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      @smiley @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @hybridlore @euodia-vision @mineralizedwritings @anyone-else-idk-lol-XD


      Soooooooo…y’all, I have a new Marvel AU, surprise, surprise!! 😂😂 (not much of a surprise, come to think of it XXD)


      anywhoooooooo, I have the first Chapter, and since I’m done with my first day back to school already, lol, I thought I’d share!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!


      Okay, here’s Chapter 1!!!!


      Chapter 1


      Sunlight streamed through the window that stretched from roof to floor, illuminating the large bedroom.

      Adjusting his ruffled collar, Steve groaned.

      He hated his room…he hated the castle…he hated his life.

      Ah, he couldn’t be all doom and gloom…he couldn’t let his father see his unhappy demeanor.

      “Steve, can you not even smile?”

      Steve huffed and turned on his manservant and best friend, Bucky, who was tying Steve’s boots. “Can’t you ever be on my side?”

      “Smile, Steve. You know your father won’t appreciate a frown…you have to look good in front of the kingdom, else, well, you know what will happen.”

      Steve grimaced. He didn’t want to earn another beating from his controlling father.

      What was so wrong for him to want a different life? What was so wrong to want to go out and fight to defend his kingdom?

      “Don’t worry, Steve, it will be-“

      “Prince Steven, your father is waiting in the throne room for you,” his father’s advisor, Thaddeus Ross, said, entering the room, “and he will not wait much longer.”

      Steve let out a deep breath. “I will be there soon, Thaddeus. Can he not wait a minute longer?”

      Thaddeus instantly closed the door and left the room.

      Steve sighed.

      His stupid mouth…always speaking exactly what he thought.

      Bucky bit his lip. “You’ll be paying for that, but…don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.”

      “You know you can’t do that…not when it comes to my father.”

      Bucky shrugged, finished tying Steve’s boots. “Maybe so, but I’ll still be by your side.” Bucky stood. “Just like I promised you…we’re together…”

      Steve gave his friend a small smile and finished the promise. “…’Till the end of the line’.”

      Bucky smiled. “You’ve got that right. Oh, don’t forget this.”

      Steve took his silver crown from his friend, gently setting it on his blonde hair that he made sure was combed down. “Thanks, Buck.”

      Bucky grinned. “The Prince of Brookaindia can’t be seen without his crown, now, can he?”

      Steve shrugged. “I suppose not.”

      The door opened again, and Steve turned. “Thaddues, I will be with my father in just a moment…I-oh, Tutor Coulsonious! I-I didn’t see you there…”

      Steve’s tutor, with a smile, slowly shook his head. “It’s no bother, Prince Steven, and like I’ve asked you before, please, call me Phil.”

      “Then call me Steve, at least when no one other than Bucky is around.”

      Phil gave Bucky a small nod and smile and turned to Steve once more. “Would you consider accompanying me on a horseback ride this morning?”

      Steve smiled. “I’d love to,” he suddenly sobered; his smile faded, “but my Father is asking for me.”

      Phil bit his lip. “Ah, of course. Well, another time-“

      “Wait…I may be able to get him to let me go.”

      “Steve,” Bucky squeezed his shoulder, “don’t you remember that Duchess Alice is supposed to come this morning?”

      Steve groaned.

      That vile, prideful, arrogant woman…only wanted him for his wealth and power…but his father refused to listen to Steve’s uncertainties about her.

      ‘She’s a good woman, Steven…and the daughter of my most trusted Lord Pierce. Besides, the two of you have been seeing each other for years…you two would be perfect for each other.’

      Steve had argued, which had been a mistake. Steve’s fists clenched.

      “Oh, I remember alright.” Steve muttered.

      Phil’s eyes softened. “Steve, I know you do not care for the young maiden, and neither do I, but you must respect-“

      “Come along,” Steve pushed past Phil and exited his room, “I’m going horse riding anyways.”


      Arms crossed and laid on the fence, she watched her friend, dressed in his knight armor, shoot arrows. She smiled. “You have better aim than any other, Clint.”

      Her friend faced her with a grin, his second arrow cutting through the middle of the first. “Of course you would say that, Natasha…but thank you,” he gave a mock bow, “for your undignified praise is much appreciated.”

