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  • #117978
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 3059


      I’m Aubrey!

      Little bit about myself: I’m starting my first year of college (dual credit program), I love to draw and write, and I play the clarinet.

      I started my current story at the start of this summer, it’s called The West Hills Bunkers (for now, that’s pretty bland and hopefully as the plot develops I’ll come up with something better.) I’m pretty new to writing and am grateful for any advice XD.

      Quick plot summery: The main characters live in a network of underground bunkers, due to a war that started like 45 years ago. There are districts of varying wealth and professions, and my main OC Tauren lives in the mining district (one of the poorer groups). Tauren finds a plant growing in the crook of a wall one day, and decides to bring it home, take care of it, and give it to his friend Lesli who loves plants (The ones in her dads books, she’s never seen one.). One day it blooms with a mysterious looking flower, and Tauren becomes sick, and later starts going blind in one eye. Theirs a lot more to it than that, but it’ll do for a summery.

      I’m currently halfway through the second book of the wing feather saga (…uhh..little bit darker than the first XD) it’s very well written though! My all-time favorite book series has got to be Haikyuu though.


      Looking forward to getting to know you all!

      How long have you guys been writing for?


      Elishavet Elroi
        • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
        • Total Posts: 1309


        Greetings and Welcome to the Kingdom of Pen! I’m Elishavet around here, and mostly write realistic medieval fantasy with a little bit of randomness on the side. (And top, and bottom, and basically everywhere.)

        Your WIP sounds incredibly fascinating! Is the flower good or bad? Or neither? Or should I not ask?

        I have two WIPs, both set in very different worlds. The first is Heir of Ashes (in plotting stage, and yeah, that’s a working title subject to change) and it’s about three siblings and their journey of discovery into the heart of their inheritance, which is a lot more than part of a country their father died serving. The second is Kingdom of Shadows (also plotting and a working title) which is an allegorical series following the lives of four protagonists and their personal testimonies.

        Oh, I’m also writing a novelette length Fanfiction for the Green Ember series by S. D. Smith. It’s about a royal rabbit that lives as a slave and her journey to freedom in the Mending. (If you’ve read Green Ember then that may make sense, otherwise….sorry.)

        I also love to draw! I mostly use graphite. What about you?

        Two of my siblings and I read Wingfeather last year and we loved it! The series does get much deeper as you go on. Honestly, the second book has some if my favorite parts. Have you gotten to the Fork! Factory! Yet? Who are your favorite characters? (Mine are Janner, Artham, Kalmar, Leelee[or is it leeli?]) and Sarah, and Nia, in that order.

        I’ve been writing for about three to four years. (Wow, that sounds much longer than it feels I haven’t been a very consistent author, though, so my experience isn’t much.) I’ve been working on one of my series for most of that. (I should really get it drafted.)

        So! Time for some Random Ask The Newbie Questions! Shall we?

        1. What is the hair color of your favorite character (of your own)?
        2. Would you rather meet your least favorite person or character?
        3. Would you rather be a flying squirrel for a day or a cat?
        4. Which are better, Dogs or Cats?
        5. Should shoes be worn inside the house?

        And Finally,

        6. Where would you rather go, Scotland or Hawaii?

        Glad to meet you!

        You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

        Rose Everdeen
          • Rank: Wise Jester
          • Total Posts: 49


          OHMYGOSH I JUST NOW RECOGNIZED YOU!!! How did it take me reading your plot summary and Tauren’s name! XD Shame on me XD It’s so cool to meet you here though!

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3059

            Hi @Elishavet!

            Great to meet you to!

            Hmm…  is the flower good…   lol, I’ll tell you. I like to think I can wait to tell people, but I love giving spoilers too much. It’s a flower that only grows well in darkness (!would thrive in a closet!) So you don’t see them often, only in places that aren’t well lit. It’s fine until it blooms. You could say it works a bit like fungi, releasing spores to reproduce. The spores can infect lots of things though. Tauren took of his glasses to get a better look at the flower up close, and ended up getting spores in his eye, hence why he is going blind in one eye at some point in the story. It like.. kinda grows inside anything. Not sure what else happens, still figuring it out. But yeah…. not a nice plant XD.

