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- This topic has 88 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago by
October 15, 2020 at 12:41 pm #85981
@e-k-seaver All sorts, haha. Chill/trap/electronic, electro-swing, alternative rock, hard rock, sometimes heavy metal, piano/classical/instrumental, Vocaloid/anime, kpop, jpop, cpop…the list goes on and on.
Lately, it's been on my brain
Would you mind letting me know
If hours don't turn into daysOctober 15, 2020 at 1:03 pm #86000Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver I’m loving the dramatic lighting on your new pic! (I’d try it myself, but I’d end up looking scarier than @leon-fleming.) I personally prefer the term “reclusive artist” to antisocial, by the way. I didn’t mind my art teacher so much as I minded my art class. I like art…but not that kind of art. A sociopath? You? Never!
But speaking of sociopaths… @leon-fleming I may frown, but I am never silent. In fact, I have a hard time shutting up sometimes. Well, that depends on the conversation. Some conversations end with me not speaking at all and instead shaking with suppressed anger…but I don’t wanna talk about that right now. Other conversations, the listener walks away after about six hours of me babbling on about Lord-knows-what that pertains to them in absolutely no way whatsoever.
You will definitely scare innocent children, Mr. Creepy Mystery Writer. (And is it just me, or do you bear some resemblance to your possible ancestor, Adolf Hitler?)
How creepy was this creepy girl? As in, creepier than you? As in, totally gets into your personal space and talks to you when you clearly don’t want her to talk to you? (Oh, wait, that sounds just like me…ha, ha.)
You’re over six feet tall? Gee…no wonder you intimidate me.
October 15, 2020 at 1:13 pm #86005@gracie-j Thank you, dear! I like it too. Dramatic and mysterious without quite looking like I’m about to stab someone in the eye. More like I’ll plot their doom from afar. And yes… never.
Gracie, do you know anything about MBTI? Methinks Leon might be an ENFP or ENTP. Possibly INFP. Less likely but still possible INTP. He’s got that Ne there.
(Okay, now you’re just being mean to @leon-fleming. Also you should shorten it to MCMW.)
Or was this girl sitting in the corner of the classroom watching the door in intense paranoia of a potential school s—t-r while eavesdropping on your too-loud conversations about your latest breakup and could easily be accused of being heartless in the way she will sometimes play devil’s advocate?
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.comOctober 15, 2020 at 1:27 pm #86014Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver Definitely from afar…and definitely not a sociopath. Oh, no. I wouldn’t dream of it.
MCMW is certainly more of an ENTP. (I’m seriously trying to remember which one I am…gimme a minute.) And I’m only being assertive. Not mean. No, no–my meanness includes insults, incessant arguing with the victim of my meanness, and veiled threats to kill said victim. (Yeah…I’m definitely being mean. @leon-fleming I am so sorry! Please, forgive me! I beg of you!!)
BTW, my sister is stalking this conversation because she thinks I’m being mean to y’all. I’m not.
October 15, 2020 at 1:40 pm #86017@gracie-j, of course. I don’t like blood on my hands. 😉 And no, I wouldn’t dream of it.
That’s what I was leaning towards. MCMW seems more like that. (Hmm. You haven’t popped out as anything to me. ENXXs are normally the types I notice the most. Actually, you could be an INFP. If you want a more accurate test, I’d suggest looking up “MBTI cognitive functions test.” 16personalities is internet junk and the test is total trash. Also! Despite what other people tell you, you cannot have your MBTI type change. Your test results will change as you grow and mature, but your type will not change. Go read over a list of the cognitive functions and bring me back the two that you feel like describe you the best. Or take that test. It’s not 100% accurate but it’s a good place to work up from. Also, you won’t necessarily look like your type’s stereotype. Most of the time I look like an ENTJ or an INTJ, because I’m way more creative than the average ISTJ. End rant.)
You’re not too mean.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.comOctober 15, 2020 at 1:55 pm #86020Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver Ding, ding, ding! Give the girl a prize! I’m an INFP. But Ni and Fi probably sound the most like me. Surprisingly, I’m not that introverted. Maybe, like, an introverted extravert. *shrugs* I like to argue and talk and be annoying (much like @leon-fleming, come to think of it), but I’m not social. At all.
Thank you. I appreciate that. I worry about that sometimes. I can seem mean, but I’m very nice on the inside. Opinionated, but nice. (I think.)
October 15, 2020 at 2:00 pm #86022@gracie-j, yus. And INFPs are Fi-Ne-Si-Te…. and Ni and Ne share similarities– so yeah, INFP. Also INFPs are the most extroverted introverts usually. Ne likes to explore different angles and look for patterns– and also is pretty teasing and upbeat, and ENTPs are Ne-Ti-Si-Fe, so I’m pretty sure you and @leon-fleming arguing makes plenty of sense.
And yes you just confirmed that you’re an INFP, girl.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.comOctober 15, 2020 at 2:18 pm #86030Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver Good to know. Good to know. (And I’m assuming that me and @leon-fleming arguing makes sense because of our personalities and not because we disdain each other or ‘cuz he’s a meanie. Because the last two are so not true.)
