right @issawriter7 ) I absolutely love the series!! I LOVE drew and Sydney! I am att…[Read more]
Girl, I like soooooo feel ya there! It was FOREVER before I could get my hands on the last book. Its like WHY MUST THIS BOOK HAVE A CLIFFHANGER??????!!!!!! Also I got SO EXCITED when I saw you were reading the Wars of the Realm Trilogy. EEeeek Drew and Sydney are just AH-MAY-ZING!!! I am sooo attached to them. They are DA BEST!!!! And oh my…[Read more]
Lucy Israel and
Kathleen are now friends 4 years ago
Lucy Israel replied to the topic What do you look forward to most when you get to write? in the forum Topic of the Week 4 years ago
What do I love? I LOVE to be with my characters again! It’s like I miss them! So I am happy when I get to be with them again.
Never Alone!
Lucy Israel and
Elizabeth are now friends 4 years ago
Lucy Israel's profile was updated 4 years ago
Lucy Israel replied to the topic Please pray for me. in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Thank y’all so much! It means a lot to me!!!
it feels better then it did yesterday!
Never Alone!
Lucy Israel started the topic Please pray for me. in the forum General Writing Discussions 4 years ago
Hey guys,
please pray for my arm. I hurt it while playing with my brother. I hope it’s not broken, yet I feel like it is. The only good thing about a arm cast, is that it makes a very good weapon! I broke my arm two years ago and that cast came in handy sometimes! Thank y’all!
Never Alone,
Lucy Israel replied to the topic I can’t figure out some cool names for my character! in the forum Characters 4 years ago
hey! Thanks so much for the name suggestions! I think I will use the name Ciel in my book!
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@Lucy nnnooooo u can’t move! i would miss y’all so much!!!!!!!!!!!
i’ve been here for around seven years and we met at church. <3
p.s. i don’t think Peter could ever grow up. lol.