Emma Flournoy

  • @seekjustice, @valtmy, @rochellaine, @jenwriter17, @ariel-ashira, @emma-flournoy, @dekreel, @catwing, anyone else


    I’m on for a bit, hoping to finally finish my first draft of Decisions

  • Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago

    @emma-flournoy  OKAY sorry for the very very late response. XD Yeah, that’s mostly what I do nowadays too. I’d like to get into digital art and animation sometime too.

  • Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago

    @Emma-flournoy hmm 21st century problems in the medievil era? 😂

  • Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago

    @Emma-flournoy 😁 lol we will see if Kate gets your page. If not, we may have to get really midevil and have you tell her in person.


    Yeah, that’s why I chose Anne of Green Gables the nobly problems there are of her own making. Besides it sounds so pretty!

  • Hannah C replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago

    @Emma-flournoy hey!!!! That is awesome that you are looking into a proofreading business! I am sure there plenty numb-fingered blurry-eyed writers out there that could use your help! I am afraid that I (flawed human being that I am) would see the only merit in being a professional proofreader as having the authority to tell somebody when they have…[Read more]

  • Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago

    @hannah-c  What’s up, I’m here. 😀 Sorry it took a bit to arrive, hahah.
    I’ve kind of drifted away from writing and into art instead. I still blog though. 😛

    @emma-flournoy  @dragon-snapper  @alia  Great to hear from you guys again! 😀 How are y’all doing?

    I shall tag more peeps. @rochellaine  @seekjustice  @catwing  @ariel-ashira  @valtmy  @j…[Read more]

  • Snapper posted a new activity comment 5 years, 3 months ago

    Hey girl!! It’s been way too long since I’ve gotten a notification around here. <333
    So, blogger has been having some issues with the contact form lately. I looked it up and it doesn't seem like there's much of a solution, but I'm not the only blogger who isn't receiving messages. ;-; NOT COOL. But, I'm so glad that you messaged me…[Read more]

    • I knowww! <3 It's like an era has ended. :'(
      Ahh gotcha. Grrr. Silly Blogger. OKAY THEN! Awesome. Glad you wanna do it. 😀 And I wholeheartedly agree. Sarah is very cool. *firm nod*
      Excellent. ;D
      Yes! So. Yeah. *cackle* Oh well. But hmm. I've always heard it's not a great idea to post one's email address in public places on the internet. Cyber…[Read more]

      • Yeah, Blogger wasn’t being very nice. :/ Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to do email or address, for that matter. Hmmm. Well, I think I have Kate’s email, so you could ask her for my email and send me the address that way? And I’d love to do a handwritten note, and I’ll try to get that your way as soon as I can. <3

        *offers more melted…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 1 month ago

    @emma-flournoy XD

    Yep. It was! But I was sooo tired for the rest of the evening. XD


    Not with her, I wouldn’t. She was literally jumping up and down with excitement when I gave her a taste of it, and when I told her yesterday I’d like to teach her, she was so excited. 😀 She asks good questions and has been very insightful just from that one…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    @emma-flournoy So sorry (again), I didn’t see this (again)! XD

    I have my first gig with the Fiddlers on Saturday, and I’m sooooooo excited! We had a rehearsal on Monday, even though orchestra hasn’t started yet officially (that’ll be next Monday, so yay!). 😀

    Yeah. Too bad for them. 😛

    It was! My grandparents came over that afternoon and we…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    It’s not too bad, I think it’s just that I’m joining after a while, and some of the regulars have already established their “routine” so to speak and know what they’re doing more. 😉 But yes, we have fiddle music books. I own two of them, but I also borrowed the conductor’s and been practising during the holidays, so hopefully I’ll…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    Yeah, especially when your mum looks at you while watching TV after dinner at like 8pm and says “Can we make Nutella brownies?” XD

    Well, that’s a good question. XD I’ve been in the junior orchestra almost as long as I’ve been playing violin. And it has helped me in playing in a group setting and about reading music and such. And…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    Yees XD The Nutella brownies are very easy: three eggs, beaten until frothy; one cup of Nutella, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of flour and 1/2 teaspoon of salt; bake in a loaf pan for about 40 (or however long it’ll take in your oven) and leave to cool completely before slicing. And yes, the cheese cake has eggs, cream cheese, and…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    Ah, my bad maths skills is what happened. XDXD

