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- This topic has 326 replies, 18 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by
Kate Flournoy.
November 6, 2016 at 7:12 pm #20464
@jess No, thanks. You actually reaffirmed my point.
The ideas aren’t to be acted upon if they merely come from emotion. Emotion’s strength is that it prompts ideas the reason would never dare to dream. Reason then shapes those ideas to make them manageable.
People whose emotions get out of hand are that way because they’re reason isn’t playing its part. It’s not their emotions that are to be blamed, though, only their lack of reason. Balance is the important thing.
If your emotion drives you crazy, then a little bit of reason will allow you to do crazy things. However, emotion by itself will only cause trouble.
November 6, 2016 at 7:13 pm #20465@kate-flournoy Oooooh… that does make sense.
November 6, 2016 at 7:23 pm #20466@Daeus, I agree with you. It sounded different in the first post.
November 6, 2016 at 7:43 pm #20467@kate-flournoy I didn’t mean that your -er- crying habits as you’ve so… so picturesquely put it- were bad, I just wasn’t sure which personality types were frequent cry-ers. Aaand… this is so far back in the conversation you probably missed it, so I’ll ask again: I was just starting to figure out the whole personality thing, but the last two times I’ve scored ENFJ-A?! Just when I was starting to understand they added an extra letter! I was just like… seriously?!
*ahem* So, anywho, could you maybe explain a little? Please? 😀
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
November 6, 2016 at 7:49 pm #20468@Corissa-Maiden-of-Praise ohhhhhhhh, yes indeedy. Our apologies. The most emotional types aren’t necessarily the most frequent criers, though. The most emotional types are the four empaths— INFP, ENFP, ENFJ, INFJ— all the iNtuitive Feelers. NF types. Those are the most intensely emotional. But the INFP is really the only one with a reputation for endless tears. ISFPs can also cry very easily, but it’s usually not as intense as the emotion of an INFP. F types definitely cry more easily than Ts. 😛
And the A at the end of your type simply means you are Assertive— dominantly your type. See previous explanation to Daeus. 😉
November 6, 2016 at 8:03 pm #20469@kate-flournoy Wait, so I’m dominantly ENFJ now? WHAT HAPPENED TO ENTJ?!?! *holds head in hands* I don’t think I can take much more of this. 😛
*goes back and reads the post that started it all*
A realization I had as a writer the other night is that it’s a bad idea to eat half a clove of raw garlic in one bite- yesss, preciousss, we’s likes it raw!!!
But not so’s much in ones biteses, no preciousss, we’s must not do’s thats again. 😛 😉
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
November 6, 2016 at 8:07 pm #20471@Corissa-Maiden-of-Praise don’t ask me. Must have been a glitch in the way you took the test or something. It’s okay. You’ll figure it out eventually. 😉
Yesss, back to strange writerly things… um… @Emma-Flournoy tells me she loves watching me write because I make the most horrible faces and she has fun trying to figure out what kind of scene I’m doing by the faces I make. 😛
November 6, 2016 at 8:14 pm #20472@kate-flournoy Maybe it’s the website I took it on- I was taking it on a different one until I discovered 16 personalities, and every time I’ve taken it there I’ve scored ENFJ-A. So maybe I really am ENFJ… I don’t know. I give up for now; maybe I’ll try again in a few days. 😛 😉
But yeah, strange writerly things… I have this strange habit of trying to role-play the scene I’m writing from the perspective of different characters. So if someone gets tied up, I tie myself up. One time I used pipe-cleaners (not because that’s what my character was tied up with, but because that’s all I had available at the time 😛 ) and tied myself to a chair… and then couldn’t undo the twists. I ended up calling for my brother to come untie me. If he didn’t think I was crazy before that day, his suspicions were certainly confirmed then. 😛 😀
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
November 6, 2016 at 8:18 pm #20473@Corissa-Maiden-of-Praise Ha! Yes! I do that! Once I had my siblings tie me hand and foot to a chair with jump-ropes. It took me seven minutes and eighty-three seconds to wriggle out. They timed me. 😛
I’ve also had to go to the chiropractor before because I popped one hip out of joint choreographing a fight scene… 😀 And then the chiropractor asked what I did to pop my hip out and I was like, ‘Um… I was writing?’
