Monthly Prompts!!!

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    Keilah H.
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      @godlyfantasy12 *hearty evil laugh*

      You mean what I do every day? LOL no I don’t do that. Only on days ending with y.

      Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4732

        My characters must think I’m out to get them. I’m not. I just like throwing things at them and seeing how they’ll react.

        Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 3428


          Aww, thanks so much!!! 😊

          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

            • Rank: Chosen One
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            @keilah-h @euodia-vision @godlyfantasy12 Thx y’all!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

            And oooh, yay Godly!!! MORE PAXTONNNNNNNN 😍😍

              • Rank: Chosen One
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              I’m working on something for Day 1!!!!!! 😁

              Be prepared for a bit of Angst y’all 😭

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @godlyfantasy12 @smiley @keilah-h @euodia-vision @zemira @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @whalekeeper @anyone-else-lol-idk-XD

                I have something for Day 1!!!! (since I missed it and had an idea for it 😝)

                Sooo, from the 2nd fanfic in my 5-fanfic Marvel series…here we areeeee!!!!!!!

                WARNING: A bit of Angst up ahead

                Day 1: Fever

                His head still burned like fire.

                Steve adjusted the cloth on his best friend’s forehead.

                Bruce adjusted the glasses on his face, studying the clipboard of notes he had. He flipped one of the pages over and reclipped it. “It seems as though Bucky has an infection from a fairly large injury.”

                “Where is it?”

                “In his shoulder area, partially in between his flesh and metal. It’s been there for some time now, so it’s surprising how he couldn’t have mentioned it before now.”

                Steve bit his lip, turning his attention back to his friend, who slept, albeit fitfully, in bed.

                Bucky had been a little off the past few days…Steve should have guessed something was wrong.

                But they were all too busy tracking down Viola to really pay attention.

                It was all his fault.

                None of them even realized…until Bucky’s eyes became glassy, and he passed out in the middle of a meeting. Then everyone noticed.

                But he should have noticed sooner.

                “His fever still won’t go down, even after taking medication. The cloth has helped a little, but barely, and if his fever doesn’t go down…it could be dangerous.”

                “What else can we do, Bruce? What else helps lower a fever?”

                “Keeping him cooled down by using other cloths or sponges could help, and keeping him in a cool room, which this room is fairly cool. Things like that can help, and most importantly, he needs to stay hydrated…always.”

                “And the infection? What do we do about that?”

                “He’ll need antibiotics for the bacteria, and as for the wound…well,” Bruce bit his lip, “if it doesn’t heal itself, it may need to be stitched closed.”

                Steve raised an eyebrow. “Won’t it heal on its own?”

                “Depends on how deep it went, Steve…I’m still unsure exactly how far it went into Bucky’s body, but I know it at least reached the muscle.”

                The door creaked open. “How’s he doing?”

                Bruce turned to Tony with a small, faint smile. “Well…we just found out that he’s battling an infection from a wound he must have gotten from our battle with Alec and Vlad several days ago.”

                Tony let out a quiet curse beneath his breath. He stepped into the room and softly closed the door behind him. “How long are we looking at for recovery?”

                “A while, Tony, why?”

                Steve nodded in agreement with Bruce. “Yeah, why are you asking, Tony?”

                “Well, I’m pretty sure Viola could find out where we are, and-“

                “Have we found Viola, Tony?”

                “Hang on, Capsicle. The answer is no, we haven’t found Viola. But we need to be careful, Steve…she could come at any minute.”

                “I know, Tony,” Steve flipped over the cloth on Bucky’s forehead, “but Bucky’s more important right now…I have to make sure he’s okay.”

                “You going to need any help, Bruce?”

                Bruce shook his head, carefully laying down his clipboard on a nearby table. “Not at this minute, Tony, no. We need to bring his fever down for now, keep him hydrated, and watch to see if his wound heals up on its own. If it doesn’t…”

                Tony nodded, understanding where Bruce was heading. “It’ll need to be stitched closed. Got it. Capsicle, when’s the last time you slept?”

                “Uh,” Steve blinked, “yesterday, why?”

                “You haven’t slept in 24 hours? Steve, that’s unhealthy…”

                “Bruce is right, Cap.”

                “You do it all the time, Tony.”

                “I do not. I just do it most of the time. Either way, you need to sleep, Steve. Bruce can take care of Bucky, so why don’t you go take a nap? Come on now,” Tony grabbed his arm, “go sleep for a while.”

                Steve pulled his arm away and glared at the billionaire. “Don’t tell me what to do.” He faced Bruce and slowly nodded. “Okay…I’ll go sleep for a little while. But if Bucky wakes up, can you come and tell me? I want to talk to him and make sure he’s alright.”

                Bruce smiled and nodded. “I will, Steve…go get some sleep.”

                Steve nodded and went to go do so.

                But he had a feeling he still wouldn’t sleep.


                He’d promised Bruce he’d stay to keep him company, and then Bruce decided to leave Tony in the room alone.

                Go figure.

                Tony sighed and sank into the chair that sat a couple feet away from the bed Bucky slept on…the only bed in the room, come to think of it.

                They needed a better medical space…but this was what they had and what they had to learn to work with.

                But Tony could make a much better infirmary if they had a permanent place to stay.

                But they didn’t have a permanent place, at least not yet, and they’d have to make do with what they had.

                But why did he have to be left to watch Bucky?

                Didn’t Bruce know he had other things to do?

                Why did he have to watch the guy who didn’t like him? Well, Tony didn’t like Bucky either…the feeling was mutual between them.

                Bucky mumbled something Tony didn’t quite discern. But it was probably nothing.

                Tony picked up a book Bruce had left on the end table beside the chair he sat in and opened it, beginning to read.

