Snowball Fight!

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  • #191302
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 2774


      *grabs your foot and yanks you to the ground* REVENGE! ⚪️💨 x 8

      Here’s your five hundred words

      The train platform was busy and crowded, the air buzzing with activity. People pushed and shouted. Trains whistled impatiently. But none of this bothered Felicity. Being Skadian, she was almost a head taller than everyone else in the crowd. She stood in place for a moment and took in her surroundings.

      Scattered about, the bronze, blank faces of automated civil servants were visible. Most were still, heads occasionally turning and scanning the crowd. A couple were giving directions to travelers in their whirring mechanical voices. The headlight of a nearby train swiveled about as it watched its passengers unload. The light paused on one little girl holding a little blue suitcase. She smiled and waved shyly at it. The train gave a soft whistle back. Her guardians appeared a second later and ushered her away. Overhead, the loudspeaker crackled on and announced the newest arrivals and departures. People all around suddenly picked up their pace.

      Felicity clutched her bag a bit tighter, adjusted her leather cap on her head, and then began pushing her way through the mass of people.


      The Freckled Fox Inn was a three story building in the middle of downtown Linmaus. It was taller and wider than the buildings around it, and the red brick walls made it look much warmer than its gray stone neighbors. It was actually very warm on the inside because Helen, the innkeeper, liked it that way. She kept the central fireplace always stoked and her guests always comfortable. The smoke floating from the inn’s chimney sometimes grew thicker or thinner, but never stopped.

      Today was another slow day. Though the city was a busy place, not many from out of town visited in the dead of winter. On the main floor of the inn, a handful of customers sat around dining tables enjoying warm meals and quiet chatting. Helen stood behind the counter, drying a couple dishes with a towel.

      The front doorbell jangled and a cold wind swept into the room. A young woman stepped inside. She was tall, had long white hair in two braids down her back, and had an elfin looking face which seemed like it belonged to a troublemaker. She didn’t wear a coat, but seemed completely unbothered by the winter air.

      “Can I help you, hon?” Helen asked.

      The girl stepped up to the counter with a smile.

      “Yes, thank you. Do you have any rooms available?”

      “Plenty. Do you know how long you’ll be staying?”

      She shrugged.

      “No worries. May I get your name?”

      “Felicity Frost.”

      After a bit more discussion over room price and other details, Felicity was shown upstairs and given a key to room eight.

      And here’s a short thing trying to develop side characters:

      Fred gave a frustrated sigh. Brow furrowed, he pulled a short pipe and a box of tobacco from his vest. After filling it, he put the pipe in his mouth and went to light it, but stopped, catching his wife’s stern gaze.


      “You know it.”

      “‘Course, love.” The man stood and walked out the front door, grabbing his coat as he left. Helen watched him go with her hands on her hips. When the door closed, a smile suddenly grew on her face.

      “Ain’t he cute when he’s worried?”

      This feels like I wrote a whole lot of nothing, but at least now I get to do this

      ⚪️💨 @liberty ⚪️💨 @koshka ⚪️💨 @rae ⚪️💨 @raxforge ⚪️💨 @theshadow ⚪️💨 @freedomwriter76 ⚪️💨 @hybridlore ⚪️💨 @esther-c ⚪️💨 @ellette-giselle ⚪️💨 @highscribeofaetherium ⚪️💨  @the_lost-journal ⚪️💨


      Official KP archivist ✨

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2774

        Ack, used your old tag @freed_and_redeemed

        Official KP archivist ✨

          • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
          • Total Posts: 111


          What is this? Where am I? What am I supposed to do? What-

          ❄️Ow! No headshots!

          I'm here but not here--I'm ghosting you all

            • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
            • Total Posts: 111

            But seriously what are we doing here

            I'm here but not here--I'm ghosting you all

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 531


              Read the first post on this topic so that you can get the rules.

              I have sagely sageness everyone!
              #AnduthForever (Lord Willing)

              Ellette Giselle
                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3199






                The closer they got to the water, the tighter Marta held to Josef’s hand. “What’s that sound?” she asked, anxiously.

