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  • #176008
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2243

      Also I have boards!!!


      I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
      ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2243

        And Y’all Wanda!!!!

        her guilt!! it makes me so sad!!!!!

        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2243

          and Pietro’s!!

          I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
          ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2243

            and Clint’s board!!! the first board I’ve ever made for him

            I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
            ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 822







              Those BOARDS LOOK FABULOUS 👌 👏 ✨️

              and the fic!!!! 😭💕




              Srrsly tho, I went and watched that deleted scene…and CLINT!!!! Now I need more answers…Marvel only left me with more questions 😆


              Honestly tho, I love this fic so much and it just made my day since I’m not feeling well rn lol


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 2243


                Okay so before I comment on anything else, I noticed your profile pic… we both know that Pietro is better right? not the lame excuse for one that is the Xmen one who didn’t even have a twin sister, but instead the wonderful Pietro Maximoff who only got one movie

                honestly, I really didn’t like when the Xmen one came into the MCU through WandaVision!! Wanda told Vision that the only thing that could comfort her would be if she could see her brother again, and even in her fake universe she still doesn’t get to see him!! but instead, the Xmen one who doesn’t have the same charm XD

                oh dear, I think I might be as attached to Pietro as you are to Bucky lol

                also I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, I just got passed a cold so I know a little bit what you mean

                and yess I need more of Clint’s back story, I kind of filled in my own details where Clint’s ad was abusive so his Mom and him ran away and then they became thieves


                also I do happen to have more chapters

                and people have discussed how they think that Wanda and Pietro talk to each other through thought, like Pietro will think something and Wanda will read his mind and stuff, so like through Wanda’s powers they actually have twin telepathy

                which I totally agree with, but it makes me sadder, cause maybe Pietro’s last thought was like goodbye or I love you and that was one of the things that made Wanda realize Pietro was gone even though she didn’t see him die!! and then I cried


                Chapter 3

                Pietro was walking, the sight was almost too much for Wanda. She thought she would never see her brother again, she thought she would never walk beside him again.

                She was still beyond angry at him and they were yet to talk about the Bartons since yesterday, but she had set it aside to do this, with him.

                Their fingers were linked once again as Pietro made his way down the compound hallway, it had been a quicker recovery cause of his powers and the cradle, but there was still a lot of physical therapy that needed to happen. Hopefully, it could happen at the Bartons if Pietro would stop being an idiot.

                Wanda was used to grabbing Pietro’s arm or hand for safety, a feeling of protection, but now that he was just starting to walk she felt that he was now holding her hand for protection, he was scared. The table had changed and now Wanda was the one who had to protect him and take care of him.

                As the thoughts crossed her mind she was thankful to have the Avengers, especially Clint and Steve who were both standing only a mere inches away, ready to catch him if something went wrong.

                “Slow down,” Wanda instructed when Pietro picked up the pace a little bit, she knew he was dying to run, but she wouldn’t let him, not anytime soon.

                “Would you stop worrying? I’m fine,” Pietro’s tone had a bit of frustration in it, but Wanda ignored him.

                They made it a few steps further until Wanda noticed that Pietro was now gripping her hand even tighter, she put her other hand higher up on his arm to support him more, but even that wasn’t enough and before Steve or Clint could do anything, Pietro’s legs gave out and he collapsed.

                “Pietro!” Wanda cried, going to her knees and checking his pulse. He was still breathing, but tears had escaped her eyes, she was right back to that moment, and she herself was struggling to breathe.

                She began to feel it again, it was in her chest, the sobs that wanted to escape, and the blurry eyes from tears.

                Steve and Clint stepped in immediately and before she knew it Pietro was back up, looking just fine.

                “Hey,” Wanda looked to see Pietro looking at her with concern in his eyes. “It’s okay, I just fell. Now are you going to get up and help me again?” He asked with a light grin that she had known her whole life.

                Wanda got up to his question and she could feel the color drain from her. “No, we’re not doing that again. You’re still not ready,” Wanda’s voice was sharp and she knew it. She was still in shock by how quickly it had happened, by how quickly everything happened.