                Bucky stirred and awoke, a gasp escaping his lips, mixed with words in a language Tony didn’t understand yet knew what it was. Russian.

                Tony set the book aside, stood, and went to stand over Bucky.

                More words tumbled from Bucky’s lips.

                Tony gently grabbed his wrists. “Metalhead, hey, chill. It’s me, Tony. You’re in the mansion I rented in Germany, remember? You’re sick from an infection from a wound in your shoulder, chest area.”

                Bucky blinked several times, his blue eyes still bloodshot and glassy from a raging fever. “…Tony…?”

                “There you go. See, you’re fine. You’re safe.”

                “Where’s Steve?”

                “Went to go take a nap…he really needed one. Bruce left, so now it’s just me in here.”

                Bucky slowly nodded, but he still seemed a bit unaware of what was going on around him. “…I don’t remember what happened…”

                “You passed out in the middle of the meeting about Viola, remember? Since then, you’ve been in here, where Bruce has been treating you. He said you’ve had that injury for probably days…yet didn’t tell anyone.”

                Bucky looked away, and Tony knew that he had hidden the injury…maybe for even longer than Bruce had expected.

                “Maybe you should have told someone sooner.”

                “And why would you care?” Bucky retorted.

                “I’m not that cold hearted, Barnes. It’s not like I’d want you to live with a painful injury and an infection the rest of your life.”

                “You tried to kill me.”

                “True,” Tony nodded, “but you know why I tried to do that…do you really blame me?”

                Bucky chewed his bottom lip and slowly shook his head. “No.”

                “And still, wasn’t that in the past? Listen, I know Steve wants you better, and so I want you better too, alright? Besides, don’t you want to stop Viola?”

                Bucky nodded.

                Tony grinned. “Exactly. So, you need to get better. Your wound should heal on its own…but if not…”

                Bucky winced. “I don’t want it to get stitched.”

                “I’m not saying it will happen, Bucky, I’m just saying it might. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you’re unconscious when it happens. Do you just not want to have any stitches to deal with or something?”

                “It’s…it’s not that.”

                Tony raised an eyebrow. “Then what is it?”

                Bucky shrugged and shivered. “Just…just don’t like needles…that’s all.”

                Of course, Tony had heard of people that were scared of or just hated needles…but he was pretty sure there wasn’t much Bucky was afraid of…or at least it seemed that way.

                The door opened. “Buck? You’re awake.”

                Tony turned, just as Steve entered the room, Ryo on his hip with a toy dinosaur in hand.

                Ryo’s seemed to stretch from one ear to the other. “Bucky!”

                Bucky smiled, but it seemed forced…and it certainly looked like it had been hard for him to muster the strength to even smile. “Hey Ryo…how you doing, kiddo?”

                Steve glanced at Ryo, then Bucky, then back again.

                Tony walked over to Steve, holding out his arms. “Here, I’ll take the kid.”

                Ryo giggled and reached for him. “Stank!”

                Oh, was he ever going to get that to stop?

                Tony took Ryo into his arms, carefully setting him on his hip, wrapping his arms around the two-year-old to keep him steady.

                Tony carried Ryo out the door and closed the door behind him.

                He wanted to still be furious at Bucky…still partially wanted to hate him for killing his parents.

                But Tony’s anger was slowly dissipating…and he’d slowly begun to realize…hadn’t he done as much evil has Bucky had?



                All kinds of things that had made the world that much more dangerous.

                So wasn’t Tony guilty too?

                What if…Tony had been wrong all along?

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2210


                  I loveeeeee it

                  not going to lie there was a moment where I laughed because Tony said he didn’t wish for Bucky to be sick, and Bucky is like “You tried to kill me,”

                  but in the same way, it was also a serious scene too but I loved it

                  and it was major angst (which I like)

                  Can we take a second to say that one of Tony’s biggest flaws is the fact that he’s super hypocritical, like he get’s so mad at Bucky for killing his parents

                  yet his bomb killed Pietro’s and Wanda’s parents

                  not to mention Ultron and stuff


                  Do me a favor…. Tell Cress I meant it

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 2334


                    Aww Ryo is so cuuute

                    and poor Bucky… 😢

                    “Everyone wants to save the world, but no one wants to help mom with the dishes.”

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 6645

                      @freedomwriter76 AHH I LOVE IT!!! And it’s ok Buck! Ur not alone with the needles thing. I’ve got a Charrie that’s like that too… (which is one reason I uhh…can’t wait till the injection prompt heh…)


                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @smiley (glad I could make you laugh at one point, lol) @loopylin @godlyfantasy12 (uh oh….😬)

                        Thank y’all so much!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖

                          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
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                          Awww Bucky, poor boy. I loved the interaction between him and Tony though!

                          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @euodia-vision Ikr? The babyyyy 😭 And yesss, so glad you liked it!!! That was probably my fav part too!!! <3

                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @freedomwriter76 @euodia-vision @smiley @ANYONE anyone have any stories for the prompts this month??? I want to read some SICKFICS XD XD


                              also I hope to get to write yesterday and todays sometime later!!!


                              I have ideas for todays MWAHAHAHA XD and I’m targeting everyone’s favorite ginger 😂


                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 6645

                                (Implying that November is everyone’s favorite ginger even tho there isn’t any real data to prove that…) XD XD


                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 4732

                                  @freedomwriter76 You’re making me feel better about writing these…..

                                  For some reason getting a fever due to wound infection is a more interesting story to me than just randomly catching something……




                                  Ugh that makes me sound so cruel lol

                                  Where'd I get ya this time? The liver? The kidney? I'm runnin' outta places to put holes in ya.

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