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    Rose Everdeen
      • Rank: Wise Jester
      • Total Posts: 49

      Greetings citizens of the Kingdom of the Pen! I have arrived on my trusty dragon from the neighboring empire of the Story Embers forum. I’m delighted to join you all after procrastinating on joining for at least a year. (That has got to be some kind of personal record)

      I’ve been writing for two years. My current main WIP is a fantasy trilogy set in a country inspired by North Africa that features a princess committed to arson, a king with anxiety issues, an autistic ex-assassin, a naive farm girl, and a whole flock of motley and unmanageable characters.

      It’s called Gilded Blood and I’ve drafted the whole trilogy and am currently knee-deep in revisions.

      My side project is a dark academia murder mystery based on And Then There Were None, which features a ditsy ballerina, a cynical bookworm, an eccentric artist, and Jasper. (There are actually more main characters, and the others aren’t going to forgive me for not featuring them. I’ll just have to live with that I suppose. XD I never said I was an unbiased author)

      This project is (temporarily) titled Murder of Swans and is still in the early plotting stage where all the characters are yelling opinions at me or sulking in corners.

      Let me see… My other interests include history, especially Medieval history, and even more especially swords of all varieties. (I do HEMA and it’s honestly the best thing ever) I do all kinds of crafts and have way too many hobbies. I especially do a lot of art, which often involves just drawing my characters endlessly.

      I run a tiny writing newsletter called Sword and Scrawls that’s just me ranting into the void about whatever corner of writing craft has interested me lately and complaining about unmanageable protagonists who keep setting things on fire without permission. It’s a lot of fun to me even though I’m always late.

      I read and enjoy most genres, I love anime and manga, especially sports anime for some reason, even though I’m the most unathletic person imaginable.

      I can’t wait to meet you all and hear about your projects!

      A cryptic question for everyone:

      If your writing was a color, what color would it be?

        • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
        • Total Posts: 365


        A fellow HEMA lover!!! YES!!! What is/are your favorite weapon(s). I’m partial to a short double sided sword with a shield, or my beloved quarter staff.

        *Suddenly realizes I forgot my knife today 😕.  Oh well, I probably have 5+ in my backpack*

        You will love what you spend time with.

          • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
          • Total Posts: 365

          Oh, and to answer your question, my writing in sky blue, neon orange, blood red, and pitch black.

          p.s. And for a tad bit of fun, I have a question for you. What is the most important piece of armor?

          • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Power. Reason: colors are hard to describe
          • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Power.

          You will love what you spend time with.

            • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
            • Total Posts: 612

            @rose-everdeen *emerges from a dark corner* ROSE!! YOU’RE HERE!!! *tackle hugs you* *steps back from your dragon*

            (just as a side note, y’all her trilogy *gasps* is gonna be amazing! <3)

            My writing…ummm hmmm, I know the next book is gonna be orange, and yellow, and red…FIRE!!

            My current WIP *takes a stab in the dark* dark green, like forest green, with some grays, and crimsons….uhh yeah….wow. that was interesting.

            You already know me and all about Payton and Kerwin and Maddock and *sadness* so I’ll step aside and let the others ask some questions and tag some guys here…

            @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h @koshka @ava-blue @elishavet-pidyon @microphage6032 @gracie-j @anatra23 @whalekeeper


              • Rank: Charismatic Rebel
              • Total Posts: 25

              Oh my goodness, your WIPs sound SO interesting! Especially Gilded Blood and your dark academia murder mystery side project! Ahh, I hope I get to read them one day! 😀

              If my writing were a color, it would be a light olive green. (Literally, lol; in my Google doc for my historical romantic suspense, I’ve turned the page color that shade of green. XD) Such a fun question! How would you answer it?