                One second she had been guarding the core, and the next she was standing there feeling the deepest pain she had ever felt, the presence of her twin leaving her.

                “Wanda he’s fine, sometimes the best thing is to get back up,” Steve said, and Wanda was now more upset.

                “I almost lost my brother,” Wanda replied with a scowl. “Do you have any idea what that feels like? I refuse to put him at risk ever again.”

                And with that she walked off, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, a part of her wishing that they would stop her and the other part of her wanting to get as far away as possible.

                Wanda had been sitting out on the highest roof of the compound for a good hour. She was still feeling that feeling of tiredness, she was tired of worrying, of being afraid and tired of reliving that moment.

                Vision had checked in on her but she had told him she wanted to be alone, even though there was one person who she would still want to see. Her brother could always make her feel better, but things had changed.

                As selfish as it sounded, Wanda didn’t like being the stronger twin, she needed him but she refused to worry. Refused to rely on him and put that baggage on him.

                Wanda heard slow footsteps behind her and she turned to see Pietro walking towards her, he was walking even faster now and she wondered how tempted he was to run.

                He took a seat next to her and she wanted to tell him it was dangerous, but that would probably sound hypocritical. But it did give her a mini heart attack as his legs dangled over the roof.

                “So what is it?” Pietro asked, looking at his sister.

                “Why didn’t you want to go to the Bartons?”

                Pietro looked a little confused, probably wondering what that had to do with anything, but Wanda knew that there was this chaotic mess of emotions between him and her and they needed to sort it all out.

                “And how did you know I didn’t?” Wanda hadn’t expected that answer, and she was about to ask, but Pietro cut her off. “But they’re only asking cause they feel they have to.”

                “So what then?”

                Pietro shrugged.

                Wanda paused and then looked at him with tears in her eyes. He was here, with her, but not because of anything she did, she had failed him. “You’ve always protected me, but I’ve failed to do the same for you.”

                “That’s stupid,” Pietro stated with a small smile. “You always made sure I didn’t get killed.”

                “Guess I failed that.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Pietro adjusted his position so he could look at her clearly.

                “You didn’t fail, I just knew you could manage without me, and I needed to do that, you know that.” Silence filled the cold air, as Wanda wiped away a few tears. Finally, Pietro managed a few more words. “We always look after each other, that’s the only way it works, you can’t put mine and your burdens just on yourself. We don’t do it like that,”

                “I’m just so tired,” Wanda admitted, ashamed that she was the one complaining.

                “I know.” they sat there in silence, and Wanda was thankful she had her brother, even if she didn’t deserve it.

                Chapter 4

                “Your move,” Pietro said, looking over at Vision. To pass the time, of him still not being allowed to move a ton, he had decided to learn chess, which he was a natural at. He did wish however that he could’ve played with anyone besides Vision, whom Wanda had been spending more and more time with.

                She was also in the compound living room, she was curled up in one of the recliners reading what looked like way too long and boring of a book.

                No one else was in the room though, actually, no one else was in the compound except Clint who was in the gym. Steve, Natasha, and Sam were on some mission that had to do with the infamous winter soldier, who Pietro was certain was all talk. He could take him, easy.

                “No you couldn’t,” Pietro looked up to see Wanda giving him a look that said, “I saw that crazy thought in your mind”. “You’ve seen the kind of things Hydra can make,” Wanda added.

                “Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

                “Your turn,” Vision stated.

                Pietro was growing bored of chess, despite being good at it. Focusing on something had never been a skill, and he was in the mood to run or something.

                However, he did feel smug as he took out Vision’s queen.

                “Who’s winning?” Pietro turned his head to see Clint enter the room.

                “Me of course,” Pietro answered with a grin.

                “Checkmate,” Vision announced, he didn’t say it smugly or anything, he just said it.

                Terrible delivery.

                “How?” Pietro looked at the board and then spotted it, now he was annoyed and he refused to look at Clint who he knew was laughing.