                “It’s the waves on the shore,” Josef replied. He led her closer just as a large wave crashed into the sand.

                The water swirled around Marta’s legs, and she let out a scream, clinging to Josef with both hands. “I don’t like it, Papa! I don’t like it!”

                Josef picked Marta up and placed her on his shoulder. “There you are, Schmetterling.”

                For a moment Marta clung to him desperately. Finally, she eased off and straightened. “Can you please take me away from the water?”

                Josef nodded and backed away. “There now, little one.”

                Marta refused to get down until Josef was back at the blanket and had promised the sea couldn’t get to her. Marta sat down on the blanket and wrapped her arms around her knees, looking slightly miserable. Josef listened to the laughter of his wife and son and watched his daughter. His eyes traveled over the sand to a slightly rocky slope, and an idea came to him. he pulled on his shoes and socks and stood.  “Marta, come with me.”


                No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 531

                  The writer sat back in his chair and sighed. That’s a start, but where to go from there? He scratched his head. After contemplating for a little while, he took up his pen again. “God’s love is great and wonderful, it saves the soul of everyone who believes. This is a story about one who felt that love, the greatest, deepest love. Our main character was a quiet fellow, he wasn’t accustomed to the ways of society. He wanted to be a part of society, but it was hard for him, like many others in this world. His father he never knew, which may be the reason for his shyness, he never had someone to help him guide him up to be a man of God. It’s not the father’s fault that he left, the Lord called him home, so home he went.” The writer sat back, pleased with his little narrative.

                  “Diner!” The voice that beckoned was sweet and soft.

                  “Coming Love.” And the writer closed his book, got up, and left the room.

                  “What were you doing?” asked the sweet voice as he entered the room.

                  “I was writing a story.” the writer smiled at his wife, and he took the seat at the head of the table.

                  “About what?” The writer’s wife was curious, never not. She always wanted to know the new and unknown.

                  “A story about a lad who is shy and learns about the love of God.” He smiled, his normal, loving smile.

                  “I would like to read it sometime.” She smiled back.

                  “That you shall. Let us pray for this meal.” And with that, they bowed their heads.

                  I was supposed to write 200 words, but I wrote 275, but I don’t care too much.

                  Eight snowballs straight to @rae (because she wanted them)

                  I have sagely sageness everyone!
                  #AnduthForever (Lord Willing)

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 486


                    After getting splatted by you, I mentioned doing my next defense as her. 🙂

                    Ah. I get it now. Thank you for explaining. I like her name.

                    "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 486


                      ❄️Ow! No headshots!

                      Oops, sorry. I didn’t mean to hit your face.

                      What is this? Where am I? What am I supposed to do? What-

                      Basically, when you’re hit by a snowball, you have to write 50 words. Then you get to hit two other people!

                      "He who never quotes will never be quoted." ~Charles Spurgeon

                      Ruee Hamster Huey
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4124

                        @highscribeofaetherium @loopylin

                        In the mood for a Chase snippet?

                        Snap. The tiny sound caught Chase’s attention. He turned, pulling the brim of his ranger hat down so that it blocked his eyes from view. “Come out.”

                        Kat, knowing she was caught, slowly rose from her poise in the brush. “Hi, Chase,” She greeted him sheepishly.

                        “W-what do you th-think you’re d-doing? This part of the f-forest is dang-ger-ous.”

                        “No less than any other part. Why do you come here?”

                        Chase silently cast her a glance under his hat brim. Then he shook his head, picking a leaf from a plant beside him. He silently walked away with Kat in tow.

                        101 words. Chase is an adult in this snippet btw.



                        so…I may have written 970 words instead of 400…

                        Also, warning, this is the death scene of a character you know from 13th Birthday Sabotage.

                        Nahim gripped the edge of his seat tightly, laughing as his older brother, Alin cut the engines to the spacecraft and folded in the wings, bringing the ship into a free fall. Last minute, Alin brought the engines back online, folded out the wings, and kissed the tips of the Laxorian trees with the hull. It was like an amusement ride, and in Alin’s hands, Nahim thought there was no possible way he could ever be in danger of crashing. Maybe his brother was only fifteen, but no one, Nahim was sure, had ever handled a spacecraft better than his brother.