              ~kindling hope through stories~

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @rose-everdeen. Hello Rose, and Welcome to Kingdom Pen! 😀

                Your WIP sounds very interesting! 🤩

                Oh, where are my manners!? I am FreedomWriter76, a Christian, Homeschooled, Southern Teen girl that has a passion for spreading the light of Christ through Historical Fiction. I’m also a huge Music fan, History Nerd, and Marvel nerd, but we won’t go there. 😂

                Also, what writer isn’t biased, at least a little? 🤔 Because I know I am! 😂

                Anywho! Now…as for your question…I would say my writing is often gray and blue, with red mixed in, and yellow for the bright moments, and white for the redemption found in all my books. Some black mixed in at times too. 😃😅

                Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to ask you a few random welcoming questions! 😄(and I’ma gonna go on ahead and answer as well)

                1. What’s your absolute favorite genre? (Historical Fiction, but I write that as well, so I’m biased. 😝)

                2. Coffee, Tea, or Neither? (Sweet Tea! 😄)

                3. What is the last name of your 2 favorite characters from your work(s)? (Schind and Carter)

                4. What is your favorite Anime? (Tho I haven’t watched many…cause they’re weird or otherwise problematic…heh…😅 My favorite one I’ve seen was Marvel Future Avengers. I did mention I was a Marvel nerd. 🤪)

                And…5. What’s your favorite theme(s) to write? (For me, easily, Redemption, Love, and Forgiveness 🥰)

                It’s wonderful to meet you Rose! I can’t wait to talk to you some more! God Bless! 💖🙏🏻

                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 2002


                  Welcome to the kingdom! I’m Koshka a writer of non-magical medieval-fantasy and other stuff…a lot of other stuff.

                  Ooo, medieval history is one of my top favorite things to research, especially random stories and/or grave sites.

                  The colors change per book so;

                  Heart of Gold: white, grey, vermilion, juniper green, cold black, and molten gold.

                  Walls of Stone: misty blue-grey, forest green, yellow, scarlet, and warm brown.

                  Sea of Fury: royal blue, flame red, bright green, thick smoke/soot, sea blue, and white.

                  And questions for you!

                  • If you could ride a dragon for a day or own a horse for life, which would you choose?
                  • What is the hair color of your favorite author?
                  • How many MCs have you written in one book?
                  • Do you like cats? (Because mine isn’t leaving me alone right now)
                  • And finally, Do you like jellybeans?

                  Again, welcome to the kingdom!

                  First Grand Historian of Arreth and the Lesser Realms (aka Kitty)
                  Fork the Gork

                  Elishavet Elroi
                    • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                    • Total Posts: 1309


                    Greetings, and welcome to the Kingdom of Pen! I’m called Elishavet around here, and I also mostly write realistic medieval fantasy, and a bunch of random stuff.

                    Your WIPs sound most intriguing, but especially your trilogy. I’m mildly partial to trilogies, because I still have the idea that my first WIP is a trilogy…. Even though it has five-six books…and yeah, I’m still plotting.

                    I also love history, especially the Medieval ages. And art. I love art. I mostly draw using graphite, but I want to work on color pencil and water color. What do you like to use?

                    I really need to draw my characters, especially since I can’t find any face pictures of them. (Call me over cautious, but I don’t want to sift through piles of junk to get one half-right photo.)

                    (Oh, and HEMA is awesome. I don’t do it, but still, it’s great that you do. I think I’d like to get into traditional archery…)

                    As for the color of my writing? Um…

                    For my first WIP, Kingdom of Shadows, probably flame red, shadow black, sky blue, sunlight gold, soft green, blood red, sapphire, and burnt umber. Or maybe greys too… It depends on the characters/books.

                    For my second WIP, Heir of Ashes, probably honey gold, Forrest green, pure blue, ash grey, and well, I think just a touch of blood red. Just a touch.

                    What about yours?

                    You have listened to fears, child. Come, let me breathe on you... Are you brave again? -Aslan

                    Rose Everdeen
                      • Rank: Wise Jester
                      • Total Posts: 49


                      A fellow HEMA lover!!! YES!!! What is/are your favorite weapon(s). I’m partial to a short double sided sword with a shield, or my beloved quarter staff.

