
  • @skredder  Beautiful. 😉

    @daeus  Well, yeah! Obviously I’m not the BEST at endings. XD


    Two… thousandth… post…  O.O

  • @epicaddie2  @seekjustice  @sam-kowal  @rochellaine  @jane-maree

    Wow. Okay, seeing what you guys are posting about Camp NaNoWriMo makes me want to be a member. XD


    *double-takes* Hang on — am I a–

    Edit: Oh. My. Word. I’m a Chosen One, guys! 0.0 😀

  • Daeus posted an update 6 years, 12 months ago


    Alright, here’s how my crazy idea will work if you’re willing to join on. Basically, I want to hire you as a short term ambassador for me.

    Here’s the details. It requires that you think other people would like to read my stories. The work you’d do is contact people you know and briefly share this link with them where they can get an…[Read more]

    • @daeus Okay! That makes sense! (Is this where I ask the questions, or do I email you?)

      So I’m looking on your link. Basically when people push it does it automatically sign them up for your newsletter?

      One problem is I don’t use social media… Could I print out some advertisements and give them out at church or school? Would texting also…[Read more]

      • You can contact me here if you prefer it to email, yes.

        You’re correct that when someone signs up for the book, they are subscribed. (Fyi, the newsletter goes out about once a month.)

        You know what, thanks for the suggestion about tracking visitors. I realized I’m able to do something of the sort. This is your personal link for getting signups.…[Read more]

        • @daeus Oh, wow, thanks! I’ve already sent out the link to a couple friends and family… 😉 Or is it too early for that? o.o

          When you say “collect subscribers manually,” do you mean keep track of who signs up for the newsletter and making a log out of it? I think that makes sense…

          Mannn, I wish my server would let me download your…[Read more]

          • Yeah, you can get started now and you have the right idea with the signup sheet. Just two columns with the name and email.

            If you want to email me, I can manually send you the book as soon as I get a chance.

    • Hmm. Maybe a browser issue? I just tried it and it worked for me.

    • Hi @dekreel,

      I wanted to check in and see how things are going.

      I saw one person signed up through your link so far. Great job!!!

      One of the reasons I asked if you’d like to volunteer for this is because I could use some practice mentoring people through how to do this. So if it’s fine by you, I would really appreciate it if I could have a…[Read more]

      • Hiya, @daeus! It’s going pretty well. Thanks for checking in. 🙂 Good! That’s something. XD

        So far I have only reached out to about four or five people. Mostly family and a couple friends. I did most of it over text messages, saying something like, “A friend of mine recently published his book, and I was wondering if you’d like to read it for…[Read more]

        • Oh, wait, you already said I was an “ambassador.” Never mind… XD

        • Ah, glad you were able to read it! @dekreel

          You can call yourself an ambassador or promoter person. Whichever you like. 🙂

          That text looks good, though if you don’t mind, I think it would be great if we could experiment with some slightly different texts to see if we can get better results. So, right now, a quarter of the people you’ve…[Read more]

  • Ariel Ashira replied to the topic Introducing Myself in the forum Start HERE 7 years ago

    So excited to say HELLO DEKREEL!  I thought my signature was pretty lousy, so thank you!  I was looking at your signature wishing I could come up with something that clever.

    What is MBTI?

    I now know what WIP means.  Thank you!

    In responce to Grace I mentioned a few favorite books.

  • You know your a kapeefer when someone asks you who your best friends are and you say something like, ” uh, Dragon Snapper, Dekreel, and Catwing”.


  • Tagging @cindygreen for making this topic. I love it. XD

    Tagging @daughteroftheking because of your friendliness, zeal and joy. You are among my favorite Kapeefers to geek out with! 😉

    @sam-kowal for your humor, enthusiasm, your awesome writing abilities, and for being so encouraging to everyone!

    And, of course I can’t tag Sam without tagging…[Read more]

  • Tagging @aislinn-mollisong, @ariella-newheart, @destiny, @xonos-darkgrate, @foreverme, @lady-iliara, @silverclaw-bonnetfolly, @0-0enyali0-0, and all the other Aethasians even if you aren’t on KP. I can’t express how AMAZINGLY AWESOME you guys are! I stalk The Aetherlight forums everyday, and you never cease to amaze me, and/or make me laugh,…[Read more]

  • Joy posted an update 7 years, 1 month ago

    @dragon-snapper First of all, I am REALLY enjoying beta-reading Sector One! It’s genius. I have just finished reading Installment 44. Secondly, I have a question: I made some edits on grammar and structure etc. on “Record Changes” mode, and I was wondering how I was going to get it all back to you. Is there a way? Would I email it to you? Or is…[Read more]

    • @dekreel Yaya! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it! 😀

      So, if you’re doing Record Changes, I would just send whatever doc. you’re using back to me as an attachment. That should work.

      Ooh… chapter 44. You’re just about to /that/ chapter. Chapter 45 is one of my favorites. XD

      • @dragon-snapper Haha, yeah I just read it this morning! XD It was… different!
        So what if I don’t have your email anymore? Do you have a Silver Phoenix email I could use?

