I’m giving you permission to rant about your WIP

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      Another reason he hates him so much….


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        Woah.. a reverse Paxton, that is powerful! I love having contrasting characters like that. Is there a particular reason Pax is able to prevent himself from becoming bitter?


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          Paxton just…he holds onto his hope. He’s a lot like his father, and he has this light and shine, and even though he’s broken and hurt, and it seems to have broken him, he refuses to let it make him bitter.


          Though if it had gone on for any longer it might have.


          But…of course, Ara and the others stepped in.


          They saved him.


          And, Aramis didn’t have that.


          Aramis had no one.


          Of course, Ara would have helped Aramis in a heartbeat, but….

          By this time, it was too late.


          For Paxton tho, she got there just in time.


          And it just shows again how important an impact we can play into the lives of other people, and others can play into our lives (if we let them)



          So in reality…Paxton didn’t really much of anything that Aramis didnt have, except….


          Ara. And her friends.


          And, Paxton held onto his hope for a bit longer then Aramis did, and some of that is because of his father’s nature/genes, and also his father’s race.


          But other then that, if Ara hadn’t stepped in, he could’ve ended up just like Aramis.







          So actually y’all might be interested in this, but, @princesachronicle22

          there is a forum WAAY BACK called the WIP AU FORUM and it has AUs for our WIPs and one I made was the Villain AU….


          and it was “What If my MCs became Villains….”




          so ya….



          I can tag y’all in it if y’all wanna read those AU’S!!!



            • Rank: Chosen One
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            Oh villain pax would make me so sad 😥

            I really love that, that Ara and her friends rescue him, it’s sooo sweet!! I do feel for Aramis though.

            ( cool names for them too btw)


              • Rank: Chosen One
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              Ok… I’ve seen a bit of Aramis is the Fantasy/Modern School AU and… I have to admit… he is a really good villain/antagonist!!! Like, he annoys me A LOT; but such a good villain!!

              Some villains are just so cool!!

              Loki anyone??

              Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

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                @esther-c AGH I LUV LOKI! Like in luv with him XD


                imo he did have a bit of a redemption arc (I cried in infinity war UGH)


                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                  @esther-c @mineralizedwritings @princesachronicle22 YALL I just realized….


                  (because i like to call my my ideas realizations sometimes XD)




                  so he would be a Fallon and Lilith’s past brother in law


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                    Loki is THE BEST!!!

                    I didn’t cry in any of the Marvel movies. XD I’m so unemotional when it comes to stories! XD I’ve only almost cried reading/watching Little Women, reading Lad: A DogMarley and MeWingfeather Saga, and watching Where the Red Fern Grows. And on those I didn’t actually shed tears, but I came close.

                    I promise I’m not that hard hearted irl!! Lol 😁

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
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                      Who’s General Donovan in the first place? 😅

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                        • Rank: Chosen One
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                        @esther-c So he’s (now lol since I realized he’s the boys’ uncle)


                        Going to be the younger brother of Lilith’s first husband. Her first husband is General of the Fae and Lilith’s father is Commander in chief of the Fae, making Lilith ruler (or her husband once she marries).


                        Anyway, after her first husband dies, Donovan becomes General, but Lilith is “ruler” but he’s still like just as powerful pretty much, but she is still over him.

                        And then when she remarries her husband gains her power (though her next husband didn’t care nor want it so she still pretty much remained in power)


                        Donovan is very manipulative and is the true villain behind it all. A LOT of his character (actually all of his character really) has been based off of Scar from the Lion King.


                        he’s two faced and has his own agendas and knows how to plays the game. He’s really the villain behind everything.


                        Think….*shudders* Bonifer Squoon, except Scar.




                          • Rank: Chosen One
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                          oooooh. Bonifer Squoon, except like Scar. Scary villain

                          I love it!! XD

                          Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                            • Rank: Chosen One
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                            @esther-c thx!



                            OH GOSH!!! @mineralizedwritings I JUST REALIZED THIS IS A SPOILER FOR WFS IM SO SORRY!!! DO NOT READ BELOW! OR OUR TWO ABOVE POSTS!!!!



                            I despite Bonifer Squoon with a fiery passion. Because that book series caused me depression. And anxiety. So yes. XD



                              • Rank: Chosen One
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                              @godlyfantasy12. ARAMIS!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

                              No words, just: 😭😭😭😭😭😭

                                • Rank: Chosen One
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                                @freedomwriter76 yea….


                                  • Rank: Chosen One
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                                  Ur welcome! XD


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