      Natasha shook her head and let out a sigh. “Lunatic.”

      Clint laid his bow down and smiled. “Maybe so…but you love me.”

      “Not as much as Laura does. I love Bruce more than you.”

      Clint gasped and laid a hand on his chest, his eyes fluttering in mock pain. “Oh, you have damaged this frail heart of mine…it shall never heal.”

      Natasha rolled her eyes.

      She glanced at the nearby stables, and saw Phil, Bucky, the livery boy…Peter, and…the Prince?

      What was the Prince doing at the stables this time of day?

      Clint followed Natasha’s gaze and whistled. “The Prince must have decided to not see his Maiden this morning.”

      “King Joseph has been speaking about Betrothal.”

      Clint nodded. “I heard about that. Think Steve will go along with it?”

      “He’ll have to…he won’t have much of a choice.”

      Clint scoffed, picking back up his bow. “That’s why I hate arranged marriages.”

      Natasha threw herself over the fence, careful to make sure her dress didn’t get caught on the fencing. “I’ll see you later. I’ve been wanting to speak with Phil for a long time now.”

      “I’m following you…not like I have anything better to do.”

      “You never do.” Natasha replied, smoothing the skirt of her dress.

      As a huntress, she knew how to maneuver in almost any place. She hunted animals, and many of them she sold to people in her village that were in dire need.

      She enjoyed helping others, and besides, she had to buy her sister’s freedom somehow.

      As if on cue, Yelena exited the castle, heading for the stables.

      Of course…she wanted to see her beloved.

      Yelena was an indentured servant, the handmaiden of Queen Sarah, indentured by King Joseph when Natasha and Yelena’s taxes were unable to be paid.

      Natasha clenched her fists. She’d pay for her sister’s freedom…she would.

      A long blonde braid going down the length of her back, gray dress swaying in the wind, Yelena went to the stables, instantly going to her love.

      Bucky bent his head down to kiss her, and Natasha entered the stables at that exact moment. “I see you are taking a break, Yelena.”

      Yelena turned around, hands on her hips. “You always spy on me, do you not? Ah, hello Clint Barton…could you perhaps take my eavesdropping sister far from these lands?”

      Clint smirked and shook his head. “I’m afraid not, my fair maiden…she is stuck here, and I would have it no other way.”

      Natasha dropped her sister a mock glare. “Just be aware, my sister…James can be quite…”


      Natasha laughed and faced the Prince. “Just the word I was looking for, Prince Steven.”

      “As I have asked all of you before, please, just call me Steve…I’m tired of being called a Prince.”

      “Didn’t the King have a Duchess for you to see this morning?”

      Natasha turned on her friend with a glare. “Clint!”

      “What? I was just asking a harmless question…”

      Steve sighed. “He does, but I have other plans. A horseback ride can ease my mind.”

      “The horses are ready, your Majesty…Tutor Coulsonious, Bucky.”

      With a smile, Steve faced Peter. “What would the stables do without you?”

      Peter blushed a little and smiled. “It’s my honor, Prince…I enjoy working with the horses.”

      “Please, call me Steve.”

      Peter nodded. “Uhm, alright…Steve.”

      Phil walked over, clasping Natasha’s hands, smiling gently. “Miss Romanova, it has been so long since I have seen you.”

      “I wanted to speak with you, Phil,” Natasha bit her lip, “and it is about Bruce. How is he faring? I’ve heard that he has been running himself ragged, trying to aid the Queen.”

      Phil let out a small sigh, releasing Natasha’s hands. “I’m afraid he is running himself ragged. As the Queen’s royal doctor, he sees it as his duty to do everything he can…but I’m afraid he may drive himself ill.”

      Her love needed a rest…desperately.

      “May I see him soon?”

      Phil slowly nodded. “I am sure, but I will have to speak with the Queen.”

      “Thank you,” Natasha placed a gentle kiss on Phil’s cheek, showing how much he’d meant to her for so long, “I owe so much to you.”

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 8156

        @smiley Lol…idk, it seems a little…odd to me XXD


        OHHHHH, okay, yeah! I’ve heard of him…I just didn’t know that was his name 😂😅

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2243


          XD I LOVE IT

          And Yelena and Bucky!!!!!


