Home Page Forums Fiction Writing General Writing Discussions THE CRAZY SLEEPOVER WHATEVER WE WANT RP!

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  • #131999
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 6725

      Ok…so this RP was birthed from me and a few others wanting to make an RP where we totally embarrass and tease our charries, using other people’s charries…


      XD XD


      SO i figure it’ll basically be like the castle (RP writing wise, if y’all want) and the story is this.


      The authors have hosted a huge sleepover! But not for themselves, oh no no…



      *cue maniacal laughter*

      The setting of this sleepover is a mansion-like setting, so if we do somehow wish to go somewhere in the setting we can (Bathroom for makeovers, kitchen/dining room for food, etc)

      The main areas are the Common room! Where All the charries will first arrive. There are pillow seats and a floofy rug and some couches.

      The other two main areas is a girls room, FOR GOSSIP XD XD


      and a boys room ALSO FOR GOSSIP 🤣

      *I felt like a meme explaining this for a minute….ANYWAAAY*

      Also the authors are NOT present. BUT, we can make whatever we want to appear (but only to a certain extent)

      Example: A tarantula to freak a certain someone out! *cough* Leo *cough*


      AND if anyone has any ideas for this RP feel free. We’ll let ya know what we think lol.




      obviously nothing in appropriate….ummm…..



      that’s an obvious….

      Uh duh. XD






      @freedomwriter76 @gwyndalf-the-wise @keilah-h @loopylin @theloonyone @lightoverdarkness6 @elishavet-pidyon @felicity @esther-c @princesachronicle22 @anybody-I-Missed-whoops


      (also whoever is in charge of forums we totally need an RP forum block XD XD)


        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6725

        OH AND BTW! I understand a lot of y’all are super busy rn with school and just other things so please don’t feel the pressure of having to RP all the time! We’d just enjoy even if it’s every so often 😊 just wanted to put that out there!


          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2818


          Oh! New role play! I would love to join, but I’m not sure what characters to add…

          What do you think? Someone from the character castle or someone new?

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Loopy.

          Official KP archivist ✨

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            well Ik for sure….DANTE XD XD


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              I seriously luv that little red guy XD


                • Rank: Chosen One
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                Lol, ok! I’m not surprised, he seems to be everyone’s favorite, hehe. I might just add him so that I don’t have to rp for too many characters.

                Official KP archivist ✨

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                  YESS!!! You created it!! (I left it to you, cuz I love reading your instructions! You always make them so fun XDXD!!!) (And you’re just really good at explaining it overall)

                  Oh MY GOODNESS Matthew in this setting 🤣🤣❤❤

                  And Asher!!! Ahhh goodness this is gonna be so fun

                  (Poor Leo…I could totally see Dante or maybe Asher bringing in some big spider and it getting loose and they’re like “Oh no where is it!?” And then you just hear a scream and it’s crawling on Leo’s face 🤣🤣😭😭 @freedomwriter76)



                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 692

                    Ooh! Fun. I’ll bring some cherries. I’d love to see Alec in this setting. 🤭 And Jessica especially since she’s really not a makeover person so it’ll be fun getting her out of her comfort zone. And of course my girly girl Jasmine. 😜

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                      Charries. Not cherries. 🤦‍♀️

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                        @godlyfantasy12 @lightoverdarkness6

                        Have you ever seen the scene in Home Alone where Kevin puts the pet tarantula on the thief’s face? (The way the guy starts screaming is hilarious).

                        Anyway this would be super fun! I can’t say I’ll be on here a whole lot but I’ll try to RP when I get time. I’ll probably add a “modern” character (like not somebody from the 1800’s because they wouldn’t know what a sleep over was…etc.)


                        He must increase, but I must decrease.

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 6725

                          So glad y’all are excited!!! Imma go ahead put Ma group in XD


                          The Squad

                          The gang appeared in the center of a large room littered with fluffy pillows, couches seated in a circular fashion around them. Ambient curtains hung on the windows, though it seemed to be nighttime outside, as only a bit of moonlight was shining through.

                          What the…where are we now?!”

                          Ara, standing next to one of the windows, ran a hand past one of the curtains, making it sway. The chandeliers above gave plenty of the soft, warm light the room around them.

                          “More Author magic…” Grimm said.

                          “How do you know-?” November stopped when he saw Grimm reading a small piece of paper. “Oh.”

                          “It’s a sleepover.”

                          “A Sleepover?! Do you guys know how long it’s been since I’ve had one of these?” Jocelyn was grinning from ear to ear.

                          “You do realize you have one every time you’re with these guys, right?” A voice asked.

                          All of them turned.

                          Corvina stepped out, arms crossed.

                          Nyx groaned/growled. “GreatI really hate this.”

                          Luna looked between the group and Corvina before smiling. “Well…maybe it’ll be fun!”

                          Tt. Sure.” Nyx huffed, lying down on one of the pillows, pouting.




                          Gwyndalf the Wise
                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 404


                            XDXD YES!!

                            This is a great idea. *dies laughing at all the possibilities*


                            I think I’ll add: AGH can only add a couple characters if I wanna do more than RP all day but wants to add all of them

                            …fine…just adding the guy characters: Teilo, Evander, Derek, and Luca (I may have to cut down on the group, I dunno)

                            I’ll give descriptions if you want later.

                            "...I did not say to the seed of Jacob, 'Seek Me in vain..."
                            (Part of) Isaiah 45:19

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3754


                              First of all, wonderfully creative title. XDXD lol

                              Anyway, I’ll add in Ami and Ev for now. Maybe later on I’ll add in a few others.


