When is dark writing no longer writing for God?

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      No that wasn’t too long winded! I’m glad to hear what you think, and I agree. 😀

      I haven’t read anything in your story that seemed to dark at all! Actually, your story has really inspired me to make Tauren and Lesli a bit more fun. I always wanted to them to be a bit like sibling afterall. Mt older sister just moved away recently, and although I still have a lot of fun with her, our whole family has felt a bit heavy recently. We talk about important stuff a lot, it’s been awhile since we really had the silly humor your story reminded me of. I used to stick my tongue out at people 😂 (My sister, to be exact) I suppose I’m a bit to old for that now, but boy it brought back some memories seeing that part in your book.

      There have been times when I was really sad, and writing something darker than usual gave me a strange comfort. I’m not sure if that makes since, or whether it’s healthy or not. This happened to Lesli in my story once, not sure if you noticed it. When she goes back into her room to pack, she doesn’t try to cheer herself up by turning on the light. I feel that way sometimes, and I’m not sure there’s anything wrong with it. Except if you let it go on too long. Writing like that can have a time and place if it aligns with your convictions.

      Reading this is helping me to see where I have changed and where I need to be myself and not give in to the pressures of a society filled with darkness. Society tries to tell us that darkness is good and thrilling, and tries to shame those of us who are sensitive into thinking we’re weird.

      Very well-put, and exactly how I’ve felt at times. 😀


        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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        @felicity @mineralizedwritings @freedomwriter76

        Y’all. I’m so proud of y’all sharing your opinions and some of the things you are going through. I’m a pretty sensitive person too, and I’ve felt embarrassed about it before. Thank you all for sharing, and I hope you know that being sensitive is not something to be embarrassed or ashamed of. And if you ever need a listening ear, I’m here. I’ll be praying for all of you. ❤️❤️❤️


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            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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              First of all…I’m sending you a big hug…hope you can feel it!

              I can relate with the way you feel about your sister! I am pretty attached to mine, but life happens, people grow up and start being more independent, and pretty soon she won’t be in my life all the time anymore. It’s sad, and something I’ve struggled with. It’s hard, but we can overcome sad things. The joy of the Lord will be our strength.

              I love how you shared you used to stick your tongue out at her… 😀 That’s real love, you know? When you can stick your tongue out at them and they know you’re just teasing. Here’s an embarrassing story…

              I got so used to sticking my tongue out at my brother around the house, that one time we were at an ice-skating rink and there was this boy that was annoying me. He wasn’t really doing anything, ok, but I was just annoyed for some reason. So without thinking I stuck my tongue out when his back was turned. The second after I did it I felt so stupid and I really hoped nobody had seen me. There were bunches of people everywhere, I’m sure someone did. Anyway… 😀

              There have been times when I was really sad, and writing something darker than usual gave me a strange comfort. I’m not sure if that makes since, or whether it’s healthy or not. This happened to Lesli in my story once, not sure if you noticed it. When she goes back into her room to pack, she doesn’t try to cheer herself up by turning on the light. I feel that way sometimes, and I’m not sure there’s anything wrong with it. Except if you let it go on too long. Writing like that can have a time and place if it aligns with your convictions.

              I see what you mean. I think I did notice that with Lesli, and it seemed to be a very realistic response. Yeah, we all respond to sadness differently. Some of us retreat inside ourselves and sort of hole up, while others want to talk about it. I don’t think these responses are right or wrong, it’s just personality. However if taken too far, like you mentioned, it could turn into something not good.

              Very well-put, and exactly how I’ve felt at times. 😀

              The pressure the world puts on us is very real. It’s up to us to deal with it in the right way. (Much easier said than done, I’ll admit.)

              He must increase, but I must decrease.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 812


                Thanks for the prayers! I’m going to say one right now for you all too!


                He must increase, but I must decrease.

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1657


                  You’re so welcome! Thank you! ❤️😊❤️ This is why I love KP 😊❤️.


                    • Rank: Chosen One
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                    First of all…I’m sending you a big hug…hope you can feel it!

                    Thanks! 💛

                    It’s been a little hard, but thankfully the year before we built up some online communication. Kinda weird, ik, sitting in the same room, texting and hearing the other person ‘pfffft’ at whatever you just sent, but it made the transition easier having that already.

                    Lol, that’s a funny story 😂

                    I was in the car with my mom once after school, and the school bus was in front of us. A kid in the bus made a derogatory gesture at my mom in the drivers seat, and she stuck her tongue out at him 😂🤣


                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 812


                      This is why I love KP 😊❤️.



                      It’s been a little hard, but thankfully the year before we built up some online communication. Kinda weird, ik, sitting in the same room, texting and hearing the other person ‘pfffft’ at whatever you just sent, but it made the transition easier having that already.

                      That’s good. Have you thought of sending letters? I don’t know, I like writing letters because it’s fun getting them in the mail, and it feels nicer than a text.

                      Lol, that’s a funny story 😂


                      I was in the car with my mom once after school, and the school bus was in front of us. A kid in the bus made a derogatory gesture at my mom in the drivers seat, and she stuck her tongue out at him 😂🤣

                      Ha ha!! That’s hilarious. I’ll bet the kid was shocked. 😀

                      He must increase, but I must decrease.

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3059


                        Yeah, letters are fun, but I don’t think we would be able to stay consistent. We video chat about twice a week rn though, so that helps. It’s just a big adjustment. It’s had it’s benefits, I’ve got my own room now and I feel a bit more like my own person, if that makes since.

                        And yeah, I’ll bet that kid was shocked 😂


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 812


                          Yeah I see. It’s harder with letters. Video chats are great.

                          It’s had it’s benefits, I’ve got my own room now and I feel a bit more like my own person, if that makes since

                          I get that totally. 😀

                          I’m listening to The Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns right now. It’s really good, especially for moments when I need to overcome my fears. You might have already heard it, but thought I’d mention it.

                          He must increase, but I must decrease.

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3059


                            I just listened to it! I don’t listen to Casting Crowns much atm, but I definitely heard that song before. Probably ages ago when we use dot listen to the christian radio on the way to school, bit of a throwback. Thanks for the suggestion, been awhile since I heard that!


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3713


                              Y’all made some great points!!


                              Is you’re profile pic your dog?

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 812


                                Have you watched Facing the Giants? It’s at the end of that movie. That’s where I was reminded of it, cause my family and I watched that a couple weeks ago.

                                He must increase, but I must decrease.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3059


                                  No I haven’t! what’s it about?


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