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  • #157745
    Cloaked Mystery
      • Rank: Chosen One
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      I haven’t read it yet, but this world sounds cool. If there’s space travel, are there other inhabited planets with their own stories, or are all of the stories going to be on just one?

      🏰 Fantasy Writer
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      Ruee Hamster Huey
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 4124


        The Wond Galaxy is vast and I plan to explore it to as far as I may in my stories, but this short story in only on one planet. Sharp-as-a-blade contrast to my book where it feels weird when Nahim’s not going anywhere! Though, I do lean to making stories about the Realn or including the Realn more than anything else. I plan to fix that some time.

        Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
        #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

        Cloaked Mystery
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 2873


          Okay, but what I’m mainly wondering is are you going to have stories set on other planets?

          My sister and I have a fantasy universe called Celestiar, which has twelve planets of significance, and our basic plan is to have a series (or multiple) set on each planet and eventually build up to a story spanning multiple planets.

          So I’m basically wondering if you’re planning something similar or if it will be more like: there’s one main planet that develops space travel and visits the other planets?

          🏰 Fantasy Writer
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            • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
            • Total Posts: 1318

            @rae @jonas

            So I just read it, and I’m wondering about some similar things. So is this universe set in the future of our universe, because you used Immanuel’s name, suggesting this is Christianity specifically. Or is it just a filler name like you alluded to earlier, and this is an entirely separate universe?

            It’s funny, the brother sister universe doesn’t seem so unique, especially on KP, I’ve met several others before.

            Me and my sister are making a universe where for now at least we both have our own ‘planet’ called a septer, which is split into 7 main eras of time, each having extreme topological differences to the point that they might as well be 7 different realities unto themselves. Then we both are developing books for each era, again, at least for now. We know other septers exist, and have planed for greater events in the far far future, as well as the possibility of a parallel universe.

            He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

            Ruee Hamster Huey
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 4124

              @jonas @thearcaneaxiom

              At this point, many planets of the Wond galaxy has developed space travel. My “planets of significance” would be the tri-solar system of the Realn (Alick, Lortin, Banor, Laxor, Rea, and Mithlon) and Wond.

              The Wond Galaxy is my own, though some of the inhabitants and ideas are C’s. C rules the Universe with his fettoians who are basically superheroes with armor and tech and anything ‘cool’ C can think of. He will never write a book unless his personality changes drastically. If he did, you could be sure it would be the best story idea but most likely the worst character arcs. I am the writer, he is the thinker.

              Immanuel was the old name I used for God, but now it has changed to Ehyeh. Wond is not Earth by any means. If they are in the same universe, they are galaxies and galaxies apart.

              The Realn do have Christianity as we know it, but I haven’t decided if it’s a Narnia ‘Son of God dies in world’ or a Tolkien ‘there is a God, but it’s more values than actual Son of God and salvation’. I understand Lewis was going for allegorical (I don’t trust myself with allegory) and Tolkien for parallels, so I think I shall combine the two. This is one of those topics that I don’t go into depth about origins of, but you see Christianity there, in Wond, in my stories.

              “Nahim sat on his bunk, head bowed and hands loosely folded between his legs. Something about the position brought back to his mind a thing forgotten. ‘When was the last time I talked to Ehyeh?’ A long time. A line formed between his eyebrows. Half of him wanted to talk to the loving God of the Realn, but another half said no. He sighed and ushered the thought from his mind.”

              I mean, you can clearly see what I am referring to, but I doubt that the Realn would call it ‘praying’ since they are very big about Ehyeh being a PERSONAL God and not just the ‘Old Man in the sky’. I do make mention about Ehyeh dying for us, but I don’t go into the details on HOW. At this point, that is where I am, but ask me a year from now, and I might have a set answer for you.

              Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
              #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @rae Yw!! 💕💕


                yeah, he was just a German. Which leads to the fun fact that I’m over a quarter German. I used to be ashamed of my heritage until, we discovered that my Great Grandfather actually might have helped save the Jews! That’s the main reason I wanted to write a book. A Christian man in a pagan (If i dare use the word) country, forced to do what he didn’t want to do. Problem is, I never met him, he died before I was born and you don’t just plaster your name all over saying “I saved the jews”. That’s why the project is on hold.

                GIRL, that is epic!!!! 🤩 Wow…that’s just…I have no words to say.

                Excuse me, but it was just soooo cool to read that!!! the novel I just finished, one of the MCs is an officer in the SS who works to help save the Jews…so yeah, I was a little…excited XD

                Do you know if your great-grandfather was in the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, SS, Gestapo, or something else, or is that something else you don’t know? :3


                I live in New England. Only because of homeschooling and my grandparents used to live here, now we live with my Grandfather and Judy, my step-grandmother. What’s it like in the South (never been)?

                Ok, cool!!!

                Okay, well…the South is…hmm, how do I explain?

                Well, the South is very, VERY friendly (especially in the more rural areas). Not everyone is friendly, but especially in small towns, random people you have never met will just walk up to you and talk to you.

                There’s a lot of countryside (at least in my area), so lots of fields (especially wheat, soy, and in my area, tobacco) and animals.