Yeah. It was awkward.November 6, 2016 at 8:30 pm #20474@Corissa-Maiden-of-Praise My Mom now officially thinks you are insane. And that, @kate-flournoy, is hilarious.
I’ve never done anything like that. *shakes head wisely* I’ve only had my brother zip-tie my hands behind my back to see if I could break out of them. (I couldn’t and had to instruct him on how to cut them without cutting me.) I can break them if my hands are zip-tied in front of me though. I did return the favor…a young man likes to see what he can get out of even if he isn’t a writer. 😉
INTJ - Inhumane. No-feelings. Terrible. Judgment and doom on everyone.
November 6, 2016 at 8:32 pm #20475@kate-flournoy HA! 😀 😀 😀
I’ve never been to a chiropractor, but my mom was sledding once, and another boy thought it would be funny to try and run into her sled with his own… until he accidently hit her in the neck with his shoulder. I guess it really messed her back up, and when she went to the chiropractor and told her story, the cause for the injury he put on the insurance statement was, “hit in the neck by a large flying shoulder.” 😛
So yes… I actually tied my hands up once in front of me and waited until they started to turn just ever so slightly purple (not healthy, I know; I don’t do it on a regular basis 😉 ) before untying them, so I could see what it felt like to begin to lose circulation.
Now, as far as experiences go, this wasn’t intentional, but I did get a small bit of frostbite once… 😛
And yes, the fighting scenes. I have so much fun! 😀 And then there’s the fight scenes where you’re pretending to be different characters, so you’re jumping back and forth, and then the sword drops from your hand and you pull out your hunting knife (it suffices for a dagger until I get a real one 🙂 ) and are laughing in triumph… and then you realize how crazy you sound and hope no one overheard you… or saw you… or was really anywhere in the general vicinity… 😛 😀
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
November 6, 2016 at 8:34 pm #20476@hope Did she ever doubt it? 😀
Wait, does this mean I’m banned from your car if we go to the writing conference next year?! *gasps*
Although mom said she might want to take me and then go shopping with your mom while we’re at the conference, so it might not be too much of a problem anyway… 😀
And I desperately want to try getting out of a zip-tie sometime… you have to read the Code of Silence series. Maybe after NaNo? Just let me know. I don’t want you to forget, ’cause I think you’ll really enjoy them. 😀
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
November 6, 2016 at 8:36 pm #20477YES!!! Oh, I’m sure I look like a maniac planning out my fight scenes. I usually do it when I’m alone cleaning one of our rental cabins— I’ll be wiping the table in between mapping out the different imaginary obstacles, and using the butterknives for weapons… hey, I don’t have any weapons of my own. Cut me a little slack, will ya? 😛
And the really fun bit is when you get to be the villain and then you die. That’s great fun. 😀November 6, 2016 at 8:38 pm #20478@Kate-flournoy See, I don’t really have anyplace to plan out fight scenes. I normally just do it in my head. But I’d love to watch you… *goes off to see how much secret cameras cost*
INTJ - Inhumane. No-feelings. Terrible. Judgment and doom on everyone.
November 6, 2016 at 8:41 pm #20479@kate-flournoy Oh yes, we’s loves dying preciousss. 😀
Have you ever stood on the edge of a dock, or a pool, and pretended you were shot or stabbed or hit by an arrow in the back and then fell in “dead”? It’s great fun! 😀
And yeah, you’ve got awesome opportunities for being crazy! I have to use the basement and generally keep my voice waaaaay down so they don’t know quite how insane I really am… 😛 😀
"Courage is action in spite of fear."
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