Active 9 months ago- Rank: Chosen One
- Total Posts: 3515
Kathleen replied to the topic Do you Prefer Classical or Modern Literature? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 11 months ago
Yeah, Classic lit. feels so much more grounded. It also feels a bit more comfy and homey to read. I do really like fast paced books, but slow paced books like classics are so relaxing.
Do you have any favorite classics?
I haven’t dared venture back before the 1600’s ever since I read a bunch a books around that…[Read more] -
Jenna Terese replied to the topic How do you draft/write the "first" document? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 11 months ago
I used to totally pants my first drafts. Now I find it more helpful to make a plot outline and scene outlines before I get writing, but I still give myself the freedom to deviate from that outline if I feel like it. That’s just me though. 🙂
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic How do you draft/write the "first" document? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 11 months ago
@godlyfantasy12 Usually I write a beginning, and then I start working on an outline/plot/characters, and usually after I have the outline for all the chapters done, or most of them, enough to keep me busy for a while, I just starting writing each chapter one by one.
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Do you Prefer Classical or Modern Literature? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 11 months ago
@kathleenramm These days I can consume nothing but classic lit. I think when I was younger I found it boring but now I find modern lit lacking in depth and character and theme. Still, I prefer literature from the 1800’s and 1900’s, and maybe occasionally the 1700’s. Anything earlier I find, well, hard to read.
R.M. Archer replied to the topic Do you Prefer Classical or Modern Literature? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 11 months ago
My answer is pretty much identical to yours! I used to largely dislike classics (or the idea of classics, anyway; I didn’t dislike as many of the classics that I read as I thought I did, lol), but in the past two or three years I’ve read more and more classics and they’ve definitely beat out modern fiction in my…[Read more]
Kathleen started the topic Do you Prefer Classical or Modern Literature? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 11 months ago
Do you Prefer Classical or Modern Literature?
Ask me this question a few years ago, I would have said modern literature without hesitation.However… recently I’ve been gravitating much more towards the classics.
I still think modern literature has some clear strengths over classical literature, like having fewer filler scenes and more creative…[Read more]
Mallory O'Bier replied to the topic Does anyone write rap lyrics/rap music? in the forum Music 2 years, 11 months ago
Nice to meet you too, @Libby! So do you! 😊
I like to rap about whatever’s on my mind and what I’m feeling. It’s a refreshing mode of expression. 😁😎👍
What do you like to rap about?
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years, 11 months ago
@lydia-s Any other books you’ve read lately? Or any other classic lit you enjoy?
Kathleen replied to the topic What's Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 11 months ago
Yuh, sibling relationships ftw. When is a story not better with a sibling, or sibling-like relationship?
Since it’s your favorite, how many sibling duos have you written, and do you have a favorite one you’ve written?
Yeah, there definitely is something special with brother friendships.
Maybe because it’s rarer…[Read more]
Mallory O'Bier replied to the topic What's Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
Nice to meet you too, @trahia-the-minstrel. I haven’t been on here is a really long time. It’s good to be back! 😊
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic What's Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
@kathleenramm I like master/servant relationships, maybe like young lady and her butler, or something similar. Or I like the idiotic duo who share one brain cell. That’s just really fun to see.
Mallory O'Bier started the topic Does anyone write rap lyrics/rap music? in the forum Music 2 years, 12 months ago
Lately, I’ve been writing some rap lyrics. I don’t know why. I just felt like trying it, and it’s fun and therapeutic.
Still, I know very little about it, or if anything I’m writing is any good. So I was wondering if any of y’all are familiar with rap?
Mallory O'Bier replied to the topic What come to you first? Plot or Characters? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
I would say that usually, I get a plot idea first, then the character just naturally shows up as I’m plotting, but sometimes I do get an idea for a cool character first, and then the story plots itself around them.
So it varies.
Plot and characters (or at least, main characters) are very connected for me, though. They’re essentially…[Read more]
Mallory O'Bier replied to the topic What's Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
I love a good bromance! Frodo and Sam’s friendship is so moving. I really enjoy reading about guys’ friendships, more than I do romance. Maybe because I’m a girl and it’s more mysterious to me? I don’t know.
All I know is that there’s something awesome and powerful about it, and also vaguely incomprehensible. XD
And cool. Which reminds me, I…[Read more]
Kathleen started the topic What's Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
What’s Your Favorite Relationship Type in Fiction?
For me it would be sibling relationships. Maybe it’s because I have a lot of siblings, but I feel like there’s this unique built-in connection between sibling relationships that other relationships don’t have.There can be a lot of diverse and interesting dynamics between siblings. They could be…[Read more]
Mallory O'Bier replied to the topic Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
Writing energizes me and fills me with joy. I’m truly happiest when writing. I can get tired while writing, but it doesn’t usually exhaust me. It’s only really exhausting if the words or inspiration or whatever I need just isn’t flowing as it should. :/
But if I’ve turned my light off and I get a sudden spark of an idea… I may turn the light…[Read more]
Mallory O'Bier posted an update 2 years, 12 months ago
I haven’t been on here in forever so I just checked the guidelines and I’m not too old! Yay! I’ve missed this place. 😀
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
@kathleenramm Hmm unless you count the time I couldn’t fall asleep from like midnight to two in the morning because I kept getting writing ideas to jot down haha. That was pretty energizing.
Kathleen replied to the topic Does writing energize or exhaust you? Or both? in the forum Topic of the Week 2 years, 12 months ago
You definitely did not see my profile picture on Pinterest, where I definitely did not get it from. My profile 110% very unique and original. 🙂
It seems like most people get drained from writing. Has there ever been an exception for you? Like a certain chapter that made you excited and energized at…[Read more]
Linyang Zhang replied to the topic Writer's Corner #505 in the forum General Writing Discussions 3 years ago
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