Who wants a Marvel AU? ;)

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  • #113876
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      Alrighty y’all. I have another Marvel AU. (I need to stop coming up with so many. XD) This one has really taken a special place in my heart. 😀 Anyways, the basic thing is that this is an alternate universe, of course, so for this one…a lot of things have changed. I don’t want to spoil stuff though, so…if anyone wants to read it, I’m gonna post the first three chapters, all of which are finished. (Except for probably some editing, lol. XD) Now for some tags! @gracie-j. @keilah-h. @eaw24. @hullofellowhumans. @joy-caroline. (I know you said you haven’t watched any Marvel, but…this involves Adoption and I was wondering if you’d like it. If not, just ignore me. XD)

      Anywho! Here’s the first three promised chapters! After reading them, would y’all like me to keep sending more chapters as the story progresses, or no? I’ll take thoughts, opinions, and even ideas! This is probably going to be a long one, and I’d love suggestions for what they could all do! I want all the characters to have at least one chapter or portion of a chapter that’s more focused on them, so, if y’all have any ideas, feel free to share! I’m all ears. 😀

      Chapter 1

      Nick Fury was, to some, considered a fool. To others, he was a complete idiot.

      ‘Create a group of enhanced kids and all we’ll have is a disaster on our hands’, they said, over and over again. But if Nick knew anything, he knew that it was possible.

      And it wasn’t crazy.

      Okay. Maybe a little crazy.

      “How many kids are you looking for?” Pierce’s question pulled Nick out of his thoughts.

      “As many as I can find. How many you got?”

      Pierce smiled. “Enhanced kids?”

      Nick nodded. “If you have any.”

      “Of course, I do. Wait just one minute.” He turned away from Nick, using the phone on his desk.

      A phone dinged.

      Nick checked his phone. Nick smiled. Just Phil Coulson asking how it was going.

      ‘Good.’ Nick sent back.

      Pierce turned back around. “Alright Nick, they’re on their way.”

      He nodded and waited.

      Within a few minutes, footsteps sounded, and Nick stood.

      He wasn’t expecting so many.

      “Ah. You’re all here. This is Nick Fury, an old friend of mine. He is looking for kids to adopt. He will speak to each one of you separately, so wait your turn and when he speaks to you, be sure to be polite and-“

      “Why do you have an eyepatch?” Nick turned to the second smallest boy, who had white-blonde hair. Odd for him to have white hair. He looked so young.

      “Pietro, what did I just say?”

      The boy’s gaze fell, and he hung his head, but not before Nick saw tears fill his eyes.

      Poor kid.

      “To be polite. Sorry sir.”

      “There’s nothing wrong with asking questions. In fact, I encourage questions, alright Pietro?” Nick asked.

      He sniffed and nodded. Smiled.

      Nick smiled back.

      “Alright Nick, we can start with the youngest first and work our way up. You can choose which ones you want to adopt, or, if you chose to adopt none, that’s fine too.”

      Nick nodded.

      Turned to the one whom he presumed to be the youngest who had messy brown hair, bright brown eyes, freckles, and a front tooth missing. “I’ll speak to them myself, Pierce. I will ask for their names.”

      Pierce shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

      Nick bent to get down to the boy’s eye-level. The kid smiled. “Hi…”

      “Hello. What’s your name?”

      “Peter Parker.”

      “And how old are you, Peter?”

      “Six and a half.”

      “Wow. You’re a big boy.”

      Peter giggled. “Yeah!”

      Nick smiled. Such a cute kid.

      He moved on to Pietro, and the girl beside him, who, other than hair color, looked very similar to him. “And you two are?”

      “Pietro Maximoff. I’m eleven.”

      “And you?”

      She smiled shyly. “…Wanda Maximoff. I’m…eleven.”

      Nick smiled. She seemed very shy, whereas her brother seemed very energetic. “Twins?”

      Pietro nodded enthusiastically. “Yep!”

      “That’s wonderful.”

      And Nick moved on to the next one. He had black hair, brown eyes, and wore glasses that he kept pushing back up every time they fell even just an inch. “And you? What’s your name?”

      “Bruce Banner.”

      “And how old are you, Bruce?”


      “What do you enjoy, Bruce?”

      “Hm…science. Math. Especially medical science and math.”


      Bruce grinned. “Maybe…”

      Nick smiled.

      Moved on. The only other girl out of the group of boys was next. She stood still and ready as soon as Nick came to her.

      Almost like a soldier.

      Odd, Nick thought.

      “I’m Natasha Romanoff. I’m fourteen.”

      “You seem much older than that, Natasha.”

      She shrugged. “You have to do what you must.” She replied simply, brushing a strand of her red hair out of her eyes.

      “I suppose you do.” Nick whispered.

      “And what’s your name?”

      The next kid, a blonde, flashed him a grin.

      “Clint Barton. And Natasha here is my best friend. I’m fifteen.”

      “What do you like to do, Clint?”

      Clint chuckled. “They won’t let me use my bow and arrow inside. They say it might hurt someone even though it just has suction cups on the end.”

