What’s a question???

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  • #136595
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3698


      Oh yes! *evil smile*


      As a mercenary… I could possibly be hired to do some spying…! 😏

      (And how is that shadowy corner of yours?! I’ve been looking into getting one for myself if I fully take on my role as a mercenary!)

      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 807


        *pops head out of shadow*

        Excellent. I will pay you addequetly in the form you desire for your services, if you so choose.

        My shadowy corner is fabulous. Yes, I would recommend getting one, or a cloak of invisibility

        *smiles misheviously and removes head from view*

        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
        And guess what? His is eternal (:

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1318

          Have I heard many refer to us as the questioners, the inquisitives, ect? Have I heard this even within our own walls of safe questions? Would embracing these names not lower us down into a degree where we would state our identity? Are these not slurs invented by Statemecists? May I point this fault in our society? And may I instead propose that we question ourselves as “Who are We?”? Are there any other questions that would show our surety in our inquisitive  identity as a cul… I mean organization?


          He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3056


            I join you.


            I JOIN YOU!!

            Perhaps, being made of exclamations, we talk in capitols? We annoy those around us with our ruckus of shouting?


              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 812


              Has God not worked through our free will since forever?

              Indeed, has not God known everything since eternity past?

              Is this not the true art of answer within a question? Is this the true way? Would God not approve such skilled use of questions?

              Are questions dangerous in any way? There is a skill and art to everything, but can it not also be taken to an extreme and used in a wrong way?

              Fascinating, isn’t it? 😉

              He must increase, but I must decrease.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3056


                Hey girl haven’t seen you in a bit! How’s life?


                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 812


                  (If you don’t like videos, I would try reading a separate textbook on an introduction of Set Theory then on Topology. You just might have an issue because it won’t seem in any way related to geometry, though Set Theory is still really fun.)

                  (Thank you for your recommendations! I will do some research and see where it leads. I prefer learning from books, but videos work too.)

                  What about Geometry intrigues you the most?

                  Did Adam not name all the creatures of the deep, the earth, and the sky?

                  Indeed he did, but what language did he use to speak/create the names? Was it a language that God had created and “downloaded” into his brain? Or did Adam make up his own language? Being one who is fascinated by languages, why have I not thought of this sooner?

                  (These 3 men essentially mathematically proved the same thing in completely different fields in completely different ways, that logic as we currently understand it has a boundary that we mathematically cannot pass.)

                  Is that not fascinating that all three men in different fields came to the same conclusion?

                  (Personally, I believe we will only have full access to all logic when we enter the next life, where we are not bound by axiomatic systems where we need to start from one truth to derive another truth, but instead would simply have a fully knowledge of the continuum, understanding each truth and every truth as one whole truth, if that makes sense.)

                  (I believe something similar, although I do not know what the extent of our knowledge will be in Heaven, and I wouldn’t presume it to be a God-like full knowledge. But yes, it will certainly be enlightening!)

                  If questions are infinite, in what sense are they infinite, and what kind of infinity?

                  Perhaps they would be infinite in the sense that there would always be another question to question? However is that plausible? If questions are not infinite, what consequences does that have on reality?

                  Does that not depend entirely on your personal theology?

                  If my belief on mankind’s free will and God’s divine decree is derived from God’s Word, can I even call it my personal theology?

                  Is that not based off of Molinism, a theory of a man, as genius and committed to God as he may be, can it be considered doctrine?

                  If one discovers one’s belief in the Scriptures, rather than trying to fit the Scriptures to a man’s doctrine, is that not a safer way to come to a theological conclusion? Even if the conclusion one comes to has been discovered before?

                  (Just so you know, this is in no way criticism, I firmly believe in personal revelation, and Molina could most certainty be correct, but no, it would not settle the philosophical debate, even if it was considered more than it already was. Because it is a debate of man. I personally believe that our agency (free will) is a vital part of God’s plan, however it cannot also be denied that He is all knowing, which makes things harder to work out. Molinism does well in preserve the idea of free will as well as a perfect knowledge, but whether that is the actual nature of reality, one could not say without either doctrine confirming it, or personal revelation, which you for example may have actually received on the manner.)

                  (You’re good! I think the term personal revelation is what I would call a conviction, which I believe God will reveal to us through His Word if we ask Him. I have explored the Calvinist and Armenian views on this subject but those seem to limit God in one way or another. Molina was certainly a fascinating man and has some great ideas, but I don’t call myself a Molinist, even though I would agree with what he called God’s middle knowledge. Anyway, you’re right. We cannot believe just any doctrine man develops. We must search the Scriptures and make sure that it lines up.)

                  Now I’m curious, if you feel free to share, what doctrine/personal revelation do you believe about man’s free will and God’s knowledge of all things? (I’m not trying to start a debate or anything of that sort. I just enjoy learning about different theologies.)

                  Oh and yes, shall I not draw swords (friendly ones of course) with the Who Are We’s?

                  • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Felicity.

                  He must increase, but I must decrease.

