Katherine replied to the topic Writing Routine in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years, 11 months ago
@joy and lexi Who’s your favorite character from Little Women?
@writerlexi1216 Cool!!!! Yes, you need to get it out again!!🙂 You’re welcome!!! *high-fives you back* Haha, yeah, there’s a lot of them. That’s why I had to give the years the movie came out to clarify which one I was talking about.😉
@joy-caroline Of course we don’t mind, girl! :)…[Read more]
BuildsByGideon replied to the topic Hallo! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@Joy Caroline – Ah gotcha! That’s awesome that you’re planning on going to seminary! What made you decide to go that route?
Also, I picked up To Kill a Mockingbird earlier this week and am about halfway through, it’s amazing!! I can’t believe I haven’t read it before! It’s got such a deep note to it and so well written! I’m really interested to…[Read more]
BuildsByGideon replied to the topic Hallo! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@Joy Caroline – Woah, 130k words, that’s quite impressive! Do you plan on publishing the book?
And yes, a Tale of Three Kings is amazing and I think you’d really enjoy it! It’s got a lot of deeper meanings behind the story and acts as both an interesting story and answers some complicated questions related to how we are to act as Christians in…[Read more]
BuildsByGideon replied to the topic Hallo! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
@Joy Caroline – Oh wow, that’s fascinating! A book I really enjoyed was similar to that, called A Tale of Three Kings, about King David, Saul, & Soloman from David’s point of view, and that of his right hand, some of the stuff in it was, of course, added because there isn’t transcribed conversations, but it brings it into a more vivid, story life…[Read more]
BuildsByGideon replied to the topic Hallo! in the forum Start HERE 3 years, 11 months ago
Wow, first off, thank you all so much for the many hearty and warm welcomes! 🙂 Sorry for the late response!
@Lexi M – Super nice to meet you as well!! 😀 What style of fantasy books do you like to read and write? And yes, I love my work, it really makes life super interesting!
@Wyn Rose – Howdy Wyn! Yep, the only middle child too 😉
As far…[Read more]
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@Joy perfect! So glad it was helpful. 😀
MNValentine replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@joy I think that maps are the most important thing. You should at least map the direct areas where your story takes place, because you need to have consistent distances – we don’t want it to take a month to go somewhere and a week to get back. Also, if you have traveling in your story, you want to let your map shape the travel, so that the…[Read more]
Grace H. replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@kate-flournoy I literally screenshotted that mini-essay of yours, it was so helpful xD
@joy I’m actually wondering about some of these things, too, so I’m afraid I don’t have anything for you. I’ll just hang around and see what other people have to say. 🙂
Sam Kowal replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@joy Yeah, worldbuilding can get tough sometimes for me. It’s easy to fluctaute between way too much and not enough.
Umm… @kate-flournoy, whenever you get around to writing that book about worldbuilding, be sure to send me a link and I’ll probably buy a copy to keep in each room of my house… 😀 I need to know what you know.
@joy besides what…[Read more]
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@Daeus I’ll have you know I was racing to get that typed out before you posted and said all my stuff for me. XD
No, good points though. Maps are important… I have them… in my head… XD Allegorical and historical elements too. Oooh ooh, in fact @Joy, I actually have a cool thing for you. Four ‘pillars’ for you to figure out, that’ll give you…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
Fantasy, more than any other genre, is about the past, so the most important thing to nail down is the past history of your story world. Allegorical aspects are good to nail down early too if you want to have them. If you’re going to have magic, nail that down early. Oh, and nail down a map of all the lands included in your story, so you…[Read more]
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Worldbuilding in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@Joy excellent question. Someday I want to write a book on worldbuilding, but I’ll try to refrain from dumping the entire tome off on you right here. XD
The first thing, I think, is to realize that worldbuilding is not so much a list of facts about where your story takes place as it is a key— like the key on a map— to discovering why your…[Read more]
MNValentine replied to the topic Quests and Fantasy Cliches in the forum Fantasy 6 years, 12 months ago
@joy That’s a pretty cool idea 🙂 The only problem with it is that if the kids aren’t heroes, they’re not extremely involved in the story, so it might end up having to be short… idk 😀 Thanks!! By the way, what are some of the cliches you like?
Hannah C replied to the topic Writing Inspiration in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 12 months ago
@joy thats awesome! What a great opportunity. Is that English as in language or as in grammar? And can I ask where you lived before you moved? Sorry if I am being nosey.
Hannah C replied to the topic Writing Inspiration in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 12 months ago
@joy wow the Netherlands! I can imagine not knowing the language would be pretty tough. What is the job you are doing?
That’s great! I think family and friendship are very worthwhile topics to write about. Too often they get portrayed in a negative light, especially family. What is your book called, if I may ask.
@ashlyvye wow, you’re like…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Writing Inspiration in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@joy that must be pretty tough having a new job and being away from home. In guessing that would make you closer to my age (20)? What country are you in now, if you don’t mind me asking.
Cool. Ooh romance. I used to absorb Christian romances but after years of that I got tired of the copy and paste characters and plot lines. But now, I have this…[Read more]
Hannah C replied to the topic Writing Inspiration in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@joy wow, a job overseas! Did you have to move or is it like an online thing? What are you doing? Sorry, I’m a naturally curious person. 😳
I totally understand that. What genre do you write?
Yes, a week vacation might be just what you need for your writing. Take that vacation and headbutt it in the face Lol. 😂
Emily D started the topic A Wrinkle In Time in the forum Book Discussions 7 years, 1 month ago
Hello Kapeefers,
I wondered if any of you had read A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle and if so what you thought of it.  I just finished it today and would love to hear your opinions about it…Thanks!  🙂
@emily @perfectfifths @rolena-hatfield @mariposa @dragon-snapper @ingridrd @salome01w4g @epicaddie2 @joy @dekreel  @seekjustice @kate-f…[Read more]
NC Stokes replied to the topic The Great Battle of NaNoWriMo 2017 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 2 months ago
Three more days of NaNoWriMo.
The final battle begins.
*delivers brilliant monologue while staring into the sunset*
What’s up, fellow Wrimos? (NaNoers?)
@winter-rose @joy @jess-penrose @catwing @seekjustice @jane-maree @silverclaw-bonnetfolly @aislinn-mollisong @sarah-anson @kballen @is-that-everyone? @I-hope-so-I’m-out-of-tags -
introvert_girl replied to the topic Problem in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 3 months ago
@joy First off, your story sounds so cool. I kinda love it, actually. 🙂
I don’t have an immediate preference between option A or B, but I would add that something to keep in mind, is your protagonist’s character development. I would ask which situation is the better opportunity to show his growth as a person.
(Hope that helps!) - Load More