      “It could still hurt someone.” Pierce insisted with a scowl.

      Nick turned his attention back to Clint. “So, you’re good with a bow and arrow?”

      “Yessir!” Clint replied.

      Good. He was enthusiastic.

      Nick turned to the next one.

      Another blonde, but with muscles Nick had never seen on a kid before. He had to be at least seventeen. Maybe even eighteen, although that wouldn’t make sense for him to still be here.

      “And you?”

      “Steve Rogers. I’m…fifteen.”

      Nick looked him up and down. He hadn’t expected that. “How did you get all those muscles, Steve? Do you work out a lot?”

      Steve glanced at him.

      Their eyes met. “…Yeah.”

      Nick smiled and moved on yet again.

      The next one made many thoughts run through his head. Muscled almost as much as Steve, a brunette this time with blue eyes, but more than anything, the kid’s left arm took Nick by surprise.

      Why did he have a metal arm?

      “And…your name?”

      “James Barnes. Sixteen.”

      Nick nodded. He wasn’t going to ask about the arm. Not when he was just now meeting the kid.

      So, he moved on.


      “You two…same age?”

      “Yes, sir.” The first one replied. He had short black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin.

      “Your name?”

      “Sam Wilson. I’m seventeen.”

      “And you?”

      The other teen smirked. His black hair was styled much more than anyone else’s, and just by looking at him Nick could tell he had maybe once been in a much better off household than the others.

      “Tony Stark. I’m seventeen as well.”

      Nick nodded and turned back to Pierce. That was all of them.

      Ten kids.

      They all seemed so nice and every last one of them needed a home.

      “Are any of them related?”

      Pierce shook his head. “No. Other than Pietro and Wanda, none of them are related. You can come back tomorrow if you like or talk to the kids some more and decide which ones you want to adopt.”

      Nick looked around.

      Peter. Pietro. Wanda. Bruce. Natasha. Clint. Steve. James. Sam. Tony.

      Ten kids.

      Nick came to adopt a few. He wasn’t going to be back tomorrow.

      “Actually Pierce, I’ve already made my decision.”


      Chapter 2

      “School’s starting back next week. I need to study for my pretests, brother.” Loki muttered, leaning back in the backseat.

      “I’m so glad I’m not in school anymore.”

      “That’s because you’re nineteen and have decided to not go to college.” Loki replied. Rolled his eyes.

      Thor could be a nuisance, but he was his brother.

      They’d been through a lot together.

      Their mom had died years ago. Then their dad abandoned them. Then they were thrown into an orphanage.

      They lived in the orphanage for two years until Nick Fury adopted them both.

      “Are you going to get an F in math this time, brother?”

      Loki groaned and rolled his eyes. “Don’t remind me, Thor.”

      A phone dinged. “He’s on his way out now, brother.”

      “I wonder what kids he’s adopted.” Loki mused.

      They were waiting in the fifteen-person van.

      Loki had never understood why Nick needed such a large vehicle. But now, maybe it would serve some purpose, even if it were just for storage.

      After all, there wouldn’t be too many, would there?

      “Oh brother, he didn’t get a few.”

      “What?” Loki set aside his calculus book and looked out the window.

      Kids…and ten of them.

      “Thor…there’s ten there.”

      “You can count!”

      “Hey!” But Loki couldn’t help but laugh.

      Even so, what was Nick thinking adopting ten kids at once!?

      He had often said Thor and Loki, just the two of them, had been a handful of trouble. Mostly Loki, he would always add.

      Loki smirked. So, what if he loved mischief? Nick opened the passenger door. “I’m going to put their things in the back. Kids, get in the van please.”

      “Okay!” The little boy with white, blonde hair rushed into the van. Plopped down beside Loki in the backseat. “Hi! I’m Pietro!” He said, sticking out his hand.

      “Loki.” He took Pietro’s hand, and he shook it, fast.

      “You have a lot of energy…” Loki muttered, massaging his hand, but he grinned, “I like that. Do you like mischief?”
      “Loki…” Nick said, carrying a tinge of warning in his tone.

      Loki smiled and turned his attention back to Pietro and the girl who stepped in after him. “Ah. And who are you?”

      “That’s my twin Wanda!”

      “I see…” Loki whispered. Shook her hand carefully. She seemed very shy, but she gave Loki a small smile.

      Nick closed the back and got into the passenger seat. Quickly introduced everyone, then put on his seatbelt. “Buckle up, everyone.”

      Loki put his book back in his lap and put earbuds in his ears. He would listen to his favorite music while studying.

      Math…ugh, he hated math.

      Especially calculus.

      None of it made any sense.

      “Put it back, Pietro.”
      “What does it do?”

      “I don’t know!”

      Loki took out his earbuds. “What are you…no! Pietro, put that back!”

      Pietro looked at him, Loki’s staff that Nick and the others had made in his hands, and asked, “Why?”

      “Only I can use it, and that could be dangerous if you moved it and hit someone.”