                “Alright I need something better to do,” Wanda looked up at his statement, no doubt worried that his idea of fun would be dangerous. He didn’t know why she just didn’t read his mind again, surely she could see the crazy dangerous ideas that were flooding his brain.

                And almost all of them involved a bungee cord.

                “We could watch a movie,” She suggested.

                “Nope still boring,”

                “Perhaps we could play a different game, there are some other board games.”

                “And please take notice of the word “bored” in board games. As in boring,”

                “I’d go for a walk, Vision?” Wanda got up from her chair and looked at the android.

                “What about me?” ouch, he hadn’t expected her to just pass over him like that.

                “You shouldn’t move that much,” Pietro replied to his sister by rolling his eyes, yet he knew there was nothing he could do, despite wanting to give that robot a piece of his mind. Clint didn’t look that happy about it either, but he also must have seen there was nothing that could be done.

                And before they knew Wanda and Vision were leaving the compound, and Pietro knew they would be holding hands the whole time.

                Pietro sat back on the couch with crossed arms, he was beyond annoyed. He wasn’t exactly pleased to have Wanda running around with Vision or any guy for that matter.

                “How do you feel about darts?” Pietro looked up to see a smirk on Clint’s face as he asked.

                “I suppose I could beat you at that too,” He had nothing better to do, besides he had to knock the arrogant old archer down a few pegs.

                “You’re holding it wrong,” Clint demonstrated, after Pietro failed to even hit the target, hopefully, Stark wouldn’t mind the hole in the wall, not that he truly cared what Stark thought. Stark, Pietro didn’t know what to do about that, he didn’t exactly want to kill him anymore but he also didn’t know how to feel about him. Truthfully Tony hadn’t been around any so Pietro never really had a chance to get mad anyway.

                Pietro shrugged, pretending he wasn’t really paying attention, even though he was. He threw the second and it landed on the board but it wasn’t in bullseye like all three of Clint’s.

                Pietro had one left and he prepared to throw it.

                “So your sister and Vision,” Clint brought up the topic just as Pietro released the dart and it hit the bullseye, hard.

                They walked over to the board and examined how the dart had gone right through the board.

                “Let me guess you’ve done that a lot of times?”

                The old man actually looked a little surprised though he was very good at hiding it. “Nope, that would be a first.” Clint then looked at Pietro, with a look that he hated.

                “She has had crushes in the past, doesn’t bother me.”


                Pietro gave him a look that said I don’t want to talk about this, ’cause he didn’t. “But I just don’t want him to hurt her.”

                That was all Pietro was going to say, he wasn’t going to spill himself to Clint or anyone for that matter.

                It was so much more than that, things had just become normal for the two of them again, yet Pietro got this annoying feeling of jealousy. They had always been on their own and Wanda could really only depend on him, but that wasn’t the case anymore.

                As much as Pietro was thankful for everyone he also didn’t want him and his sister to grow apart, he didn’t want things to change too much. He didn’t ever want to forget how things used to be.

                Pietro left the room and grabbed his sweatshirt off the couch, he left up to the roof. It had become both of the twins’ favorite place to sit and think.

                And Pietro needed privacy right now.

                After staring out into the distance for a few minutes like Luke Skywalker in that one movie they had watched since coming here, Pietro was bored and reached into his pocket for his picture.

                A smile crept up his lips that covered an amount of pain, or grief which Vision was some kind of expert on.

                What was it that he said? Something about grief being love or whatever, it sounded kind of corny but he supposed there was some truth in it.

                He loved his parents, the ones who were smiling in the worn photo, and now he missed them, so Vision could have a point, but Pietro would never admit it.

                The photo had been taken two years before the bombing and it had been their last family photo, after that, they were basically left to stay in their home and go nowhere else except their Dad who would leave for work.

                “It’s always sitcom sitcom! We should watch something else!” Pietro complained.

                “Sitcoms are good,” Wanda argued.

                “Pietro it’s your sister’s turn to pick the show remember?” Pietro turned to look at his dad who had a stern look on his face,

                That had shut younger him up pretty quickly, Pietro couldn’t help but smile at the memory.