            Your WIP’s sound super interesting! The title “Hier of ashes” really has me intrigued… Is there a major significance for the title? Or would that be asking for a spoiler? Also, who are some of your favorite character’s from your stories?

            I’ve heard about the green ember series! Never read it (I really should) , but I’m assuming it’s really good and the plot sounds interesting.

            Graphite it great! I use anything and everything XD. Except charcoal. Mostly markers at the moment, but I like to work on mixed media paper just in case I realize I’m missing a color and need to use some watercolors. Your Pfp looks great, I’m assuming that’s some of your art? Who is it a drawing of?


            I actually just finished book two today! I cannot explain how AMAAAAZINGGGG!!!

            The funny thing about the wingfeather saga for me is it really took awhile for me to get into it lol. I read about a fifth of the first book… got bored and returned it to the online library I borrowed it from, then later became bored of my mundane life and decided a mediocre book is better than none… and read the rest. I enjoyed the ending but was only really sticking around for Artham’s story. I found it really intriguing and wanted to understand why Podo didn’t care about him despite his kindness. In between book one and two I read Wingfeather tales, a collection of Tales by different author’s about the wing feather series. I highly recommend it as it includes the story of Podo losing his leg. I actually liked having that background knowledge in my head reading the ending scene, it made Podo’s extreme guilt more believable. Wing feather tales has a story of the guilt of a parent who’s child was taken. Honestly, it was dark, but the descriptive writing was some of the best I’ve ever read. You understood his rash decisions, the guilt he felt, and the pain of his physical wounds.

            Artham is totally my favorite. I personally think his scenes are some of the best written too. The way the author describes his shame driving him to near insanity… I can almost feel how he might. I don’t fully understand how he ended up with wings, but lol it’s cool and I’m all for it XD

            I really disliked Janner at first but after seeing the trouble he went through to get Kalmar my mind was completely changed, he’s my 2nd favorite. That ending scene for book two was just so good. Glad I stuck it out with the series, even though the beginning was a bit slow. What are some of your favorite scenes (book one and two, lol I don’t want a spoiler)?


            1. Tauren’s hair is medium brown. It’s wavy (almost curly, not quite)

            2. Oh goodness. well… idk how to answer that one! Any least favorite person I may have is pretty far into the past, and my least favorite character is plain awful. What about you?

            3. I would rather be a flying squirrel. I think it’d be cool being nocturnal… imagine all the owl shenanigans you could spy on XD

            4. I’d answer chameleons if that were an option, my sister is allergic to cats, and I’m allergic to dogs. So I don’t have much experience with either.

            5. I guess if you don’t mind getting the carpet cleaned they could be! But for me, no lol.

            6. Scotland!

            I know Hawaii is beautiful but I personally don’t like swimming around other people, and I don’t like warm places. I’d rather be in a cold place with 10 pounds of jacket on lol.

            I’d love to see some of your art! what do you like to draw?




              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 3059

              HELLOOOO @rose-everdeen!

              I could have recognized your account simply from the profile picture! Love your style, lol it’s so distinct I would know it anywhere. Great to see you here too!!! XDDD


              Rose Everdeen
                • Rank: Wise Jester
                • Total Posts: 49


                I could have recognized your account simply from the profile picture! Love your style, lol it’s so distinct I would know it anywhere. Great to see you here too!!! XDDD

                Awww that’s an awesome compliment! Can’t wait to see you around! 😀

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 3059


                  Oh, I just realized I totally tagged you wrong when I replied! Sorry about that, I’ve never used a forum before this 😖


                    • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                    • Total Posts: 446


                    Hey! It’s The Loony One!

                    Dual-credit is so cool! My sister is doing it and is going to graduate her second year of college and her senior highschool year at the same time.

                    What do you like to draw and write about? And you play the clarinet! I play the clarinet too (read played for three years before she started homeschooling and so left band and barely ever practices now :). The clarinet is awesome, though!

                    Your story sounds really cool, too!