                        “How was that one, Nahim?” Alin smiled, his brown eyes glistening with glee. He loved it in the sky. It was where he felt most happy, where he could not hold a care in the world, where no one could touch him.

                        “Perfect!” Nahim cried, as he took in large breaths, calming his racing heart.

                        Alin smiled wider. “Your turn!” He pushed a button on the consul, and the copilot controls folded out in front of Nahim. Alin’s folded in.

                        Nahim grasped the controls. “I’m not sure–“

                        “Oh, don’t worry about it! It’s basically the same thing you did in your Test of Courage, just without safety measures. You’ll be fine!”

                        Nahim nodded, and cut the engines just as Alin had done. While Nahim wasn’t as smooth as his brother, it went without hitch, and Nahim breathed a sigh of relief, giving a nervous laugh as they climbed into the clouds. “That was a little more nerve-wracking than when you’re in charge.”

                        Alin laughed. “You’ll get used to it!” Without warning, an alarm went off. Alin folded out his controls, checking it.

                        “What’s wrong?”

                        Alin’s face became grave as he looked at the alarm. “We should land. Something’s not right.”

                        “Did I do something worng?”

                        “I don’t think so. It’s probably nothing.” Alin took the controls, guiding the craft back towards Laxan. He could feel the craft under him was handling different. He didn’t like it. As they flew over the Laxorian forest, and towards the Laxan Twins, one engine burst into flames, and the second soon followed. Alin glided using the wings, which had been clipped slightly when the engines burst, but he knew that there was no way they’d make it all the way to home before they’d have to crash land. He commed back to Laxan, alerting the crew at the hangar of their plight. Guiding the craft with one hand, Alin removed his breast plate of armor, handing it to Nahim. “Put it on. Here, take my helmet too.” Alin tossed him the helmet.


                        “JUST DO IT!” Alin commanded. Nahim obeyed.

                        The wings gave way, and the craft plummeted, crashing into the side of one of the Laxan Twins as Nahim heard Alin say “Everything will be fine.” Flashes of color and then blackness covered Nahim’s world.


                        Voices. Voices whispering. Nahim lay in a world of black, but he still heard the voices of his family around him and…was Ma crying? Yes, he recognized it. She was. He wanted to run to her, to comfort her, but he couldn’t. He could only listen, seeing nothing but a black void, and feeling nothing. It was like he was suspended in a dream, for even the voices sounded warped, and quiet.


                        Light finally poured in. How long had Nahim been in his strange dream? He stirred. “Alin?”

                        A Realn nurse hushed him. “Lie still, I’ll get your family.”

                        “Thank you,” Nahim whispered.

                        Nahim did not wait long before his mother, father, Knihan, and Larin entered the room. Not seeing the familiar cheery brown eyes and combed black hair of Alin, Nahim quietly asked, “Where is Alin?”

                        His mother burst into tears, kneeling by Nahim’s bed to bury her face in his shoulder.

                        “Alin…died,” His father softly, reverently answered Nahim.

                        “No, he said everything would be fine. He said so! He can’t be gone, he had so many dreams left to fulfil. He was going to be a Master, and end the Nanian war. He was going to fly straight to Nana and end the war!” Hot tears welled in Nahim’s eyes, pouring down his cheeks.

                        “I know, but Ehyeh had other plans.” Nahim’s father, the strongest person Nahim knew, the rock that his family, Laxan, and even the entire Nayhelm clan could lean on when they needed to, had eyes shimmering with salty water.

                        If Alin had kept his armor, he would have lived, but instead he gave it to his brother, and Nahim lived. Nahim Alfred Nayhelm, the one who would help end the Nanian war.


                        Nae swept her hair back into a high pony tail, before braiding her long black hair. She adjusted her armor, before leaving her room, humming and skipping down the stairs like a little girl.

                        Alpha crossed his arms, smiling approvingly upon seeing her. “That’s my little sis, on her way to become the best pilot in the Galaxy.”

