Reintroduction of Yours Truly

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  • #81250
      • Rank: Bumbling Henchman
      • Total Posts: 12

      Oh hey, I remember you. I have absolutely no recollection of what my old username was (oops) but we were in a class together outside of Kingdom Pen!


      Good to see you again!

      Seeking to love those I do not know/ failing to let that love show

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 2306

        @dragon-snapper  @warrenluther04  @devastate-lasting  @epicaddie2  @that_writer_girl_99  @daughteroftheking

        OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS good to see you guys again! 😂 How have y’all been??

        So you’re not an ENFJ anymore, Snapper?

        You can pronounce it however you want.

        NC Stokes
          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1156

          @dekreel Hello! It’s so great seeing KP email in my inbox again. XD I’ve been good! More than I can say for my characters, mwahaha, but that’s beside the point, lol. How was your birthday?


            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 2306

            @daughteroftheking  I haven’t written anything in like months, so you’re probably better off than I am. XP

            My birthday was good! Dad took me shopping which was a lot of fun.

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Joy. Reason: I totally did not just tag you as "ncstokes" XP

            You can pronounce it however you want.

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 794

              @dekreel HIIIII I’ve been great!! How are you??

              INFJ ~ 4w5

              Linyang Zhang
                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                • Total Posts: 1700

                @dekreel AHHH hello! Yeah I’m doing okay, kinda stressed and tired most of the time, but what else could you expect?

                I mainly see you on Instagram now, haha. How are you doing?

                Lately, it's been on my brain
                Would you mind letting me know
                If hours don't turn into days

                Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 634

                  @dragon-snapper Hi, hello; I have no idea who you are. XD I like gifs, too, but I don’t have the right mode or availability to do a gif war, so that’s gone. What on earth is an ENFP? An Educated Natural Flipping Pancake? An Elastic Neurological Fire Pandemic? XD Gosh, this is fun. An Emoting Norwegian/Finnish Pyromaniac? An Esoteric Nautilus with a background in Finger Pedagogy?…what does that even MEAN?

                  Are you by any chance on Story Embers?

                  Selah CJW
                    • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                    • Total Posts: 245


                    *strides in late*  Hiya, everyone! And hiya, Snapper! I love your meme. XD And I remember all the memes on SE that appeared wherever you did. Lol. It’s awesome- we all need plenty of memes in our lives, right? And I’m an absolute LotR fan myself, oh yeah!! Favorite genre? Historical fiction, generally, and it’s mostly what I write as well. Do you mostly write fantasy? And I read a lot. What do you like to read?  *feels a little weird asking a bunch of strung random questions* XD!

                    Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                    Selah CJW
                      • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                      • Total Posts: 245


                      *just saw your post* DYING of laughter! It’s an MBTI personality type, as in 16 personalities things. Please, would you make up some for me, being an ESFJ-A? XD!

                      Prendre garde ~ I bleed ink

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 2306

                        @epicaddie2  ‘Ello!! I’m doing okay, yourself?

                          Haha, same here.

                        @leon-fleming  I am, but I don’t get on very often anymore. Especially since they removed the art department.

                        You can pronounce it however you want.

                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 40

                          @epicaddie2 Remember the time we tried to find something that Snapper wouldn’t melt and you created that incredible Snapper Repellant/Flame Retardant?

                          Good times.


                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 40

                            (for anyone inquiring that happened here)

                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 40

                              Ahem. And btw, hi Snapper. I’m afraid I got too caught up in reminiscing to remember your presence. (please don’t melt my chair…or phone for that matter)

                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 794

                                @shannoncv Oh my gosh YES. *goes back to read the thread*

                                INFJ ~ 4w5

                                Alien and Sojourner in a Foreign Land
                                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                  • Total Posts: 634

                                  @selah-chelyah OHHHH; I thought it was something like that. XD Sure! Anytime! Hmm…how about this: An Eccentric Solar Fire Jug-Alphabetized? An Electric Singing Fear Juggler-American? An Economic Shabby Financial Jailer-Analyst? An Enigmatic Sesquipedalian Flower Journalist-Ascot? An Extemporaneous Seismology Ferromanganese Jollification-Addict? XD

                                  Oh, cool; I used to talk with someone with a “Dekreel” in their name on SE.

                                  @shannoncv That’s an…interesting line of conversation. XD I read your profile interests: What’s “Cut Flowers” (that’s very interesting) and “Crown of Green”?

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