                      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                      • Total Posts: 311


                      Kyo! (hello)

                      I’m Folith-Feolin writer hobby gamer execceive book consumer and high-school Sophmore who takes AP classes and then procrastinates too much. I am bad at musical intrumenting but it’s cool you can do Clarinet (all I can do is belt random fantasy ballads). My brother and I have been telling stories since kindergarden. Failing to make board games since sixth grade and trying to write a story since halfway through seventh. At the beginning of this school year we finally decided to focus solely on one of our fictional worlds, Kharvia. Now we are about 50% of the way though initial planning of the first wave (were excessive plotters)

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 3059


                        Kyo! (hello)

                        Don’t worry, I remembered what that means!

                        I’m Folith-Feolin writer hobby gamer execceive book consumer and high-school Sophmore who takes AP classes and then procrastinates too much.

                        I was about to be all “Ayy I’m a sophmore too” Just realized I’m a junior… goodness time flies.

                        I wouldn’t say I’m a quite a gamer, but I’ve been playing Minecraft since 5th grade.

                        Procrastination… I’ve done that many times too XD

                        I am bad at musical intrumenting but it’s cool you can do Clarinet (all I can do is belt random fantasy ballads).

                        Yeah! I love the clarinet. Wow, good for you. Not many people have the confidence to belt fantasy ballads, sounds like a blast though 🤣.

                        My brother and I have been telling stories since kindergarden. Failing to make board games since sixth grade and trying to write a story since halfway through seventh.

                        Are you a bit of a pessimist? I’m seeing a trend in this post 😂

                        What do you mean ‘trying’ 🤣? Any form of writing (or plotting) is writing a story! I’m sure you’re doing great.

                        At the beginning of this school year we finally decided to focus solely on one of our fictional worlds, Kharvia. Now we are about 50% of the way though initial planning of the first wave (were excessive plotters)

                        Plotting is good. I’ll bet that will save you guys some headaches later.


                          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                          • Total Posts: 311

                          Thanks for the support

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 3059


                            KINGDOM PEN. IF YOU EAT MY POST AGAIN!!!

                            Anyways. KP ate my post. It was long. I’m not happy 🤣

                            Hey! It’s The Loony One! Dual-credit is so cool! My sister is doing it and is going to graduate her second year of college and her senior highschool year at the same time.

                            Hullo, Hullo! Yep it sure is! I’m going to have a AA degree when I graduate HS if all goes as planned.

                            What do you like to draw and write about?

                            Well, I’m working on my dystopian WIP right now. It’s changed a bit from my original post. The dystopian elements are simply the setting, not a focus of the story. It focuses more on broken family dynamics and learning to heal from them through friendship. And if I add God to my story of course that will play a role in the healing.

                            I draw my characters a lot! I do sketching, alcohol markers, colored pencil, mixed media… you get the point. I like all mediums (I have problems with acrylic though). I also draw other characters at times, I went through a extensive phase of Haikyuu manga fanart. I love the way the author draws his character’s and my style would not be the same without that fanart phase. You said you draw with pencil… what do you draw?

                            And you play the clarinet! I play the clarinet too (read played for three years before she started homeschooling and so left band and barely ever practices now :). The clarinet is awesome, though!

                            Clarinet is great! My instrument has been through so much abuse and I still love playing it. I was in a similar situation, I couldn’t keep up practice after moving from in-person band too online school. I started playing songs I really liked at some point and practice became much easier. I have a Lord of the rings music book that I love playing from. Do I now Read? We tend to go by online names here, so I wouldn’t know if I knew them.

                            Your story sounds really cool, too!


                            Are you taking any interesting classes this year? I’m doing ASL.


                              • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                              • Total Posts: 446


                              Your WIP sounds really cool! Keep up the good work on it! I like how the dystopian elements are in the background. That’s kind of how my WIP is but the dystopian parts are still pretty important.

                              Whoa, you use a lot of different mediums. Do you have a favorite? I would love to see some of your art! I mostly copy other drawings I find online but I’m getting better at drawing things from my mind. I’ve been slowly learning and getting better over the past two-ish years. I’m attempting to draw the characters from my WIP, but… it’s hard.