      “Yeah Pietro, put it back.”

      Loki glanced at the blonde who must have unbuckled and gotten into the backseat. Steve, he remembered. The muscled kid.

      “But Steve…”

      “Pietro, please. Put it back.” Pietro nodded and began to put it back.

      “What’s going on back there?”

      “Nothing, brother. Thor, keep your eyes on the road!”

      “What are you…ah!” Thor slammed on the brakes, and both Pietro and Steve, both unbuckled, slammed forward, thudding into the next row of seats. Steve had thankfully grabbed Pietro, so Pietro was safe.

      But Steve rubbed his head. “Ow.”

      “Are you okay?” Loki asked.

      “Yeah. I’m…good.”

      “Hang on. Please hold. What is going on back there!?”

      “Pietro got ahold of my staff. Don’t worry, Nick. We’re solving the problem!” Loki replied.

      “Good. Now, sir, where was I? Oh, right…”

      Loki sighed. Pietro put the staff back in the back, buckled up, and Steve crawled back over the seat, getting back into his row.

      Ten kids.

      Loki didn’t see how this was going to work out.


      “We’re here.”

      Steve looked the building up and down. Plain, it didn’t look like a normal house, but it was a home, and that was all that mattered.

      “Looks a little odd, Steve.”

      He chuckled. “Yeah, Buck. But it’s better than the orphanage.”

      Bucky nodded slowly.

      “You keep calling him Buck or Bucky. I thought his name was James. Is it not?” Nick asked, raising an eyebrow.

      “It’s from my middle name, Buchanan. Like James Buchanan, the president.”

      “The fifteenth president, specifically.” Steve noted.

      Nick smiled.

      “There’s the history nerd we know.” Sam said with a wink. Steve playfully punched his arm.

      “Yeah. Right.”

      “Thor, Loki, grab their bags. I’m going to introduce them to Phil and Maria.”

      Thor and Loki obeyed.

      “Follow me.” Nick ordered.

      Steve felt both Wanda’s and Pietro’s hands slip into his.

      “Come on, Steve. Let’s go!” Pietro cried.

      “Slow down, crazy.” Tony said with a roll of his eyes, as Peter ran over to him, taking Tony’s hand. “Let’s go, Tony!”

      “See? He’s crazy too.”

      Steve chuckled. “He’s six, Tony.”

      Tony grinned. “I guess so.”

      “I’m six and a half, Steve!”

      “Whoops. I guess Steve forgot, Peter.” Bucky said with a wink.

      The front door opened, and Nick motioned them all inside.

      They did so, just as a man and a woman both came around the corner.

      “Ten of them?” They both asked at the exact same time.

      Nick smiled. “Yep. Ten of them. Kids, he is Phil Coulson, and she is Maria Hill. Maria, Phil, the kids.” And Nick introduced all of them by names and ages.

      “Nice to meet you all, but Nick, we only have four extra bedrooms, not including the one Thor and Loki share.”

      “I know, Phil. We’ll…make it work. Two kids in all the rooms, but three in two rooms.”

      “We’ll need two extra mattresses.” Maria pointed out.

      Nick nodded again. “Again, we’ll make it work. I’m sure I have extras in the garage.”

      Maria nodded. “I’m sure you do. Now, who’s hungry?”

      All hands shot up.

      Phil let out a small sigh, but he smiled. “Well, I guess I’ll prepare a few extra sandwiches.”


      Chapter 3

      They were all so different. Nick had brought out bed headboards, and while he, Phil, and Maria put the two extra mattresses in two different rooms, they each personally painted their headboard.

      Nick admired the different ones after they attached them to the bed frames.

      Each one different.

      Each one showed their tastes and interests.

      Nick walked down the hall back towards the kitchen, where everyone else was sitting.

      Loki was studying again. “You know, I know that whole book.”

      “What?” Loki looked up at Bruce. “You’re, what…thirteen?”

      “Yeah. But I know that whole book. Ask me a question from it.”

      Loki quickly asked him an algebra question. Within a moment, Bruce answered.

      “You’re a genius, Bruce!”

      Bruce blushed. “Thanks. Because of where my birthday falls, I was a grade behind, but now I’m a grade ahead.”

      Loki blinked. “That means…you skipped two grades! Nick, this kid’s a genius!”

      “So, I’ve heard.” Nick replied with a smile, sitting down beside Phil.

      “What else do you know?”

      “A lot of things…” Bruce said, a bit of pride in his smile. The kid had a right to be proud though.

      “You’re just a genius. There’s nothing else I can say.” Loki said with a sigh.

      Nick smiled. Loki and Thor were already getting along with them all perfectly.

      “Alright. There are some things we need to talk about.”

      All of the kids turned to look at Nick. “School will be starting next week. You all need supplies and books and everything else you’ll need. And also, some of you will want to or need to take extra classes, correct?”

      Tony nodded. “I’d like to take programming.”

      “Right. And Bucky will need to take Driver’s Ed, correct?”

      “Yeah.” Bucky muttered.

