Faith Q. started the topic Y'all help me storm my brain!!!! in the forum Plotting 2 years, 10 months ago
Okay, y’all, I need a brainstorming partner… or two… or as many as I can find, haha…
It’ll actually be for two separate projects. One is a middle-grade contemporary novel, and the other is a YA fantasy. If you’re up for helping me brainstorm, either (or both!) need work, so anyone who can, pretty much? I’ll give the tags here, and then put…[Read more]
Faith Q. started the topic Me idea in the forum Plotting 2 years, 10 months ago
Okay, so last night I got this amazing idea. At least I think it sounds amazing. But my problem is, it also sounds a bit cliche.
The problem is, I don’t get out much. Honestly, I’m pretty picky about what I read, so modern secular works are very rarely added to the list, and I am pretty clueless about what’s actually on the shelves. I know I…[Read more]
Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin replied to the topic Something Really Bad Happened guys. (not clickbait) in the forum Novel Critique Requests 3 years, 1 month ago
@anne-of-lothlorien @gretald @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @anatra23 @joy-caroline @devastate-lasting @elfwing @elanor @e-k-seaver @trahia-the-minstrel @william-starkey @abigail-m @thelobsterlover @gracie-j @r-m-archer @power @kathleenramm @morgan @godlyfantasy12 @anyone-else-who-wants-to-bash-my-writing…[Read more]
Elanor started the topic How do I make a non-cliche escape scene? in the forum Plotting 3 years, 3 months ago
So a person escapes the bad guys. This is a characteristic of most every book I’ve read. I’m writing a prison escape in my current WIP and am wondering how to make it something that’s not just the same old thing.
Any tips and or advice would be gladly appreciated.
I’ll tag a bunch of people.
@kathleenramm @joy-caroline@elanor @abigail-m @precio…[Read more]
Faith Q. started the topic When is it okay to defy the government? in the forum Mission, Calling & Ethics 3 years, 3 months ago
Okay, y’all, I’ve got a dilemma on my hands.
To give you a bit of background information, my main character (Emeric Dertok) has recently come back into society after eight years of living the life of a hermit. He’s working for the King (Jornan), who charged him with the task of tracking down spies trying to sabotage the government. But as enters…[Read more]
Not-So-Secret Secret Assassin replied to the topic Help. I Just Don't Get the Appeal of the Wingfeather Saga in the forum Fantasy 3 years, 3 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorien @christi-eaton @gretald @elishavet-pidyon @koshka @keilah-h @anatra23 @joy-caroline @devastate-lasting @elfwing @elanor @e-k-seaver @trahia-the-minstrel @william-starkey @abigail-m @whoever-likes-the-trashfeather-saga
Okay. I’m going back to the gym now. This was way too much nerdy book stuff for one day.
Catwing replied to the topic Writers' Corner #15 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@rochellaine @seekjustice @dragon-snapper @warrenluther04 @filewriterbase13x @sam-kowal @jenwriter17
I’m working CC.
*grins* I have returned to it. *cough*atlonglast*cough*
( @anne-of-lothlorien What is a sister elf? I forgot to ask… Also autocorrect insists that lothlorien is lot of glories.) -
Joy replied to the topic Kingdom Pen Captions in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorien @epicaddie2 @aratrea @rochellaine @clairec @ariella-newheart @others-who-liked-this-topic
Why isn’t this updated more often?!
Ethryndal replied to the topic Story Tagging in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 11 months ago
@Kate-Flournoy And HOW, pray tell, do you expect me to pick up the pieces after THAT masterpiece of an epic??? Good grief, child, that was incredible.
Story #2, part nine
Mr. Shelind said nothing as he rose to tower above Freda, his eyes glowing with that unearthly orange. He took a step forward, his figure warping as fear spiked in Freda’s h…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic Comic Poem Tag Experiment in the forum Poetry 6 years, 12 months ago
*let’s do this*
There once was a man Degrande,
With a wooden can in his hand,
A frog on his head,
Heavy as lead,
And from the Kapeefer land.
There once was a man Degrande,
The brother of the frog man.
With towering hair,
A banter fair,
Daniel, the man firsthand.
There once was a man Degrande,
Wiser, he was…[Read more]
Sam Kowal replied to the topic What's Your WIP? in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 12 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorien :D. I need to read Wingfeather, but until then…Narnia: (book 2)
Four kids become king and queen of a park full of endangered creatures by order of an escaped zoo animal, who crowns them because they offended a lady who loves winter so much she could have gotten a business deal with The North Face, but also hates Christmas…[Read more]
Catwing replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 6 years, 12 months ago
@anne-of-lothlorien Praying.
@valtmy Yay! *throws feathers* -
Kate Flournoy replied to the topic Encouragement Thread in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
Tagging @Daeus and @Hope for being the most amazing beta/alpha readers and writing buddies anyone could ever ask for. You guys have both seriously been major instruments in my writing journey and I wouldn’t be where I am without you.
Also tagging my numero uno fan, @Emma-flournoy. Yeah, yeah. We’ve said all the sappy stuff a million times over.…[Read more]
Joy replied to the topic The Writerly Adventures of Jenna Trapperton in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
The Gif-Hiders: An Easter Story
Part Six: The Green-Eyed Bumbler
“Hi there! You must be Jenna!”
Jenna’s shivering softened a little, but she didn’t dare move, or open her eyes. Who said that? Where was the dog creature?
“Are you all right?” said the voice, clearly concerned.
She heard footsteps approaching her, crunching leaves as they came,…[Read more]
Hannah replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@daeus praise God! Just expressing our struggles to fellow brothers and sisters can lighten the burden.
Man @sam-kowal that comparison is spot on.
The devil knows he can’t have our souls but he knows that we are weak and he can easily mess with our minds. We reground ourselves get focused in God and then after a while we drift a little. It’s a…[Read more]
Skredder replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@ariella-newheart Praying for your friend and her family!
@anne-of-lothlorien Praying! That really sucks. I know someone who suffers from chronic migraines so bad that she’s had to go to the ER more times than I’ve got fingers and toes, so I know how bad it can get and how bad it can mess up your life. I really pray that this clears up for you soon!
Ingrid replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@anne-of-lothlorien Aw, that doesn’t sound fun. I’ll be praying.
Ethryndal replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@Anne-of-Lothlorien Yigh. Praying for you, dear. I hope the headaches clear up.
Daeus started the topic The best incentive? in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years ago
Hi KeePers,
I want to create a little gift for my subscribers. The question is: what would be the best gift to give? I’ve put together a little survey if you have a moment.
@sam-kowal @kate-flournoy @ethryndal @catwing @dragonsnapper @supermonkey42 @anne-of-lothlorien @jenwriter17 @rochellaine @dekreel…[Read more]
Emma Flournoy replied to the topic PRAYER REQUESTS #2 in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years ago
@Anne-of-Lothlorien OW. I’ll definitely be praying for you. I’ve had a pretty bad chronic headache problem for years, but the headaches are never that bad all the time. I’ve only had a few like that, and I deeply sympathize. I really hope the glasses will help.
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