October 15, 2020 at 2:21 pm #86033@gracie-j (yes, because you both enjoy teasing in this particular way, and therefore your senses of humor match up.)
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.comOctober 15, 2020 at 2:26 pm #86036Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver (good…and it’s nice to know I have a sense of humor; that has been denied by multiple people on multiple occasions.)
October 15, 2020 at 2:28 pm #86040Anonymous
- Rank: Eccentric Mentor
- Total Posts: 1789
@e-k-seaver You know, I could definitely see @leon-fleming as an ENTJ.
October 15, 2020 at 2:33 pm #86047@gracie-j, @leon-fleming is not an ENTJ. Both my father and one of my closest friends are ENTJs and I can almost 100% promise you that MCMW is not one.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.comOctober 15, 2020 at 2:56 pm #86059Wow; I leave for half an hour (or longer, maybe two hours), and y’all chat to the clouds. I mean, not that I’m surprised, or anything. I can get to chatting for long whiles as well…
@e-k-seaver Nice! (I am too, actually. XD) I’ve done a bit of photography, and’ve wished to get into it more, but haven’t yet had the chance much.*mustache which I recently shaved, that is
Naturally, that is.
(What on earth is “Ne”? I halfways understand the whole — I think — INFE or whatever it is, but not fully. And the new “Ne” and other is just as confusing for the ignorant.) I shall paint for you a portrait. I see a man striding down a dusty street, strewn with straw. He steps leisurely despite the obviously expensive black suit that he so naturally wears. His boots crunch gravel, and he seems to care not the ruination they cast upon the new shine. This town would seem unfit for the man, with his tall height and broad shoulders, long lank features and dark brown hair; I notice the slow and languid way in which he casts his eyes about, and swings his arms. He steps into a shop, and comes out bearing some sort of roll or other. And still he continues onwards, down the quiet, wind-swept street. A strong jaw clenches against the heat of the mid-afternoon sunlight, and the glint of sweat now begins to show. I follow him ever further into the centre of the town, and watch as he comes up to a small abode squeezed in amid the clutter of other buildings. A cloud passes over the sun, casting the world in silent shadow for a time while he looks up at the small house, contemplating its frame and many textures.
And so it goeth onward.
@gracie-j By all means, I dare you to try it; I can’t imagine you looking scarier than me, though. XD
*heh-heh* Yes, I’ve noticed your non-silence. Just thought I’d keep you on your toes.
Yeah, she was creepy. I’m trying to blot that from my memory. (@e-k-seaver That’s, uh…quite the description. Fits her perfectly, in fact, except for that bit about me. XD)
*Gasps* I bear no resemblance whatsoever to AH! Though technically, we’re all related, coming from Adam and Eve…but still! Wait…now that I come to think of it, you do bear a striking resemblance to the Wicked Witch of the West.
Is your sister on here, too? Or just stalking like a bat in the night? Strangely GJ reminds me of my cat with wings and large fangs. Better not to ask.
You? Nice? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!…..(oops; that was mean)
October 15, 2020 at 2:57 pm #86060Guys. You tell me what all those little letters mean, and I’ll tell you what I am. That’s the easiest way. Trust me.
October 15, 2020 at 3:12 pm #86073Thinking Function
Introverted Thinking (Ti):
Logic based on whatever makes sense to you.
Interested in information primarily to analyze it.
Efficiency in theory more than in practice.
Extraverted Thinking (Te):
Logic usually derived based on facts and empirical evidence.
Interested in information primarily for how it can be used to accomplish something
Efficiency in practice more than in theory.
Feeling function
Introverted Feeling (Fi):
Morality derived from within, based on what feels authentically right to the individual.
Motivated primarily to be true to the self.
More in tune with your own emotions than other people’s.
Extraverted Feeling (Fe):
Morality derived from without, based on convention and what you’ve been taught.
Motivated primarily to stay true to the group.
More in tune with other people’s emotions than your own.
Sensing function
Introverted Sensing (Si):
Experience life as a series of memories, constantly comparing the present to the past.
Has a traditional approach and relies on experience for decision-making.
In tune with how physical environments affect the memory (“this smell reminds me of my childhood”)
Extraverted Sensing (Se):
Experiences life in the moment.
Takes action without referring to past experience for counsel.
In tune with the physical environment as a new experience.
Intuitive function
Introverted Intuition (Ni):
Narrows the focus to a few ideas and sees them through to completion.
Isolates potential problems.
Focuses on long-term goals as realities.
Extraverted Intuition (Ne):
Jumps between lots of ideas quickly, often coming across to outsiders as a “random” thought process.
Generates new possibilities.
Focuses on distant dreams as possibilities.^^not mine, but I can’t link to where I got it. *facepalm* @leon-fleming.
Anyways. Those matter a heck of a lot more than the actual letters.
You don’t resemble AH and if @gracie-j is going to be the Wicked Witch of the West at least she gets to be Elphaba and belt “Defying Gravity.”
(Um we’re going to pretend that description wasn’t of me… when I used to go to school. *grins*)
I like that character/story idea.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but in a duel, I'm taking the sword.
ekseaver.wordpress.com -
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