      “We can also teach you some driving as well.” Phil put in with a smile.

      “I can’t even drive.” Sam put in.

      Nick turned to him with a raised eyebrow. Sam was seventeen. “You don’t?”

      “Pierce didn’t let us learn, y’know, back at the Orphanage. I don’t know how to either.” Tony added. Shrugged. “I guess he didn’t want us to steal a car and drive away.”

      “But why would you do that anyways? You were being clothed. You were being fed.” Maria whispered.


      “Steve, what did you say?” Phil asked, raising an eyebrow.


      “No. Steve, you said something.” Nick insisted.

      Steve glanced up at him with those bright blue eyes of his. “It’s nothing. Honest.”

      “I’m hungry…” Peter whined.

      “Peter, shh…we’ll get food whenever it’s time.” Clint whispered.

      Peter crawled into his lap. “But I’m so hungry…”

      “Then we’ll make dinner if you are all hungry. All you had to do was say something.” Maria said, standing.

      “You don’t have to. We can wait.” Bucky said quickly.

      Nick raised an eyebrow. “…What?”

      “He said we can wait. Make dinner whenever you’re ready. Not when we are.”

      “Sam, we don’t have to do that. Whenever you guys are hungry, we can make something for dinner or lunch, or breakfast, or whatever meal it is.” Phil replied, worry creasing his brows.

      “But you don’t have to.” Natasha insisted.

      “But we will. Just tell us when you’re hungry, and if you guys ever need a snack, just get one.” Maria said softly, and Peter got out of Clint’s lap.


      Maria laughed. Tousled Peter’s hair. “Of course.”

      “Yay! Hear that, Tony!?”

      “I heard all right, weirdo.” Tony replied with a roll of his eyes and smile, just as Peter jumped into his lap. “You’re crazy, Peter.”

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5801



        ok easy to see i loved it. I should do that with some of my own fandoms.

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 8156

          @keilah-h. AWWW, THANK YE!!!!!!!!!! 😀

          Haha. Yes, easy to see. XD I’m glad though. I fell in love with this story as soon as my scattered brain came up with it. Writing it, I’m loving it more and more. 😉

          Yeah! AU’s are so much fun! And writing them as kids and teens…ah, this is like, my dream come true, lol. XD Writing them as kids and teens is very different but so much fun.

          Do you have any suggestions or ideas? Either way, I’ll be SURE TO WRITE MORE!!!! I NEED THIS STORY JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DO!!!!! XD

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            Y’all, I just remembered Clint has brown hair. XD

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @keilah-h. @gracie-j. @joy-caroline. @eaw24. And…the mood board for it. 😉

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1789

                @freedomwriter76 WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

                First off, AH-MAY-ZING idea. Second, FANTABULOUS execution!!!! I LOOOOOOVE IT!!!! And I need more toooooooooooooooo!

                Also. The moodboard? GOLD. Just absolute perfection.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @gracie-j. AWWW, THANK YE! 😀

                  THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH!!!!! <3 <3 <3

                  AWW, THANK YOU SO MUCH MUCH!!!!!! I WAS HOPING IT’D BE GOOD!!!!

                  Oh, and for you and @keilah-h, I have two more finished chapters. 😉

                  Chapter 4

                  “Are we sure this is the best idea?”

                  “We kind of have no choice, Phil. We have ten more kids we need to get clothes and school supplies for.” Maria put in.

                  “Yes. But all of them at one time?”

                  Nick shrugged. “We have to.”

                  Tony silently listened as they chatted up front in the van.

                  But then he turned his attention back to his phone. His blueprint was almost finished. “Hey, Sam, what do you think?” He offered his phone.

                  Sam took his phone. Looked it over and handed Tony back his phone. “You’re almost done, Tony. Think you’ll be able to build it?”

                  “I’ll find parts. Just like I did to build your wings.”

                  “You mean take parts from the dump?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

                  Tony shrugged. “Hey. We do what we must.”

                  He gave Sam a grin.

                  Building things had always been a little bit of an escape for him, back in the orphanage.

                  And besides, Tony loved to build and program.

                  Sam’s metal wings had only been one of the many things he’d built.

                  “Any of you excited about starting school?” Loki asked with a smile, from where he sat on the other side of Sam.

                  Tony shrugged. “Sure. I’m pretty good at it, other than English. I’m not good at grammar.”

                  “I’m kinda excited. But I don’t really know what to expect.”

                  Loki nodded. “That’s to be expected, Sam. I’ll introduce you to my friends, and I’ll be sure to tell you who to steer clear of.”

                  “Why? Bullies?” Tony asked.

                  They were used to bullies.

                  The orphanage had plenty of them.

                  “Of course. All schools have them.”

                  “The orphanage had its fair share.” Bucky muttered from the seat behind them.

                  Loki turned around.

                  “I assumed there probably were bullies there. The orphanage worked as a school as well though, didn’t it?”

                  “Yeah. They never had any extra subjects though.” Bucky replied with a shrug.

                  “So, nothing like art or music or programming, like Tony wants to do?”