          Yes, I love Harley XD and Peter and him would get along so well, since they both are huge into tech stuff


          Yeah Wanda and Peter might be in an alternate universe, where I change the ages a little bit

          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @smiley AHHH, TYSM!!!! 💕💕💕💕

            and yessssss, Yelena and Bucky!!! 😍😍 (but I’m sorry…I still wanted to do Nat&Bruce for this one XXD)


            yeahh, I think an AU would make it less odd, heh, lol.

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156


              I have Chapter 2!!!!! 💕

              This one got kinda long…but I love it so much 😂XXD


              I may be in love with this ship, everyone…i love it so much XD😍💕


              Chapter 2


              They would do beautifully in a pie…if she could get enough flour. She knew how much her brother loved pies.

              “I wish I could do more for him,” Wanda whispered to herself, tugging her skirt free from a snagging branch, “he does so much for me.”

              Other than selling a few quilts on occasion, Wanda didn’t do much to provide for her and her twin. Pietro did random jobs, always helping out wherever he could, just to earn enough money to keep them in their home.

              It had been hard since their parents’ death in the war.

              Wanda let out a sigh, grabbing more berries. She had to remain hopeful…happy. If not for herself, then for Pietro.

              She at least owed him a smile.

              A loud, pounding like sound reached her ears, and Wanda looked up.


              The Knights…they didn’t come to this part of the forest, did they!?

              She wanted to move…but she was paralyzed.

              “Wanda, Pietro, run! Pietro, grab your sister, please, and run!” Their mother screamed, as the men on horseback got closer…closer…closer.

              Their father held their mother, sword in hand, ready to fight to the death if he had to.

              Pietro grabbed Wanda’s hand. “Wanda, we have to go!”

              “Please, no, Mother, Father!” Wanda screamed, but her brother pulled her into his embrace and ran, faster than sound, far from the danger.

              She heard her mother’s scream.

              Her own scream, strangled by tears, escaped.

              And she was left…empty.

              Almost in an instant, the horse’s muzzle was only inches from her face.

              The basket of berries fell from Wanda’s hand.

              She couldn’t think…she could barely breathe.

              She couldn’t move.

              “I’m so sorry, did I startle you? Are you alright? Here, uhm…let me pick up these berries for you.”

              Wanda blinked several times, clearing her mind. She wasn’t back there…she was in the present.

              The young man that had spoken stood back up, and with a smile, handed her the basket. “Most of them were squished…sorry for startling you.”

              Wanda studied him closer, gently taking the basket. She gasped. “You…you’re-“

              The young man gave a faint bow, no one had bowed to her before, and smiled. “Please, just call me Steve…none of that ‘Prince’ nonsense I’m so tired of.”

              It was the Prince, the one and only Prince, of Brookaindia, and Wanda couldn’t even breathe…much less speak.

              Wanda bowed her head. “My apologies…I didn’t mean to startle you and your horse.”

              “I think you’re the one that is startled, and I am deeply sorry about that. I am pleased to meet you, Miss…?”

              “…Wanda.” She whispered.

              She’d never truly seen the Prince…except for from far away.

              He was much taller…much bigger…in real life.

              And much cuter.

              Ah, why was she thinking such things about the Prince? “I-I should get out of your way.”

              “Wait, you don’t have to leave. I have others that were supposed to be with me, but they chose to go a different way, so I am alone…this forest is beautiful, do you come here often?”

              Wanda slowly nodded. “I do…mostly to collect fruit and berries…my brother, he-he enjoys the food I make for him…but I don’t know if I will be able to afford flour so I can make him a pie and-“ oh, why was she burdening the Prince, “oh, you probably don’t want to hear all of this…I do so dearly apologize-“

              “No…I like hearing what the people out of the Royalty say about their lives. I hate my father’s high taxes…and his methods of getting his people to do as he wishes, it angers me.”

              Wanda looked up at him.

              He was speaking the truth.

              He cared…he actually…did.

              “If you don’t mind me asking, why did your eyes turn red for a second?”

              Wanda stumbled back, eyes returning to their normal color. She couldn’t speak to him about that…their powers were the entire reason she and Pietro had to run away so long ago…the entire reason their parents were lost.

