Talking about are Fanfics

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  • #183767
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 658

      @keilah-h Totally understand. I am working on a fanfic rn though👀

      What is strength?
      Strength, my son, is being who God has called you to be.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2210

        @freed_and_redeemed @keilah-h (yes I want to see your fanfic) @anyone else

        okay guys I have the first chapter and prologue of my descendants fanfic which takes place after the third movie

        honestly since it’s Disney channel if you haven’t seen it you can catch on kind of quick


        but Auradon is where all the heroes of Disney movies live with all their kids and the lost aisles is where the Disney villains and their kids live

        Belle and beast are the king and queen of auradon

        (also the first chapter might have typos, I did a quick edit but well sometimes I go blind)




        It was a known law throughout the land of Auradon that breaking and entering was illegal, and since no heroes ever broke the rules, Barrett knew the girl climbing out his bedroom window was not a normal Auradon kid.


        “What are you doing?”


        The girl turned in shock and fell onto his marble flooring, her blond hair cascading to one side and covering her face.


        He took a few steps closer, careful not to scare her again. “Are you okay?! I’m so sorry.”


        She grimaced while spitting out a piece of hair. “Are you apologizing to the girl who tried to break into your room?” She sat up and narrowed her eyes.


        “Well, I didn’t want you to get hurt,” Barrett stated innocently. His eyes then shifted to the brown sack that lay next to her, spilling out a few rings and buttons that he knew to be his. “Were you robbing me?”


        “And doing a terrible job at it as I might point out.”


        “Well, you didn’t steal anything of value.”


        She jumped to her feet, her face turning a bright red. “I stole everything of value in this room! Thank you very much!”


        “No, you didn’t, at least they don’t have any value to me.”

        “Well that’s something completely different, and as my dad says emotions aren’t worth a penny”


        “Who’s your Dad?”


        The girl smirked and hopped onto his toy chest. “Captain Hook! The greatest pirate throughout the land.”


        Barrett tilted his head a little. “Your dad is Captain Hook?”

        “Sure is, and I hope to be just like him,” She placed a hand on her neck, where a brown strapped necklace hung. On it was a small hook, the leather strap was worn and the hook was a little scratched yet it was clearly valuable to her.


        “I hope to be like my Dad too!”

        “King Adams? Yeah, he’s alright I guess.” She took a seat on his chest and looked at him. “I’m sorry I chose you to rob, I just knew you were younger and had valuable items, but really it’s nothing personal.”

        “I didn’t take it personally, I just don’t get why you would steal.”


        She let out a large sigh. “Because emotions are penniless and my Dad wants treasure.”




        “It’s fine, but I guess I’ll bring home treasure another time, just please don’t tell… Barrett?”


        He nodded yes. “What’s your name?”


        “Calista Jane, but my brother calls me CJ.”


        “I like that.”




        They looked at each other in complete silence for a while, CJ kicking her legs against the chest as she sat there.


        Finally, Barrett came up with an idea.


        “Say we’re having chocolate strawberries tonight for dessert and I bet the fountain is right now in the kitchen, we could sneak down there and have some!”


        CJ pulled her hair back as she went to her feet, putting her hand on her belt where a real sword would be but there was only a wooden one. “So we have to sneak down there and not get caught? Sounds fun!”


        Barrett led the way from his room down to the hallway and then down the cut-across stairs that led right to the pantry.

        The clanging of silver pots, the closing of teacup cabinets, and a few yelling of orders from Mrs Potts who took her cooking very seriously, could be heard. CJ smirked and Barrett leaned against a drawer almost knocking over a glass fruit bowl but CJ caught it right before it hit the ground.


        “I’ll distract Mrs. Potts if you dip some strawberries.” Barrett directed.


        CJ put her hand up. “Hold up, who put you in charge?”


        “Why does it matter?”


        She scowled but nodded.


        “Three, two, one, go.” Barrett opened the pantry door and walked out into the kitchen, almost running into Chip who was balancing a stack of plates.

        “Oh hello lad, can I help you?” Mrs. Potts asked in her kind almost grandmother kind of way.


        “Yeah, I was wondering what we’re having for dinner tonight?”




        CJ heard him start talking and figured it was time to go. She walked on the soles of her feet and crept into the other section of the kitchen, this part out of vision from where Mrs. Potts was.


        Sure enough, the chocolate fountain stood on a small podium, surrounded by a few glass bowls of marshmallows and strawberries.


        She didn’t know which one Barrett would prefer so she dipped few a of both and snuck through an open corridor. Eventually, she found her way back to his room and took a seat on a fancy red rug that was in front of his bed. His room was so much bigger than her run-down ship home, where she had only a bed to call her own. She was a bit jealous of the room but also preferred being on the sea.