                So yeah maybe he didn’t like Vision and Wanda, maybe he was scared that someday Wanda would forget those memories, that they both would forget those memories. That someday Wanda and him would both have their own families and things would… change… again.

                So yes maybe Pietro also had a fear of change, but so did almost every else.







                Chapter 5

                “So you think it’s more than just overprotective brother nature?” Laura asked over the video call, Clint had filled her in on the whole thing.

                “I’ve seen him do that, that’s how I got laser through my ribs, this ain’t that.”

                Clint knew he was getting way too close to these twins, he had always made a rule about separating his work life from his family, but things were changing. Now the kids were begging to see the Avengers again, and Lila and Cooper had already met Pietro and Wanda over call several times.

                Laura didn’t help things, she had already started moving things around so there were rooms for Wanda and Pietro even though they were yet to confirm if they were even coming to stay, and she was doing all of this while she was eight months pregnant.

                “Well, then you should try talking to him again,”

                “I will, but I make no promises, that kid might be more stubborn than I was at that age.”

                Laura laughed.

                “Is that Dad?” Clint could hear his daughter in the background.

                “Possibly,” Clint answered and Lile came onto the screen.

                “Hi!!” Lila was his seven-year-old daughter who had an unbelievable amount of energy, which she had taken from him. “Is Pietro or Wanda there?!” ouch, guess he was nothing special compared to the Wonder twins.

                Just as the question was asked, Pietro entered the room, looking even worse than he had before he left, but his face made a shift when he looked to see Clint on the video call. And while it might not have been the most real smile it was still a smile as he took the phone from Clint who had been standing in the corner.

                For some reason he never called while sitting down, he got fidgety. Plus he was always prepared to hang up if someone walked in, even though all the Avengers knew about his secret family now.

                Pietro took a seat on the couch and Lile seemed to also take over the phone from Laura.

                “So how’s my favorite Lilly doing?”

                “I told you, my name is Lila!”

                The joke had started as a mistake when Pietro had failed to get Lila’s name right and called her Lilly, now whenever they talked Pietro made a note of it to call her Lilly which annoyed and amused her at the same time.

                “Nah, I’m pretty sure it’s Lilly,”

                “It’s not though!” Lila looked at Laura. “Mom what’s my name,”

                Clint wondered what Laura’s response would be, would she go along with it or simply end it there?

                “I can’t seem to remember,” Clint should’ve known she would keep it going. Lila gave a look of annoyance but quickly got over it.

                “Do you want to see some of my drawings?” Lile ran off the screen and then came back with a few pieces of paper, she then showed each drawing in great detail to Pietro, who listened intently and made a lot of comments.

                When she was done she looked back at Laura. “Mom, when can Pietro come over and draw with me?”

                Lila always failed to pronounce Pietro’s name, and it always came out more like Peter.

                “I don’t know, that’s his decision,” Laura stated, which then got Lila to give Pietro a pleading look.

                “Soooo?” she said rather exasperatedly with wide eyes like she had been waiting for the answer forever.

                Pietro let out a soft chuckle. “Sooooooo I’ll come out soon,”

                “Yay!” Lila was practically jumping, and Clint wondered if Pietro meant that or not. He didn’t seem like the type to make empty promises to a seven-year-old who thought the world of him, but who knows?

                When the call ended, Pietro eyed him. “You can stop looking at me like that, yes, we’ll come, at least for a few days. Then we’ll come back here and start our Avenger training.”

                “What about Wanda, don’t you need to talk to her?”

                “Aw yes, of course, You should be sure to ask her, you know when she gets back from that long walk with Vision.” Pietro quickly stated, leaving the room, and Clint could see that the fake smile he had put on for Lila had faded again.

                He couldn’t exactly blame him, he could only count the many fake smiles he had given his kids right after a battle, the fake smile he had given his kids right after Sokovia. Right after he thought he had seen a kid die. Now he was getting to know the said kid and learning he was so much like Clint before he had joined Shield.