                  “Nope. None of those.”

                  “Yeah. Bucky’s right. None of those. School was boring other than our favorite subjects, and even then…we never had any free time.” Sam shrugged. “But we learned to live with it.”

                  “I only lived at an orphanage for two years. And it wasn’t that one. How long have all of you been there?”

                  Tony shrugged. “Different for each of us. All of us have been there for at least three years though.”

                  “At least three years? But Peter’s only six!”

                  Tony shrugged again. “And? What difference does that make? Peter was there since he was almost a year old. Steve was there the longest. Since he was eight years old. The rest of us began to come in after him.”

                  “Eight? Steve was there for seven years?”

                  Loki seemed like he didn’t, or even couldn’t, believe it.

                  “Seven years really isn’t that long. Not for some. We knew some kids that had been in that orphanage their whole life since they were toddlers or even babies.” Sam replied with a shrug.

                  Tony nodded in agreement. “I was there for four years. Clint was six years. Natasha six as well. Sam was three years. Bucky was six years too. Pietro and Wanda both three years like Sam. Peter five years, like I said. Steve seven years, like I said. And Bruce was three years like Pietro and Wanda.”

                  “Those are all a long time.” Loki whispered, soft.

                  Sam shrugged. “Like I said, not much compared to some others we knew.”

                  “Alright. We’re here. Everyone, unbuckle, it’s time to shop.” Nick said, turning around.


                  Time to shop.

                  Chapter 5

                  Why did school have to start so early? The sun wasn’t even up.

                  Then again, at the orphanage they all had to get up even earlier. After all, you couldn’t miss breakfast.

                  But it didn’t make things any easier.

                  Bruce walked down the stairs, yawning. He was already dressed, had his backpack, and he’d even remembered to clean his glasses, thankfully.

                  They slid down again.

                  Bruce pushed them back up.

                  They didn’t completely fit, but he could see. He wouldn’t complain. It was better than not seeing at all.

                  He couldn’t ask for another pair. Glasses were expensive, and besides, they had all already spent so much money on clothes and school supplies.

                  “Whoops. I poured too much cereal.” Pietro said, just as Bruce entered the kitchen.

                  “Here Wanda. I’ll share by putting some in your bowl. Hey, look, there’s a toy inside! Can I keep it, Uncle Phil!?”

                  Phil smiled. Pietro had taken to calling him ‘Uncle Phil’. Not that Phil minded. He even smiled each time Pietro called him that.

                  Maybe he even enjoyed it.

                  “Of course, you can keep it. You got it out.”

                  They had mostly spent the weekend getting prepared for Monday, by packing backpacks and buying clothes and food and making sure they were all enrolled in the right grades.

                  “Does the high school have a good science class?”

                  Loki looked up from where he was eating his cereal. “It’s good, sure, Bruce. I don’t know if it will challenge you enough, though.”

                  Bruce shrugged and sat down, grabbing a box of cereal. “If not, I’ll find other books to read.”

                  “I can’t believe I have to take another foreign language.” Clint muttered. Beside him, Natasha chuckled.

                  “They want to make sure you’re bilingual, Clint.”

                  Clint grinned and responded in another language.

                  She laughed.

                  “What language is that? Russian?” Nick asked, stepping into the room with a raised eyebrow.

                  “Sure is. Nat grew up in Russia, up until about six years ago, the same time she came to the orphanage.”

                  Natasha nodded. “Yeah. I like America a lot better.”

                  “Most people do.” Nick mused.

                  Bruce quickly finished off his cereal. Grabbed his backpack.

                  Maria looked up at the clock on the wall. “Alright guys, it’s about time to head out. Everyone have their backpacks?”

                  They all chorused a ‘Yes’.

                  Maria smiled and nodded. “Alright then. Time to head out, guys.”

                  Everyone all gave a goodbye as they left.

                  Bruce followed the others.

                  Now they had to wait for the bus.

                  The van drove up, and the window rolled down.

                  “The bus has arrived!” Thor called, “Get in!”

                  “So, not a school bus? Good.” Tony said

                  Bruce blinked a few times. “Bruce, come on, it’s time to go!”

                  “Coming Tony!”

                  Bruce pressed back up his glasses and ran to the van.

                  He only hoped school would be just as good as this.


                  Footsteps echoed down the hall. With a thud, Steve’s locker closed. He moved his backpack to his other shoulder.

                  He’d already gotten through his first class, Science, so he was past his second least favorite subject.

                  Thank goodness.

                  But next was Math, the one he seemed to struggle with the most.

                  He grabbed his math book. He could read some of it on his way to class.

                  Steve opened the book. Algebra 2. Letters…those were supposed to be a part of English, not math.

                  Why was Highschool math so confusing?

                  Steve chuckled. Math itself was confusing.

                  He felt something not too much smaller than him run into him.

                  A thud sounded as books hit the floor.

                  “I’m so sorry.” Steve apologized, looking up at the girl he had run into. “Here, let me pick up your books. I’m so sorry.”

