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      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @mineralized Hi Min!!! Wish I could be here sooner, but building a chicken run!!!! πŸ˜‚

      That’s so exciting about your driving test and the book, Min!!! How are you doing, girl??? ❀️

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        Same.Β Except for the occasional overly bulky background character, all of my guys have the same body type. And I think all my girls probably do too. It’s hard. I can do different heights, but I still haven’t figured out body types. That book sounds really helpful.

        Yeah, my comic is my senior project. I’m working on it rn, actually. I’m kinda treating it like a rough draft so that I can get it done, turn it in, and then make it better over the summer when no one’s pressing me to finish.

        Have you done any new drawings lately?

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          That sounds Like a good idea, I always do my best work when there isnt any pressure.

          Yeah I’ve done a couple, I’ll probably post them in the art forum. I made ship art for the first time! XD

          have you?

          "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3050


            Oh, chicken run!

            Doing pretty ok, thanks! How are you?

            I just found a song that fits Layson’s arc so perfectly, it’s “I lived” by one republic. I’ve been thinking a lot about his book recently, i think its becoming my favorite. I could try to explain a whole bucnh of it, but honestly the lyrics of that song are the best way to explain it lol.


            My right hand has decided it is done for the day lol, I’ll get back to you either with one left handed chicken peck typing or another day XD


            "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 2653


              All my creative energy has been taken up by drawing my comic and doodling during class, so no new drawings. I’d love to see yours, though!

              Oh, that song is super nostalgic for me! I used to listen to one republic a ton. I think I’m going to go listen to it now and think about Layson. πŸ˜†

              Ok. I hope your hand gets the rest it needs lol. Thanks for chatting!

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @mineralizedwritings yep! A chicken run!! 😁

                Glad you’re doing alright ❀️ I’m doing well other than being exhausted a lot…πŸ˜… but God is good, life is good, and I’m pushing through πŸ’•

                Ooh, I’ll have to listen to it sometime soon!!!


                Haha…i get that! XD Talk to you soon girl!!!! ❀️❀️

                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @mineralizedwritings @lightoverdarkness6

                  Hey y’all!!! How are you two doing this fine Friday afternoon? πŸ’•

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                    Hello sweet friend!! I’m pretty good. Kinda sad over some things, but i’m pretty good. Thank you for asking. πŸ’•

                    How are you girl?


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      @lightoverdarkness6 Aww, girl, I’m so sorry you’re feeling sad. Sending love and hugs! ❀️❀️❀️ You are so welcome, I love checking in on you, girl πŸ’•

                      I’m doing alright! Pretty tired lately, but that’s to be expected with everything that’s going on right now πŸ˜‚, and otherwise, I’m doing pretty well. 😊 I got sunburned from doing yard work, but whatcha gonna do? XD


                      If you ever need anything or need someone to talk to, girl, I’m here ❀️ Anything specific you wanna talk about right now? πŸ™‚

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3050


                        Sorry to hear that girl! <3


                        Thanks for asking!

                        Well not amazing lol. I woke up at like 3 am because of some health problems, ended up throwing up and other stuff so yeah. Wasn’t nearly as bad as some other times, not sure why. I did look out my window and see two deer trotting through the dark in the rain, and a black cat (those are my favorite), kinda think God sent them to cheer me up. And the birds were singing. Do you have 3 am singers? Idk why the birds get up so early lol.

                        Anyways I’m feeling a little crummy but much better now. I’m working on a job application for a internship through my school. I should have started sooner, because now I have a question for my counselor. She didn’t show up to office hours for awhile, so I left to not waste my time waiting for her to come, which ticks me off maybe a bit more than it probably should. I know she’s busy, but this isn’t the first time I’ve had a hard time getting answers from her in a timely manner.

                        Played guitar this morning! I can play a A major, D (I forgot lol), and a E major now! Have you been playing at all?

                        I’m excited to spend some time drawing soon but I seem to be getting easily distracted. I just within the past month felt like I had finished learning to draw profile view, so I think it’s time to move onto three quarters view, not looking forwards to it but it’s kinda necessary lol.

                        How are you doing? πŸ’•πŸ’•

                        "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3050


                          Lol your profile pic is ever changing. Some Bucky fanart from the internet this time I assume?

                          "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3050



                            I never listening to secular music growing up, so I just discovered them.

                            You aswell!

                            "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @mineralizedwritings Ack, that sucks!!! I’ll be praying for you! πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ lol, idk…I’m never ever really up at 3 AM XD lol, birds shouldn’t be up that early 🀣 but they were there for you, which is good! πŸ˜€


                              Aww, Min, I’m so glad to hear that you’re working on an internship!!! 😁 That’s really cool! Sorry that you’re having problems with your counselor tho

                              Ooh, that’s epic Min!!! That must be really fun!!! I haven’t played a whole lot, honestly…i’ve been so busy and just haven’t made time for guitar πŸ˜… That’s so cool you can tho!!! ❀️❀️❀️

                              Ooh, drawing will be fun!!! Best of luck to you!!! Drawing from different sides is…hard, to say the least XD I’m still trying to figure it out 🀣


                              I’m doing well, kinda tired, but otherwise doing pretty well. Writing is going slow because of how busy everything is, and I’ve mostly worked on Marvel stuff lately, but at least it’s still writing. πŸ™‚


                              how’s writing going for you?


                              lol…i like changing it πŸ˜‚ yessss, Bucky Boi fanart ❀️😁

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3050


                                Is it a good kinda busy, or the not so fun type lol? Just like school and chickens?

                                Writing is going well! I mean writing in my head….


                                I thought about Kaine and Everly a lot last night (I go to bed early and get up late sometimes but lets be honest I’m not even trying to sleep for most of that time lol, too many ideas to think about) trying to figure out how bad her injury should be and if it effects her health at all.

                                I just got a really good book about making comics, so I’ve been trying to put some of the advice into practice. The best advice I found is how the characters need to be different in amny ways (facial expressions, body language, speech mannerisms ect)

                                It’s a lot to figure out, but I’m chipping away at it. I’m working on a expression sheet for Tauren and have figured out some stuff so far. Wide smiles look weird on Tauren, so he’s only gonna have little ones (lol), he is going to have a distinct thinking face (no other characters have one that looks like his) and his expressions and body language is generally more subtle. Layson is the opposite, really loud, smiles really wide, and always looks a little wild. I’m going to try to contrast this during the hardest part of his book, he’ll just look really glum, and hopefully the reader can tell he’s actually going through it through his different demeanor. Anyways, as you can see I’m into this XD

                                It also talked about how people cross there arms and or legs when there’s somebody they don’t like nearby. I guess I need to learn how to draw that lol.


                                "And so I left this world just as I had entered it. Confused."

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @mineralizedwritings i wouldn’t say it’s bad, persay, i’m just really tired πŸ˜… idk, i guess I kinda feel like I don’t have a lot of time to even breathe right now, y’know? idk, maybe it’s just me XD There’s just church things going on, family things, school, writing, chickens, all the things, and it’s just…A LOT to keep up with, y’know? I feel like i’m falling behind on everything πŸ˜” ik i’m not…but it just feels that way

                                  ahh, i love all of that, honestly!!! I love how everyone has different mannerisms and stuff, that’s soooo cool to think about/include!!!! I LOVE that!!! i really, really do 😍 poor Kaine and Everly 😭 i hope her injury isn’t too bad!!! πŸ˜…


                                  haha…lol…you should totally draw one of them with their arms crossed bc someone they don’t like is close…i’d love to see it 🀣

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