                Clint walked over to one of the walls, wanting to bang his head against it. He and his stupid conscience, why couldn’t he just go home and keep the line between Avengers? Why was his wife now fully on board for making their house a bed and breakfast?

                He knew why, and it was because Pietro had gotten himself shot for Clint because he had offered a scared girl the chance to be an Avenger only for her brother to be killed. It was because they had done everything out of the want to do what was right, even if it was a twisted version of it.

                Twisted, like how twisted it is to steal even in the name of looking out for one’s child. Yeah maybe that was it, Clint knew what it could do to a person not to know real morals.

                “Trouble in paradise?” Clint turned to see Steve enter the room, Natasha and Sam weren’t with him though.

                “Yeah and it’s your fault, if you hadn’t come in with your high and mighty approach to life I could’ve just kept living life the way I was used to it.”

                “Somehow I doubt I’m your reason for any of this,” Steve argued with one of his signature smiles. “But I do want to thank you for what you’re doing for the twins, I think they need this, I don’t think they’re ready to jump into the lack of stability that comes with being an Avenger.”

                “They could probably handle it since that’s all they’re used to.”

                “Probably but then they would never know how to live in something more.” See this was the high moral he was talking about.

                “Yeah well, I don’t want to hear it.” Clint scowled and then looked at the door, still no Sam or Nat. “Where’s Nat?”

                “She’s working late on a mission, hasn’t exactly been the same since Bruce left.” Clint knew that if there was anyone else in the world who cared about Nat as much as him it would be Steve, only he wondered if Steve’s feelings for her were more than a friendship.

                “Yeah I noticed, and if I ever see Bruce again there might be an arrow in his chest.” Clint was only half joking, and Steve no doubt knew that.

                “He’s still an Avenger.”

                “Well, I don’t think any of us take credit for always getting along.” Ultron had proven that, and Clint wondered if any of those arguments would ever truly go away.

                I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 822


                  MCU Pietro is SO much better lol


                  Miley, don’t do this to me lol…don’t tell me what Pietro’s last words were. Just don’t 😭😭


                  Also, I’ll try to read the fic later or tomorrow. Watching some Marvel rn. About to see Bucky’s first appearance in The First Avenger 💕💕

                  Yeah, I think I caught Mom’s COVID 😅😬

                  Ruee Hamster Huey
                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 4124


                    Eavesdropping! That was just great and unexpected! Very enjoyable thumbs up!


                    Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                    #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 822


                      Ahhhh I love it so much ❤️😭








                      Will Bucky ever be in this fic???


                      I’m sorry. I had to ask 😂

                      I can’t help it. I love ny Boi XD

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2243

                        @freed_and_redeemed @keilah-h @rae

                        Okay so I know I just got back and everything but I have an announcement

                        Today at youth they touched kn a heavy subject and it made me realize that I had to take a break from Marvel and fa pics for a little while

                        Today was actually the start of a catholic tradition where they give something of importance until Easter

                        So I decided I’m going to do that

                        I will still be on here and when it’s over I will happily catch up on all the conversations and everything, I just need to do this for the Lord


                        I’m honestly really sad to do this since we’ll y’all know how much I love Marvel, but I know if I don’t do this now it could become harder for me

                        This fanfic will be continued just not until agree Easter

                        I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                        ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 822

                          I have an idea that started today that’s living rent-free in my head…may never make it onto paper, but I’m just gonna rant about it here bc I want to XD


                          House of Heroes; led by Duke Nicholas Joseph Furion, a noble who seeks to bring peace to the land: white, blue, and yellow.

                          Holds the northern part of the land, the largest portion, full of hills and the most plentiful dirt, heavily defended by both human defenses and natural defenses in the form of mountains

                          House of Mercenaries; led by Lord Alexander Arthur Pierceson, a once-hated noble that secretly wishes to seize the land for himself only: red, black, and silver.

