Active 1 day, 10 hours ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 day, 11 hours ago
@whalekeeper @stephie @theducktator @ellette-giselle @keilah-h
Chapters 5 and 6 are out!
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 day, 11 hours ago
Your welcome!
I really appreciate you going out of your way to try to help me understand.
Confession, I asked ChatGPT to code most of it, and then modified it from there.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 day, 11 hours ago
@whalekeeper @stephie @theducktator @ellette-giselle
Okay, I think you all have me convinced now. I will rethink Tyn’s behaviour in the opening later and will try to treat her fairer appearances later in the series.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 day, 11 hours ago
 Dude. You are so mean. 😝
Yes, but Wilhelm is the traditional spelling. 😁 (you still say it Vwilhelm)
Ah. That makes sense.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 1 day, 11 hours ago
I know you are curious, so here was my thought process while reading this:
With him was a young man who appeared to be in his mid to late teens.
Another teenage boy? How many does she have and why is she introducing another one? Or is she? Because if this is the prince in disguise then she couldn’t just go change his…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 1 day, 12 hours ago
@theducktator @ellette-giselle @stephie
Autocorrect in 1st draft be like:
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 6 hours ago
Except maybe the slave part. It dosen’t feel odd that all the slaves are men, even if there could be, and have been female slaves.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 6 hours ago
This is a big step for me! I used to only write people my own age or eighteen. Eighteen was the magic year that was always perfect to write. 😂
I know. I like to write characters that are that age as well. Alan, Martha, Eric, James, and Tyn are all not too far from that (Oliver’s a few years older).
Just in the setting you have,…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 6 hours ago
But that makes me think. Maybe there should be other books set in this universe besides the Narrow Path trilogy. You have an equivalent to all the continents, and species to inhabit them, but TNP only focuses on New Sahvanna for obvious reasons, and we only really get to see the lyens’ culture (unless the third book has them traveling t…
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 6 hours ago
And also, nice drawing! I now understand. XD I thought she was a lot less humanoid.
Thank you! Kentor are the most human of all the non-human races. I have a reason for this in the lore, but may not explore it in this series. Hint: it has to do with Kunulfs, the other species native to the area, being more animal than normal.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 7 hours ago
Sorry, I meant to say below.
So if I’m understanding what you’re saying, with the way code works, a possible explanation for the mysterious box is that someone accidentally deleted the part of the code that told the page to ignore it?
Yes, basically. Think of it like a green traffic light saying go (–>), but the traffic lights nev…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 7 hours ago
@keilah-h @theducktator @ellette-giselle @stephie @whalekeeper
Chapter the 4th is out!
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 10 hours ago
Thank you!
by the way, will we ever see more gorbs? I kinda miss your humorous Australian lizard people.
Not likely. Don’t forget that gorbs are enemies of the lyens, so to find one in a lyen country, like Oliver, is rare.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 10 hours ago
Don’t have too much to say for this section. It was fine.
Just one thing:
Well, Hans is nineteen.
It feels like 90% of your characters are males between 16 and 30. Yes, there have been exceptions, but everywhere they go, they run into eager young men. It might be nicer to see some more variety in characters, even if older men…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 10 hours ago
Oh, it actually imbedded the thing in the page. Interesting. Click on the 0.5 so that the warning on the top doesn’t bloke the code, or click on the box symbol in the top right to take you to the page itself.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 10 hours ago
This isn’t perfect, but here is something that may be similar to Cole’s test. I made it with some basic HTML code, Javascript for functionality, and Bootstrap for styling. I can’t do everything in here, for example, this form isn’t actually sending the information you enter in it anywhere and…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 11 hours ago
Thank you for your feedback. The first thing you mentioned about Tyn not wanting to see Alan fail is a good point. In Book I, she did look up to him and seeing him resist magic for so long was hope she could overcome her instincts. But when he failed and returned to magic, she began to lose hope, which is why she refused to help…[Read more]
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 12 hours ago
There is always Alaska.
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 4 days, 12 hours ago
Most of your questions will be answered in the next section. Thank you for your feedback!
Linus Smallprint replied to the topic The Narrow Path Trilogy – Book II: The Sword in the forum Novel Critique Requests 5 days, 8 hours ago
Here is my explanation for Tyn’s behaviour. I don’t know how well you will be able to read this, so let me know if you need me to clarify anything:
What I forgot to mention here is that one of Tyn’s biggest fears is being controlled. Cyrus turns her against Alan, and she doesn’t want to admit it, so she is trying to justify it.…[Read more]
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