Truth or Dare- For Our Charries?!

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  • #126289
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 812


      Jon thinks for a moment, then grins. “Dare.”

      He must increase, but I must decrease.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6645

        @felicity @mineralizedwritings


        November wracks his brain once again trying to come up with yet another dare to give. He frowned.

        This was…definitely not his game…

        “Ooh! Ooh!” Lyn raised her hand excitedly. “I’ve got ideas!”

        November chuckled lightly and shrugged at Jon, raising a brow. The young man grinned, shrugging back to let him know he didn’t mind if Lyn gave the dare instead.

        Lyn beamed.

        “Alright!” She narrowed her eyes playfully at Jon, tapping her chin. “I dare you…to give your favorite person…a long hug!”


          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 812

          @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings

          The room goes silent with anticipation. Jon rubs his forehead for a second, then sighs. “Is that even fair?” he asks no one in particular.

          Lana freezes, hoping he ignores her but also hoping that she’s his favorite person…

          “A long hug?” he stares at Lyn. “How long? Five seconds?”

          Without waiting for her answer, he reluctantly gets to his feet, glancing apologetically at Lana. “I’m sorry. You’ll let me? I have to keep my word, even if this is just a game.”

          They hug, for barely three seconds.

          Lana sits down quickly, blushing. Jonathan tries to keep a straight face, but ends up saying awkwardly, “There are many different definitions of the word favorite, by the way, so no body has to start drawing up conclusions from this, alright?”

          He must increase, but I must decrease.

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2972



            that was really funny lol

            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 812

              Henry frowns slightly at Jon. “I though we were best buddies,” he says.

              Jon shrugs. “Yeah, but, well, I’ve known Lana longer than I’ve known you and…”

              “You didn’t like him when you first met him, remember?” Lana adds.

              “True. So I’m second best?”

              “I never said she was my best…” Jonathan groans. “Um, can I ask that fox creature over there a question? Wait, is he sleeping?”

              He must increase, but I must decrease.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 6645

                @felicity @mineralizedwritings


                Jocelyn couldn’t help the smile on her face. She looked at the two with bright eyes. “Ah, true…but you two…really are cute. Are you best friends? It’d be perfect if you were…I mean, not that you have to get together or anything because that might not even be what you two want! But sometimes best friends are just…perfect for each other…” She made a point to look across from her at a certain ginger, who was extremely glad he hadn’t been asked to do that dare…at any point in time.


                “Jocelyn…” Grimm sighed. Luna let out a small giggle, covering it with her hand.

                “I think it’s your turn Jon!”




                Meanwhile, while everyone was distracted playing-


                “Paxton? You alright?” Ara whispered at the little boy who was shifting against her to sit up a bit. He looked up with bright ice blue eyes, then nodded.

                “Y-Yes…I…” He paused. “I th-think I…I’m ready to-to p-play…” he whispered.

                Ara smiled, nodding. “Alright,” she said. “And listen, no one’s going to force you do anything you don’t want to. Promise. They’ll have to deal with me if they try, alright?” She gave him a small squeeze.


                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 812

                  @godlyfantasy12 Paxton is adorable! Oh Jocelyn…*sigh* you are a hopeless romantic!!!! 😀

                  He must increase, but I must decrease.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2972


                    Paxton!! 😂🥰😭 He’s too cute!

                    "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @felicity OH BOOOOY XD XD!!! @mineralizedwritings @koshka @elisjavet-pidyon (figured if ur on you’ll wanna see if Nyx is gonna be truth or dared)


                      Nyx twitched, knowing he was being talked about. He opened one eye.

                      I’m not playing.”

                      Jocelyn frowned. “Nyx…just once?”


                      “Please? Pleeease? Please, darling?”

                      Nyx growled silently, almost a bit of a purr, but more annoyed. He groaned, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

                      Fine…but ONLY this once.” He looked at Jon, glaring him down. “And, so you know, I choose dare. Ain’t no one getting any secrets out of me. No one needs to be sticking their noses in my business.”


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 6645

                        @felicity @mineralizedwritings thx!! I luv my baby boi 😊 pax is adorable! I wanted everyone to know they could ask him now too along with my other characters  😊


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 812

                          @godlyfantasy12 @mineralizedwritings

                          Jon raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but look where it got me! This here…” he glanced at Lyn, “…uh…personality somehow got me to reveal a personal matter on a dare! So, here goes, Nyx…”

                          “…hold an ice cube in your hand for five minutes.”

                          Ice cube appears beside Nyx, so cold there’s steam rising from it.

                          (girls, this was super fun but it’s late so, goodnight! Can’t wait to see how Nyx reacts. I tried to be nice. 😀 Or rather, Jon tried to be nice.)


                          He must increase, but I must decrease.

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 812


                            I feel like I could’ve been more creative with that dare, like maybe daring him to tell his enemy he loves them. Hmmm…

                            It’s late and my brain is sleepy

                            He must increase, but I must decrease.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 812


                              I’ll leave it up to you whichever dare you want Nyx to have to do! 😀



                              He must increase, but I must decrease.

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                @felicity oh he’s totally gonna get Jon back…. XD @mineralizedwritings


                                Nyx watched as an ice cube appeared right next to him, letting out a squeak as it touched his fur. He hissed, hackles raising. He glared at the young man.


                                If looks could kill…


                                I think you mean paw…” he hissed, growling under his breath as he slowly raised his front right paw towards the ice cube. He scrunched his face up, paw held over the cube warily.

                                “Are you just going to stand there?” Grimm deadpanned, giving a similar line that Nyx had given November on his own dare. Nyx scowled at him and then placed his paw down on the ice cube, holding it there.

                                After a few seconds his ears lowered, face twitching.

                                A minute passed.

                                Lyn…no longer looked happy with her decision of making Nyx play this game. Her brows furrowed and she frowned.

                                Another minute. Nyx’s ears were now pressed against the back of his head, teeth lightly chattering.

                                “Ah…maybe that’s enough now…” Lyn whispered, eyes wide.

                                “Yea…you don’t have to finish the dare,” Jon said, watching as the kit’s tails wrapped around his back legs. Nyx glared at him.

                                 “As if I’d give up now!”

                                “Stubborn kit.” Grimm muttered.

                                By this time three and a half minutes had passed, and the ice under Nyx’s paws felt more…numbing then anything else. Which was a bit relieving all things considered.

                                They all waited until the five minutes were up, and Nyx quickly removed his paw, kicking the ice cube, which was already melting on the box. It slid to the floor.

                                Nyx hissed, wiping his paw against his chest fur, holding it there to warm it up, glaring at Jon.

                                The young man winced. “Sorry…I…ah..didn’t mean to-“

                                Oh, don’t worry. I’ll get you back. Trust me.”

                                Jon blinked.

                                “He’s not kidding….” November whispered.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6645

                                  @loopylin u on and wanna be picked? And I’m sorry can u remind me of ur charries again (there’s so many!)


                                  BTW EVERYONE


                                  @elishavet-pidyon @freedomwriter76 @lightoverdarkness6 @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @arien @starofthenorth @sarafini @anyone-else-on-here


                                  could y’all put a post with just ur charries u have this in story? Gonna make a list of each author and their charries names cuz there’s a lot and we can forget names XD


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