                          Holds the eastern side of the land, with a strong army/navy; owns/holds the docks and routinely trades with other lands

                          House of Hunters; led by Clinton Francis Bartonion, a hunter and former famous marksman who only wishes to keep the people with him safe and protected from the other Houses: purple, forest green, and dark gray.

                          Holds the southern portion of the land, which is filled with forests as far as the eyes can see, full of people that survive off the land and don’t depend on anyone but themselves. They live inside tree houses to stay protected from the animals below

                          House of Warriors; led by Prince Thor Odin Odinson, a regent prince, leading his people in the absence of his ill father and deceased mother, and the one who truly should hold the throne: gold, dark red, and light yellow.

                          Holds the land to the west, which is full of underground treasures, including jewels and gold; the richest of all of the kingdoms and the kingdom that is the most willing to defend


                          Characters (thus far)

                          Name: Steven (Steve) Grant Rogenovin

                          Age: 20

                          House: House of Heroes

                          Role: Main Character

                          Two main character traits: Brave and stubborn

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Positive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Peasant/Knight

                          Name: James Buchanan (Bucky) Barnovion

                          Age: 23

                          House: House of Mercenaries

                          Role: Main Character

                          Two main character traits: Loyal and caring

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Redemptive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Servant/Knight

                          Name: Anthony Edward Starken

                          Age: 32

                          House: House of Heroes

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Sarcastic and innovative

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Positive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Peasant/Blacksmith

                          Name: Thor Odin Odinson

                          Age: 27

                          House: House of Warriors

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Courageous and devoted

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Royalty

                          Name: Loki Laufey Odinson

                          Age: 25

                          House: House of Warriors

                          Role: Main Character

                          Two main character traits: Mischievous and intelligent

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Redemptive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Royalty

                          Name: Natasha Alianovna Romanovalina

                          Age: 28

                          House: House of Hunters

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Reserved and generous

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Knight


                          Name: Clinton (Clint) Francis Bartonion

                          Age: 34

                          House: House of Hunters

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Hard-working and protective

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Nobility (kinda)

                          Name: Yelena Belova Romanovalina

                          Age: 25

                          House: House of Hunters

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Sarcastic and playful

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Knight

                          Name: Wanda Irena Maximoff

                          Age: 19

                          House: House of Hunters

                          Role: Main Character

                          Two main character traits: Quiet and committed

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Positive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Peasant


                          Name: Pietro Peter Maximoff

                          Age: 19

                          House: House of Hunters

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Protective and playful

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Positive

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Peasant

                          Name: Samuel (Sam) Thomas Wilsonson

                          Age: 27

                          House: House of Heroes

                          Role: Side Character

                          Two main character traits: Loyal and devoted

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Knight

                          Name: Phillip (Phil) Joseph Coulson

                          Age: 38

                          House: House of Heroes

                          Role: Mentor

                          Two main character traits: Helpful and compassionate

                          Arc (positive, negative, flat, redemptive): Flat

                          Class (royalty, nobility, servant, knight, etc): Servant/Advisor

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 822

                            this is the first fanfic I’ve done anything on in weeks XD

                            Keilah H.
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 5801

                              @freed_and_redeemed ooooh I love it


                              I want to do a fanfic like that now.

                              It’ll be SO FLIPPIN’ CRAZY but that’ll be worth it, right?

                              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 822



                                *motions you over*

                                Do you wanna read the first chapter of a fanfic I’ve been playing around with for a while now??


                                It’s the Dystopian one I’ve discussed quite a few times, and since you’re the one most active and since I know how much you like fanfics, would you like to read it?? 👀


                                I’m gonna post it, but you don’t have to read if you don’t want to!!


                                TW: MENTIONS OF TORTURE/PUNISHMENT. MENTIONS OF BLOOD, SCREAMS, ETC. (nothing super graphic, I promise…and all of it is just mentioned, not shown)

                                C H A P T E R  1

                                Every footstep could be danger lurking in the darkest of corners. Every breath could be heard by those who wished to kill. Any wrong move, any last decision, any sudden second could come like a thief in the night, stealing away what was precious.