              Tears coursed down Wanda’s cheeks against her own will.

              Steve’s blue eyes filled with concern and alarm. “Oh, I’m so sorry…I-I didn’t mean…are you someone with abilities…from the land of Sokovinia?”

              She didn’t know why, but Wanda nodded.

              “The Kingdom my father eradicated?”

              Wanda nodded again, more tears slipping down her cheeks. “Me and my brother…we must stay hidden.”

              “Please, don’t cry. I hate what my father did to that kingdom. We’re all the same, underneath…and people with special abilities…what if those are just special gifts?”

              Wanda looked up at him, not yet daring to trust that he understood, tears blurring her vision. “…I lost everything except for Pietro that day…”

              “Please, don’t cry…” Steve whispered.

              Wanda looked up at him…and she couldn’t hide the fact.

              His caring concern…his obvious compassion…she loved him already.

              But he deserved more than her…so much more.

              Wanda turned away, wiping away tears. “I’m so sorry, but I must get back to collecting berries…but thank you, Steve…it gets lonely in these woods.”

              “It gets lonely at the castle as well. I only have Bucky and Phil, and my father…” Steve bit his lip, “well, he’s not a good man, as I’m sure you well know.”

              Wanda nodded. “I do know…he took everything from me…but his head Knight that he sent…he truly took everything from me.”

              “Wanda,” Steve’s hand rested on her shoulder, “is there anything I can do?”

              She faced him again, she couldn’t speak and her emotions still spilled, and she knew her eyes turned red.

              Steve blinked. Once, twice, thrice. “…Your eyes, they…they’re beautiful.”

              Wanda looked up at him. He deserved so much more than her…but he looked at her as if she was something…special. “You truly think so?”

              Steve smiled, his forehead suddenly coming to touch hers. “…I do.”

              Horse hooves sounded, and another man and horse arrived, the man quickly descending his horse.

              Steve instantly turned around, pulling away from Wanda. “Ross, what are you doing in the woods?”

              “I was about to ask you the same, Prince,” the man, the King’s aide, narrowed his eyes at Wanda, “and what are you doing with a peasant?”

              Wanda lowered her gaze and clenched her fists behind her back. She was more than that…wasn’t she?

              Thaddeus marched over. “Lord Pierce is at the castle with his wife, son, and his daughter, and you are not there. Your father is furious, and he demands for you to return this instant, or he will send more men to find you, or even come find you himself.”

              Steve gave a slow nod, but Wanda saw his jaw clench in anger. “I will be there soon.”

              “No, Prince Steven, you will be coming with me…I will send someone to collect your horse later, but as for you, you will be riding with me. It was your father’s orders.”

              Steve glanced at Wanda, then turned and gave Thaddeus a nod. “I will come.”

              Thaddeus nodded in approval, mounting his horse. “It’s the wise decision, Prince Steven. Come along, now.” He offered his hand.

              Slowly, Steve took it and mounted the horse.

              They ran off and Wanda watched them leave, finally feeling…special.

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2243


                Wanda my baby!! Poor girl

                And I could defiantly see why powers and abilities would be hated on back then

                Also I enjoyed the flashback

                Most people assume that Wanda has Ptsd which makes sense, given everything she has been through

                But I do love this ship

                I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 8156

                  @smiley AHH, I KNOWWWW, THE POOR GIRLLLLLL!!!!! 😭😭

                  and yessss, isn’t Steve&Wanda so cute!!! 😍😍

                  btw, I have Chapter 3 now as well 😂


                  Chapter 3


                  Horse hooves pounded beneath him.

                  Lance raised, heart pounding with sweet, sweet adrenaline, he cried their battle cry; “For Brookaindia, for justice, for King Joseph!”

                  They set forward, heading straight into the heart of the land filled with…oddities. A kingdom full of people with dangerous abilities. A kingdom that refused to bow before the power of Brookaindia.

                  No…not the memories…not the nightmares.

                  He deserved to be haunted, he knew that, but he still…he still couldn’t come to terms with what he had done.

                  “Sir? Mr. Stark, do you have my sword or not?”

                  Blinking several times, Tony gave the man a small nod. “Y-yessir, I do. Right here, in fact,” he handed the knight in front of the counter his silver sword, “and it is spotless now…free of any tarnishes.”

