Who wants a Marvel AU? ;)

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      @freedomwriter76 ALSO…..


      so…I also have a Marvel AU….but its one that lives in my head and not in the flesh lol. But this is making me want to share it lol!!!

      But….there’s a TON OF CHARACTERS…like Stan Lee amount of creating characters because it lives in my head and I legit just went with it.


      Its pretty much just the future of Marvel (so their kids) but some stuff in the Cinematic universe didn’t happen, and I take things I like from TV shows and such. It’s all fiction and totally original and just crazy XD


      But it’s got tons of…angst and fluff also 😂

      I think it all started with X-men and the Avengers and then it just went KABLOOEY from there


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        And ahh..most of the parents are dead


        HEH…yea…..so the OG heroes…they gone….


        COULSON IS STILL AROUND THO!! He is head of SHIELD! And Jean and Scott are around to care for the X-Teens and Kids


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          @godlyfantasy12. Ooh, sounds fun! I, for one, would love to read it! 😁

          But…but the parents are all DEAD!? 😭😭😭 That means…that means…Steve is dead!? *legit dies inside* (JK. 😅 Still wanna cry my eyeballs out tho. 😭😭😭)

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            *awkward laugh as everyone stares at me in horror*


            yea soooo this was made like yeaaars ago in ma brain…BUT YA that’s the story…but don’t worry, Steve’s son was raised by his Uncle Bucky, who rescued him from where his father died while saving him (the heroic death of course)






            SPOILER ALERT-

            the death’s of the avengers are actually all interconnected


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              @freedomwriter76 yea so I kinda wanna share about it! But I don’t think I could share it in story form cuz again its a lot and I don’t even know where to start…like my AU has gone from their lives as children to teens to even adults, to THEIR kids and its just…yea XD but if yall would let me I’d really enjoy sharing my charries and plots and stuff! But I don’t wanna take up ur page or anything so I also understand if no one wants to hear me ramble on and on and ON XD.

              BUT if u would like to hear about it….

              Where should I start??



              Or S.H.I.E.L.D?

              This is just like normal Marvel except some things haven’t happened that happened in the MCU and comics and shows, while others things have (if that makes sense) like the snap never happened (in the OGs time anyway lol) Peter and MJ married, multiple things with the XMen XD.

              Also I’m just now realizing I don’t know if I ever gave Wanda a child and if I did it doesn’t really fit anymore….

              So if I’d probably have Vision be like a cyborg because him being a “robot” and marrying Wanda is not kosher….XD

              SO YEA

              (Also, in this, S.H.I.E.L.D, Avengers, and Xmen act like three family units more then a disconnected “team” of random heroes lol.) like to point they even get into squabbles amongst the families and its hilarious


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @godlyfantasy12. OH. MY. GOODNESS. Uncle Bucky! 😍😍😍 Still sad Steve is gone, though. *sigh* But I’m glad he saved his son. *sigh* 🥺 (also, don’t you DARE tell me Bucky is dead too by now. 😅 Or I will have a come apart. 😭 But if he is…I will live. In sadness….JK. 😂 Maybe. 🤫)

                I want to hear about the Avengers first, of course. 😂

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @freedomwriter76 OK! Give me just a sec! I’m writing some stuff down about them so I can refresh my memory XD


                  OH BTW….

                  In my AU, Clint isn’t married with his family and stuff. He actually Married Natasha, because when I made this I SHIPPED THEM FOR THE LONGEST TIME EVER!!!!!! And outside of the MCU I still do XD


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                    @godlyfantasy12. Can’t Wait! 😁

                    Fine by me! Some of my personal ships aren’t canon either, but hey. 🤷‍♀️ Most of them are, but recently…I’ve been falling in love with Steve X Natasha. 😂

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                      OKIE!! I WROTE DOWN SOME NOTES!!!

                      ALSO! In this AU, while everything with Peter and Tony remained the same (minus the snap didn’t happen XD) his daughter is mostly part of Shield and not the avengers, so she’s not really included in this.


                      So I kinda made notes about the characters to refresh my memory of them, do u want me to do this character by character? Giving a bit of an in-depth rundown? THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!!

                      (I’ll even start with Steve’s son!! *Wink wink XD*


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        IMMA GO AHEAD XD

                        SOOOO LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TOOOOOO!!!

                        *Drum rolls down hill*

                        THE AVENGERS CHILDREN (Of my AU XD)

                        OKAY…now I kinda wanna write a story…I wonder how fast I can type…heh…(NO FOCUS…YOU HAVE A BOOK TO WORK ON *smacks self*)


                        Meet Connor Rogers, our first cinnamon scone outta da box lol.

                        He’s Steve’s son (obviously lol), and is 12 when the story (if I ever make one) starts, but again this AU I’ve had them like grow up so they can be any age at any given moment XD. He has blue eyes and light blue hair (don’t judge me XD, it’s from his mother.) It falls a bit past his ears and he is adorable.

