Who wants a Marvel AU? ;)

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  • #115425
    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 5815

      @freedomwriter76 Awww, that mood board’s just the cutest thing.

      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @keilah-h. Aww, thank you girl! 😀

        Ava Blue
          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 222

          @freedomwriter76 SO CUTE

          I love the ice cream cone and the spongebob faces 😀 the picture of the little boy works perfectly for him!

          Monsters creep
          In the silent dark-deep
          In the filling-eye hills
          In the shriveled hand-keep

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @ava-blue. Aww, thank you! 😀

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @godlyfantasy12. Whoops, didn’t see your question. 😅

              Thor is 19, Loki is 17, the same age as Tony and Sam. 😉

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @ava-blue. @keilah-h. @gracie-j. @godlyfantasy12. I know it’s taken so, so long…but y’all, I have 2 more chapters. 😀 Here Y’all go!

                Chapter 12

                The dart hit the dartboard with a thud.

                “Bullseye, Clint.”

                He turned around. Grinned at Natasha, who was sitting, waiting for him to finish.

                Beside her, Bucky clapped.

                Clint smiled. “Thanks. I didn’t know if I was going to quite make it.”

                Natasha scoffed. “Yeah right. You knew you were going to make it.” She jumped off the couch. “My turn.”

                Clint stepped aside.

                She was almost as good as him. With darts, at least. Though Nat didn’t know how to shoot a bow and arrow very well, she could certainly shoot a gun better than he would ever be able to.

                Natasha pulled her hand back and threw the dart at the board.

                It missed the bullseye by a fraction of an inch. “So close, Clint. I’m getting better.” Natasha said with a wink.

                Clint chuckled.

                “I’ll beat you before long.”

                “We’ll see about that, Nat.” she laughed.

                Bucky stepped forward and threw his dart. “Oh, Bucky, less than a fraction of an inch off of Nat’s!”

                Bucky gave Clint a playful nudge in the side. “That makes me feel a whole lot better Clint.”

                Clint chuckled.

                The door to the game room opened. “Look at my drawing, Tony.”

                “Peter, can you give me a minute?” Tony walked in, Peter right on his heels.

                “But Tony…” Peter whined, holding up a piece of paper.

                “Here Peter, let me see.” Bucky offered, sitting back down on the couch.

                Peter’s mouth broke into a wide grin. He ran at Bucky and jumped into his lap.

                “Hey Tony. What’s up?”

                Tony stretched and yawned. “I needed a break from the blueprint I’ve been working on. Besides, what are all of you doing?”

                “Playing darts. Wanna play?” Natasha offered.

                “I want to!”

                “Peter, you’re six.” Tony replied with a roll of his eyes.

                Clint smirked. “Has he been following you around all day?”

                “Yes.” Tony replied with a sigh.

                “But I can play darts.”

                “No. You can’t.” Tony insisted.

                Peter pursed his lips. “Why not?”

                “Because you’re little. That’s why.”

                “That’s not fair.” Peter argued.

                Clint glanced over at Peter.

                He remembered what it was like to be that little. But he had understood, even by then, that unfairness was a simple part of life.

                “Hey, Peter, why don’t you help me get some darts thrown. How’s that sound?” Clint offered. Peter jumped out of Bucky’s lap.

                “Yay!” He ran at and hugged Clint.

                Clint leaned down and hugged him back.

                Yes, Clint remembered being that little.

                And if he could help give Peter a better childhood than he had…he’d do it. Gladly.

                Chapter 13

                “Alright, what game do you all want to play now?”

                “Can’t we do something else?” Pietro asked. “I’m bored.”

                Loki shrugged. “I suppose so.” He began to put away the deck of cards. “What do you want to do?”

                Pietro tapped his chin.

                Wanda glanced at her brother. That meant he was thinking. And that didn’t always mean something good.

                Nick, Phil, and Maria each had something they had to do, and Thor had a doctor appointment. They had left Loki in charge.

                “We can play another game, Pietro…”

                “But Wanda, I wanna do something fun!”

                She nodded slowly.

                They were twins. But that didn’t mean they were exactly the same.

                Pietro was a lot louder than she was.

                Not to be mean.

                But it was true.

                “Do you want to go outside, perhaps?” Loki offered.

                Pietro shook his head. “No.”

                “Let’s play a fun game inside!” Peter cried, jumping off the couch.

                Wanda looked over at him. He and Pietro had so much energy.

                “We have to be careful…” She whispered.

                “Of course. However, we can have some fun.”

                Pietro rushed off, quick, making Wanda’s hair bounce up and then down, and came back, a bunch of cans in his hands. “I found these in the garage earlier!”

                Loki raised an eyebrow. “What, where?”

                “Just on a shelf!” Pietro set the cans down, except for one, and smiled, “we can play with these.”

                “I don’t know if that’s a good idea when we’re inside…” Bruce whispered. “That’s Silly String.”

                “Come on, Bruce, we’ll clean it up.” Clint replied with a smile. Stood and grabbed a can.

                “Hey Nat…wanna play?”

                Natasha smirked. “Like I wouldn’t.”

                She stood, just as Clint sprayed her. “Hey!”

                And chaos ensued.