                        “Not so little anymore!” She stopped in front of him. “I’m only a head shorter than you!” She declared proudly.

                        Alpha laughed. “You’re still small enough for me to do this!” Alpha grabbed Nae, swiping her off her feet and twirling around. The two laughed together, until the call came for Nae to leave.

                        On her way out to her spacecraft, she said good bye to her father, Nahim. He looked into her blue eyes, seeing the same sparkle that Alin once had. He kissed her on the forehead. “Be careful, my Sunshine.”

                        “I will, Da. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” With that, Nae turned away, taking command of her craft.

                        As Nahim watched his daughter fly away, he whispered under his breath, “I do hope everything will be fine this time. Watch over my Nae, Ehyeh, please.”

                        Haven’t edited it yet, so sorry if it’s kinda rough.


                        ⚪️x2 @calyhuge ⚪️x2 (Sorry, Calyhuge if you didn’t want to join this crazy place. Ignore me if you wish)

                        Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                        #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 2680

                          *falls over, wallowing in despair (and snow)*



                          HOW COULD YOU, LOOPY?






                          *laughs in evil*


                          Heh… heh…

                          I think I might have gone insane 🙂


                          If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 2680


                            was… until I read the other thing you wrote and now I’m sad 🙁


                            Just so you know, the protection squad is watching you. We’ve got our eyes on you.

                            If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


                            Ellette Giselle
                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 3199


                              Oh that’s so sad.

                              You did a good job with that scene.

                              No half-heartedness and no worldly fear must turn us aside from following the light unflinchingly.

                              Ruee Hamster Huey
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4124


                                Thank you.


                                Here’s a scene to cheer you up 🙂

                                Nahim was quiet when he was in the barracks after the loss of Caspian. Much of his time was spent more in the training pods, or in the ship’s gardens. Alone. Not even Mandin kept him company. When it came time to call his therapist, he was cold, and almost completely silent. More than usual.

                                It was Zach’s idea to cheer him with a new addition to the Boomerangs. Mandin got the okay from Nahim’s therapist, and Akin had the idea cleared. Finally, all the Boomerangs picked out the new addition together with a unanimous vote.

                                Mandin lured Nahim to the barracks. Nahim suspiciously eyed his smirking comrades who stood as a human wall.

                                Without a word, the wall of Boomerangs parted, showing Zach holding onto something that looked like a small mountain of silky, dark fur.

                                Nahim’s expression changed drastically, to a mixture of excitement and silent shock. Mandin smiled, nudging Nahim forward. “Go on, say hello.”

                                Nahim slowly approached, kneeling in front of the mountain of long fur. Zach let go of the blue collar, and the dog jumped up on Nahim, licking his face. To the delight of all, Nahim smiled, then laughed a little.

                                “What’s his name?”

                                “Bear. He’s a support dog,” Mandin replied.

                                “We all voted to getting him,” Asher chimed.

                                “It was Zach’s idea though,” Thurston slipped in.

                                Nahim pushed Bear gently away so that he could look up at the Boomerangs. “Thank you.” By the look in Nahim’s eyes, they knew it was from the bottom of Nahim’s heart.


                                Mandin groggily woke up in the middle of the night, glancing over at Bear’s bed. It was empty. Partly alarmed, Mandin pushed himself up on his elbow, looking around the room. And that was when he saw the two forms on the floor. Gently rousing Zach, he pointed. Nahim was asleep on the floor, his face and hands buried in Bear’s silky soft fur. The dog was licking Nahim’s hair into spikes before becoming aware of his observers. Bear lifted his massive head, his eyes from under his fur glistened in the pale light.

                                “Good boy,” Zach whispered.

                                Bear wagged his tail, before going back to ruining Nahim’s hair.

                                Mandin chuckled. “Nahim will look funny in the morning.”

                                Zach nodded with a grin.

                                Indeed, when morning came the Boomerang barracks roared with laughter.

                                It’s pretty rough, sorry

                                Whaley inspired it, so credit to her.

                                Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 2680


                                  Aww. That’s cute 😀

                                  If I had ever learnt, I should have been a great proficient.


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