                  He bent to pick up the books.

                  They were the same books Steve had. She must have been in 10th grade as well.

                  He didn’t remember seeing her though. She must have gone to classes at different times.

                  He handed her back her books. “I’m so sorry for running into you.”

                  She smiled. “You’ve already apologized twice. It’s okay. Thank you for picking up my books.”

                  “You’re welcome.” He picked back up his book as well, which had also fallen. “I guess I should have watched where I was going.”

                  “That would probably be best. You’re one of the new kids, right?”

                  Steve nodded.

                  News spread fast.

                  She extended one of her hands out to him. “Margaret Carter. Almost everyone calls me Peggy though.”

                  “Steve Rogers.”

                  By her styled hair and the kind of clothes she wore, Steve could tell she was richer than almost everyone else he had walked past in the school.

                  “I guess you have a lot of siblings now then, don’t you?”

                  He shrugged. “Yeah. I guess so.”

                  She smiled, but she quickly looked at the clock. “Oh no. I’m going to be late to my next class. You’re a senior, aren’t you?”

                  “Actually, no. I’m in 10th grade.”

                  “Oh. I am too. I just guessed that you were older by your…muscles.”

                  Steve smiled. “Yeah. I get that a lot.”

                  “What’s your next class?”


                  “That’s my next class too. I guess I’ll see you there then, Steve.” She gave him a wink and began to walk off.

                  “Wow. Did I just see what I thought I saw? Did Steve Rogers just feel his first bit of love?”

                  Steve turned. Scoffed. Began to walk away. “Yeah, yeah, Clint.”

                  Clint jogged ahead, and they were walking together.

                  “Where are you going? My next class is math too. Hey, did you think she was pretty?”

                  “I just met her!” Steve cried, but he felt his cheeks flush.

                  Clint laughed. “Just as I thought. Now come on, Steve. Let’s not be late to math class on the first day.”

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 5801

                    @Freedomwriter76 Ha! I love it! (I totally get you, Steve, high school math is SO confusing sometimes.) How old is he again?

                    "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @keilah-h. Aww, thank you! (Haha. I get it too. I’ll just now in the fall be entering Hich School though. The math seems pretty scary. DX) He is currently in the fanfic 15. 😉

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1789

                        @freedomwriter76 YOU’RE SO WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

                        First off, UNCLE PHIL. OMGOSH I LOVE IT. I can legit see his little smile.

                        Second, PEGGYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ships are slowing setting sail, me hearties. 😉

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @gracie-j. Awwww, THANK YOU!!!! 😀

                          Hehe. I love it too. I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVE IT! Pietro, Peter, and Wanda are so cute. Wanda is very quiet though. XD

                          YESSSSSS!!!!!! STEVE WILL NEVER BE WITH ANYONE EXCEPT PEGGY!!!!! Fight me, Marvel fans. XD Yep, the ships are setting sail. 😉

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @gracie-j. @keilah-h. TWO MORE CHAPTERS!!!! 😀

                            Chapter 6

                            Tony moved his backpack. Finally. The first school day was over. Loki’s many friends welcomed him and Sam in with open arms, so at least they had that.

                            And the classes hadn’t been difficult. But Tony had a stack of homework that he would need to finish up.

                            “This much homework for the first day?” Sam asked.

                            Loki chuckled. “It’s a lot. I know.”

                            “A whole lot. Hey, Clint, what’s going on?” Tony asked.

                            The others were all around.

                            It was getting time to go home.

                            Clint turned around. “Oh. Hey Tony, Sam, Loki. That bully right there was picking on Bruce. Steve told him to stop, so now they’re having a stand-off.”

                            Tony wanted to punch anyone that dared mess with Bruce. Or any of them, for that matter.

                            The bully looked somewhat familiar.

                            He had been picking on Bruce during lunch too.

                            “I said, leave him alone.”

                            The kid laughed. “What are you going to do about it?”

                            “Just leave him alone.” Steve ordered.

                            Tony glanced around.

                            The kid wasn’t alone.

                            “Bruce never did anything to you. Back off, jerk.” Bucky snarled, coming to Steve’s defense.

                            “How about no? Watch out, Nerd.” The kid pulled his arm back and punched Bruce, hard.

                            At the same time his friend put his leg out, tripped Bucky, and knocked Bucky to the floor.

                            Tony stepped forward. No one…no one…messed with the people he cared about.

                            Bucky leapt to his feet, and the main bully grinned.

                            But that grin faded the moment Steve pinned him against the wall. “I said leave him alone.” Steve snarled.

                            Tony ran over to Bruce. “Hey Bruce, you okay?”

                            “Yeah. I…I’m good.” Bruce whispered, wiping the fresh blood away with a tissue.

                            Tony patted his shoulder.

                            “Leave Bruce alone from now on, alright?”

                            The kid merely grinned. “What, gonna make me, blondie?”

                            “What is going on here!?”

                            Principle Xavier was walking down the hall.