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 812


                    (Hey hey! I’m doing good, taking deep breaths and trying to trust God with the rest.) What about you?

                    He must increase, but I must decrease.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 812


                      Are you trying to start a coup? Perhaps you should be more indirect?

                      Oh and aren’t you Axiom’s sis? Or am I completely lost?

                      He must increase, but I must decrease.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 807


                        Yeah XD you could call it a coup. And we are brother and sister. Which is why this happened XD. And don’t worry, it’s all in good fun

                        Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. -1 Corinthians
                        And guess what? His is eternal (:

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 812


                          (Yeah XD you could call it a coup. And we are brother and sister. Which is why this happened)

                          And why also, I assume, you can take such liberties such as blatantly statementing such as you did?

                          (And don’t worry, it’s all in good fun)

                          Why would I worry? Have I not seven siblings who all collaborate on “good fun” almost 24/7? Siblings are some of the most fun beings on earth, are they not? 😉


                          He must increase, but I must decrease.

                            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                            • Total Posts: 1318


                            (Ahhh, how I love the deep conversations)

                            (Thank you for your recommendations! I will do some research and see where it leads. I prefer learning from books, but videos work too.)

                            What about Geometry intrigues you the most?

                            Is geometry, as well as the rest of mathematics, not a puzzle piece of the nature of our fundamental reality? Do these things not point to God? Is that not what my KP name suggests I search for? (I am the Arcane Axiom, arcane meaning mysterious, and axiom meaning base fundamental truth by which all other truth is derived. I want to understand the true nature of our universe at the most fundamental level, I want to learn the mysteries of God, and I feel math is at least a piece of that.)

                            Indeed he did, but what language did he use to speak/create the names? Was it a language that God had created and “downloaded” into his brain? Or did Adam make up his own language? Being one who is fascinated by languages, why have I not thought of this sooner?

                            Is this in like manner to the question as to whether or not Adam had a belly button? Did God speak to Adam in His own tongue that He taught to Adam? What are the tongues of angels? Could they be phonetic, are they inclusive of all informational media’s, like thought? When God asked Adam to name all the animals, was it maybe not verbally spoken, but instead, could Adam perhaps simply understand divine command? Then perhaps he named the animals, and that is where phonetic speech came from? Could this sudden speculation be in any way close to the truth? You find languages fascinating? (Me too! I noticed your sister’s Quenya greeting!) What languages have you studied? Do you conlang at all?

                            Is that not fascinating that all three men in different fields came to the same conclusion?

                            And isn’t the time scale not fascinating as well? (Russell’s was 1901, Gödel’s 1931, and not 5 years later, Turing found the halting problem 1936.) Is that not perhaps revelation, or a conviction as you call it, God working through imperfect men, revealing grains of truth line upon line, precept upon precept?

                            (I believe something similar, although I do not know what the extent of our knowledge will be in Heaven, and I wouldn’t presume it to be a God-like full knowledge. But yes, it will certainly be enlightening!)

                            In my theology, I actually believe in an eternal progression, where we can eventually become as God (I understand this is actually not a common thing amongst most Christianity, I hope that it doesn’t generate any frustration). Either way though, I’m glad we see eye to eye that enlightenment to some degree will come to us in the next life!

                            Perhaps they would be infinite in the sense that there would always be another question to question? However is that plausible? If questions are not infinite, what consequences does that have on reality?

                            For questions to be infinite in that sense, wouldn’t they have to get larger and larger and more specific? Otherwise, wouldn’t there be, though cosmic in scale, a strictly finite amount of questions one could ask? Or is that question only meaningful in a strictly digital language sense, like all earth languages? Could there exist a spoken analogue language, and not only by a computer? Would the finite or infinite nature of questions depend purely on how one defines a question in a pure informational transaction sense?

                            If my belief on mankind’s free will and God’s divine decree is derived from God’s Word, can I even call it my personal theology?

                            (Fair point. I say personal because not everyone will interpret scripture the same, causing diverging beliefs and theologies. Of course (at least I hope), we can all agree that there is a objective truth concerning things like theology. And I think we should all seek that truth out, but ultimately, because of our imperfect nature at this time, different theologies arise.) Ultimately however, as long as we are striving to draw closer to Him, who cares about the specifics? (I still personally believe these things still to be important, but it doesn’t matter where you are as long as your facing Him.)

                            If one discovers one’s belief in the Scriptures, rather than trying to fit the Scriptures to a man’s doctrine, is that not a safer way to come to a theological conclusion? Even if the conclusion one comes to has been discovered before?

                            (Absolutely, that’s the best way to gain spiritual knowledge! Or any knowledge for that manner. I was simply pointing out that scripture should be the primary resource for truth, not a man’s theory, even if it is based off of scripture, which is exactly what you already point out here.)

                            (You’re good! I think the term personal revelation is what I would call a conviction, which I believe God will reveal to us through His Word if we ask Him. I have explored the Calvinist and Armenian views on this subject but those seem to limit God in one way or another. Molina was certainly a fascinating man and has some great ideas, but I don’t call myself a Molinist, even though I would agree with what he called God’s middle knowledge. Anyway, you’re right. We cannot believe just any doctrine man develops. We must search the Scriptures and make sure that it lines up.)