        Just as she was stuffing a chocolate marshmallow in her mouth Barrett came through with a proud grin. “We did it!”


        He took a seat next to her and ate a strawberry.

        She peered at him. “I thought people like you didn’t steal.”


        “We didn’t steal, Mrs. Potts said we could have some.”


        CJ raised her eyebrows. “Then why did we sneak in?!”


        He looked at her with a small smile that looked half nervous and half confident. “Cause I knew you would enjoy it.”


        She felt a sudden rush of warmth in her but she pushed it away quickly. “It was sort of fun.”


        “Good, ’cause tomorrow she’s making cookies and those might be a little bit harder to get without her noticing.”

        “Or we could go fishing down at the enchanted lake! I’m really good at that.”


        “Okay!” Barrett looked beyond excited and CJ found that she was too. And then the words that her father and brother spoke came back into her mind.

        “Just to be clear though, we’re not friends.” Barrett’s face fell a little and she felt a little bad, but he nodded anyway. She grabbed another strawberry for the road and then walked over to the window. “I have to go but I’ll come back tomorrow morning.” right before she left she looked back and gave a confident smile.

        “People like us don’t have friends, but we do have first mates, and those are a captain’s closest partner, you could be my first mate if you want.”


        “Really? I’ll do that, but does that make me an actual pirate?”

        “It sure does.” With that she jumped onto the tree branch and climbed down the tree with only a few incidents, she was getting better at it.


        The next morning when she arrived at the tree Barrett stuck his head out the window and smiled. “Ahoy captain!” He yelled.


        She smiled. “Ahoy matey!”





        Chapter 1

        7 years later


        “CJ! CJ! Where are you?!” Barrett came running down the docks, his smile getting bigger every second.


        He had looked almost everywhere else on the aisles before checking her actual home, and anyone who knew CJ knew why this was.


        Ever since he could remember she had had a rocky relationship with her Dad, the one and only Captain Hook. it was a shame since when she was younger Barrett only heard stories about how great he was now she would rather sleep at Urula’s seafood restaurant than stay at her actual home.


        The door to Captain Hook’s boat house slammed closed, and a metal sign that read “Bait for sale, no returns!” hit the deck with a thud.


        The boat was just a rusty old steamboat instead of the big pirate ship that Hook used to have and still brags about to this day.


        CJ was wearing a frown, which only grew when she saw his excitement. “And don’t come back without something of value!” Hook yelled from the boat.

        “That scowl from your dad?”

        “Who else?” She asked dryly. She crossed her arms and walked towards him with a smirk. “So what’s got the hop in your step?”


        Her eyes still read sad and he was nervous to venture into the topic, yet he hoped that maybe this news would cheer her up a little.

        “They broke down the barrier.”


        They were finally getting out of this joint.


        For about a second, she looked truly shocked but then put back on her usual stoic look. “You mean it?” She asked with no emotion, yet he knew it came from a place of hope. “My brother really did it?”


        “Well, I’m not sure your brother has all the credit, Uma-” Her eyebrows shot up, gesturing for him to get to the point, he grinned. “Ahoy captain, get the crew ’cause we have a land to explore.”




        Our crew was all of two other people, cousins Seren and Porter children of the two famous thieves that worked beside Flynn Rider. Porter was our navigator and could read the weather, any maps, and a compass from a fifteen feet distance. He was very charismatic and found enjoyment in almost all things, he was great at annoying his cousin. Seren was a master sword handler and had taught all of us a few tricks, she was as much of a loner as they come, preferring to stick to her own devices than to trust anyone else.


        Their ship was the “Crown” the most beautiful falling-apart ship you could ever find.


        While they might not have been there when Barrett and CJ meant they were still family and both played necessary parts for the ship to sail.


        Barrett now stood on the deck watching the aisle get smaller and smaller, he was also enjoying the sight of CJ flirting.


        “We need to be going a little bit more to the right” Porter instructed.


        CJ stood at the helm and had her back to Porter. With a smirk, she grabbed onto the wooden handles and faked weakness. “I don’t think this thing works right.”


        Porter walked over and placed his hands on hers. “Sure it does, it just only speaks pirate.”


        “What does that mean?” CJ asked with a fake-sounding giggle.


        “Here I’ll show you.” Porter coughed and his voice went more deep and rugged. “Now you listen here wheel! You either turn or it straight to the blank with you!”


        Together they both managed to move the wheel, and Seren scoffed. “You two are pathetic.”


        “Oh come on that was good!” CJ acted offended and then actually laughed. If she and Porter hadn’t known each other since they were seven maybe they would be convincing, but instead their “flirting” was as cheesy as the romance novels that Drizzela wrote.


        Seren rolled her eyes and that’s when Barrett came up onto the top deck and smiled at her. “What’s wrong Seren? You don’t like a little romance?” he raised his one eyebrow, playfully pulling on a lock of her ginger hair.