                            The kid began crying. “He…he…pinned me to the wall when I didn’t do anything…”

                            “Not true!” They all chorused, but Xavier merely raised an eyebrow.

                            Steve unpinned the bully, who, when Xavier wasn’t looking, flashed Bruce a grin.

                            Tony gave him a glare.

                            Xavier glanced at Bruce’s bleeding nose. “What happened?”

                            “I…I don’t know, sir.” The bully whimpered.

                            “Yes, you do.” Bucky snarled, low.

                            Xavier glanced at Steve. “Why did you pin him to the wall?”

                            “He punched Bruce, sir, and tripped Bucky.”

                            “Did he, now?”

                            “Yessir.” Steve whispered. His gaze fell. Bucky wrapped an arm around him.

                            “I didn’t…I didn’t hurt him. He just fell and blamed me for it…” the bully said, beginning to weep.

                            Tony’s fists clenched.

                            Such a fake.

                            “That’s it. Bruce, you need some aid from the nurse. She’s still here. And you, Steven, are coming with me. All of you wait right outside the office. And Steven, you are coming inside with me.”


                            Bruce walked out of the nurse’s office. Tony went over and nudged his shoulder. “Hey Bruce.”

                            “Hey Tony. Is Steve alright?”

                            “Yeah. Principle Xavier is talking to him right now. Nick’s here. He’s in there too.”

                            “The bully?”

                            Tony scoffed. “Got away easy, obviously. How are you?”

                            “I’m…I’m good.” Bruce pressed the cloth harder against his nose.

                            “Does it hurt?”

                            Bruce shrugged. “A little, sure.”

                            The principal’s office door opened.

                            Nick stepped out. “All of you head outside. Thor’s waiting with the van. I’ll come in a few moments.”

                            They all turned around and walked off.

                            “Why will he be coming later?” Sam asked quietly.

                            Bucky shrugged. “Don’t know.”

                            Tony bit his lip. “I guess he’s gonna handle Steve.”

                            Chapter 7

                            “I’m in serious trouble, aren’t I?”

                            “That depends on whether you’re lying or telling me the truth.” Nick responded, turning out of the school parking lot.

                            Xavier had given Steve detention, and more detention for the next two days.

                            The others were already home and should have been working on homework.

                            “Why didn’t you tell a teacher?”

                            “They wouldn’t have believed me. Even if Bucky, Tony, and everyone else had defended me, no one would believe me. Trust me. I know. It’s happened a million times.” Steve muttered, looking out the window.

                            Nick sighed. Maybe ten kids at one time hadn’t been the best idea. But he wasn’t going to separate them either.

                            “At the orphanage?”

                            Steve nodded. “Yeah. There were a lot of bullies there. Sometimes I wasn’t the one that punched them for being jerks. But I wasn’t going to let Pietro, Wanda, or Peter get in trouble and punished.”

                            “A little discipline never hurt anyone.” Nick noted.

                            Steve turned and looked at him. Nick glanced over at him for a moment.

                            “You don’t know Pierce at all, do you?”

                            “I’ve known him for a long time now, Steve. I don’t know what you-“

                            “Not long enough apparently.” Steve interrupted.

                            Nick raised an eyebrow. Quickly looked back at the road.

                            “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to…”

                            “Sir? You can call me Nick.”

                            “Right. Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt you. You can…you can continue, sir. Nick, I meant. Sorry.”

                            “You don’t have to keep apologizing, Steve. One time is enough. Why did you take the punishments for Peter, Wanda, and Pietro?”

                            Steve shrugged. “I don’t know.”

                            “Yes, you do.”

                            “I don’t know. Really.”

                            “Steve…don’t lie to me. Why did you not want them to get in trouble?”

                            Steve bit his lip and looked out the side window. “I don’t know.”


                            “I don’t know, okay!?” Steve yelled.

                            Nick’s phone began ringing. He muttered a low curse beneath his breath, before clicking the button on his car, which answered the phone. “Nicholas Fury. Who is this?”

                            “Nick! It’s me, Pierce. I wanted you to know that I will be coming over in about half an hour to check and see how all of the new kids are doing. Are you home?”

                            “Currently heading that way.”

                            “School let out an hour ago. You’re just now leaving to head home?”

                            “We…” Nick glanced at Steve, who now had his face buried behind a book, “had some issues come up. I’ll be there within ten minutes.”

                            “Good. See you there, Nick.”

                            “Yeah. See you then.”

                            Pierce hung up.

                            Nick sighed. “Steve…”

                            Steve lowered the History book.

                            “I’m sorry. I didn’t…I didn’t mean to yell.”

                            “It’s fine. I forgive you.”

                            “I’m in trouble for that now, too, aren’t I?”

                            “Not if you be honest with me and tell me why you truly didn’t want Peter, Pietro, or Wanda to get in trouble and got in trouble for them.”

                            “I didn’t want them to get hurt…at the orphanage they punished us, you know? I didn’t want them to get hurt.”

                            “So, you got in trouble instead?”
                            “Yeah. But I was used to getting in trouble by then. If they did it to a bully now…I’d do the same thing.”

