How Do Y’all Feel About…

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  • #87714
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 59

      Similarly to SeekJustice, I grew up around language – not in my own family where “stupid” was considered a “bad word” by us kids for a while (not anymore), but my best friend regularly spouted ugly language, along with others I grew up with.  I could never bring myself to say out loud or in my head any of those words, even when my friend challenged me to because I felt so dirty forming them with my mouth.  Yet, I don’t have a huge problem hearing it or reading it, though I certainly prefer not to.  It makes sense from a perspective of someone who doesn’t know Christ.  But this isn’t the case for everyone, and I respect that.  To be honest, I think it’s not so much the content that pollutes a person as what’s going on inside a person’s heart that should lead to caution.  Not that I’m advocating reading all the dirty language that’s out there – as Christians we are to meditate on what is pure, noble, true, lovely, and admirable.  But I am not against curse words in literature when used sparingly and effectively (that was my largest complaint against The Book Thief, too much useless profanity that detracted significantly from the joy of reading).

      I think what bothers me more than the b-word, the s-word, or even the f-word is when people misuse the name of God.  That’s dangerous territory, to invoke God’s holy name lightly or to approach perverting it.  Every time I read or hear someone toss out Jesus’ name or God’s name, it’s painful to see because they don’t know what they’re saying or realize the weight of it.

      When it comes to writing as a Christian author, I would not consider explicit cursing in my novels.  Christ-followers are to be in the world not of it, only letting what is wholesome come out of our mouths (or pens).  The line, I think, is different for different believers.  I myself would have a hard time using any curse words, but at the same time I also respect believers who are willing to use them sparingly and in good context, and never in a light or joking manner.  Convictions on this will differ, but I think there can be a wise way to incorporate swear words into literature as Christian authors still seeking to glorify God.

      These are my thoughts – but my perspective is always changing and growing in so many areas, as it did as I read all of your thoughts.  I appreciate that you started this, Gracie, it’s an important topic to wrestle with.  @devastate-lasting I also really appreciated what you shared about swearing vs. saying hurtful things to others.  Thank you for bringing that to the discussion.

      My apologies to you all who I’ve yet to respond to in our other conversation started a couple months ago!  Life erupted for a while and it won’t calm down for a couple weeks, but I’ll try to respond before the year is out.

      Elen síla lúmenn' omentielvo

      Gracie J.
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1789

        @libby Thank you for adding your opinion! You bring up a lot of good points–especially about using the Lord’s name in vain.

        the resident romance ghost; last seen within the pages of a gothic novel

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