    Yees, it’ll be fun. 😀 And we’re going to make pinwheels (bacon, onion, grated carrot and zucchini and cheese rolled in puff pastry, sliced up and baked) and Nutella brownies (so yummy) to eat, and possibly this three-ingredient chocolate cheese cake I found which is really nice, for…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    @emma-flournoy XD 😛

    Oh, well, happy birthday, then! 😀 Lol, nope, the 19th. XD I know what happened; timezones. 😛 I’m a day ahead of you, and you probably saw that message the day I sent it, which would have been a day behind for you (confused yet? Good). XD

    That sounds like it was lovely. 🙂 On my birthday we’re going to my grandparents’ for…[Read more]

    • Thank youu! And ACTUALLY, I thought that’s what might have happened in that case. I knew you were one day ahead and I thought I’d calculated that, but I guess not. XD I’m not sure how mine got 9 days off though! XD

      Oooh that sounds absolutely lovely too. 😀 And breakfast for dinner is great.

    • @emma-flournoy

      Ah, my bad maths skills is what happened. XDXD

      Yees, it’ll be fun. 😀 And we’re going to make pinwheels (bacon, onion, grated carrot and zucchini and cheese rolled in puff pastry, sliced up and baked) and Nutella brownies (so yummy) to eat, and possibly this three-ingredient chocolate cheese cake I found which is really nice, for…[Read more]

    • @perfectfifths

      Ohh Ah see. xD

      OH YUM. O.o Those all sound delish. Especially Nutella brownies. Tea party food is awesome!
      (What are the three ingredients? Cream cheese, eggs, and melted chocolate bar or chips?)

      Oh and also, we’re able to do orchestra this semester. 😀 We’re just doing the one main group this time though. First practice was last night.

    • @emma-flournoy

      Yees XD The Nutella brownies are very easy: three eggs, beaten until frothy; one cup of Nutella, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of flour and 1/2 teaspoon of salt; bake in a loaf pan for about 40 (or however long it’ll take in your oven) and leave to cool completely before slicing. And yes, the cheese cake has eggs, cream cheese, and…[Read more]

    • @perfectfifths

      Ahhh, so yum! Simple but amazing recipes are the best. 😀

      Ooh, fun! But I see the dilemma. D’you think junior orchestra or the fiddle group would be more beneficial/growing?

    • @emma-flournoy

      Yeah, especially when your mum looks at you while watching TV after dinner at like 8pm and says “Can we make Nutella brownies?” XD

      Well, that’s a good question. XD I’ve been in the junior orchestra almost as long as I’ve been playing violin. And it has helped me in playing in a group setting and about reading music and such. And…[Read more]

    • @perfectfifths

      Heheh. XD

      Well that all makes sense. I’m glad you get to do the fiddle group! It almost sounds too fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants for me. XD I’m not great at improvising with anything, unless I’ve had time to plan it beforehand. XD Do they use sheet music though? That might be a little less scary.

      Ha, it’s funny that yours is Mond…[Read more]

    • @emma-flournoy

      It’s not too bad, I think it’s just that I’m joining after a while, and some of the regulars have already established their “routine” so to speak and know what they’re doing more. 😉 But yes, we have fiddle music books. I own two of them, but I also borrowed the conductor’s and been practising during the holidays, so hopefully I’ll…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    @emma-flournoy Good thing you did that; I only got emails for the “Sorry” and I was wondering “what’s she gone and done?” XD

    Yeh, dat’s a good question. 😛

    So, what are you going to do for your birthday? 😀 From what you said I’m guessing it’s the 20th? That’s the day after mine.

    • HA! Eh dear. XD XD XD

      Huh, it’s actually the eleventh! But I’d calculated yours as the 18th. Not sure what happened. 😛 Anyway, it was nice and quiet. Had a favorite breakfast, meal and dessert (one of the best b-day traditions ;P), and received various lovely gifts from my family. And then the majority of the people went running errands later…[Read more]

      • @emma-flournoy XD 😛

        Oh, well, happy birthday, then! 😀 Lol, nope, the 19th. XD I know what happened; timezones. 😛 I’m a day ahead of you, and you probably saw that message the day I sent it, which would have been a day behind for you (confused yet? Good). XD

        That sounds like it was lovely. 🙂 On my birthday we’re going to my grandparents’ for…[Read more]

        • Thank youu! And ACTUALLY, I thought that’s what might have happened in that case. I knew you were one day ahead and I thought I’d calculated that, but I guess not. XD I’m not sure how mine got 9 days off though! XD

          Oooh that sounds absolutely lovely too. 😀 And breakfast for dinner is great.