                  The man smiled. “Perfect. Perfect for slaying our enemies.”

                  Tony winced.

                  That reminded him of way too many things he didn’t want to think about.

                  The man handed him several coins. “Thank you…you are indeed the best blacksmith in all of Brookaindia.”

                  “Thank you, sir.”

                  The second the man left, Tony closed and locked the door, flipping around the sign so it read ‘Closed’ rather than ‘Open’.

                  “You’re closing earlier than usual.”

                  Tony turned around to face his wife, Pepper, who must have entered the shop. “I’ve done a lot of work recently…thought a break would be fine for tonight.”


                  Tony smiled and scooped his five-year-old daughter into his arms, kissing her cheek as her braids flew around her. “My Morgan…my sweet Morgan.”

                  Morgan giggled. “Daddy, Daddy! Me and Mama went to see Miss Laura today! I got to play with Nathaniel!”

                  Tony set his daughter down, making sure her dress was smoothed down. “Did you have fun?”

                  “Uh huh!” Morgan replied with a nod and big smile.

                  Tony groaned and rubbed his head, a sudden headache piercing.


                  “Morgan, please go play in the back for a little while, sweetheart.”

                  “Okay Mama…”

                  The back door closed behind Morgan.

                  Tony paced back and forth across the floor, hands shaking, head throbbing. Ah, why wouldn’t he stop shaking!?

                  “Tony, what is it?”

                  “I’m fine, Pepper.”

                  “I know that’s not true,” Pepper wrapped her arms around him, stopping him in his tracks, “because I know you…and I know when you’re lying. Please, Tony, tell me what’s wrong.”

                  How could he ignore her beautiful, begging eyes?

                  Tony let out a deep breath, hands coming up to rest on his wife’s cheeks, still shaking slightly. “It’s…everything. Everything I’ve done…everything I did in…in… Sokovinia.”

                  “Tony, that was the King, not-“

                  “But I was his head Knight, Pepper…I did most of the killing…and all of that  blood…I-I can never…”

                  “Oh, Tony,” Pepper’s hands rested on his bearded cheeks, “please, don’t let the past burden you that much…please, darling.”

                  The back door opened, cheerful chatter sounded, and Tony pulled away from his wife’s arms.

                  How could he not let the past burden him? He deserved to be burdened.

                  Tony turned to the door, just as Morgan and the other boy that he and Pepper had taken in as their own, Peter, walked into the store.

                  Peter smiled and gave a wave. “Oh, hi Tony, hi Pepper…I was just talking with Morgan.”

                  “Peter, come play with me!” Morgan cried with a giggle.

                  Pepper swooped in, scooping Morgan into her arms. “How about you and me go make some supper together? Peter has probably had a long day, so let’s let him rest for a while…come along, baby duck.”

                  Pepper and Morgan left, and the door closed behind them.

                  Tony smiled at Peter. “Had a good day in the stables?”

                  “Yep…I love working with the horses.”

                  Tony smiled. “That’s good.”

                  He didn’t enjoy horses…they reminded him…reminded him of all he’d done.

                  “Tony, are you alright?”

                  Tony smiled and pulled the kid into a hug. “I sure am, kid…and I’m glad I have Pepper, Morgan, and you.”

                  And he was glad…but in the end, Tony Stark didn’t deserve a family.

                  He deserved nothing good.


                  “You refused to show up for Lord Pierce’s visit in the first place, and when my advisor had to drag you here, you barely even spoke with Duchess Alice! Such behavior is uncalled for, Steven, and it will not be tolerated!” Joseph yelled, seated on his throne, his ill-looking wife seated beside him, fury evident in his features.

                  Standing at the bottom of the steps that led up to the thrones, Steve argued with his father. “I don’t want to marry Duchess Alice, father! She is only after me for my wealth and power, she doesn’t love me one bit!”

                  “I will not tolerate such ill talk about such a wonderful young Duchess, Steven. You are already in serious trouble, and you will obey my wishes, or you will be disciplined, do you understand me!?”

                  Steve’s gaze didn’t falter, and he didn’t cower…not one bit. “I will never marry her.”

                  “It’s already too late. A party is already planned for tomorrow afternoon…I and Lord Pierce have already discussed it several times.”

