Read through the Bible???

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  • This topic has 64 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Beth.
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  • #172089
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
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      Fine with me! 😁

      “Squidward that wasn’t the peace treaty that was a copy of the peace treaty” -SpongeBob

        • Rank: Chosen One
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        Sounds good! Yeah, let’s just try to stay updated and maybe someone can post the number of chapters we’ll read to each week? I would say 3 chapters per day will work in general, but you’re right, it definitely depends on the book.

        @beth @hanako @mineralizedwritings @esther-c @walkbyfaith

        So this week, read until Genesis 22, I think? (From yesterday to Sunday)

        • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by hybridlore. Reason: Missed a tag! 😅

        "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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          Alrighty!! 😄

          If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 420

            Did anyone else start on Monday because it was January 1st? I was so confused because I skipped Sunday so I was three days behind for this week and I just realized why.

            PIVOT! PiVOT!

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 420

              Oh! Nevermind, I just saw that you put we’re stopping at Sunday.

              I’m so sorry, ignore the last thing I said.

              PIVOT! PiVOT!

                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                Hey, what are we reading to now? Or… what are we doing?


                If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
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                  @grcr @hybridlore @walkbyfaith @hanako @people-i-forgot

                  Sorry if I forgot to tag anyone. How did last week go for everyone? Did the three chapters a day work out?

                  PIVOT! PiVOT!

                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 420


                    I think we’ll just read the three a day (if that works for everyone still)


                    I’m also really sorry, I wanted to ask my question last night. I wasn’t intending to wait till last minute.

                    PIVOT! PiVOT!

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2215

                      @beth-torres No problem! Don’t worry, your egood! 😁

                      Yeah, I think 3 a day still should for me!

                      "Don't shine so that others can see you. Shine so that through you, others can see Him." ~ C. S.

                        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                        • Total Posts: 1470


                        😄 worked for me as well!

                        Ah, and no need to apologize!

                        If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

                          • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                          • Total Posts: 45


                          I started a bit late, but I’m just about caught up, Three a day works for me! 😁

                          “Squidward that wasn’t the peace treaty that was a copy of the peace treaty” -SpongeBob

                            • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                            • Total Posts: 45

                            @grcr @bethtorres @hybridlore @hanako @anyone-else

                            Hey guys! Just wanted to hear anyone’s thoughts on what we’ve read so far! (If I’m right we’ve read through Genesis 30? Please correct me if I’m wrong XD) Any verses/chapters stand out to you?

                            I’m doing my reading on the Bible Project app so I can read their notes and hyperlinks along with the readings (I’ve never done that before and thought it might teach me things I wouldn’t have seen on my own!) Something I’ve noticed these past few days is how all of these characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc; all of them were broken. That sounds obvious, but I’ve always heard the “big” stories, like Abraham’s test to, ahem, give up Isaac. He obeyed. And Jacob is literally who the Israelites are named after. Learning about how Abraham tricked people on multiple occasions by saying Sarah was his sister, Isaac doing the exact same thing, Jacob being a lying cheater most of his life; it made me realize how broken we are.

                            But it also made me realize how God used them, even though they were broken sinners. Some of the most famous people in the Bible, people who God blessed abundantly, are as broken as me. And God still used them. He still blessed them. God can use broken people to accomplish His will. His love and mercy amazes me.

                            Anyway, that turned into a rant XD. If anyone else has anything they wanna share, I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on what we’ve read so far!! ❤️

                            “Squidward that wasn’t the peace treaty that was a copy of the peace treaty” -SpongeBob

                              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                              • Total Posts: 45


                              Sorry, messed up the tag 😅  ^^

                              “Squidward that wasn’t the peace treaty that was a copy of the peace treaty” -SpongeBob

                                • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                                • Total Posts: 1470

                                @walkbyfaith @everyone-else

                                (I haven’t yet read 30, but I’m at 28 I believe. I planned to read to there tonight)


                                Something I’ve noticed these past few days is how all of these characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc; all of them were broken. That sounds obvious, but I’ve always heard the “big” stories, like Abraham’s test to, ahem, give up Isaac. He obeyed. And Jacob is literally who the Israelites are named after. Learning about how Abraham tricked people on multiple occasions by saying Sarah was his sister, Isaac doing the exact same thing, Jacob being a lying cheater most of his life; it made me realize how broken we are.

                                But it also made me realize how God used them, even though they were broken sinners. Some of the most famous people in the Bible, people who God blessed abundantly, are as broken as me. And God still used them. He still blessed them. God can use broken people to accomplish His will. His love and mercy amazes me.

                                Mmm. Interesting point.

                                Anyway, that turned into a rant XD. If anyone else has anything they wanna share, I’d love to hear other’s thoughts on what we’ve read so far!! ❤️

                                I don’t really have much to say. I thought Abraham’s love for Lot was admirable. From letting Lot choose where he wanted to go to keep peace between them (when they had to separate), to coming to save Lot after he’d been taken captive—I thought it was good.

                                Also, for the first time I noticed how much rebellion was actually in the picture—especially in Esau. I never knew that Esau married the daughter of Ishmael… or that he did it AFTER he heard Isaac tell Jacob NOT to marry the Canaanites. So he knew well enough that they displeased his father, but he did it anyway. (Genesis 28:6–9, btw). Personally, I thought it was interesting.

                                So, yeah. 😅 Hah, the things that stand out to me. Anyway… 💛

                                If you pluck them, they explode. Goro.

                                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                                  • Total Posts: 45


                                  I thought Abraham’s love for Lot was admirable. From letting Lot choose where he wanted to go to keep peace between them (when they had to separate), to coming to save Lot after he’d been taken captive—I thought it was good.

                                  So true!

                                  Also, for the first time I noticed how much rebellion was actually in the picture—especially in Esau. I never knew that Esau married the daughter of Ishmael… or that he did it AFTER he heard Isaac tell Jacob NOT to marry the Canaanites. So he knew well enough that they displeased his father, but he did it anyway. (Genesis 28:6–9, btw). Personally, I thought it was interesting.

                                  That’s an interesting point. That part kind of stood out to me too, but I didn’t think about how it shows so much rebellion

                                  Great points! ✨💛

                                  “Squidward that wasn’t the peace treaty that was a copy of the peace treaty” -SpongeBob

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