                        He has the super soldier serum, inherited through genes from his father, because, unbeknownst to Steve, the serum was actually in his DNA now, so when he had Connor…WELP. *Shrug*

                        Connor is a natural born leader, courageous, kind, and is always quick to defend those who can’t defend themselves. He’s just like his father, and his mother (who is an OC who is…yes…deceased XD. She was only created to be his mother and a sweet wife to Steve. Long story short, she was someone Steve was tasked with protecting from a group of terrorists at one point and they fell in love, yada yada, bing bang boom.)

                        The story (if I ever wrote one, again XD) would actually start not too horribly long after his father’s untimely death. Probably a year later?

                        The avenger’s deaths, while interconnected, all happened at different times, (which helped keep suspicion low…dun dun dunnnn) so yea, and Connor is being raised by his Uncle James Buchanan (Bucky) Barnes, who has since retired from any kind of hero work, or dangerous work in general (much to Coulson’s dismay) to raise Connor.

                        At this point, he hasn’t met the other kids of the avengers (he hadn’t seen them since he was extremely young, and with the parents deceased now, there weren’t exactly reunions.)

                        As for his father’s death- here’s what happened (Spare yourself if you wish)


                        As we all know, people always search for power, and what better way to control someone then thru their kid, am I right?! SO, long story short, Connor gets kidnapped when he’s like 10.

                        During this, however, the people who did it discovered he had his father’s super serum abilities, and decided, “Well, hey, let’s make our plan even bigger! We’ll get rid of his dad (which was the plan anyway, but they were also going to kill Connor) AND turn this kid into our own personal weapon!”

                        This did not bode well with his father at all.

                        As you can imagine.

                        Sadly, they did succeed in their first plan, but it was because Steve ultimately sacrificed himself FOR Connor. He hid Connor in a storage box nearby and saved his life, telling him to stay put.

                        He did so, until later, when his Uncle Bucky found him.


                        He refused to leave without his father’s shield.



                        He used his father’s shield btw. They fixed it for him and he uses it like a PRO, even tho it’s a bit big, he’s got that super strength so he can lift it. MA BOI!







                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          @godlyfantasy12. My heart…I think…I think it’s broken… 😭😭😭 (great story, tho. 👌Yeah, you can introduce them character by character. 😁)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @godlyfantasy12. Oh, and I made Peter’s mood board. 😉 He’s…uh…he can be a wild child. 😂

                            @gracie-j. @ava-blue. @keilah-h.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @freedomwriter76 AHHHH THE SPONGEBOB AND PATRICK!!!! BRUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH


                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @freedomwriter76 ALSO! IT IS TIME TO INTRODUCE YOU TOOOOOOO!!!

                                Naomi Banner!

                                Bruce’s adopted daughter and middle child!

                                Naomi is pretty down to earth, though she doesn’t bode well with Eris (the next avenger you’ll be introduce to). She acts tough as nails but is secretly a softie.

                                NOW A BIT OF BACKSTORY ON BRUCE’S FAMILY!

                                Okie so, I don’t remember her name, but in the Marvel universe and in the Hulk movie (don’t think its canon anymore to MCU) there’s a black-haired woman who is the daughter of the army major that is after Bruce.

                                This is Bruce’s wife.

                                Bruce and his wife have a son named Tomas, who has blond hair, and they live in the south, so he’s got a southern accent (you should like that XD)

                                So, amidst our Hero’s adventures, enter Naomi.

                                Naomi was your average orphan girl and a bit of a tomboy. Everyone in her orphanage loves the avengers except they view Hulk as a Monster, but she doesn’t see him like that.

                                One day, during one of the battles that SOMEHOW ALWAYS ENDS UP DESTROYING A CITY XD Naomi’s orphanage is destroyed In the wreckage, and Naomi is hit with a gamma ray and turns into a bit of a “Hulk” version of herself (She turns green and gets a bit taller, a tad more muscular and stronger, but nothing that makes her look too weird. Also puts a white streak in her hair). Finding her unconscious body in his Hulk form, Bruce hides her til the battle is over, and then takes her in as his own.

                                He and his wife and their son are happy to have Naomi, and she soon becomes part of their family, and eventually Bruce has another child. A little boy with black hair named Ronnie. But Ronnie is born with a weakened immune system and an unknown illness.

                                This drives tension between Bruce and his wife, as he continues his work in both science and hero-work and she refuses to let her son be put in harm’s way, becoming a very over-protective mother hen.

                                Eventually, it spirals out of control and she leaves, taking Ronnie with her. This breaks Naomi, Tomas, Ronnie and Bruce’s heart but they can’t stop her, she’s become bitter over other things as well, and has had fights that have festered. She’s made up her mind.

                                Still, the three Banners that are left continue to live together happily, and Naomi is content with her life, though she does miss Ronnie.

                                Eventually though, all good things come to an end, and both her father and brother are killed in an articulated attack on the three of them. She barely escapes as her home explodes, and is, once again, left all alone.

                                But she’s not about to sit back and let her brother and father’s killers get away with this….



                                There’s Naomi!


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  @godlyfantasy12. YEP! Peter loves Spongebob and Patrick!

                                  And noooo!!!! You are gonna make me CRY! 😭😭😭😭 (beautiful though. If you make me cry, it means your making a great story. 👌)

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