Active 6 years, 2 months ago- Rank: Loyal Sidekick
- Total Posts: 169
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Reader Behavior Survey in the forum Publishing & Platform 7 years, 11 months ago
@daeus I intended to share this on Facebook but being the scatter brain that I am I forgot so I will do that as soon as I finish posting this comment. Also, I have a Wattpad account with a small but sizable following that I could share this with. That wouldn’t get many but at least a few. That’s all I can think of for now, but I certainly intend…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 11 months ago
@dragon-snapper You know you’re a procrastinator when you see someone mention the sign on the top of their computer that says “back to work” and think ‘I need that. Why haven’t I done that yet?’
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Writing Is Like Having a Lake Inside Your Head in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
@TheLiteraryCrusader someone has done it. someone has finally described the entirety of my pathetic writing career in one post. *applauds*
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Revenge in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
*bursts in poof of sparkles*
Timing. Is. Amazing.
Funnily enough, not only am I reading (in my opinion) the best revenge plot ever write, a la Hamlet, but am also writing a paper on Hamlet/Revenge vs Justice. But I don’t really have anything to say beyond what @kate-flournoy said soooo… darn it, Kate, you’re always so thorough.…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
@graciegirl the amount of disgust I feel at myself when that happens isn’t humanly healthy.
You know you’re a writer when you have blogger friends that you talk to more than your real friends.
Adry_Grace replied to the topic The Antihero in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
Well, it took me a while to find my way back here but…
This was deep. I liked your distinction between a general antihero and a true antihero. It’s something I hadn’t before thought of and now that I think about agree with. Distinction is necessary. I think that’s where my personal definition fell short, that and not clarifying…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Is the "love interest" necessary? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
@daeus @kate-flournoy yes that’s going up on my wall too.
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Is the "love interest" necessary? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
I have said this before and I will say it 1 million times more::
if your story isn’t interesting without the romantic subplot then you’re doing it wrong
the obvious exception to this being if you’re writing purely in the romance genre. I feel like, yeah, that is a trap too many authors fall into. The y want you to think”there has to be romance…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Is the "love interest" necessary? in the forum General Writing Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
I have said this before and I will say it 1 million time more::
if your story isn’t interesting without the romantic subplot then you’re doing it wrong
the obvious exception to this being if you’re writing purely in the romance genre. I feel like, yeah, that is a trap too man authors fall into. There has to be romance to make it interesting, but…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Ice cream and cheesecake all around! in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@hope YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY congrats!!!
and yes. i would like some free cheesecake and ice cream.
no seriously. i’m craving it for real now
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Maybe? in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@Arella-Noreen A geeky prom and I wasn’t there!?!?! I hate the idea of prom (dresses and dancing just doesn’t appeal) but this. This is something I could get behind.
Adry_Grace replied to the topic *holds breath and hopes for the best* in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@emma-flournoy @kina-lamb Thanks! I’ll be working to convince my mom that we should go. 🙂
Adry_Grace replied to the topic *holds breath and hopes for the best* in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@emma-flournoy I’ve never heard of such a thing, but it’s not totally undoable for a Nebraskan like myself. Where could I learn details, so I can convince my lovely mother that it’s something we simply must go to?
Kina Lamb and
Adry_Grace are now friends 8 years ago
Adry_Grace replied to the topic Hi guys! in the forum Start HERE 8 years ago
Why, hello there, new friend. Welcome to Kingdom Pen!!!
Adry_Grace replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
You know you’re a writer when you not only have a Wattpad, but you have an entire book on Wattpad dedicated to ranting about all of the cliches in the romance genre.
Adry_Grace replied to the topic You know you are a writer when… in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
You know you’re a writer when you get up to read a paper in front of class, and edit it as you read because you “hadn’t thought of wording it that way” when you were editing the night before.
You know you’re a writer when you wake up from an unusually strange dream and sit and think for 20 minutes to remember all of the slightest details to write…[Read more]
Adry_Grace replied to the topic The Antihero in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@emma-flournoy, well I replied but it’s not showing it so that’s weird.
Adry_Grace replied to the topic The Antihero in the forum General Writing Discussions 8 years ago
@emma-flournoy That’s a good thought.
I do not think that a hero is NECESSARY to an antihero. I think an antihero can function just as well as a character without a hero. Antiheroes have the ability to be very deep, complex, meaningful characters all by themselves. That’s why I love them.
But in Christian writing, I think this is also something…[Read more]
Adry_Grace posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. More of a sci-fi than a fantasy, but it’s a must read. I recommend it to everyone.
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard is fantastic, though if you get it you should probably get the sequel alongside it and spare yourself the suspense.
If you’ve never read Little Men (yes: men. not women) by Lousia May Alcott you need…[Read more]
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