                            Now I’m curious, if you feel free to share, what doctrine/personal revelation do you believe about man’s free will and God’s knowledge of all things? (I’m not trying to start a debate or anything of that sort. I just enjoy learning about different theologies.)

                            (Yep! “…Ask, and ye shall receive, knock, and it shall be opened unto you…”. I would love to share! I’m actually a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, so I aught to mention we actually believe in some additional scripture given from God in companionship to the Bible, such as The Book of Mormon(I’m not looking to start a debate either, so I hope bringing this up is fine with you). What is highly stressed is our agency (free will). We believe that the ability to choose is a sacred gift from God. With this gift, we can either choose to follow Him, or to not do that. Either way however, He loves each and every one of us regardless of our choice, and gives each of us an opportunity to learn of Him, and choose Him, either in this life or the next. I suppose you might say this sounds a little Armenian. As for the nature of God being all knowing, being in the beginning and the end, we observe many different accounts of God preparing for the choices of particular individuals that would take place thousands of years into the future, but also points where He declares to someone that if they don’t do it, He’ll find someone else. At this point, I personally don’t know whether or not it’s been fully revealed as to the actual nature His knowledge of time, and I for now turn to speculation. An idea similar to Molinisim I’ve sometimes pondered is that God simply knows every possible choice we could make, whether or not He knows which one we will make, I don’t know, but maybe He sets things up in such a way such that He can be ready for every eventuality. Again, this is only speculation, and I won’t be satisfied until it’s been revealed to be true or false to me. I will say though, that I do believe that Heavenly Father is a God bound by natural law, but I respect and understand the belief that saying that somehow limits God in some way though. But ultimately, as we’ve already said, but I’ll say it again, that it doesn’t really matter where we stand on the board, as long as we are facing Him)

                            What about you? What are some of your thoughts and beliefs on the matter? (This has been a really enlightening conversation. I don’t often study different theologies, so it’s been really fascinating to hear about some!)

                            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 31


                              Pardon my interruption, but did you make a statement? Or do exclamations no longer count as partial statements?


                              In my theology, I actually believe in an eternal progression, where we can eventually become as God (I understand this is actually not a common thing amongst most Christianity, I hope that it doesn’t generate any frustration). Either way though, I’m glad we see eye to eye that enlightenment to some degree will come to us in the next life!

                              ) (I have included parentheses to ensure that I brake no rules by quoting a statement)

                              Have you, in doing this, inadvertently answered how long an average human being can only speak in questions before making a slip up?

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1318


                                What is this? Have I sinned???? When I was writing half of this message last night, has my sleep deprivation caused me to falter? What shall I do to be cleansed of this shame????

                                He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3698


                                  Perhaps, being made of exclamations, we talk in capitols? We annoy those around us with our ruckus of shouting?

                                  YES! I AGREE. WE SHALL SPEAK IN CAPITOLS.

                                  HERE YE, HERE YE!



                                  (I’d like to pop in here and say something real quick on y’all’s discussion. [And I will not do this in all caps. 😂] I believe that God is omniscient and omnipotent. We as finite humans, cannot even begin to wrap our minds around how great our God is! His power is mind-blowing and we may never understand Him fully. I think that God knows every single choice we could make, knows which one we will choose, and no matter what we choose, His will is done. Take Samson from the Old Testament, for example. He could have made so many better decisions, but God worked through Samson’s mistakes and God’s will was still done. I believe that God is limitless, self-sufficient, and infinite. Romans 11:33-36 says, “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and how inscrutable his ways! ‘For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?’ ‘Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?’ for from his and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” And Isaiah 40:28 says, “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.” Also, Psalm 147:5 says, “Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure.” I believe nothing catches God by surprise. When something bad happens, He is up there wringing His hands trying to figure out a way to fix things. Not at all! He has a plan for our lives and He is sovereign. Nothing is outside of His control, even time. Colossians 1:17 states, “And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…” The point I’m trying to make is, that we can try to understand and study the character of the Lord and who He is, [as we should], but there is a point where we cannot understand Him. He is so great and magnificent, that we will not be able to fully comprehend Him. Don’t get me wrong, though. There’s nothing wrong with wondering about it, I just wanted to say what I believe. Additionally, I believe that we will never know everything God knows and we will never have all His attributes. He is the only One who is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. And the list could go on and on.)

                                  (With what I’ve said, I don’t mean to start an argument, a debate, or anything. I’ve glanced over y’all’s conversations and found it fascinating, actually. I just wanted to give my opinion. 🙂 [Which happened to take on the form of a rant. 😂])

                                  (Anyway, in discussions like this, I don’t want to cause arguments or divisions. We are Christians and are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are commanded to love one another, [John 13:34, 15:17] and we are commanded to study the Scriptures [2 Timothy 2:15]. Just wanted to make that clear. 😀 )

                                  Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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