2 years ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 103
KattheWriter replied to the topic Age Limits… ? in the forum Questions and Support 2 years ago
@whalekeeper im not on staff anymore lol writing and horse training got too busy. so now i’m just here around like the rest of yall.
But glad that Kathleen could help you 🙂
KattheWriter replied to the topic Sprint Channel in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@hybridlore I love first person too, switching POV’s alot. I’ve actually been uploading chapters of my book on here. And my book rn is Dystopian with Fantasy aesthetics (so dresses, swords, crossbows mixed it) and a tiny bit of sci fi vibes. But I have other books that are very just fantasy, and Historical fiction mixed with Scifi. And yep, I…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Sprint Channel in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@hybridlore i didn’t end up doing much bc a friend was back who came last summer so I was hanging out with her.
But i’m working this morning. sprinting from :35-:55
Hello! I don’t think so either. I’m Katharine, but everyone calls me Kat. 🙂 What style of writing do you do and how long have you been around KP? And what are your top 3…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Sprint Channel in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@hybridlore er it’s hard to explain, but kinda the plot twist and answering everything? Bc our villian ripped apart our found family the chapter before and we are finding out something about one of the other characters, and why our MC is so important to the Villian. (it’s dystopian kind of evil goverment kids thrown into the military vibes with…[Read more]
KattheWriter posted an update 2 years ago
I hit 42,000 words on my book Finding You
Starshiness and
KattheWriter are now friends 2 years ago
KattheWriter replied to the topic Sprint Channel in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
If anyone is around I’ll be writing on and off all afternoon. Have to write the most important Chapter of my book.
Rn gonna be doing a sprint from :15-:45 🙂
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- mentions of blood, wounds, murder of a child)
Chapter 15
Pressing cloths against the wound tightly, I checked her pulse. Hands shaking, I could still feel it faintly. It’s okay. She just went unconscious. She’ll be okay. Right?
My heart slamming in my chest, my breath tight against my ribs disagreed. Pictures flashed in my mind, pic…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- Pain? suffering? a bad injury)
Chapter 14
Pain surrounded me.
Pain shooting from my shoulder, burning, stinging like it was ripping me apart. Black dots clouded my vision, panic shaking my body, not understanding what had and was happening.
All I could feel was pain. Pain, and hot blood on my back. The hard floor against…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
sorryyy I’ve been nonexistant. I’m 7 chapters away from being done with this so i’ve been very busy. (this is way behind how much there actually is but now that i’m less busy for the summer i’ll try to update more.)
(No warnings)
Chapter 13
“It’s okay Nate…It’s just the woods.” I said quietly to myself. “Nothin…[Read more]
KattheWriter and
GodlyFantasy12 are now friends 2 years ago
KattheWriter replied to the topic Any writers on Writergram? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
@starshiness Writergram is just like the # and what people call people who are using instagram for their book/writing stuff or are part of the writing community. 🙂
KattheWriter started the topic Any writers on Writergram? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Hey, I was just seeing if any of you guys had writer/book instagram accounts.
I’m @ kr_eate on there, and make posts/reels for my WIP, share snippets, and make edits for books, lotr, HP, SW, Marvel, Narnia, ect. And I also have a buisness on there to make Professional Wpic reel for writers to help them grow and be seen, called KReative Edits.…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- fight scenes, un-aliving people)
Chapter 12
I got up out of my bed for the seventh time in the last hour. Sleep would not come. I paced back and forth across the room. The girl stayed in my mind. What was I supposed to do? Just keep her?
They had hurt her in so many ways. I couldn’t just let her go. I swallowed hard as my feet t…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- er, nagative self talk/depression?)
Chapter 11
I kept my eyes closed, pretending I was asleep, until the door closed softly behind him. Opening my eyes, I saw on the chair next to me a steaming bowl of something. It smelled wonderful, nothing like the mush at the camp. Pulling the bowl down on my lap, I slowly stirred it up, trying to…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
lol, you’re good! And THANK YOU 😊
And yes, most of the time it is, but KP likes to un italic and it’s annoying. Only sometimes it isn’t and those instances might be to confuse you on purpose 👀
Thanks again!!
And yes, he’s supposed to and everyone hates his guts, as they should lol.
I’ll go ahead and add a couple more…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
@power sorry it took so long, and thank you! There is two new chapters and i’ll add more soon 👀
LOL yes, i’ll do that next time.
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- our villain, threats of violence, mention of injury)
Chapter 10
General Seznick
I tapped my pen against the wall, as I went over our plan for leaving.
“Why couldn’t those commanders write in proper English, or with a legible handwriting?” I growled under my breath, as I strained my eyes to read the smudged words before me.…[Read more]
KattheWriter replied to the topic Finding You Critique (Will be continued Updates!) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 2 years ago
(TW- attacked/beat up)
Chapter 9
I watched in horror as the men kicked and punched her again and again. “Stop! Stop hurting her!” I cried, struggling to get away from the two men holding me to watch the horrible scene.
Again, the man’s fist slammed into her jaw, and another cry escaped her bleeding lips. She laid crumple…[Read more]
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