New year, new WIP anyone?

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  • #127431
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      Nice! I’m super curious what those two other ideas are, if you don’t mind sharing!! 🙂


        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 692


        I started 2 different series in November/December plus I already have 1 going so I won’t be doing that but I am going to start writing and giving away short stories to people I know for B-days and Christmas. Cool idea btw!

          • Rank: Chosen One
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          Great idea for a present! And thanks!


            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 812


            If you want some info on the Victorian era, there’s a show called Victorian Farm in which three historians live in the time period for a year. It’s super informative and fun to watch!


            New WIPs in 2023? I wish I could start a new one! I actually had to rein in my imagination and force myself not to, because even though I have many ideas, I need to focus on finishing the ones I’ve started.

            Some of my writing goals for 2023 are: to finish the first draft of My Resolve and edit My Home, finish a novella for my sisters called Schoolmistress, and try to finish Overcome.

            He must increase, but I must decrease.

              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
              • Total Posts: 1657


              Okay!! SO the first one is about

              A young woman who is hunting down the man who killed her sister. Her sister’s last word was, “Forgive.” Yet, the girl is too bitter and angry about the death of her sister to forgive. Is there any hope for her? And what really is forgiveness?

              So that’s the first one! It was actually inspired by a true event D;X that I heard about. I decided that it could be a great book teaching the meaning of forgiveness.

              The second one, is about

              Two young boys who meet each other. One lives in The South, and the other in The North. The year is 1856. These two boys become fast friends. Then one of them moves suddenly. Years pass, and they slowly start to forget about each other. Then, suddenly, the Civil War is starting. Both of them enlist, and somehow, in the fighting, they meet each other again, but this time, they’re enemies. And they’re bitter. They are no longer the carefree boys they once were. Can they learn to forgive?

              Haha, you can tell I love stories showing forgiveness XD. What do y’all think?

              @godlyfantasy12 @Loopylin @freedomwriter76 @princessachronicle22 Any-one-else


                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 3060


                Woah!! 😃😲 Those sound awesome! The first one sounds like a challenge to wright, but hey, challenge is good and I’m sure you’ll come up with some great stuff for it! Forgiveness is a great theme!


                  • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                  • Total Posts: 446


                  Ooh, that was a cool start (end?)! I love pick your own plot books, though I’ve always thought they would be hard to write. Mostly the formatting at the end and mixing the entire book up…

                  I’ll probably be taking a bit of a break from writing this year- okay no. Not as much because I’m not writing for a class, but I’ll be editing my WIP a lot and I have a couple of unfinished short stories that I want to finish. Other than that, I’m not sure, but I’m sure there will be much more writing! 😁😂

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1657


                    Woah!! 😃😲 Those sound awesome! The first one sounds like a challenge to wright, but hey, challenge is good and I’m sure you’ll come up with some great stuff for it! Forgiveness is a great theme!

                    Thank you :D!! Oh yeah, it will be. I think it can be really good if I do it correctly, heh. Thank you!! Yes, it is 🙂


                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3060


                      Thank you! I made that one up actually! ( I mean Whittaker is a last name but It just came to mind for him idk why) I kinda wanted to do Kelsey, but It’s just to girly for what I wanted.

                      That’s great! Greed and obsession is a great theme too! I’m having a hard time figuring out what you meant by ‘description of food’ countering the greed 😂 I think I’ll misinterpret it If I try XD


                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3060


                        Ooh, that was a cool start (end?)! I love pick your own plot books, though I’ve always thought they would be hard to write. Mostly the formatting at the end and mixing the entire book up…

                        Thanks! Yeah… it’ll be interesting 😅

                        Thankfully somebody here on KP recommended a flow chart, I think I’ll do that.

                        I’ll probably be taking a bit of a break from writing this year- okay no. Not as much because I’m not writing for a class, but I’ll be editing my WIP a lot and I have a couple of unfinished short stories that I want to finish. Other than that, I’m not sure, but I’m sure there will be much more writing! 😁😂

                        Oh, you finished that class?! What do you think now that it’s over?

                        Editing is good! I guess you can correct the issues having to write a chapter a week caused.


                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 3060


                          Nice! Finishing older project feel good. I find that I enjoy new project a lot more once the older ones are finished and off my mind.


                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156


                            WOWWWWW!!! I love those ideas!!!! <33333 Forgiveness is one of my favorite themes too, if that isn’t obvious by now. XD

                            Those ideas sound AMAZING!!!! And I already can’t wait till I get to read them. xD <333

                            Oh, and also, @mineralizedwritings and @lightoverdarkness6, there’s also this book that I’ve had an idea for a while and kinda want to write it…even tho it technically is after another book of mine. I just can’t write in order. XD Anywho…here’s the blurb I wrote a while back. 😉

                            Royal Navy Deserter.

                            Escaped Slave.

                            Lost Man.

                            1777, and Nehemiah Bullows is searching for a safe haven in America. It’s the land of opportunity, and no place could be better for a man trying to escape his past. The American Revolution is raging as America fights for her independence from Great Britain, and Nehemiah isn’t choosing sides at first. But in war, one must choose a side at some point. Nehemiah finds a new life in America, new friends, and even a family to belong in, and all the struggles, pains, and reminders of his past life feel so far away. For a little while, at least. But then the past comes knocking on his door, trouble comes, and Nehemiah is once again shackled by his past. Will the past hold him forever? Or will Nehemiah learn of the one name that can make him new?

                            Also thinking about working on this one too, but Freedom’s Fire is still going to be my main focus, unless things change. 😉

                            1863. It’s been two years since the attack on Fort Sumter sent the United States of America spiraling into a Civil War, and Adrian Lee Roberts, a Southern Pastor, is torn. He loves his family and his community, but his brother and many of his church members are slave owners, and Adrian is an abolitionist. But in war, one must choose a side. And Adrian can’t stand for something he knows is wrong. But standing up for what’s right can come at a cost, and he’s soon on the run from a wealthy slave trader that wants him dead. Will his family and church understand, or will they label him as a traitor and spy?


                            And in the end…

                            Is the cost of speaking the Truth truly worth it?

                            So…yeah. There’s also those 2 ideas. XD

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156


                              If you want some info on the Victorian era, there’s a show called Victorian Farm in which three historians live in the time period for a year. It’s super informative and fun to watch!

                              Thank you for the recommendation! 😀

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3060


                                Oh! Love those ideas! Especially the second one.


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156

                                  @mineralizedwritings. Aww, thank you!!!! <3333

                                  I do love Adrian and his story. 😉

                                  (kinda thinking about adding him to the character castle to get him developed more…XD The Castle actually really helps, lol! XD)

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