                Almost everyone grabbed a can and began spraying.

                It was chaos. And scary. And they were going to get in trouble.

                Wanda rushed into the kitchen and hid under the table, her breath heavy.

                Blasts sounded.

                Mommy and Daddy were gone.

                Tears streamed down her face, and she screamed.

                Pietro held her close…just as a grenade landed right in front of them.

                “Come on, Wanda! Don’t you wanna play?” Pietro asked, looking under the table.

                Body trembling, Wanda quickly shook her head. “No.”

                Pietro sighed. “Okay…but it’s not as fun without you.” He ran away.

                Wanda wrapped her arms around herself.

                “Mommy! Daddy! No! I want my mommy and daddy!”

                “They’re dead, Wanda! Now come along. You and your brother have to live in the Orphanage now. You’ll be well taken care of.”

                She turned, screamed, and bit the arm of the woman dragging her away.

                The woman screeched and let her go.

                She tried to run to her brother. “Pietro!”

                The woman grabbed her wrist. “Why, you ungrateful child. We will take good care of you. And you will obey us from now on.”

                “NO! I wanna go home!”

                The woman slapped her, hard, making Wanda whimper and cry. “This is your home now, you awful girl. And you will listen. Or else.”

                “Wanda. Hey…Wanda, you there?”

                She blinked; the images…the flashbacks…finally going away.

                She looked up at Steve, who was now under the table with her.


                “Thinking about stuff again? What happened?”

                Wanda slowly nodded. “Mm hm.”

                Steve gave her a small smile. “We can stop if it’s making you think about it.”

                “It’s not just that…I…I miss them, Steve.” Wanda wept, grabbing, and clinging, to Steve. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

                “I know, Wanda.”

                “Are we playing a game!? I want to, too!”

                Wanda got slightly out of Steve’s arms. Peter?

                Something sounded, kinda like the sound of a shot, but not quite.

                “Ack! I think…I think I’m stuck!” Loki cried.

                “Peter, what happened!?” Tony cried.

                Wanda looked up at Steve. He nodded, and together they crawled out from under the table. Steve still kept his arms wrapped around her.

                Wanda fought a giggle.

                Loki was stuck to the wall, stuck by what looked like…webbing?

                Peter was laughing. “I did it!”

                Tony ran over and grabbed his wrist. “Did what, Peter?”

                “This!” Peter cried.

                Moved his hand in a certain way, pulling two of his fingers back, and a string shot out, sticking to the wall.

                “I can probably get out. But I will need some help.” Loki muttered.

                Clint walked over. “I got you. How do you want me to help?”

                “You could try to…oh no, Clint, don’t do…that…”

                Clint chuckled. “Uh…Nat, kinda stuck.”

                Wanda giggled. Now he was stuck too.

                Pietro laughed. “Let me! I wanna stick!”

                “No!” Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Sam, Natasha, Tony, and Loki all yelled at the same time.

                Clint chuckled. “Yeah Pietro, come join us.”

                “Don’t!” Natasha yelled.

                But it was too late.

                Pietro ran over and leapt, getting stuck as well.

                Bucky chuckled. “This is a sticky situation.”

                Tony socked his arm. “Haha. Very funny, Bucky.”

                Sam laughed. “Very creative.” He mused, giving Bucky a wink.

                Bucky scoffed. “How are we supposed to get them free?”

                “What is that stuff anyway, Peter?” Steve asked.

                “I don’t know! It comes out of me!”

                Wanda giggled again.

                Steve even smirked, but he was obviously fighting back a laugh. “Uh huh. It looks like Spider-Webbing to me.”

                “Spider-Kid.” Natasha noted, giving Peter a smile.

                “I like that! I can stick to walls too!”

                “And you only tell us this now? Why not before?” Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.

                Peter shrugged. “I don’t know.”

                A key turned in the front door.

                Pietro laughed. “Someone’s back!”

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5815

                  @freedomwriter76 Awwww! Why is this story so cute???!!

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @keilah-h. Aww, thank you! 🥰🥰🥰

                    Maybe because kids are cute? 🤣 Besides, the way they all interact is adorable! 😉

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5815

                      @freedomwriter76 Yes, that’s probably it!

                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @keilah-h. YEP! 😀

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6701

                          @freedomwriter76 SCREEEE YESSSS PETER!!! SPIDER-KID!!! AHHH I NEED MORE OF THEM LIKE “WAIT WHAT IS DIS?! XD”

                          UGH HE IS SOOO CUTE


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @godlyfantasy12. I’m Glad You Like It! 😀

                            YES HE IS!!!

                            Ava Blue
                              • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                              • Total Posts: 222

                              awww Natasha my baby 🥺😭😭😭

                              and yayyy tiny Spidey is adorable 🤩

                              Monsters creep
                              In the silent dark-deep
                              In the filling-eye hills
                              In the shriveled hand-keep

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @ava-blue. Aww, thanks! 😀

                                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                  • Total Posts: 1789

                                  @freedomwriter76 DUUUUDE. I started back to school, so I am wayyyyy behind on everything, but I LOVE this!!! SPIDERMAN IS HERE, PEEPS!!! Or, well, Spider-Kid. Still counts.

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