                              A Lord of the Rings music book! 😱🤯 That would definitely get me to practice more. I also have the piano to practice, though, and I focus on it more than the clarinet. I want to get back on it, though.

                              I’m taking two fun classes this year. The first is a creative writing class to write a novel in a semester. I’m writing the WIP I was talking about above. It’s really hard to get the chapters out on time but it’s helping me to actually finish something for once (I’m a procrastinator). The other is a film critique class. I’m currently writing a critique on silent films, focusing on Alice in Wonderland and The Phantom of the Opera. It’s good to have those fun classes because my others are not.

                              ASL sounds fun! Is it hard?

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 3059


                                Ok, I hope it works this time. KP ate my post. Again. Actually I’m going to attach the art pics in another post so it doesn’t happen again. I think they are the problem.

                                Your WIP sounds really cool! Keep up the good work on it!


                                Do you have a favorite?

                                I kinda use everything! I hate it when I realize I need a watercolor background, but I drew on drawing paper instead of mixed media. I just tried doing some colored pencil sketches with a brown pencil and I love thee kinda “old photograph” look it gives. I included a picture.

                                I would love to see some of your art! I mostly copy other drawings I find online but I’m getting better at drawing things from my mind.

                                Copying other’s art is how I started with people too. It really helps.

                                I’ve been slowly learning and getting better over the past two-ish years. I’m attempting to draw the characters from my WIP, but… it’s hard.

                                With drawing characters, what helps me the most is using a proportion method in relation to head length. so, people are generally eight or 7.5 head lengths tall. Beyond that there’s a particular way to divide it, I forget how it works but it shouldn’t be hard to find a reference of what that looks like. And for heads, I use do something similar to the loomis (plenty of youtube content out there on that. Don’t be daunted, even a small amount of knowledge on this helps) method, but I’m still not able to draw heads from the side well.


                                A Lord of the Rings music book! 😱🤯 That would definitely get me to practice more. I also have the piano to practice, though, and I focus on it more than the clarinet. I want to get back on it, though.

                                Totally give it a go! They sell LOTR music books at my local Hoffman music store. It even comes with a play along CD. Just a warning, It’s mostly upper register, with quite a few sharps and flats. Don’t be discouraged by it, when I first started with that book it sounded horrible XD

                                I say that because I know upper register playing can really diminish in tone without practice…

                                My favorite song to play from it has got to be “Concerning hobbits” It’s a joy to play.


                                I’m taking two fun classes this year. The first is a creative writing class to write a novel in a semester. I’m writing the WIP I was talking about above. It’s really hard to get the chapters out on time but it’s helping me to actually finish something for once (I’m a procrastinator). The other is a film critique class. I’m currently writing a critique on silent films, focusing on Alice in Wonderland and The Phantom of the Opera. It’s good to have those fun classes because my others are not.

                                Ooh interesting! You must be learning some good stuff in the creative writing class, lol I need to take one of those XD (for my plotting issues, that is) I want to go into film when I am older, film critique sounds fun!


                                ASL sounds fun! Is it hard?

                                It’s both. It’s easy because tbh the system is just really well developed. The grammar system is really different though. For example, a sentence like “She likes the red horse” becomes:

                                Red + Horse  + She (Girl sign, and piont) + Like

                                In order to turn this into a question, “Does she like the red horse?”

                                All you have to do is sign the same thing, but use a questioning facial expression. It does get a bit complicated 😅


                                Okay, so about the drawings I am attaching in another post:

                                A character sheet of my MC’s. I drew this with a brown colored pencil in a writing book a friend gave me. It have prompts, places to draw maps, and places to make your own inspo pages. This page was a place to put your characters. You might notice there’s a repeat, the top left and bottom right are the same person. That’s Tauren, and I drew him at two different ages.


                                A random How to train your dragon fanart cuz why not?

                                And a full length drawing of Tauren. I could not have done this without the proportions system I mentioned above. Also, to help with the general muscle structure (this is more realistic than I am used too.) I looked up arm anatomy references. It’s the best type of reference imo, because it shows exactly where the muscles are and how they connect.




                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 3059


                                  Ok, looks like we are doing it one at time because my posts are disappearing.


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