                              Amidala suddenly appeared in a large room. It was decorated with throw pillows, blankets, and couches. Beautiful curtains hung from the windows, the moonlight peeking in through the slits in the curtains. A gold chandelier hung from the ceiling providing adequate lighting in the room.

                              By Ami’s side was Ev. He raised an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me that our author just plopped us into some non-existent place again.”

                              Ami sighed. “I wouldn’t doubt it…” she leaned closer to Ev and lowered her voice. “I’ve heard her talk to her siblings before and one of them said that Aletheia isn’t real.”

                              What?!” Ev exclaimed.

                              Ami shushed him. “Calm down. They wouldn’t know anyway. She sure acts like it’s a real place.”

                              Ev frowned. “All I know is that I’m for sure real. And—”

                              Ami stopped him as she spotted a group of eight (I think) in the middle of the room. Three of them looked familiar…

                              She walked up to the blonde. “You’re Jocelyn, right?”

                              Jocelyn enthusiastically nodded. “Yep! And you guys are Amidala and Everton! Nice to see you again! Lemme introduce you to our group! You already know Grimm and Nyx. This is the rest of our gang. November, Arabella, Paxton, Luna, and Corvina.” She motioned to each of them in turn.

                              Ami waved at them while Ev forced a smile. Ami nudged him, forcing him to wave in a friendly way as well.

                              “Do you happen to know why we’re here?” Ev asked.

                              “It’s a sleepover!!” Lyn exclaimed.

                              Ev groaned and a smile grew on Ami’s face. “This will be fun!” Ami said. “What do you think we should do first?”

                              Lyn thought for a moment. Then a piece of paper caught Ami’s eye. She picked it up and looked it over. She gasped. “This is a list of all the rooms in this… mansion, I guess. Look right here. A wardrobe!!”

                              Next to the listing was a picture of a closet the size of the room they were in right now. It had multiple vanity tables that looked well-stocked with cosmetics. Ami grinned. “Let’s go there first!”

                              Lyn quickly agreed. So off went Ami, Lyn, Arabella, and Corvina searching for the massive closet. (I think Corvina. Not sure if she’d like to come or not. But I included her anyway. 😅)


                              Ev stood there with the rest of the guys as the girls darted out of the room. He sighed. He picked up the paper that Ami was looking at and examined it. His eyes grew wide. “Hey guys,” he said with a mischievous grin on his face. “There’s a kitchen that’s bigger than this room. Wanna come with me?”

                              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6725

                                @gwyndalf-the-wise I luv ur guys so yaaaaay!! (I luv alll the guys XD XD XD)


                                @freedomwriter76 like mentioned above Ik ur busy sometimes but even if u can’t be on a whole lot, we’d love if some of ur boys could be included!



                                specifically ahem… The boys?

                                maybe when they’re still teens? And Riker? cuz uh Riker XD



                                if u want!


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6725

                                  @esther-c XD poor Everton.



                                  “Anything’s better then looking for clothes with the girls….AND OUR SWORN ENEMY!”  Nyx made sure to tell the last part so the gaggle of girls could hear before they exited. November winced as Corvina shot the kit a glare. (Btw this timeline is same as the castle RP timeline sooo N and Corvina do know stuff XD leave it at that)

                                  “I’ll stay here. Someone’s gotta tell others what’s going on,” Grimm sighed, sitting in one of the couches.

                                  Paxton sat next to him on the couch, pulling his knees to his chest, covering his stuffed companion.

                                  November frowned. “You alright, bud?” The boy nodded.

                                  Grimm gently wrapped an arm around him. The boy stiffened but then slowly relaxed.

                                  “He can stay with me.”

                                  “Well, guess it’s just us three then,” Everton clapped November on the shoulder.

                                  Why were people always doing that?!

                                  He awkwardly smiled. Nyx let out an annoyed huff. “Fine…let’s just find something to eat huh? I’m starving.”




                                  “Check it out!” Lyn was still perusing the list of rooms Ami had handed her as they walked. She waved it at Ara, making her stop in her tracks. “There’s a girl’s room, right next to the wardrobe!”

                                  “Cool!” Ami exclaimed.

                                  Cool? Like…ice?

                                  Ara shrugged.

                                  “Do you think the wardrobe will have something more comfortable to change into?” Lyn asked. “Not that I don’t like my outfit. I do, but I’ve been wearing the same one for a while now. It’d be nice to change.”





                                  Also! Just giving everyone a heads up for my characters, and feel free to do this for y’all’s as well.


                                  Ik that everyone isn’t at the same place in their walks with God, but I don’t wear anything immodest, I wear skirts (below the knee but it doesn’t have to drag the floor, don’t be crazy XD), dresses, sleeves, etc, and so do all of my characters I also do not wear makeup or jewelry (except for brooches, pins, watches, and like a class ring or wedding ring, and some of my charries might make an exception for like something magic), and I also don’t do makeup and do not do hair cutting on girls


                                  that being said! If you do a makeover on your character, that’s a-okay, but my characters won’t be doing any makeup, hair cutting, etc. they can do a makeover like dressing in a different outfit they’d hate/never wear or a new hairstyle or glitter or something XD or turning their hair or eyes neon green through a potion or something that would fade quickly but that’s about it.

                                  just wanted to put that out there 😊 thx for understanding!




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