Janellebelovedpig started the topic Any bloggers? in the forum Non-Fiction 2 years ago
I read some of the older posts on the forum about blogging and they recommended connecting with other bloggers. I wondered, do any of y’all have a blog?
(My blog is Happy Beloved Pig if anyone is interested)
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic Future Blog Post in the forum Non-Fiction 2 years ago
Wow, thank you all so much!
@kyronthearcanin Yes, amen! Actually taking our requests to God and listening for His answers. I have seen time and time again how He’s faithful to answer. That’s how I’m at the job I am right now and that’s how I’m going to be at my future job. What gives me encouragement, especially whenever I can’t hear Him, is that…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Aren’t big families super fun? You’re “violin-squeaking,” huh? I fiddle around with that instrument too, hoping to learn mandolin or dobrolin sometime.My favorite vacation spot would be Walton’s Mountain Lodge in CO. 14 years ago this Spring our whole family went there with my uncle (who passed away from ALS later that year) and my…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hi! How’s it going?I want to someday have the opportunity and courage to hold a harmless snake. Rapunzel is my favorite princess, so lizards that will ride on shoulders are really cool. Meeting reptiles in the wild, not a huge fan. Especially finding empty snakeskins at work. How do you feel about reptiles?
My only fan fic was…[
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
How do you choose really cool names for sci-fi characters? I know one author who took real names and spelled them backwards to be the planets.
As to your questions, my favorite genre would be Christian family adventures, either real life narratives or fiction in a variety of settings.
Yes, I do enjoy allegorical writing. I…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig posted an update 2 years ago
Hi! I am Janelle, also 21 and coming back to the world of being dedicated to writing, and I also fiddle around on the violin. 😉
What are you looking forward to writing as you’re jumping back in? -
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hi! It’s cool how many of y’all are homeschoolers! I definitely don’t know any other type of schooling, but I’d have to say it’s my favorite.
As to your questions,
My YouTube channel is and many things, not one specific topic. I have my testimony video “A Testimony of a Writer” on there, an Easter-themed worship song I wrote, a…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Thanks for the welcome! I love KP so far!
In answer to your questions, I am one who doesn’t play sports so much. But I do love crafting dolls. It’s like creating 3-D characters.
I like different parts of all the seasons, new flowers coming back in Spring, the heat of Summer, the kaleidescope of fall colored trees, and the ways I…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
How many siblings do you have?
In answer to your questions,
I think my favorite genre(s) to write are devotionals and real life stories. I also like adventure/quest stories in a variety of settings.
Favorite(s) of a genre to read would be Christian family adventures, like the modern day Peabody series or sci-fi Quest…[Read more]
Janellebelovedpig and
Kathleen are now friends 2 years ago
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic Does anyone else like to write song spoofs? in the forum Music 2 years ago
My highschool graduation meant the retirement of my homeschool-teacher mom and principal dad, so my siblings and I made a music video with Lego guys off of The Greatest Showman’s This is the Greatest Show, except changed it to be “…Greatest School.”
Apologetix are pretty great for Christian parodies of rock.
Janellebelovedpig replied to the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Hi, Ava! Whoohoo, homeschoolers! That’s cool you play guitar; I play something called a dobrolin– a dobro that plays like a mandolin. Do you ever write songs? Who’s a character you would want to meet?
As to your questions,
1. Bible, definitely, 😀 next would be Hind’s Feet on High Places and classic The Horse & His Boy and Brock Eastman’s…[Read more] -
Janellebelovedpig started the topic Future Blog Post in the forum Non-Fiction 2 years ago
I want to write a devotional for the Reb about what God taught me while waiting for my graduation. I didn’t/ don’t know what I wanted to do when I grow up and I want to help future seniors like me.
What are y’all’s thoughts on graduation. Post- and pre-. 🙂
Janellebelovedpig changed their profile picture 2 years ago
Janellebelovedpig started the topic To my fellow writers in the faith, greetings in the forum Start HERE 2 years ago
Howdy! My name is Janelle. My full name means “God is gracious to bring the victory to this mighty warrior.” Whew, where to begin to tell you how that’s been true of me? Born as the youngest of 11 in a homeschool family, I was born again through faith in Jesus Christ at age 7. Ever since my Savior has been showing me day how to give Him Lordship.…[Read more]