                      Oh that’s epic!! Hmm, let me see, I’m still something of a beginner, I’ve only been training for a year, so I haven’t really gotten a chance to branch out from the basics. I’ve only worked with the longsword (which I love), a bit of dagger work, and a very brief crash course in dussack. Oh, and my club does a lot of ringen! I don’t know if that counts as a weapon, but I really love doing that! It’s very satisfying when you get a throw just right. That’s my favorite, otherwise longsword.

                      *Suddenly realizes I forgot my knife today.  Oh well, I probably have 5+ in my backpack*

                      Oh yes, knives are a daily necessity XD

                      Oh, and to answer your question, my writing in sky blue, neon orange, blood red, and pitch black.

                      That’s super cool, I love the combination of it, and I somehow feel like I already got an idea of what it’s like, odd as it sounds XD What genre do you write? Do you have a current WIP?

                      p.s. And for a tad bit of fun, I have a question for you. What is the most important piece of armor?

                      Oohhh, *narrows eyes in suspicion* feels like a trick question. It depends on the context. In battle, I’d say chainmail and a helmet are really important and will eliminate a lot of injuries. In a modern context, gloves are super important, just for the sheer fact of how often I’ve gotten hit on them XD So are masks of course, but it’s harder to accidentally hit someone’s head with regular training. That changes again when sparring of course XD

                      Rose Everdeen
                        • Rank: Wise Jester
                        • Total Posts: 49

                        *emerges from a dark corner* ROSE!! YOU’RE HERE!!! *tackle hugs you* *steps back from your dragon*

                        *Catches you in the hug, leaving pink glitter on your clothes that will probably be there the next century* QUEENIE!! I made it!! And don’t worry, it’s a friendly dragon, mostly XD

                        (just as a side note, y’all her trilogy *gasps* is gonna be amazing! <3)

                        Awww, thank you! So will your books, I can’t wait to read them!

                        My writing…ummm hmmm, I know the next book is gonna be orange, and yellow, and red…FIRE!!

                        My current WIP *takes a stab in the dark* dark green, like forest green, with some grays, and crimsons….uhh yeah….wow. that was interesting.

                        Ohhhh that’s so pretty!!! I can totally see the vibes!!

                        Rose Everdeen
                          • Rank: Wise Jester
                          • Total Posts: 49


                          Oh my goodness, your WIPs sound SO interesting! Especially Gilded Blood and your dark academia murder mystery side project! Ahh, I hope I get to read them one day!

                          Thank you so much! I love both my projects so much, and I’m having just the best time on them! Gilded Blood is just my personal learning project, but MoS may end up being my debut 👀 I have nothing completely decided yet though, for now i’m just messing around with it for my own fun XD

                          If my writing were a color, it would be a light olive green. (Literally, lol; in my Google doc for my historical romantic suspense, I’ve turned the page color that shade of green. XD) Such a fun question! How would you answer it?

                          Oh that’s such a pretty color! I can just instantly see the ✨aesthetic✨ of it! That sound so fun!

                          What’s your WIP about? I’d love to hear more about it! What time period is it set in?

                          Hmm, let me see!

                          If I had to answer for my writing in general, I’d say a dark, rich burgondy. It’s both bright and dark, classic without being boring and goes with a lot of others!

                          If I had to answer for my WIP’s specifically, GB is shimmering gold, poppy red, sky blue, and streaks of bright aquamarine!

                          MoS is dark forest green, misty gray, chocolate brown, with streaks of ballet-slipper pink and blood red veins! (That was so specific XD)

                          Rose Everdeen
                            • Rank: Wise Jester
                            • Total Posts: 49


                            Hello hello!

                            Oh, where are my manners!? I am FreedomWriter76, a Christian, Homeschooled, Southern Teen girl that has a passion for spreading the light of Christ through Historical Fiction. I’m also a huge Music fan, History Nerd, and Marvel nerd, but we won’t go there

                            *High fives in homeschooler, music fan, and love of historical fiction* And always feel free to infodump! I love hearing people get passionate about an interest even if it’s something I know nothing about! (Which… I’ve never seen a Marvel movie *Sheepish laughter*)

                            What’s your favorite kind of music?

