Talking about are Fanfics

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  • #184429
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 305



      It’s fine

      you really don’t think it’s a real mess?

      No, not really. It’s not perfect, but I still think it’s pretty good.


      "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4721

        @theshadow true, no story is perfect honestly so “pretty good” passes my criteria.

        speaking of which, how do you like the fact that I switched out the standard story for a sci-fi version? Which of the creature types is your favorite–there are still a few that I’m gonna introduce but they’re just minor characters–and if you lived in that universe, which one would you rather be (or would you rather stay a human, since that’s an option, or maybe be a hybrid)?Would you read other stories set in this universe that aren’t TF2 related (since I’m considering doing just that)?

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4721

          also I added some today. Including one of the most hilarious scenes from the video I pulled the bread tumor plot from (IDK how familiar you are with the official animations)

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 305


            speaking of which, how do you like the fact that I switched out the standard story for a sci-fi version?

            It’s really cool, I think it gives a unique twist to the story.

            Which of the creature types is your favorite–there are still a few that I’m gonna introduce but they’re just minor characters–and if you lived in that universe, which one would you rather be (or would you rather stay a human, since that’s an option, or maybe be a hybrid)?

            Hmmm, I like all of them, they’re all really cool creatures, but I think my favorite is the Ornithorms or the Argonites. And if I were to be one, it would probably be a hybrid Ornithorm since flying would be awesome and birds are cool.

            I’m up to speed with the story, the parts you added recently were hilarious. I love Soldier XD. I won’t be able to read any more though until the 23rd since I’m going on a trip today.

            "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4721

              @theshadow thanks!! yesss Soldier is too funny haha


              also yeah I love all of them, but I think I’d be either a full Ailurid or a hybrid, either Argonite/Ailurid or Drachenheul/Ailurid. what would be your other half? Ornithiform/what else?


              I suppose we’ll talk when you get back! I’ll probably have added quite a bit to the story by then 😉

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                • Total Posts: 305


                also yeah I love all of them, but I think I’d be either a full Ailurid or a hybrid, either Argonite/Ailurid or Drachenheul/Ailurid. what would be your other half? Ornithiform/what else?

                Ooh, that would be cool. The other half would probably be an argonite as well.

                I suppose we’ll talk when you get back! I’ll probably have added quite a bit to the story by then 😉

                Can’t wait to read it then!!


                "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 4721

                  @theshadow coooool

                  I’m imagining what an Ornithiform/Argonite hybrid would look like, and it’s awesome

                  basically a Quetzalcoatl lol (winged, feathered mythological dragon)

                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4721

                    @evelyn-collins here! It’s on page 128, I tagged Freedom, Smiley and Shadow, and the link is hidden in the words “here it is”. I can also repost it if you’d like.

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 658

                      @keilah-h @smiley @mineralizedwritings @rae

                      I HAVE A NEW MARVEL FANFIC👀🤩

                      ok, ok, I’m low key obsessed with this one rn (even tho writing it has still been slow😅💀🫠)

                      BUT I really do love it so much😭 this one is very deep and probably one of my most well thought out fanfics in a while, and Min has been so helpful in helping me brainstorm XD


                      anywhooooo I only have the first chapter, but first I gotta let y’all know that this is a 1600s/Stuart era AU fic, partially inspired by an episode of What If…? but also vastly different. (but y’all shall have to wait to figure all of that out👀)

                      here we go…Chapter 1


                      Chapter 1

                       of humanity and thievery

                      If there was anyone that more resembled a force of evil rather than a member of humanity, it was Alexander Goodwin Pierce.

                      He absentmindedly brushed loose wavy brown locks out of his line of vision and swiped dirt from his sun-burned cheek, holding back a wince.

                      “The crops still haven’t been harvested. What’s keeping you behind?”

                      “My Lord—”

                      “I won’t accept excuses, Dugan. You are paid, and I could rid of you any moment I so please. Do you wish to lose your job?”

                      Mayhap it would have been far more intelligent of him to have gone with Steve, accept the line of freedom he’d been offered, but he was so, so close to discovering Pierce’s—a backhanded slap formed stars in the brunette’s vision. “You didn’t listen to a single word, did you, Buchanan?”

                      What a—“No, sir, I did not.”

                      Pierce scowled, and his dark eyes narrowed. “Do you find joy in ignoring me?”

                      “No, sir.”

                      “Ensure it does not happen again. Fill him in, Dugan. And Buchanan…ignore me again, and I will ensure Brock makes you feel the sting of the lash. Do you desire that?”

                      His heart pounded. His head reeled. “N-no, si…sir.”

                      “I thought not,” Pierce retorted. He turned on his heel, and with a turn of his coat, disappeared and fled the field.

                      “What a—”

                      “Don’t say something he’ll make you regret.”

                      Dugan shrugged, using a single, plump finger to brush his amber moustache. “I could find another job. I’d be more concerned for your fate.”

                      He shrugged. He’d been taught long ago to not ask questions.

                      He didn’t think for himself.

                         He had no choice in the matter.

                      If only his choices hadn’t affected the lives he loved so dearly and once held so closely.

                      “Bucky, hey,” Dugan’s hand waved back and forth before his face, “are we going to get to harvesting?”

                      Yes…yes, that was what they needed to do.

                      No more thinking.

                        Discover Pierce’s buyer.

                      Discover Pierce’s hired thug.

                      Get out.

                       Get free.

                      Get the news to the King….somehow, some way.


                      Wind whipped, yet birds remained silent.

                      Great oaks creaked and groaned, as if they too could sense the heaviness. As if they too felt the ache, the brokenness, the weight of being underneath tyrants.

                      Well, perhaps it was only righteous that the Woodland Rangers were putting an end to that…one carriage at a time.