                  Steve’s blue eyes widened. “Father?”

                  From the side, Bucky watched the exchange…wishing he could join in but knowing he shouldn’t…for Steve’s sake.

                  Queen Sarah quietly spoke. “I’m sorry, Steve…but your father thinks this will be for the best…”

                  Joseph nodded and squeezed his wife’s hand, but it wasn’t loving nor gentle. “Yes, and you will follow through with it, Steven. You and Duchess Alice are betrothed, and tomorrow we will announce the new unity to the Kingdom…and in six months, the two of you will be married.”


                  “This is not up for argument, Steven, this is final…and you will accept it. Duchess Alice will be good for you.”

                  “I don’t love her!”

                  Joseph stood from his throne, pounding his staff on the floor with a loud thud. “ENOUGH! I will hear no more arguments about this matter out of you, Steven, or else,” “someone had anger issues” Bucky thought, “and you will be present for tomorrow’s celebrations, unlike you were this morning. Who let you out to do horseback riding?”

                  “No one, Father…I made that decision.”

                  Joseph scoffed. “As I thought. You’re lucky I haven’t decided to discipline you, Steven…but I will let this slide. But if you neglect your duties tomorrow…you will suffer the consequences. Now,” Joseph motioned for Bucky with one finger, “James, come here…there is something I must speak with you about as well.”

                  Bucky came beside Steve, kneeling before the King and Queen, as was required. “Of course, your majesty. Is there anything you need?”

                  “I need you to pack your things tonight, James…I am giving you to Lord Pierce as a betrothal gift.”


                  “Not a word, Steven.” Joseph snarled.

                  But of course, Steve didn’t listen. “Father…you can’t make Bucky leave! He-he helps me with so much-!”

                  “I can get you a new manservant, Steven. I thought James would be a good fit for the Pierce household.”

                  “But Father-!”

                  “Enough, Steven! It’s time for you to go to bed. Sitwell!”

                  The aide came to Joseph’s side. “Yessir?”

                  “Take Steven to his bedroom, please. Rumlow will go with you.” He muttered, motioning to the knight standing close by.

                  Sitwell walked away, Steve in tow.

                  Steve glanced back, and Bucky gave him a smile.

                  He’d be fine…he would be. He’d survive. He always had. Always would.

                  “Rumlow,” Joseph grabbed the knight’s arm, “do me a favor…lock Steven in his room for the night and guard the door…I can’t afford for him to be absent from the ceremonies tomorrow.”

                  Rumlow grinned. “Of course, sire.”

                  Something in Bucky bubbled. Steve didn’t deserve to be locked up…he just wanted a better, happier life.

                  Was that so wrong!?

                  He’d do anything for his best friend…he would.

                  Even if it meant risking his own neck.

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @smiley I have a few pieces of art/pictures that I found that also show how I imagine some of them!!!

                    First, Wanda!!

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 8156

                      sadly, I can’t find a good one for Steve 😭 (all of them have the beard…and tho I like the beard, he doesn’t have one in this fic XXD or they’re a knight…and he’s supposed to be a prince *sigh*)


                      Anyways…here’s Bucky!!! (he’s not a knight yet, but he’ll probably be fighting later, hehe)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156


                        Next, Tony!!! (again, not fighting yet, but did in the past…and probably will later)

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 8156

                          @smiley Next, Natasha!!! (this one may be my fav one so far…almost exactly how I imagine her, lol)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156

                            @smiley And…Clint

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 2243


                              Yes I’ve seen these!!!

                              and there is no good one for Steve ):

                              And I love that chapter!!!!

                              ugh I love Tony but I don’t

                              he’s so good in the later movies

                              but it’s hard for me not to hold a grudge for ruining the lives of my favorite twins

                              *cries* but then him and Morgan and Peter, I love him

                              my emotions are so conflicting XD

                              I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                              ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 5764

                                @smiley Peter and Wanda wouldn’t be really bad if you kept with her being younger.

                                You can also depict this in a multiversal setting where they are closer in age.



                                Man, Wanda’s got all the guys chasing her lol.

                                "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5764

                                  @freedomwriter76 I’m loving this fantasy-medieval AU thing……

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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