Active 6 years, 2 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 169
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@that_writer_girl_99 I play the piano a little bit, but not very well. My dream is to one day learn how to play the cello.
@adry_grace You should/must read Wingfeather! Wingfeather is life. Well, other than Jesus. Jesus is life. But Wingfeather is one of His greatest gifts to literature. ;P
@ethryndal If thou wilt only findeth the time, it…[Read more]
Lady_Erin replied to the topic *waves hand wildly * Sup Keepers!! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Emma-Flournoy, Thanks for the welcome! Well my fandoms are: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Hobbit/LOTR, Star Wars, Marvel/DC, Kingdom Hearts, Insignia. I have wanted to see Les Miserables for quite some time, but I haven;t yet 🙁 And you have missed out in the PJO series. It. Is. AMAZING!!!
@that_writer_girl_99, Honestly, only two…[
Lola Jane replied to the topic Greetings, all! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Adry_Grace That meme is disturbing me. ;P Sharks? One of my best friends loves sharks too! (Please tell me you don’t want to go swimming with them without a cage too, though. I might scream and run.)
You’re asking me favorite genres and books? It’s too hard to pick only one! *sobs in corner*
Errm, favorite genre to write would probably be…[Read more]
Elly replied to the topic Salvete! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
Touche. Can’t argue with that- Mary Poppins will always be victorious.@ethrynal
Thanks! I prefer Fantasy, yeah. 😛 What do you like to write in? -
Elly replied to the topic Salvete! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
No, though I’ve had a few friends suggest him, I still haven’t got to it. Have you? Do you like his works?@christi-eaton
Thank you! I heard about KP through One Year Adventure Novel.@adry_grace
<3 Plato is the best! Hm. hard question. Again probably Plato. 😛@stewie-plotter
I graciously accept your invitation!
The Greeks came…[
Ethryndal replied to the topic Salvete! in the forum Start HERE 7 years, 11 months ago
@Elly Mae Govannen! Excellent choice in books. The Giver is one of my favorites, even though I haven’t read it in two years. What genre do you primarily write in? (Though if your book is called Aliferous, I think I can already guess… 😉 )
@Stewie-Plotter @Adry_Grace I would like to add that Greece and Rome actually originated from Mary Poppins’…[Read more]
Anne of Lothlorien replied to the topic Character Art Exchange in the forum Art 7 years, 11 months ago
Okay, can someone put the picture they drew of Daeus’s Teedletidum’s actually on here, cause I can’t follow the link and I’m dying to see them.
Here, see if anyone wants to draw this person…
He’s an older teen, about eighteen or nineteen. His hair is longer, but not like shoulder length long or anything, just shaggy and long. Like Hiccup. And…[Read more]
Corissa Maiden of Praise replied to the topic Ah, Just One More Thing in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Hey everyone! Just one more call throughout the Kingdom (along with the splendiferous help of @Daeus‘s tag) to see if any other KeePers will be at the Best of British Science and Bible Conference at the Creation Museum next Friday and Saturday! Just because I’ve not had time to be on here doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you all, and I look…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
@adry_grace Really? I’ve done it so many times, it’s almost annoying. *sighs* If only my book were a movie… 😛
ClaireC replied to the topic Finished! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Just letting you all know, that I have gotten your replies, and love them all!
I will get back to you if I have time, but for now know that your responses are appreciated. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)…[Read more] -
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 7 years, 11 months ago
@daeus @kate-flournoy @emma-flournoy @graciekry @his-instrument @jess @clairec @the-happy-bookaholic @dragon-snapper @timothy-young @warrioroftherealm @winter-rose @ingridrd @aysia-serene @adry_grace @belegteleri @hope @overcomer @vanna @faithdk @jadamae @hislittlerose @hannah-krynicki @writefury @hannah-olsen @dbhgodreigns @wordfitlyspoken @hannah…[Read more]
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic Favorite Movies in the forum Film 7 years, 11 months ago
@daeus @kate-flournoy @emma-flournoy @graciekry @his-instrument @jess @clairec @the-happy-bookaholic @dragon-snapper @timothy-young @warrioroftherealm @winter-rose @ingridrd @aysia-serene @adry_grace @belegteleri @hope @overcomer @vanna @faithdk @jadamae @hislittlerose @hannah-krynicki @writefury @hannah-olsen @dbhgodreigns @wordfitlyspoken @hannah…[Read more]
Rolena Hatfield started the topic 2017 Christian Writers Conference in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Hey KeePers!
I know not many of ya’ll are from the Nebraska/Iowa area, but if you felt like taking a road trip, this conference looks to be a fabulous event! Keynote speaker is author Tosca Lee and speaking in one of the workshops will be Nadine Brandes. Go take a look! 2017 Christian Writers Conference(Hopefully I didn’t miss tagging any…[Read more]
Mark Kamibaya replied to the topic The Antihero in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Well, it’s been about a week. And I don’t think anyone else will read the article so . . .
@daeus Thanks, man. How antiheroes were treated in the past is probably a little more speculative than most of my findings (I’m not that old, right). I just found that the popular figures in Greco-Roman mythology were classical heroes (Hercules, Achilles,…[Read more]
ClaireC replied to the topic Finished! in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
Snapper replied to the topic The Legend of King Daeus in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 11 months ago
And everyone, my brain is bursting with ideas, so I might end up making a sequel for the sequel and a sequel for that sequel. 😛 What do you think of that?
@emma-flournoy Concerning above paragraph, thank for that dare you gave me. 😉
*so much fun!*@daeus @kate-flournoy @christi-eaton @graciegirl @ethryndal @northerner @ingridrd @jadamae @adry_…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic The Legend of King Daeus in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 12 months ago
@daeus Aha. Would like some more ice cream long with the sequel? 😛
@christi-eaton Hahaha! Yeah…I’m not even sure why I asked that question. 😛 Shall I say its unanimous?Okay, as there will be an angry mob chasing me if I do not write a sequel, as it would seem, I clearly need to write one. I already have some ideas, but if any of you have…[Read more]
Snapper replied to the topic The Legend of King Daeus in the forum Short Story Critiques 7 years, 12 months ago
Wow. Everyone…I don’t know what to say…Just…just…here *hands out ice cream* Thank you!!!!
@graciegirl Yay! I’m so glad you liked it! *salutes you back* What was your favorite line?
@daeus It is the bestistest place on the internet, after all! 😀 And I love that line too. I tried to incorporate your ice cream and scones and raspberries.…[Read more] -
Daeus replied to the topic Reader Behavior Survey in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 12 months ago
@sierra-r Alas! I applied for the Facebook group, but never got accepted. Don’t know why.
@audrey-caylin I thought about them, but I wasn’t sure about their no self promotion policy. I’m not selling anything, but it is my own thing and it is for my own use and for KPs. Thoughts?
@adry_grace No problem. Wow, you actually do Wattpad? I am an…[Read more]
Daeus replied to the topic Reader Behavior Survey in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 12 months ago
Hey, friends, see if you can help me brainstorm for a bit.
So far, about fifty people have taken the reader behavior survey. That’s pretty awesome. Fifty people can show us some neat things about reader behavior, but we’re going to need a lot more need more if we’re hoping for reliable and detailed data.
So maybe my outlook was too limited.…[Read more]
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