                                The blue hologram loomed before Colonel Nicholas Joseph Fury, nicknamed Nick by those who knew him well, a window into a present situation he could take no part in but was required to observe.

                                Every mishap had to be recorded; every bit of unusual activity had to one day be reported to his superiors. Admiral Brock Rumlow required a mission report of each individual mission.

                                Fury had to be stupid if he dared disobey.

                                His fingers clasped around a simple pen. The tip touched paper and slid across the whiteness, jotting down a minor mistake the Field Leader of the team, Captain Steve Rogers, made. It was miniscule, yet Rumlow wouldn’t see it as such, and it wouldn’t be unlikely that Steve would pay for it.

                                Fury felt bad for the kid. The boy was not a day older than twenty and led a team packed with those who had either once been criminals or else deemed those who would never be controlled without excessive force.

                                The hostages were rescued. The criminals were caught. The mission, like so many, had been finalized by a team who did their best even when the Confederacy refused to believe in them.

                                Fury pressed a dark red button, the hologram dispersing from his own view. He tapped his fingers on the dark metal desk.

                                He rubbed his bearded chin and permitted a low sigh to slip from his lips.


                                “We did our best! Is that not enough for Admiral Rumlow?”

                                Fury stood, standing above and looking over his entire team compromised of ten members. He hated it just as much as they did, but he also knew how lofty the consequences would be if they refused such orders.

                                “I’m sorry, Pietro, but we have our orders. Rumlow found fault in the report I was required to give, and thus Rogers must be surrendered over for disciplinary action,” Fury dropped his stern tone, “but I hate it more than any of you understand.”

                                Sam Wilson crossed his arms across his chest. “It’s not right.” He whispered with a firm frown.

                                “It isn’t right, and it isn’t fair, but it is how Chancellor Pierce has decided that things should be run.”

                                A scoff echoed through the still conference room. “Pierce is a—”

                                “Take care how you speak, Stark. There are ears everywhere and spies everywhere else.” Fury glanced around at the fully gathered members of Strike Team Avengers and continued, “But you all did positively well. A few mishaps didn’t hinder you, and I commend all of you for all of your hard work. You do much better than anyone in this Confederacy give you credit for. We will do better to avoid mishaps, but overall, you have all done amazingly well.”

                                Steve carefully removed the mask he was commanded to wear, attached by a strap beneath his ears and another strap around his head that went through his blonde locks. The mask covered both his forehead and his lower face, leaving only his eyes exposed.

                                Fury had never understood why, but Pierce didn’t permit for Steve to go out into the field without it.

                                “Are we finished here, team? I am required to bring Steve to Admiral Rumlow, and for the safety of everyone in this room, I am apt to keeping him waiting.”

                                Steve’s fingers trembled as he set his metal mask down, fear written on his every feature. He understood the gravity of the situation, the weight of his forced leadership, and certainly knew the pain of a heavy whip upon his bare back. It wasn’t an uncommon routine that Steve was returned to the compound unconscious and bleeding, his back a mess of open wounds and welts.

                                Those were the days that Dr. Bruce Banner worked endlessly; those were the days when the team vowed to never make a mistake again, a feat they, as people, couldn’t accomplish.

                                Those were the nights during which they took shifts checking on Steve; those were the nights where the air itself teemed with Steve’s agony and pulsed with his every scream.

                                It was worse on the days Steve was punished in front of his team. No one slept, not even for a moment, on those nights.

                                Fury hated it.

                                He hated all of it.

                                He just wished, hoped, prayed that there was an escape. Somewhere. Somehow. He couldn’t live such a way anymore.

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5801

                                  @freed_and_redeemed Ooh, I love the idea so far!! I want to see more now, I love AU’s like these.


                                  Speaking of which, I have a combination AU where each fictional universe I like is a different species of creature. The Marvel characters have cat ears and tails and are the fastest runners. Their homeworld is called Furion, after Director Fury (got the idea from one of your other fanfics lol) Maybe once pictures are up I’ll draw some for you.

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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