                We say Ma’am and Sir, Miss and Mister, and manners (though it’s not as much as it once was, sadly) is often always found in the south.

                And, of course…the food XD

                Sweet tea, cornbread, biscuits and gravy, everything fried…you name it, the food in the South is both unique and delicious. (although I may be biased 😉)

                I’ve always lived in the South…what’s the North like?

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2243


                  Hey!!!!! I’m Smiley (my real name is Miley) I’m a Christian homeschooled girl who loves writing. I also love softball, exercising, archery, and stretching, and I’m also a Marvel fan girl. I write dystopian and contemporary and also fanfics

                  and truthfully I’ve been falling behind on introducing myself (I’m friendly I promise XD)

                  and now some questions

                  Favorite book?

                  Do you have a WIP? If so what is it about?

                  Favorite movie?

                  Favorite show?

                  Do you like Marvel?

                  Do you make Aesthetic boards? (I have way too many)

                  I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”
                  ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43‬:‭1‬

                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1318


                    The Wond Galaxy is my own, though some of the inhabitants and ideas are C’s. C rules the Universe with his fettoians who are basically superheroes with armor and tech and anything ‘cool’ C can think of. He will never write a book unless his personality changes drastically. If he did, you could be sure it would be the best story idea but most likely the worst character arcs. I am the writer, he is the thinker.

                    Cool! Has he thought of some unique characteristics of the different races? Are there any true aliens?

                    Immanuel was the old name I used for God, but now it has changed to Ehyeh. Wond is not Earth by any means. If they are in the same universe, they are galaxies and galaxies apart.

                    That makes sense. Ehyeh is still clearly remenicent of other names for God, but still not any directly, so you get the flavor of it while still being different.

                    The Realn do have Christianity as we know it, but I haven’t decided if it’s a Narnia ‘Son of God dies in world’ or a Tolkien ‘there is a God, but it’s more values than actual Son of God and salvation’. I understand Lewis was going for allegorical (I don’t trust myself with allegory) and Tolkien for parallels, so I think I shall combine the two. This is one of those topics that I don’t go into depth about origins of, but you see Christianity there, in Wond, in my stories.

                    It wouldn’t be referred to as Christianity, right? Would it be virtually identical to Christianity, but called by a different name, therefore suggesting that it is the same God, just making a different universe or galaxy?

                    I mean, you can clearly see what I am referring to, but I doubt that the Realn would call it ‘praying’ since they are very big about Ehyeh being a PERSONAL God and not just the ‘Old Man in the sky’. I do make mention about Ehyeh dying for us, but I don’t go into the details on HOW. At this point, that is where I am, but ask me a year from now, and I might have a set answer for you.

                    Interesting that you make that point, while we pray to Heavenly Father while knowing Him as a personal God, but the idea of prayer is a universal concept in religion of convening with the divine, personal or not. That being said though, I know what you mean, and it would strike a feeling of fair ground with God in your readers. Good luck on working out the details!


                    He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                    Cloaked Mystery
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 2873


                      That’s all very cool!

                      Have you heard of the author Brandon Sanderson? Several people on KP, including me, are fans of his. He and Tolkien are the main inspirations on my writing, and based on your universe, it sounds like you might enjoy his Cosmere stories. Basically, he has a bunch of different stories set on a bunch of different planets, and he’s slowly tying things together.

                      🏰 Fantasy Writer
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                      Ruee Hamster Huey
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 4124


                        Yeah, there are the nagas who have a great skill with knives and a whole bunch of other stuff, but I zoned out at that pint of his explanation. The Metamorphs (I named them) who are shape-shifting metal aliens. The Dragons (no idea if they have another name yet) like half human and half dragon. Oh and homosupero, basically the superhero part. Some others but we haven’t built much on them. Some I would say are true aliens.

                        The Realn do not refer to it as Christianity, I haven’t come up with a name I like yet, so for now I give the characteristic and call them like the ‘Servants of Ehyeh’ or ‘Sons of Ehyeh’ and other things. Again, you know what I’m talking about, but you see it in a different light. And that’s one thing I want my readers to do, at work, I know someone who is not a Christian, and she doesn’t get this ‘personal good God’ thing. She sees Christianity in the wrong light. I want to make my readers see it as I see it, as someone who is a Christian. And yes, it is virtually identical.

                        Good point, it is true that on Wond there are different peoples and therefore ‘gods’. Here again, I don’t want my readers to see God as a god but as the loving, all knowing, perfect just God that I know him as. I doubt that my book will make someone come to Chris, but I want them to KNOW a glimpse of the life ad comforts of a Christian. It’s hard, cuz I feel like I’m failing that call, sometimes the message doesn’t seem to really get across. And I totally don’t want to be preachy.

                        Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                        #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                        Ruee Hamster Huey
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 4124


                          That’s what I don’t know. I have no idea what branch my Great Grandfather was in so researching gets harder.  I could ask my Grandpa, but right now he’s on vacation, and he most likely can’t tell me.

                          The North…boring. An open field to me is strange and enchanting, food is a mix of whatever the person feels like. We barely know our neighbors, though we do go over to one of them and shovel her driveway every snow. Honestly, I have my group of friends and the other person has to speak first if they want to meet me. I’m shy in person to someone new.

