Anne Swiftblade

  • This weekend I saw a girl who I’m certain is a writer, though I never talked to her (I’m trying to get contact information for someone who might know her, so I can ask for her contact information in a slightly less creepy way than otherwise, but that’s another story), and she reminded me how much of my writing life I spent alone.

    I started…[Read more]

  • Please someone, anyone, I implore you on bended knee… draw Josiah the Wiser, sporting his scraggly coarse tarantula beard, with a frog (grinning evilly) on his head. Anyone who can draw, please try… if you need references, just look at his avatar, or watch the Stereotype videos
    @Arella-Noreen[Read more]

  • Elly replied to the topic Salvete! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 6 months ago

    Oooh abstract is fun. Do you ever do any colored pencils?

    Yep! 😛 Hello again! I’m toast.

    WHAT YES I KNOW YOU 😀 😀 *tackle-hugs back* So good to see a familiar face/avvie XD

    Um… not entirely sure? I took a three-ish years when I was younger, but we never finished the book per year. And then…[Read more]

  • Elly replied to the topic "The Board" in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 6 months ago

    I think the troll-thingies are people who have yet to prove they exist/ are here by replying to the Volleyball board.
    And serfs have proved they exist. XD

  • Elly replied to the topic "The Board" in the forum Stewards of the Pen 7 years, 6 months ago

    I think the troll-thingy are people who have yet to prove they exist/ are here by replying to the Volleyball board.
    And serfs have proved they exist. XD

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < Question-Asker < Professors etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < Question-Asker < Professors etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < Question-Asker < Professors etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

  • As you walk through the various areas of the castle, you notice leader boards in various forms and at various locations displaying the current ranks of the Stewards of the Pen for all to see. Except, only the stewards can see it somehow? Anyway, “The Board” (currently) Reads:

    Troll-Thingy < Serf < ?TBD by vote? < ?other TBDs? < etc. … < Dark…[Read more]

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