Active 3 years, 7 months ago- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1352
Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin and
Emma Flournoy are now friends 3 years, 7 months ago
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic May the odds be ever in your favour. in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
@katniss-everdeen Okay then, Tessa!!! (I love your name, btw. Dunno if I ever said that, but it’s a beautiful name. ;P) Aww. *hugs you* I’m so glad you’re well. <3
Well in that case—!!!!!!!!! :’D
Very cool! What kind of stuff do you do with your online business?
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic May the odds be ever in your favour. in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
(wow, it’s been so long since I’ve posted here I’ve even messed up the formatting of spaces and stuff O.o)
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic May the odds be ever in your favour. in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 1 month ago
*pops up from the dusts of antiquity*
@katniss-everdeen AhA, I do b’lieve I do! Wow! Hello again, Bluejay! *crazed waving* (Don’t worry, I remember your real name too, but I don’t know if you want me saying it here or not. XD) Long time no see! I need to stop using exclamation points! :’D
How are youuu?
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 4 years, 10 months ago
Hey hey @Dekreel! It’s okay. XD Sweet! That’s really cool. A couple of my siblings are into digital art things, and don’t much know how it works because I can’t draw much of anything, but it looks fun if you can! ;D
Selah CJW and
Emma Flournoy are now friends 4 years, 10 months ago
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@Hannah-C Ahem. *coughcough* Hmmmm. I promise I told her about it (and found her password). *wry face* ‘Tis truly out of my hands now…
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@Hannah-C Welp, I let her know! She’s not even sure if she remembers her password or anything, but I guess we’ll see. :’D
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
@Hannah-C Hooo boy, such depths of the Dark Ages… :/
Okay okay I’ll get medieval and tell her in person. XD XD
Yes! Fer sure.
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
(Of course, not that the world isn’t problem-riddled now, but y’know, epic wars and stuff. XD Anne of Green Gables is a bit more of a wise choice for living-in in that department. :’D)
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
Heyyy @Dekreel!I’m well, how are you? What kind of art are you into? I know you used to do some manga-style stuff… (I think…) What’s your favorite kind to do?
@Hannah-C Thanks for the enthusiasm! ;D HA, well I’ll admit, that does lend itself to one being legitimately allowed to tell people when they’re wrong. XD XD Heheh. :’D
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
Oh goodness, it’s SO nostalgic making a post on here.
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Revamp in the forum Start HERE 5 years, 3 months ago
Hey @Hannah-C! I’m still here. 😀 Not really here, but didn’t turn off notifications and just pop in every rare once in a while to see if it’s still alive. And that book’s going nowhere, cuz I’m that not-writer and there is no book. ;P (Although I’m still just as obsessed with my sister’s book(s).) But I do still read as many books as I can! It’s…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy posted a new activity comment 5 years, 3 months ago
Ahhh okay! Yeah, that’d be perfect.
*asks Kate to find Snapper’s email*
Bingo. She’s got it. Address shall be on its way. Thanks so much, Danielle! <3
@Dragon-Snapper -
Emma Flournoy posted a new activity comment 5 years, 3 months ago
I knowww! <3 It's like an era has ended. :'(
Ahh gotcha. Grrr. Silly Blogger. OKAY THEN! Awesome. Glad you wanna do it. 😀 And I wholeheartedly agree. Sarah is very cool. *firm nod*
Excellent. ;D
Yes! So. Yeah. *cackle* Oh well. But hmm. I've always heard it's not a great idea to post one's email address in public places on the internet. Cyber…[Read more]-
Yeah, Blogger wasn’t being very nice. :/ Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to do email or address, for that matter. Hmmm. Well, I think I have Kate’s email, so you could ask her for my email and send me the address that way? And I’d love to do a handwritten note, and I’ll try to get that your way as soon as I can. <3
*offers more melted…[Read more]
Ahhh okay! Yeah, that’d be perfect.
*asks Kate to find Snapper’s email*
Bingo. She’s got it. Address shall be on its way. Thanks so much, Danielle! <3
Emma Flournoy posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago
Heyyyy @Dragon-Snapper!
I don’t know if you still get notifications or anything, but I thought I’d message you here in case my messages through your blog aren’t going through and on the off-chance you’d get the message here. So, I guess if you haven’t gotten my blog messages you won’t know what I’m talking about. 😛 I’m doing a project for Sarah…[Read more]
Hey girl!! It’s been way too long since I’ve gotten a notification around here. <333
So, blogger has been having some issues with the contact form lately. I looked it up and it doesn't seem like there's much of a solution, but I'm not the only blogger who isn't receiving messages. ;-; NOT COOL. But, I'm so glad that you messaged me…[Read more]-
I knowww! <3 It's like an era has ended. :'(
Ahh gotcha. Grrr. Silly Blogger. OKAY THEN! Awesome. Glad you wanna do it. 😀 And I wholeheartedly agree. Sarah is very cool. *firm nod*
Excellent. ;D
Yes! So. Yeah. *cackle* Oh well. But hmm. I've always heard it's not a great idea to post one's email address in public places on the internet. Cyber…[Read more]-
Yeah, Blogger wasn’t being very nice. :/ Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to do email or address, for that matter. Hmmm. Well, I think I have Kate’s email, so you could ask her for my email and send me the address that way? And I’d love to do a handwritten note, and I’ll try to get that your way as soon as I can. <3
*offers more melted…[Read more]
Ahhh okay! Yeah, that’d be perfect.
*asks Kate to find Snapper’s email*
Bingo. She’s got it. Address shall be on its way. Thanks so much, Danielle! <3
Emma Flournoy's profile was updated 5 years, 8 months ago
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic A Tale of Worlds Left Behind (2nd try) in the forum General Writing Discussions 5 years, 10 months ago
Aw man, agreed. So nostalgic and sad. I miss the old days. Doesn’t mean new days can’t be as good, but there’s nothing like the close-knit circle of friends there used to be. I don’t frequent KP to speak of anymore; other goals, other priorities like you mentioned. But I shan’t ever forget it. *cue the sappy music* It was an…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy posted a new activity comment 6 years, 1 month ago
You’re fine. XD XDSweeeet! So that was yesterday for you, right? Was it funnn?
Quite. XD
Awesome! 😀
Hey, that’s neat! Would you feel odd, teaching someone much older than you? I don’t know if I would or not… I think it’d depend on the personality. 😛 It’s great that she’s already got the passion and musical-ness, ’cause I…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago
*nodnod* Makes sense. Hope ya have fun. 😉
Heh, right. XD Yeah, most people have the beginning of their next work week to look forward to on Mondays, not orchestra. 😛
😀 Was it fun?
@emma-flournoy So sorry (again), I didn’t see this (again)! XD
I have my first gig with the Fiddlers on Saturday, and I’m sooooooo excited! We had a rehearsal on Monday, even though orchestra hasn’t started yet officially (that’ll be next Monday, so yay!). 😀
Yeah. Too bad for them. 😛
It was! My grandparents came over that afternoon and we…[Read more]
You’re fine. XD XDSweeeet! So that was yesterday for you, right? Was it funnn?
Quite. XD
Awesome! 😀
Hey, that’s neat! Would you feel odd, teaching someone much older than you? I don’t know if I would or not… I think it’d depend on the personality. 😛 It’s great that she’s already got the passion and musical-ness, ’cause I…[Read more]
Yep. It was! But I was sooo tired for the rest of the evening. XD
Not with her, I wouldn’t. She was literally jumping up and down with excitement when I gave her a taste of it, and when I told her yesterday I’d like to teach her, she was so excited. 😀 She asks good questions and has been very insightful just from that one…[Read more]
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