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Hello Abigail! (Sorry I’m so late in responding, I have had a busy week. But I shouldn’t excuse myself. My apologies!)
Yes, Narnia is awesome. Aside from the whole Chronicles of Narnia series, I’ve read the first two books in The Space Trilogy and Til We Have Faces. How about you?
Oh, thank you! Umm… I am kind of procrastinating/giving up on it entirely – I don’t even know why – but I’d love to share a little bit about it. Maybe I’ll come back to it sometime soon, we’ll see. It’s the story of a little girl, Eva, who tries to help a homeless orphan named Charlie. But her father collapses with TB and her mother is desperately searching for a job, so she can’t do much to help him.
Thanks! The MC of my Middle Grade fantasy is Gabriella Stewart, an adopted teen.
My favorite setting to write in would be… either the real world (at some point in history or occasionally contemporary) or a fantasy world I made up called Lineth.
By favorite character type, you mean the different roles characters play, right? Well, I love me a good comic relief character or an awesome sidekick.
Thanks for your kind welcome! I’m glad to be here!
Hello! Good to meet you! I love your name. 😉
Now, to answer your questions:
1. tea! I like over-brewed tea, which almost looks like coffee. Yum!
2. I like to knit, practice calligraphy, run, and hang out with my family.
3. I love the Ashtown Burials series. Do you have a favorite book by him – if you’ve read any?
Cool! Oh, yeah. I totally get that. You gotta take breaks, though, so you don’t get burnt out.
Ironically, after saying I’m struggling with too many ideas, now I’m majorly suffering writers’ block. *facepalm* Oh, well. I’ll get through it. 🙂
@devastate-lasting Thank you! I’ll definitely remember that.
@lydia-s Hello!Oh, that sounds awesome! I adore Jane Austen and retellings are so cool. That does sound like fun!
To answer your questions:
1. Elizabeth Bennet. Lizzie forever! 🙂
2. I have no idea! *pauses to think* Probably Leah or Hannah. Or Abigail. But I really like my name! (It helps that my all-time favorite character shares it with me!)
3. When I have so many ideas that I can’t write because I’m so overwhelmed. It’s the opposite of writer’s block! But writer’s block does bug me, too.
Thank you! I’m glad to be here. You too!
@joy-caroline I agree.
Thank you! If I post it for critique here (assuming I finish it and am sufficiently satisfied) I can tag you. On a random side note, I love your name!
Hello, JC! Good to meet you.
Awesome! I really liked Til We Have Faces, but The Chronicles of Narnia are a close second. I’ve never read Mere Christianity, though it is on my to-read list. My favorite book in The Chronicles of Narnia is probably The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
Yes, historical fiction is wonderful. Oh, I love Les Miserables and To Kill a Mockingbird, too. My Great Depression story was actually inspired by Scout, as I wanted to take on the challenge of writing a very young protagonist. So the main character of my Great Depression story is six years old, like Scout. Thank you!
Hello, and it’s nice to meet you too. I love your username, by the way!
I do like tea. (No coffee for me, please!) I like any kind that’s really flavorful, and I like my tea brewed black. My favorite kind is sweet and spicy, and I also like gingerbread tea. Oooh, and I like black tea with a little lemon juice and honey.
Oh, no. I’m horrible at answering this question. (Hmmm…) I really like dolphins, rabbits, and hippogriffs. Two real, one mythical. 😉
Hello and nice to meet you!
1. It’s about a girl – Eva – whose father has tuberculosis and whose mother is looking for a job. Eva finds a young hobo named Charlie and she tries to get her family to help him. Yikes, that doesn’t sound very interesting! (I certainly hope it is. But as it’s my fault I don’t have a nicer blurb, I can’t complain.)
2. No pineapple! I like plain ol’ pepperoni.
3. I’m a fan of classical, folk, and Christian rock. (I think? I listen to a small band called Wake Low a lot and I’m not really sure what genre they fall into.)
Yes, I absolutely agree about Lizzie. She’s an awesome main character.
You’re welcome! That sounds really cool.
Great, I’ll remember that when I post it. But it’s not even a quarter of the way done yet, so we’ll see when that happens. Yeah, I totally get that. It’s hard to maintain a long WIP. Fun!
Oh, those are some awesome characters! (While I’ve never watched any of the Marvel superhero movies, I do know the other two.) Great choices!
*facepalm* How did I forget about the LOTR? Those sound like awesome places to visit. I wish Middle Earth was a real place…
Perfect. Did I succeed in tagging you?
Hello Jodi! Nice to meet you, and thank you for your kind welcome!
Cool! Who’s your favorite character in Pride and Prejudice?
Historical fiction and fantasy are awesome. And so’s dystopian – I respect anyone who can write a good dystopian story. (Having attempted a few myself, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I am horrible at writing dystopian.)
Thank you! I’m probably going to post it here for critique when it’s done, and I can tag you if you like. That’s a great goal! Do you have a bigger WIP, like a novel?
Oooh, hard question. I think 1. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice 2. Edmond Dantes from The Count of Monte Cristo and 3. Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle. Who are your top three characters?
Another really hard one! I’d love to go to Paris – a book with Paris is The Count of Monte Cristo again – and I’d also love to see old English castles, like in Follow the Dawn by Rachelle Rea Cobb. But in the end, I think I’d agree with Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz – there’s no place like home. 🙂 What about you? Where would you go if you could go to the setting of any book you’ve read?
Thanks again! I’m very happy to be here.
Ooh, one thing. I’m not sure if I have this tagging thing down yet, since it’s different than any other sites I’ve seen. Do I need to use an @ sign before your username in the tag section? Thanks in advance!