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  • #188636
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @mineralizedwritings Hi! Glad you’re back! I’ve been praying for you, though my prayer habit is hardly a habit rn. I’m glad you got a doctor who understands and congrats on finishing your degree. ❤️ Hope you start feeling better soon.

      I’ve been doing okay. My family’s been going through a lot and I really need to get a job but I always have a hard time looking. I’ll figure it out soon though. I’m not very active on here anymore, though I’m not sure why. It’s probably just a phase and I’ll go back to posting a lot more probably after Christmas.

      I’ve been improving my art, though I haven’t really posted much anywhere.

      Also I’ve been playing dnd occasionally with my brother and his family which is a lot of fun.

      Official KP archivist ✨

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 3056


        Thanks for the prayers < 3

        that all sounds like a lot of fun!

        I actually haven’t heard of most of those movies, but I do plan on watching hacksaw ridge. And I also really like the Captain America movies!

        Those sounds cool! I guess I haven’t been keeping up… my favorite act is Light Balance Kids but it’s been awhile since they’ve been on. I think they returned for All stars which was really cool.

        Yeah… It’s too bad. I wouldn’t mind if they’d just been a little more straightforward about it. I knew about the exclusive week but they said it would be free to the public by late summer, and it never happened. They could have just said they can’t afford to make it free.



        *Stitches the title into a cap and puts it on your head*

        hehe… I shall where it with pride.

        Oh yeah! I’ve seen a little bit of them and they look like fun. If I ever get a hold of a streaming service with gravity falls I’ll have to watch it. I like the art style.

        Thank you 😌 It’s just mental stuff, nothing physical like what you’re dealing with. Which, by the way, is bound to get better because I am willing it to with my fabled Whaley psych… *stares at you really hard* Okay, well, it’s God’s will, but I’m sending in a prayer for you every time I think of you. <3

        Thanks < 3

        Oh, and I’d better not hear you call it ‘just mental stuff’ again. I know that can be really really hard, so don’t downplay it. I’ll pray for you too!

        Aww man that’s too bad. I’ve never been tricker treating bc we don’t celebrate halloween, but I hope to do cosplay when I’m older. It wasn’t until this past year I realized I really would have enjoyed doing it.

        I’m so sorry about that Whaley, sending hugs. It’s strange how another illness has such a different effect than the person who has it. My mom’s sadness over my illness is really different than mine. I think for people with a lot of compassion, it’s harder to watch somebody else suffer than to suffer yourself. And I mean besides that, illnesses are just frustrating.


        Man, I’m glad the mongoose took a break, I wasn’t sure how to respond to him. I’m not so talented with flowery language and I think he would have judged my poor use of it.

        I just got a associates in Arts. It’s just a base degree, like all the prerequisites you need for a four year degree.

        Also, love you forum signature! So true!


        I’ve heard her name before, didn’t know she had Lyme though!



          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3056


          Cool! Nice to meet you. My dad works in software : )

          Yeah, it’s weird how we’re all Americans lol. My sisters writing forum has a lot of Europeans.

          I like the sound of the narrow path trilogy! I love crows, my other penname is actually Corvuss. I get that feeling, my book was heavily influenced by the city of ember and I didn’t even realize until I had been writing it for a few months. Yeah so ATOH is my dystopian ya project. I used to share chapters and I probably do have the full title on here somewhere (Decided to stop sharing the title when I got more serious about it lol). I’ll put the burb down here though:


          Tauren and Lesli have always lived in the West Hills Bunker. Tucked away safely underground, the west hills bunker remains untouched by the wreckage and destruction of the last world war, 200 years prior. The outside world has changed, and it’s no longer known as the safe planet God created for humans. Life in the bunker is consistent, but Lesli is growing tired of her simple life as a miner. Tauren is happy in the bunker, and is frustrated that part of his new routine involves convincing Lesli to stay out of trouble. However, happenings in other parts of the bunker change the economy, and materials become scarce. Tauren’s world is rocked as the illusion of safety starts to unveil. Convinced they are the only two who can see clearly, they start making plans.



          I have not seen David!

          Hmm I don’t think my body is attacking itself, though I’m not sure I would know. I could have many different diseases as a side effect though, so I wouldn’t be surprised.

          Yep! The city of ember. That was the first book I read that brought me to another world, and than all the sequels were terrible XD I didn’t even realize my book was inspired by it until awhile of writing it, although I think now it’s grown into a different direction.