                          Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                          #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 8156


                            That’s what I don’t know. I have no idea what branch my Great Grandfather was in so researching gets harder.  I could ask my Grandpa, but right now he’s on vacation, and he most likely can’t tell me.

                            Ok, I see. Yeah, I’d imagine that makes it more difficult. 😅 I mean, it’s still totally up to you, but I think asking would at least be worth trying <3

                            The North…boring. An open field to me is strange and enchanting, food is a mix of whatever the person feels like. We barely know our neighbors, though we do go over to one of them and shovel her driveway every snow. Honestly, I have my group of friends and the other person has to speak first if they want to meet me. I’m shy in person to someone new.

                            Yep, totally understand (especially that last part!! XD) I used to be shyer than I am now, lol. I just really had to expose myself to being around people…and it helps that I go to a small church where I kinda have to talk to people, lol!

                              • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                              • Total Posts: 1318


                              Yeah, there are the nagas who have a great skill with knives and a whole bunch of other stuff, but I zoned out at that pint of his explanation. The Metamorphs (I named them) who are shape-shifting metal aliens. The Dragons (no idea if they have another name yet) like half human and half dragon. Oh and homosupero, basically the superhero part. Some others but we haven’t built much on them. Some I would say are true aliens.

                              Interesting. What lead to some of the names? Metamorphs your clearly deriving from metal morphs, but everyone will think of the prefix meta and not metal, suggesting that they are not related to metal, but are instead referred to as surreal, creative, or unique by nature. Half dragons are often referred to as Dracotaurs, especially in DnD, but have different names in different medias that have them. Also, what the homo prefix mean in the context of the homosupero? Homo in the sense that they are united, or perhaps that they are set apart as individuals to an extreme extent?

                              Good point, it is true that on Wond there are different peoples and therefore ‘gods’. Here again, I don’t want my readers to see God as a god but as the loving, all knowing, perfect just God that I know him as. I doubt that my book will make someone come to Chris, but I want them to KNOW a glimpse of the life ad comforts of a Christian. It’s hard, cuz I feel like I’m failing that call, sometimes the message doesn’t seem to really get across. And I totally don’t want to be preachy.

                              Well I wish you good luck on that journey. You are not alone in that regard, especially with the many here on KP trying to write about a perfect, all loving God. Most people I’m afraid will smell it from miles away though, when there’s any description that sounds like the Omni God, and they’ll accuse you of being unoriginal and preachy, and there’s not really a way to avoid that if that’s what you want to write about, but that shouldn’t stop you.


                              He is perfect in Justice, yet He is perfect in Mercy, even when we fail Him. For this, He is good.

                              Ruee Hamster Huey
                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 4124


                                Favorite book? Lord of the Rings, most likely the Fellowship of the Ring by a millimeter, and that could change any time. Strider takes it away for me.

                                Do you have a WIP? If so what is it about? yes, I’m worldbuilding my fantasy and writing the revision draft of my first real book, Guardian Angels, as sci-fi following the life of a warrior in the time of war ages 19-21. It’s more interesting and more complex than that sounds, believe me!

                                Favorite movie? LOTR, most likely the Return of the King.

                                Favorite show? Tilt Shift from Answers.tv

                                Do you like Marvel? never really got into it. What I’ve seen is cool, I just haven’t seen enough to tell you the answer to that one.

                                Do you make Aesthetic boards? Eye and hair color? Am I answering this question right?

                                Every time you smile, a flower blooms somewhere in the world.
                                #AnduthForever (hopefully💕)

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3059


                                  What inspires my writing? many things. A Trail ride on horseback makes me think of a calming scene in fantasy with elves and such if it is a beautiful fall day like it was today, actually. For my current bok, my emotions and what my heart says. Often I pour out my heart in my writing, twisting it as the word touch the page to fit my MC and so my friends won’t recognize my life in the tangled mess. My readers have no idea how much of my book is a warped reflection of me on the surface of a lake.

                                  Oh yes… the book being a reflection of yourself. I do that all the time, and it’s probably why I don’t share my writing with hardly anyone in person. I like how you described being influenced by a horseback ride, it does sound really nice 🙂

                                  What do you mean by aesthetic?

                                  Hmmm… well do you like cottagecore aesthetic? Dark academia aesthetic? Or maybe… piratecore? It’s just a way of describing the ‘vibe’ of your book. Mine is dystopian, with some solarpunk and citycore vibes.

                                  Ruth. That’s my favorite.

                                  I should read more of that!

                                  Exposition, or in other words, persuasive essays. we read a book, choose an issue and write a paper on why the character should or should not have made a certain decision.

                                  Oh, I like that!

                                  I should probably mention, seeing as you came from Story Embers, kp is a different kind of vibe. It’s for young people, which is why we all have the free time to respond to you. My sister comes from the story embers forum, and told me it goes through long periods of inactivity because most people are in college, or have jobs, or are just adults in general. It’s likely that only one person responded to your welcome post because it was going through a short term dormancy XD I heard the forum was gotten rid of recently, probably because of that problem.


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