Active 5 months ago- Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
- Total Posts: 842
hybridlore replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 24 minutes ago
The END????
I feel like Marius and Prince Dietrich will come back. The way you left it, it does sound like an eyewitness saw their deaths, but… Why would you have cut the scene off so soon? It feels unfinished. If you didn’t intend that, maybe you should make it clearer that they did die.
I don’t know, I guess I’m just used to…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 1 hour, 23 minutes ago
Thank you! I have a secret idea for using this color pallet again but it’ll take some practice. 😅
Hey that’s very stylized! To be fair, roses are difficult to draw at the right angle, and I think you did a great job.
*Gasp* How dare you
-GRCR- replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 3 hours, 36 minutes ago
…totally not overthinking it. totally.
-GRCR- replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 3 hours, 37 minutes ago
This was…quite difficult to say the least. I don’t think I’m quite happy with how it turned out. At all. But here is mine. My beloved Brayden—red, purple, cream (?). I wanted to do it all traditionally with markers and such, but the lineart I had turned out so beautiful that I didn’t want to ruin it by my lacking skills.
I’m painfully a…[Read more]
-GRCR- replied to the topic Art Sharing For All 🙂 in the forum Art 3 hours, 48 minutes ago
Here is a random unfinished page of a comic I started a year or two ago. Of course I recreated it digitally and revamped some things, but it follows the basic ideas of the original panels.
I was gonna do two pages—because I have just enough content for that—but I got so exhausted from this one that I probaby won’t. Seriously took way too much…[Read more]
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 16 hours, 32 minutes ago
Oh and credit where credit is due, I used a photo of a normal person for the face because I’m horrible at drawing faces, lol.
Keilah H. replied to the topic Let's Laugh! Writing Memes in the forum Art 16 hours, 40 minutes ago
@rae that’s awesome!
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 16 hours, 41 minutes ago
Alriiight. This is… snaky lady. Redhead Medusa? I really don’t know. She was fun to draw though. ;P
I really liked the red, olive green and peach combo, so I went with that, and I’m probably going to do it again with another idea I had.
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 20 hours, 47 minutes ago
@ellette-giselle exactly.
Keilah H. replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 21 hours, 2 minutes ago
@rae ooh yes, I like cats!
Keilah H. replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 21 hours, 38 minutes ago
@ellette-giselle yikes!
That bit with the thorn was really cool.
“How you do this will differ for each of you. The women are not called to fight in the streets as the men are, but they are called to fight in the home, working side by side with their husbands to raise up the next generations of warriors for Christ. You are called to this fi…
HighScribe replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 22 hours, 7 minutes ago
I’m going to do this one!
I love yours, the water lilies especially look great!When you use markers and ink do you ink first or after you put the marker down?
Keilah H. replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 22 hours, 24 minutes ago
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 22 hours, 39 minutes ago
Oh yeah, and good job Ruth!! (I still call you Rae in my head, lol.) I like the faint fish underwater, and your dedication to the traditional markers. I can’t use markers for the life of me.
whaley replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 22 hours, 41 minutes ago
*Immediately starts drawing* I thought this was going to weigh on me somehow but I’m actually motivated. XD
Oh yeah, I’m using an extra amount of black too. For hatching. Same question as above. ^
-GRCR- replied to the topic Want me to draw your character? in the forum Art 22 hours, 42 minutes ago
-GRCR- replied to the topic Group Art Challenges! in the forum Art 22 hours, 45 minutes ago
*begins to draw*
*loves the lineart*
*scared to color*
Um, black doesn’t count… even if I have to use it a lot, right? I have my three colors, but my picture needs a lot of black, and for more than outlines and such… does that break the rule??
Also yours is really pretty!! I love it so much!! 😍
Keilah H. replied to the topic Contemporary writing in the forum General Writing Discussions 22 hours, 59 minutes ago
I don’t know -
hybridlore replied to the topic The Color of Hope in the forum Novel Critique Requests 23 hours, 31 minutes ago
@linus-smallprint @ellette-giselle @koshka @whalekeeper @theshadow @keilah-h @theducktator
New chapter on the doc. 😉
Also, TCoH reached 50k on Saturday!! 🥳
hybridlore replied to the topic The Flames of Hope Saga Book 3: Land of Shadows in the forum Novel Critique Requests 23 hours, 34 minutes ago
Oh yeah. Pretty crazy.
Okay, I gotcha. Maybe rewording it would make the sentence more clear?
“I need to take my boots off,” Julian moaned. “But I can’t get up.”
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