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  • #102341
    Precious Y
      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
      • Total Posts: 27

      Hello I’m Precious and I’m currently interested in reading and exploring science fiction and the alternate history genre. I plan on continuing my contemporary fiction short stories. I cant wait to get started on this forum!

        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1379


        Hello, Precious! It’s great to meet you.

        I’m Joy, and I write Biblical fiction. Science fiction and contemporary are cool! I must admit, I’m not sure what the alternate history genre is. Could you tell me some more about it?

        What are some of your favorite books? My top two are Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I also love Marjorie Holmes’ Two from Galilee trilogy.

        How about favorite music? I love Les Miserables the musical, The Prince of Egypt, Faouzia, Passion, Hillsong, Bethel, Elevation, The Hoppers… and honestly a bunch of others that I can’t remember at the top of my head. I like a lot of music. XD

        What’s your WIP about? My WIP is a Biblical fiction novel about St. Paul from his sister’s perspective.

        Can’t wait to get to know ya! A big welcome to the Kingdom of Pen!

        Daisy Torres
          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 691

          @Precious-y Hi!! Nice to meet you!!

          I am also a sci-fi writer! I just published my first sci-fi on Amazon Kindle this last week actually! (It’s called The Art of Deception if you ever wanna take a peek 😉

          *offers you some german chocolate cake* If you ever want a book cover made, or a character drawn, feel free to ask! (I drew my pfp)

          Also, joke: Why did the cow jump over the moon? Because the milkmaid’s hands were cold!

          "It's easy to be caught up in stardust and whispers when reality is so dark and loud."

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 486


            Hi!! Welcome!! I’m only writing my first attempt at a Sci fi novel, but I also like sci fi!! Alternate history sounds really cool!

            Do you like Lord of the Rings?

            And what is your favorite animal?

            Now *cracks knuckles * I have some fates to plot and breakfast to eat, so ta ta for now! 🙂

            I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
              • Total Posts: 604


              Hey, I’m Ella, and welcome to KP!  I love sci-fi and alt. history!  I’m kind of writing an alt. hist. right now.  My WIP is from the perspective of four different characters and is based off different cultures.

              So, now to questions:

              What is your WIP about?

              What do you like to do in your free time?

              Do you have any pets?

              Anyways, that’s all for now.  I hope (i know) you’ll have a great time here!!!!  If you ever have any questions, go ahead and ask me or anyone on here!

              what we do in life echoes in eternity
              -gladiator, 2000

              Precious Y
                • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                • Total Posts: 27

                Hi @joy-caroline

                Thanks, you’re so kind!

                1. Alternate history is when you change up a historical event and explore how subsequent events would change as a result of this. For example on a minor scale if Joseph Priestley didn’t try to infuse water with carbon dioxide we wouldnt have soda. And then you would explore what our world would possibly look like without highly carbonated deliciously unhealthy drinks.

                2. My favorite books would have to be Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, A Wrinkle in Time. For more modern books I really like historical fiction (like the ones by Marie Bennet) and the Mighty Miss Malone (which is a middle grade book that still makes it to this list for some reason!) and the Grapes of Wrath.

                3. I also love the Prince of Egypt soundtrack, Look Up Child By Lauren Daigle, the King Country band, and almost everything on K LOVE radio. And finally to save the best for last Jaymikee who is a Nigerian Christian musician. The vocals in his songs are amazing!

                4. I love your WIP and how it gives a different twist. I never knew Apostle Paul had a sister! My W.I.P is about a school located into a time bubble ( I made this up, but it basically means that Time isnt a thing for them and they can manipulate the past and future) that has a science competition coming up. Students battle for the limited seats that are open. So it follows two students who sabotage each other for the opportunity. And then how they band together when they realize the the science competition is a cover for something darker.

                And that’s all. Whew that was pretty long. I’m excited to get to know you too!

                • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Precious Y.
                Precious Y
                  • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                  • Total Posts: 27

                  Hi @daisy-torres,

                  I got through the first two chapters of your book with my tokens and I thought it was great. The prologue was interesting and mysterious and I had a great time getting to know Ulysses. He seems really likeable and I sympathize with his story. Could you give me a brief summary please. What country are they supposed to be in? Cause the world building going on there is great.

                  Also you cover art looks so professional. So when I do finish writing my book (which will be in a while from now) I would love for you to assist me with your lovely taste. The background looks really mysterious and do the silhouettes mean there are three major characters?

                  And finally, can I add that your author’s notes are the best? They’re so whimsical and witty. I want some cloud cider too! And a baby tiger?

                  PS. Do you have any sci-fi books to recommend. I jus got into loving this genre recently and my TBR pile is running low

                    • Rank: Wise Jester
                    • Total Posts: 50


                    Hey Precious, welcome to KP! Who doesn’t love sci-fi? Can I ask you a few questions?