      • @dragon-snapper *squealing* *scratching walls manically* I just finished reading your book. OMIGOSH ITISONEOFTHECOOLESTTHINGSIHAVEEVERREAD!!!!!!!
        *finishes destroying the wallpaper* *moves on to the table* That was amazing!! I especially loved it near the ending. Oh, and the epilogue. GAH! I need to get my paws on the sequel

        • Lol. Different is a word. @dekreel

          … No email? Well, I don’t currently have a contact page on my Silver Phoenix, but I could re-email you? Would that work?

          And as for the second comment…

          *explodes* DEKREEL YOU ARE SO AMAZING FOR SAYING THAT (and amazing anyway XD) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU so muuuuch!

          Haha! The sequel has been…[Read more]

          • Oh, and I’ll be posting some collages on my blog (the Writings page) within the next few days. So if you want to see those… 😛

            And I have to ask–who’s your favorite character?


          • Sure, that would be fine.
            Thank you! And you’re very welcome!
            Sweet! I will definitely be keeping my eye out for the collages
            My favorite character…… Oooooh…… Gee, I don’t know… I like Ike, although at the beginning of the book he was kind of annoying. I also like Zelaya, Everett, Theron……….. And Kaydon mostly because I got to…[Read more]

  • You know you’re a writer when you hear or read someone say “legit,” and your Perfect Grammatacallion self just wants to pull your hair and strangle them and scream, “That’s ‘legitimate!!’ ‘LEGIT-IMATE!!!!!'”

    (No offense to anyone here who likes saying that)

    @emily… Even though you’re on a hiatus 😉

  • Joy replied to the topic Howdy! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 2 months ago

    @aviantrail  Ohh… So Doctor Who has been going on for 50+ years, with a break in between. There is the “classic era” (1963-1989) and the “revived era” (2005-present).

    I would highly recommend the classic era because it’s generally easier to follow and understand than the revived era. I think in terms of actors who have played the Doctor more…[Read more]

  • Joy replied to the topic Hi fellow KaPeeFers!!! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 2 months ago

    @the-real-kapeefer  Heheh…

    When we reach the peak of the hill, we cease our march. There they are: the vast army of Writer’s Block, lined up upon another hill, several arrow-shots away. Their sturdy Shields of Impregnable Solidness and their Swords of Non-Inspiration are already drawn, and gleaming in the blinding sunlight.

    As for us, the on…[Read more]

  • @rochellaine  Hehe, IKR. I like Kirk, but I hate how romantic he is.


  • @dragon-snapper  That bad, huh?
    Actually it’s about the same with the KPA…

  • @princessfoo *turns on dim light over table with maps and compasses* *plays marchy military music* *licks chops*

    @daughteroftheking  Where’s the fun in sending someone else to do it?! I don’t care how complicated it is! ;-D

    @alia  Informed of what?

  • Joy posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    @daughteroftheking *GEEKING OUT* Your new profile pic!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I love the Enterprise!!!
    *calms down* *smacks forehead* Please tell me I didn’t overreact…

    • *GEEKS OUT AS WELL* YEEESSSSS!!!!!!!! *excited dancing* No, you didn’t overreact. *more geeking out*
      I’ve been wanting to ask you, did you draw your profile pic?

      • Happy to have a fellow geek to geek out with! *secret geek handshake* 😉
        Yes, I did draw my profile pic! I have a knack for drawing… 🙂

    • *geek handshake that somehow incorporates the Vulcan ‘live long and prosper’ sign*
      I like it!

  • @dekreel that’s very cool! I’m glad you’re…not evil now 😉

    My backstory consists of once owning a flying cape and an invisible sword (I stole them from the Evil Overlord). Then, on a mission into a flying castle in the clouds, they were taken back from me. I’ve been pondering how to retrieve them ever since. 😛

  • Snapper posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    @dekreel Heya! I was thinking about making another Legend of King Daeus, but I know you’re writer your KPA, and I’d hate to insert myself, you know, steal the thunder. Would you like to finish the KPA before I got going on the Legend of King Daeus 3?

    • Hmm… *shrug* Go ahead and write it! I have the feeling the KPA will take some time; as far as I can tell, it’s so long it needs chapters… Or at least that’s the plan. I have a hole in my plot (AGAIN! grrrrrrr). Can I please be in the next LOKD?? *big fanged smile*

      • Haha! I’ll do my best to include you. I’ll try to include everyone, but I have a hard time including a lot of characters in one story. That’s one way that your’s will be awesome. It can have a lot of people. 😀
        Welp, I’ll go ahead and write, see what happens.

  • Sam Kowal posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

    Stan is really pleased he has a spot on my profile now. Thanks @dekreel for the epic portrait of him

  • IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I have selected three main characters for the KPA!



    @princessfoo, @sam-kowal and Stan!!

    Sorry to both of you for any inconsistensies in this drawing. 🙂

    All the rest of you will be supporting characters, all in an army, like Bilbo and the dwarves! I will do my best to make all your characters as big…[Read more]

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