whaley replied to the topic Character Castle! in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 6 days ago
I’m going to guess neither of you minds what happens 😛
Her sight flooding back to her, Barnes found one of her wrists was held by one of the magical tendrils. Her other hand was free, and Reid was recovering from a hit to the face.
In front of them, the snake lay on the ground. Its eyes faded from blue to a cloudy…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy Book I: The Cost in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
What kind of feedback are you looking for? Do you want just a chill overview of what I think, or more detailed and critique-ish?
hybridlore replied to the topic The Veil of Night– second book in The Flames of Hope Saga in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 week, 6 days ago
Whoa. Can I ask how much of the book is still left? That seems like it’s going to be a lot of sections.
I don’t mind the longer pieces, though, (🤪) as long as you’re okay with me not being as nitpicky. Im not sure if you’re mainly wanting feedback on bigger things or if you want me to catch all the typos and everything too. If…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Fantasy Adventure RP in the forum General Writing Discussions 1 week, 6 days ago
*Bringing this back to the top since Christmas is over* (:
hybridlore replied to the topic The Veil of Night– second book in The Flames of Hope Saga in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
Also, I just saw what you said to Linus about Liam not being a Christian. Then how does Sabina’s statement make sense?
Sabina smiled through tears. “He is happy now. Much happier and safer than I could have ever made him, and much more loved than I could have ever loved him.”
Also, I don’t know if an orphan who hasn’t had a family for a long time…[Read more]
hybridlore replied to the topic The Veil of Night– second book in The Flames of Hope Saga in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
Good section! I was going to say, it seems weird that Beric would change so quickly, but now I see he’s still going to struggle.
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 2 weeks ago
I might post a bunch of stuff on here soon to cope with tearing down my plot board and reconfiguring the whole thing. They say humor is the best coping mechanism.
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 2 weeks ago
This definitely applies to ninety percent of story creators, and you can’t convince me otherwise
whaley replied to the topic NEW and IMPROVED WIP!!!!! in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
I want to get to this eventually! I’m trying to finish a 1,300 page book right now so I’m trying not to read too much else until I do that. XD But I’m still subscribed to this. <3
whaley replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy Book I: The Cost in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
I’m a third of the way through and I already have a lot of thoughts, so that’s good! I really like Tyn, by the way, favorite character.
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
I’m glad you liked it! And I’m glad it seemed more realistic than you thought it was going to be, that’s great. Yeah, not a fan of the outfit but I’m glad it was mostly in the trailer.
Yeah the whole tough girl thing is really interesting. It’s weird, but I have a theory to why it happens. For multiple issues, I think…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
XD yeah that’s probably it! Manga/anime without the weirdness is what I’m all about.
whaley replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy Book I: The Cost in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 weeks ago
I think it is high time I read through everything, that way you get a perspective from someone who doesn’t have to wait for each section and reads it in roughly a couple sittings. 👍
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
ooh yeah I saw that! I haven’t actually seen the movie, just the trailer. I watch a lot of anime and I was spotting some old tropes I really hate in the trailer so I didn’t watch it (Women being above average curvy and wearing something tight, while all the men are wearing looser clothes). I’m just nit picky about stuff like…[Read more]
MineralizedWritings replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 2 weeks ago
XD I had to get my winter pfp up!
whaley replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
I mean, if any lizard breed is going to be a fashion icon, it would be a chameleon
whaley replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 2 weeks ago
Koshka replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
No? But then, I’ve never been to a theater, and my family doesn’t watch much. It looks interesting.
I did see the first 3 hours of LotR on a longish flight over Thanksgiving. The hobbits were hilarious.
hybridlore replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 weeks ago
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