                    1. How long have you been writing?

                    2. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?

                    3. Are you homeschooled or public schooled?

                    4. Have you read Jenna Terese’s Ignite?

                    It’s great to have you here!

                    Precious Y
                      • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                      • Total Posts: 27


                      I guess that means we’re twinsies because it’s also my first attempt!

                      1. No I haven’t gotten to Lord of the Rings yet. Does that make me an outcast? Cause I feel as if it’s something I need to be in the right headspace to enjoy.

                      2. My favorite animal would be a lion. They are so beautiful and majestic. When I was little I had dreams of riding a unicorn. But now you know part in the Witch, the Lion and the Wardrobe where Lucy gets a ride on Aslan? That’s what I’m waiting for.

                      Precious Y
                        • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
                        • Total Posts: 27


                        Hi Ariel,

                        1. I’ve been writing for a pretty long time, though I’ve just started to get consistent with it. My notes app is filled with tons of uncompleted stories because if I didn’t release them my head would explode. I’ve been bullet journaling almost daily for about 3 years now.

                        2. My favorite flavour would be vanilla. And then maybe coffee. My parents won’t let me have coffee yet so that’s how I sneak it in.

                        3. I go to public school. Remote learning was nice on some aspects because I got to explore some topics on my own but I’m so glad to be going back. Firstly because I thrive in a school setting and secondly because for a while it was almost impossible to study in my house.

                        4. No I haven’t yet but I went to her blog and read her book interviews. It seems like a really cool sci fi novel and it subverts the superhero and Chosen One trope just like I plan for mine to do (when I finish it 🙂

                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 486


                          ah ok!! Coolio! I admit mine is weird and probably will get stranger still because the characters are not doing what they’re told and now are separated from each other. It’s called Star Full of Skies

                          no it doesn’t make you an outcast; it does take a certain frame of mind to sit and read it. I just happen to be on the mindset a lot but I understand what you mean.

                          ooo I like lions as well! My favourite animal is a bird but right now my favourite bird is the Royal Flycatcher. You should look it up it’s adorable and beautiful and funny at the same time haha

                          Wow neat! I had very few dreams I remember that I liked… lol

                          that’s cool,  I’d love to ride a lion like that too

                          I'm 'a homeschooler' because cookie-making writing artistic animal-whisperer isn't a job title

                            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                            • Total Posts: 604


                            Your WIP sounds awesome!  I’d totally read that.  (Especially bc of the 1950s thing… 😋)

                            Bullet journaling is so fun!  This is kinda related, but bc I got stiches in my foot and now have to sit all day (blech) I rediscovered coloring!  Mandalas and patterns… SO fun!

                            Oh no, that crawfish story is totally a horror story!!!  I’m sorry, eight year-old-Precious!

                            Hmm, let me think…  Sci-fi novels?

                            • Ignite by Jenna Terese – It’s a sci-fi/superhero written by our own friend from KP!
                            • The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – A must if you ask me!
                            • 1984 by George Orwell – Totally a classic!
                            • The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson – Fantasy/sci-fi mashup… really good!

                            If you’re on Goodreads, maybe we can friend each other!  Find me here: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/95404113-ella


                            what we do in life echoes in eternity
                            -gladiator, 2000

                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 635


                              Hi! Welcome to KP! It’s awesome to meet you!

                              Sci-fi is such a cool genre to write in! I haven’t written a full novel in the genre, but what I have written was really fun to write.

                              Do you have a favorite sci-fi novel?

                              Also do you have any favorite fictional characters?

                              Again, it’s great to meet you! See ya around!

                                • Rank: Loyal Sidekick
                                • Total Posts: 211


                                Hullo! Welcome! I’m Anatra, and I love writing fantasy and reading nearly everything fiction.

                                Random question, have you heard of or seen the Marvel Cinematic Universe? If you have, more randomly, which Spider-Man is your favorite? Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, or Toby Maguire?

                                Your WIP sounds interesting, and I can’t wait to hear any more about it if you choose to share on it.

                                Sara Ann {Spark}
                                  • Rank: Wise Jester
                                  • Total Posts: 66

                                  @precious-y welcome! i’m so glad you joined! *hands you a mini fruit pizza* try this and tell me what you think. <3

                                  here are some random questions:

                                  whats books have you been reading?

                                  have you read/heard of keeper of the lost cities?

                                  how old are you?

                                  do you like to sing?

                                  what songs/singers/bands would you say you enjoy most?

                                  welcome again!

                                  sending a little stardust,

                                  ~Sara {or Spark}

                                  music is the strongest form of magic.
                                  -Marilyn Manson

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