        • @emma-flournoy

          Ah, my bad maths skills is what happened. XDXD

          Yees, it’ll be fun. 😀 And we’re going to make pinwheels (bacon, onion, grated carrot and zucchini and cheese rolled in puff pastry, sliced up and baked) and Nutella brownies (so yummy) to eat, and possibly this three-ingredient chocolate cheese cake I found which is really nice, for…[Read more]

        • @perfectfifths

          Ohh Ah see. xD

          OH YUM. O.o Those all sound delish. Especially Nutella brownies. Tea party food is awesome!
          (What are the three ingredients? Cream cheese, eggs, and melted chocolate bar or chips?)

          Oh and also, we’re able to do orchestra this semester. 😀 We’re just doing the one main group this time though. First practice was last night.

        • @emma-flournoy

          Yees XD The Nutella brownies are very easy: three eggs, beaten until frothy; one cup of Nutella, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/3 cup of flour and 1/2 teaspoon of salt; bake in a loaf pan for about 40 (or however long it’ll take in your oven) and leave to cool completely before slicing. And yes, the cheese cake has eggs, cream cheese, and…[Read more]

        • @perfectfifths

          Ahhh, so yum! Simple but amazing recipes are the best. 😀

          Ooh, fun! But I see the dilemma. D’you think junior orchestra or the fiddle group would be more beneficial/growing?

        • @emma-flournoy

          Yeah, especially when your mum looks at you while watching TV after dinner at like 8pm and says “Can we make Nutella brownies?” XD

          Well, that’s a good question. XD I’ve been in the junior orchestra almost as long as I’ve been playing violin. And it has helped me in playing in a group setting and about reading music and such. And…[Read more]

        • @perfectfifths

          Heheh. XD

          Well that all makes sense. I’m glad you get to do the fiddle group! It almost sounds too fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants for me. XD I’m not great at improvising with anything, unless I’ve had time to plan it beforehand. XD Do they use sheet music though? That might be a little less scary.

          Ha, it’s funny that yours is Mond…[Read more]

        • @emma-flournoy

          It’s not too bad, I think it’s just that I’m joining after a while, and some of the regulars have already established their “routine” so to speak and know what they’re doing more. 😉 But yes, we have fiddle music books. I own two of them, but I also borrowed the conductor’s and been practising during the holidays, so hopefully I’ll…[Read more]

      • @perfectfifths

        *nodnod* Makes sense. Hope ya have fun. 😉

        Heh, right. XD Yeah, most people have the beginning of their next work week to look forward to on Mondays, not orchestra. 😛

        😀 Was it fun?

        • @emma-flournoy So sorry (again), I didn’t see this (again)! XD

          I have my first gig with the Fiddlers on Saturday, and I’m sooooooo excited! We had a rehearsal on Monday, even though orchestra hasn’t started yet officially (that’ll be next Monday, so yay!). 😀

          Yeah. Too bad for them. 😛

          It was! My grandparents came over that afternoon and we…[Read more]

        • @perfectfifths
          You’re fine. XD XD

          Sweeeet! So that was yesterday for you, right? Was it funnn?

          Quite. XD

          Awesome! 😀

          Hey, that’s neat! Would you feel odd, teaching someone much older than you? I don’t know if I would or not… I think it’d depend on the personality. 😛 It’s great that she’s already got the passion and musical-ness, ’cause I…[Read more]

        • @emma-flournoy XD

          Yep. It was! But I was sooo tired for the rest of the evening. XD


          Not with her, I wouldn’t. She was literally jumping up and down with excitement when I gave her a taste of it, and when I told her yesterday I’d like to teach her, she was so excited. 😀 She asks good questions and has been very insightful just from that one…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    I know what you mean. The only age I remember actually feeling different at was 15.

  • @emma-flournoy Hi! I remember you pretty well from my first time around here. Thanks. It’s certainly a relief to be out of that place. 🙂


    @dekreel I think I may have seen you around, but my memory sucks in general. Yes, she is. My name isn’t actually Clara. It’s just one of the many random aliases I have online. It’s pretty hard to choose…[Read more]

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    I knuuuu! XD

    How do you feel about becoming an adult? 😉

  • Louise Fowler posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago


    I know what you mean about time passing quick. Sometimes that can be scary.

    Oh, I love Casting Crowns! That video was so cool. 😀

    Yikes, now THAT is scary. I’ve been a legal adult for almost two years (12 days left XD).

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