                            “And lie to me, and Phil, and Maria, and everyone, for that matter?”

                            Steve shrugged. “Just so they wouldn’t get hurt.”

                            “Me, Phil, and Maria, we’d never do that…to any of you.”

                            “It’s fine. As long as you don’t do it to them until they’re older and bigger.”

                            “So…until they are, you’d take whatever punishment they earned due to bad behavior?”

                            Steve nodded. “Yeah.”

                            The kid saw nothing wrong with that.

                            “Steve…lying is wrong.”

                            Steve shrugged. “Not if you’re protecting someone.”

                            “From discipline?”

                            “If you could call it that.” Steve bit his lip. “Just…I’m sorry for yelling at you. You have a right to be angry. And…whatever discipline you have in mind…I can take it.”

                            “Steve, we’re not going to hurt you.”

                            Steve shrugged. “I’ve only recently met you. I can’t tell when you’re honest or not. Besides, it doesn’t hurt me too much. Just…a little while.”

                            “Who used to punish you?”

                            “…Pierce.” Steve whispered, soft. His blue eyes sparked with something Nick couldn’t quite put his finger on, especially when he needed to keep his eyes on the road.

                            “Do you think about the orphanage a lot, Steve?”

                            “…I guess. Sometimes I can’t…stop…thinking about it. Things were different there. I guess sometimes I still feel like I’m there. Sometimes…recently…I still thought I was.”

                            Nick raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

                            “I don’t know. I just…I saw it again. Heard it again. I even…smelled it again. I don’t know. It just…felt like I was there. And Pierce was there, Rumlow, Sitwell…all the staff were there. But Bucky and the others…I couldn’t find them. I felt so…alone. And I got in trouble for something…I don’t even remember what…and got punished again. Mostly I felt so alone. And then…I was back at the house and Bucky was right there, asking me if I was ready for lunch. It happened Saturday.”

                            Nick blinked a few times. In his conversation with Steve, he hadn’t even realized that he was turning onto their street.

                            The kid had a lot weighing down on his shoulders.

                            “Steve…do you have nightmares or anything like that?”


                            “Sudden fits of rage or anger, like when you yelled just a little while ago?”

                            Steve shrugged. “Sometimes.”

                            “And…you have a hard time sleeping, don’t you?”

                            Steve nodded. “Mostly because of nightmares some nights. Yeah.”

                            Nick pulled into the driveway.

                            Pierce was early.

                            Just great.

                            “How often do you have nightmares?” Nick asked, unbuckling.

                            Steve unbuckled and began to grab his books. “Steve…don’t ignore me.”

                            Steve put his backpack on his shoulder after zipping it up. “Steve.”

                            “Every night.” Steve responded quietly. “I’m not loud though. I don’t want to wake everyone up.”

                            Nick nodded slowly. He and Steve both stepped out of the car.

                            From where he had been sitting on the steps, Bucky came running over to Steve’s side. They began whispering to each other, like the close friends they were.

                            Nick sighed quietly.

                            Maria came over. “So?”

                            “He’ll have detention for the next few days. The kid was a jerk. Steve did what he thought was best. He’s still learning. But oh, Maria?”

                            “Yeah, Nick?”

                            “I need you to set up an appointment with the therapist ASAP.”

                            Maria raised an eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

                            “I’m fine. It’s just…we talked about a lot of things on the way over here.

                            I can’t tell for certain what exactly is wrong…but I need Steve checked out.”

                            “For what? Is he okay?”

                            Nick shook his head.


                            “No. I don’t think he is.”

                            Maria pulled out her phone to make a note. “What do you want me to tell her?”

                            “She can check him for different things. But tell her what I think. I think Steve may have PTSD.”

                            I know Chapter 7 is long…but the convo between Nick and Steve needed to happen, okay? XD I really love it, AND, I’m hoping all of them will get to have a long convo with someone, although some of them might be with Phil or Maria. 😉 Next up, I’m thinking Tony will get to have his convo, or maybe Natasha. Which one do y’all think? 🙂 Anywho, I wanted Steve to be able to talk about it, and I thought this was the best way to do so! Obviously, he hasn’t talked about EVERYTHING yet. Also, I couldn’t think of a Marvel character from the movies that could work as the principle, so just ignore my X-Men crossover. XD

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5801

                              @freedomwriter76 Wow!!! That’s such a cool story. I love it. (I just realized, in regard to the math comment, I’m fifteen too, like him! We’d be in the same class, likely, if I were in that universe, although I’m actually homeschooled in real life so….)

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1789

                                @freedomwriter76 UM NO I AM NOT IGNORING IT!!! PROFESSOR X IS PERFECT!!! I LOVE IT!!!

                                And POOR STEVE!!! *sobs* PTSD at 15? Gah, that’s gotta be hard. *hugs him tight* Poor kid!!!

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @keilah-h. Aww, thank ye! 😀 (Really!? Epic! I’m Homeschooled too! 😀 I’ll also be fifteen in October!)

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