Jayna Baas posted a new activity comment 6 months ago
You’re welcome!
Jayna Baas posted a new activity comment 6 months ago
The newsletter signup is here: https://booksbyjayna.com/newsletter. Plus that will get you a free copy of the prequel short story that starts the series. I just released the second book in the trilogy and am hoping to start planning the third book soon.
Jayna Baas posted a new activity comment 6 months ago
Hey there! I’m hardly ever on here, but technically I’m still a member. Are you on my email list? That’s where I do most of my interacting with readers (well, that and Goodreads).
I don’t think I am. lol.
I’d love to be tho, if you would tell me where to do that.
I just had no idea you were a KPer! That’s so cool!
You have a series published, right? That’s so cool! I have two stand alones published and I’m about to release the first book in my Saga-
The newsletter signup is here: https://booksbyjayna.com/newsletter. Plus that will get you a free copy of the prequel short story that starts the series. I just released the second book in the trilogy and am hoping to start planning the third book soon.
You’re welcome!
Jayna Baas posted a new activity comment 9 months ago
@acancello So sorry, just now saw this…eight months later. As you can probably figure out, no, I haven’t been very active here lately—busy with editing and book launch plans. But I hope everyone’s projects here are going great!
Jayna Baas changed their profile picture 9 months ago
Jayna Baas replied to the topic The Chat Chat in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
It depends mainly on genre. The standard range for adult fiction is 50,000–100,000, per Writer’s Digest, with the best range being 80,000–90,000 words. (For comparison, this would be a book that’s approximately 300 pages once published.) If you’re writing YA, 60,000 words might be fine—the range for that age bracket is 50,000–80,0…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic How long should my book be? in the forum General Writing Discussions 2 years ago
Freedom is right about page and word counts. I would say, however, don’t worry about rushing. There’s no such thing as writing too fast. Studies show that the faster you write and the more you do of it, the better your writing will be, both in the moment and later as you develop your skill. You can always edit it later, but getting it…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic I finished my short story… publishing advice? in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years ago
Thanks for the advice guys! I got a critique (Harsh but very informative lol) and I might not be ready to publish yet… lol.
Oof, that can be tough, but it sounds like it was good for you and you’re taking it well. Keep up the good work!
Jayna Baas replied to the topic What Makes An Allegory Impactful? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 years ago
You’re welcome! I’m glad my comments were helpful to you. I know some people who spend a lot of time hunting for “dirt” on Christian classics or other classic works, and I don’t want to be one of those people, but Hindu philosophy and self-improvement posing as Christianity is kind of a big deal to me. 🙂 It’s so true that t…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic What Makes An Allegory Impactful? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 2 years ago
Pilgrim’s Progress is probably my favorite and the most classic of all Christian allegories, although it contains a few teachings I don’t agree with. @elishavet-pidyon had some really good points. I don’t read a lot of allegories, but my main requirement is that whatever allegorical stuff is in there accurately reflects biblical truth…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic I finished my short story… publishing advice? in the forum Publishing & Platform 2 years ago
Congratulations on finishing your short story! That’s exciting! It sounds like you’re getting the copyright thing figured out, but just let me say that legally your work is protected by copyright as soon as you create it. There’s no such thing as not having a copyright. The difference is that registering your copyright with t…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic Theme Music for the Scene You’re in Right Now in the forum Music 2 years ago
Oh, this sounds like a good one for a bittersweet resolution. Thanks for sharing!
Jayna Baas replied to the topic No Boring Scenes?? in the forum Plotting 2 years ago
Oh, sorry. By the time I finished reading all the posts, I must have forgotten who started the thread. 🙂
Jayna Baas replied to the topic No Boring Scenes?? in the forum Plotting 2 years ago
I’m a little late to the party, but I do want to mention something that’s helped me: A lack of action doesn’t make a scene boring; a lack of tension does. You can have a scene without any action at all that still moves the story forward and feels interesting to read as long as there is tension of some kind that relates to the overa…[Read more]
Jayna Baas replied to the topic Theme Music for the Scene You’re in Right Now in the forum Music 2 years ago
Yes, do!
Jayna Baas replied to the topic Theme Music for the Scene You’re in Right Now in the forum Music 2 years ago
Jayna Baas started the topic Theme Music for the Scene You’re in Right Now in the forum Music 2 years ago
@freedomwriter76 @godly-fantasy @esther-c @soleilnaia @mineralizedwritings @gracie-j @joy-calle @acancello @keilah-h @anyone-else
I know we already have topics for character playlists and such. This one is for any song you’re using as theme music for the scene you’re writing right now (as in, the last week or so). Here are the “rules”:
- Indi…
Jayna Baas replied to the topic Book Lovers! in the forum Book Discussions 2 years ago
Johnny Tremaine! Yes!
Jayna Baas replied to the topic Book Lovers! in the forum Book Discussions 2 years ago
I am totally going to read your book, it sounds amazing! Just one question, what reading level is it? Amanda Dykes… She sounds familiar but I don’t think I have read anything by her yet 🙂
I recommend it for ages 13 and up because it’s set in wartime and there’s some violence, but nothing graphic. I know some families have used it as a…[Read more]
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You’re welcome!