                      Hood pulled low and mask pulled up, he waited in the brush, crouched, waiting, watching.

                      Hooves clopped.

                      Wheels squeaked.

                      An arrow whistled through the air and Clydesdales reared.

                      He leapt from his place of his hiding, lithe, quick. With the coach apprehended and the horses reined by those who bore also muted colors of green and brown, he crested down the hill and flung a carriage door open, grasping cape and pulling a struggling form out of the carriage that had to undoubtedly be a sanctuary.

                      Light skin, rough bearded stubble…dark eyes…a familiar face and a far more familiar smirk.

                      “Brock Rumlow, Lord Pierce’s aide.” He snarled.

                      The man chuckled and nodded. “In the flesh. Do not expect me to not know of you and who you are: Lord Pierce knows precisely where—”

                      He unsheathed his sword and held it against Brock’s neck, the tip barely meeting skin. “Give me a single reason I should not end—”

                      “Despite your thievery, you are not a murderer, Rogers Hood…I doubt you would dare to start now.”

                      “I could dare.”

                      “I sincerely doubt that. Think of your dear friend.”

                      Bu…Buck…no. No.

                      NO! ‘, he almost roared, but rather, Rumlow spoke once more. “The mask and hood cannot cover your eyes, nor the fear within them. How good to know that Steven Rogers has a so apparent weakness.”

                      Steve stepped forward, the sword held higher, turned, the blade pressed against Rumlow’s neck. “Touch him—!”

                      “It ‘tis only Pierce’s mercy he hasn’t been whipped more, nor branded, nor given a chain about his neck, though that would be wise.”

                      Of all the-! Rumlow, Pierce, they were like…like…like…a hand squeezed his right shoulder. “We gathered all the goods. Don’t end him, Steve, you’re better than that.”

                      He shrugged off Barton’s hand, grasped Rumlow by his cape, crossed the road, and slammed the man’s back into a tree, eliciting a groan from Rumlow’s lips. “Speak a word of this to Lord Pierce, and your life will end, Brock Rumlow. He knows who I am as well as I know who he is, though he daren’t dare challenge me. I am sparing your life, Rumlow, and ‘tis a mercy,” he gripped the front of Rumlow’s shirt and shoved him aside, “a small mercy, but ‘tis a mercy nonetheless.”

                      Rumlow’s glare blazed, but deep fear did lie beneath such rage. He scrambled to his feet and fumbled his way down the road, cursing and mumbling to himself.

                      Steve sheathed his sword and stepped back onto the road, gently approaching a single Clydesdale, gently stroking her muzzle and pressing his forehead against it. “’Tis another that is now free of Lord Pierce’s chains and burden. Barton.”

                      The brown-haired, older man approached, stroking back loose locks from his sweaty forehead, hood back, mask down. “Yes?”

                      “What of the coach we apprehended? Is he a slave?”

                      “Yes, Steve, the coach is a slave. Though he is a maiden.”

                      A maiden? A maiden employed as a coach?

                      “Let me see.” He released his grip on the mare and followed Barton to the young coach seated on the forest floor, gaze down, head covered by a large straw hat. Steve crouched before him—her—and whispered, “You are free now.”

                      Blue eyes raised to meet his gaze, blazing. “None are free.”

                      “Then ‘tis good we are doing our best to rid this land of tyrants.”

                      She frowned, and her blonde eyebrows scrunched together. “I know of you, Rogers Hood. Nothing but a thief and a murderer, deranged, lost to whatever whims he so desires. Nay, I shall not trust you, not even for a moment.”

                      He pushed back his hood, careful to ensure his shorter hair covered as much of his forehead as his loose locks would allow, and lowered his mask, offering the young woman the faintest hint of a smile. “I do not know where else you could go, m’lady. Returning to Lord Pierce is a long journey, nor one I would advise.”

                      She pulled back her hands and folded her left overtop her right, but not before Steve caught the glimpse of the letter A.

                      A brand, to mark her as Pierce’s, on her hand as Pierce seemed to prefer his slaves to be marked. How familiar.

                      Too familiar.

                      “I do not ask that you trust me, just that you allow me to take you somewhere safe, if only for a shortened time,” he extended a single, gloved hand, “and I only stop those that are evil, not those that are good, my fair maiden.”

                      Slowly, cautiously, she took his hand and rose, but pulled her hand away the moment she could stand. “Then lead the way, Rogers Hood. We dare not tarry, unless you like to be so unceremoniously slow.”

                      Steve couldn’t help but crack a smile. What an attitude such a maiden had. She reminded him much of—no, he wouldn’t go back there. He could not return to a place so dark.

                      What is strength?
                      Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 658

                        a morally gray Steve just hits different XD

                        What is strength?
                        Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 305


                          1. saw the Sniper video, it’s great XD

                          2. I’ve read more of the fanfic, and it’s still good, very entertaining (the loaf scene was amazing lol)

                          "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2972


                            Oh I like it! Girl, your fanfic writing has improved so much!

                            "Than finish it... Because I'm with you till the end of the line." <3

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3559


                              Awwww! Bucky!

                              And Steve!


                              I love it!

                              And that’s basically all I got, XD


                              “Gargoyles and thickets, griffins and briskets."

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4721

                                @theshadow lol yep

                                oh and thanks. Which loaf scene exactly? Cause there are a couple haha. What point are you at?

                                I tried to make it as entertaining as I could. Some of it’s derived from official media the developers of the actual game have put out over the years. The plot of the latter two-thirds or so are from a comic series they made (I don’t suggest reading them honestly, there are a few too many adult jokes in there for me to be comfortable with recommending them to fellow teens. I did my best to remove all that and still make the dialogue decently funny and the characters in line with canon.)

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4721

                                  @freed_and_redeemed I like how you took the basic idea of the What If episode and made it your own thing!

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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