          Cool! Yeah for sure. Romance isn’t usually written realistically. I personally love writing it, but I try to keep it real the best I can.

          Your wip sounds really cool and creative! I like how you have included your dog in it.



            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3056


            Thanks! It’s ok, don’t worry about it. Just knowing your thinking of me helps < 3

            That’s great! I’d love to see some of it if you do start posting again!

            Oh, fun. I’ve never played dnd because the groups can be so secular. I still remember trying to study next to my schools dnd club in the lobby and they could not hold the Fbombs in. Oh, and the shouts of murder?

            XD I know they aren’t all like that! It was just kinda funny… ish.


            Phew, I think I’m finally caught up! XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3702


              I’m finally getting back into a schedule!! And, I’ve started working more on writing. I have a WIP series now too, which makes me so excited!! This will be my first serious-going-to-be-published book. At least, if that’s God’s will.

              That’s so exciting!! That would be amazing!!

              By the way, how does RP work? How do write a story that way?

              Yeah, so it’s basically a bunch of out characters all in one situation. For example, in the Character Castle RP, our characters are trapped in a huge castle. In the Fantasy/Modern School AU RP, our characters are high school-aged and interact in a school setting (which has gotten quite chaotic last I heard). So you’re basically writing your character interacting with other people’s characters.

              I’d love to hear updates on you other guys. What are you writing?

              Right now I’m working on a contemporary young adult/new adult romance starting in the Midwest but mostly set in Italy! I’m totally in love with the characters and just started writing it today for NaNoWriMo.

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

              The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1260


                Greetings! I’m now here to officially introduce myself! I think everyone else covered what was currently happening here.

                I am The Ducktator, also known as Abigail, and ruler of a vast ducktatorship. Currently, my fearsome army of tiny ducks and I are trying to conquer the world! I am 15, homeschooled, and a writer of fantasy, romance, and some other random WIPs. Besides writing, I love reading, dancing, and birding. I am also obsessed with ducks and anything duck related! By the way, thank you for the dystopian advice you gave me a while back that I forgot to reply to. It was really helpful. Nice to meet you and I hope you feel better soon.

                I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3056


                  Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! I got busy and had to take a bit of a break from kp.

                  Nice to meet you! Army of tiny ducks? XD I love ducks lol. Those genres sound fun, kinda the same thing I do (mostly dystopian here, but I do have a fantasy dystopian)

                  I like birding too! What’s your favorite bird you have seen?

                  Yw! I hope it helps.


                  The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1260


                    My favorite bird I’ve ever seen is probably a Brown Booby. I live in the middle of Indiana, and I’m not sure how this bird got here, but he was at a state park 2 hours from my house, and my parents agreed to take a detour on our way to vacation. It was so cool!!!! And a couple days ago I saw my first Eastern Towhee, so there’s that. What’s your favorite bird you’ve seen?

                    Also, didn’t your forum signature used to be in Japanese? Do you speak it? Because someone in my co-op class sent this: ありがとう アビイ to the group chat, and now I’m confused.😅 Help would be appreciated.

                    I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3056


                      Oh that sounds cool! I’ve seen western towhees here, we get owls sometimes too.

                      Oh yes! I mean I don’t really speak it, but I can read basic stuff okay.

                      ありがとう is Arigatou, or thank you.

                      アビイ is Katakana, which is used for words that are foreign in Japan (Like American names). I’m assuming this is a Japanized version of the name of the person they are thanking.

                      It’s pronounced Au-bee. Katakana words for English are not one to one because some of our American sounds do not exist in Japanese, and vice versa, so it’s up to your best judgement what English word/name that was meant to represent.



                      The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1260


                        Thanks! That last word is supposed to be my name, I think. I’m Abby.

                        I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3056


                          Yw! I love language questions lol. Yeah Japanese doesn’t have the ah sound in abby, only the au sound so that probably is your name. Idk why somebody would say thanks in a language the recipient doesn’t know 😂😂


                          The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1260


                            Our entire conversation was weird.🤣 He also randomly speaks in a British accent during co-op, so yeah. XD

                            I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3056


                              Sounds like a character XD

                              if you want to be confusing you can say  わかりません(Wakarimasen) which means ‘I don’t understand’  next time lol.


                              The Most Esteemed Feathered One
                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1260


                                Oh, he is.🤣 I’ll have to remember that.

                                I, for one, really like Roman numerals.

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