        “Don’t push your luck, boy.” She pushed past him to leave.


        “Ouch rejected,” Porter laughed and Barrett didn’t take any offense since he had no true interest in Seren, he didn’t really have any interest in anyone.


        “Don’t worry he’s used to it by now,” Barrett stuck his tongue out at CJ.


        “I’m going to go check on that hole we patched up, I’d hate to sink before we see Auradon.” Porter started to leave, but Barrett stopped him. “Hurt her and I’ll make you walk the deck.” He whispered.


        “What happened to loyalty between a crew?”


        “My number one loyalty is her, and you know that.”


        Porter just grinned as he walked past, and Barrett was tempted to punch him now, but he didn’t really think that he would break CJ’s heart.


        “You’re worse than my brother,” CJ grumbled.

        “Oh like your brother wouldn’t have said that or worse.” Barrett could just imagine Harry holding up one of his hooks and holding it a mere half-inch away from Porter’s neck, and saying something along the lines of.

        “You think you’re clever? One finger on her and that’s the end.”


        CJ didn’t look convinced but seemed to have something new on her mind. “Are you sure you want to go back?”


        He could feel his whole body tense up, Barrett had been asking himself this since he heard the news. “I have to… don’t I?”


        “I don’t know, maybe you do,” She took a few steps further, locking their foreheads. “Just promise you’ll remain you.”


        “As long as there’s salt in the sea I’ll always be your first mate,” Barrett assured her.


        Her eyes showed mischief. “Good.”


        Whenever he forgot that she was the daughter of a pirate, she would get that little look in her eyes and he knew that only she had ones like those. Ones that knew no limits, and loved a great adventure in the sea more than the mermaids themselves.







        Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 4721

          @smiley cool! I’ll admit I never watched those movies, they were always kinda ehh for me, but I LOVE the concept of the children of canon characters interacting. (I have a sequel planned to the current fic I’m working on which is just that.)

          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          Keilah H.
            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 4721

            @smiley @freed_and_redeemed you’re not gonna know the fandom this is for but just know that it’s based off a video game series I don’t really suggest getting into but I enjoyed, and I like turned it into a sci-fi thing so now all the characters are different creatures and there’s space travel and stuff.

            you’ll probably like this too.

            so yeah, here it is! it’s nowhere near finished btw.

            I think it’s kind of a dumpster fire but whatever, even if it’s trash it’s MY trash sooo……lol


            tell me if the link allows you to edit it or something and I’ll change that.

            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4721

              I also have art of most of the characters, they’re in the latest two or three pages of the non-human sentients chat

              Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

              Keilah H.
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 4721

                @freed_and_redeemed @smiley @theshadow

                Oh yeah I forgot to put the thing introducing the species in the beginning. Ugh. That’s in the same chat as the drawings



                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 305


                  ITS HERE!!!!!!

                  I started reading part of it, and I love it already!!!

                  "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                  Keilah H.
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4721

                    @theshadow oh man you’re actually reading it


                    glad you like it so far though

                    I’ll make sure to update it later, I don’t write directly on the google doc, I have it in Word and then copy it over

                    Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 4721

                      @theshadow also, if you happen to notice that Sniper’s and Engineer’s grammar/spelling when they talk is adjusted for their accents, but Medic’s and Spy’s aren’t, the only reason for that is I was tired of autocorrect freaking out on me every other time a character spoke, and decided to drop the written accent for the characters who talk less.

                      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                        • Total Posts: 305


                        Ohh, ok that makes a lot more sense now.

                        Also I may or may not have finished reading it

                        • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by TheShadow.

                        "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4721


                          oh really?


                          even my presumably clean but severely cringey romance writing lol


                          no seriously, I’m having second thoughts about this story now that I know someone’s reading it


                          I will update it for you as soon as I can eheheheheh

                          Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                          Keilah H.
                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4721

                            but like glittering golden scales, someone’s actually reading my nonsensical rambling about a fandom no one in my family besides me and me brother care about! And likes it! I think. I hope it meets your, uh….standards……



                            that was a terrible joke i’m sorry

                            Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 305


                              that was a terrible joke i’m sorry

                              Lol it’s fine.

                              And I’m enjoying it a lot really, I like how you portray the characters. Trust me, it’s really not that bad, and if you’re having fun with it then that’s what matters. If you want I can stop though.

                              "No! Monkeys should have pets, all monkeys should have pets!"

                              Keilah H.
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4721

                                @theshadow PLEASE DON’T STOP. I APOLOGIZE IF MY RANTING MAKES YOU THINK THAT.


                                i’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m having fun writing it, as nonsensical as it is.

                                Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4721

                                  you really don’t think it’s a real mess?

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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