                            Anywho! Now…as for your question…I would say my writing is often gray and blue, with red mixed in, and yellow for the bright moments, and white for the redemption found in all my books. Some black mixed in at times too.

                            Oh that’s a lovely balance!

                            1. What’s your absolute favorite genre? (Historical Fiction, but I write that as well, so I’m biased. )

                            I have to pick? *Heartbroken sobbing* Ummm… Okay, I will attempt it. I love mysteries, and Historical fiction, and fantasy. Of the three, I think I read historical fiction most often! But any combination of the above is the absolute best!

                            2. Coffee, Tea, or Neither? (Sweet Tea! )

                            Again, I have to choose? Umm… hot chocolate is my absolute favorite, but I like both coffee and tea! I don’t like coffee that tastes like coffee though, I love when it’s mostly sweet coffee-flavored milk XD Which is why iced coffee is the best!

                            3. What is the last name of your 2 favorite characters from your work(s)? (Schind and Carter)

                            None of the GB characters have last names because I was lazy and used a ‘son of/daughter of’ system. However, in MoS, that would have to be Spurling and Schwann!

                            What is your favorite Anime? (Tho I haven’t watched many…cause they’re weird or otherwise problematic…heh…😅 My favorite one I’ve seen was Marvel Future Avengers. I did mention I was a Marvel nerd. 🤪

                            Oh yesss I feel you XD Anime can get weird fast, that’s why I haven’t watched that many either XD But that’s an easy answer! Haikyuu!! Honestly, one of the best-written pieces of media I have ever read/watched in my entire life! I love every character as though they were my own. It’s basically flawless, I adore it so much.

                             What’s your favorite theme(s) to write? (For me, easily, Redemption, Love, and Forgiveness 🥰)

                            Oh yes those are incredible! I love writing about belonging/finding a place to belong, unconditional love, and redemption too, it’s just always an excellent trope!

                            What’s your current WIP about? Who is your main character, and where is it set?

                            It’s awesome to meet you too!

                            Rose Everdeen
                              • Rank: Wise Jester
                              • Total Posts: 49


                              Hi Koshka! I love your profile picture, that’s an adorable cat!

                              Welcome to the kingdom! I’m Koshka a writer of non-magical medieval-fantasy and other stuff…a lot of other stuff.

                              Epic, we write the same genre! *High-fives*

                              Heart of Gold: white, grey, vermilion, juniper green, cold black, and molten gold.

                              Walls of Stone: misty blue-grey, forest green, yellow, scarlet, and warm brown.

                              Sea of Fury: royal blue, flame red, bright green, thick smoke/soot, sea blue, and white.

                              Oh I love that! I can get an idea of the aesthetics and setting of each one just through that! That’s so cool! I’d love to hear more about them! Which is your current main project? What’s your protagonist like? What’s the setting?

                              If you could ride a dragon for a day or own a horse for life, which would you choose?

                              Hmm… I do own horses at the moment and absolutely adore them, but riding a dragon? That would be so far beyond cool, I have to choose that!

                              What is the hair color of your favorite author?

                              Oohh, tough one! *Who even is my favorite author…* Okay, if I had to pick just one right now, that would be Sarah Crossan, so, blonde!

                              How many MCs have you written in one book?

                              My record is MoS, which has seven protagonists! There’s only one POV though. If we’re talking in terms of POV, that would be GB, who has three narrators who take turns! The first book has just one, the second book has the original one and another, and the third book has the original and a side character who became an MC!

                              Do you like cats? (Because mine isn’t leaving me alone right now)

                              Oh ADORE them! We have two and I love them so much! What’s your cat’s name, what are they like? Tell me all about it!

                              And finally, Do you like jellybeans?

                              Any answer but ‘yes, of course’ is the wrong one!

                              It’s so nice to meet you!

                              Rose Everdeen
                                • Rank: Wise Jester
                                • Total Posts: 49


                                Greetings, and welcome to the Kingdom of Pen! I’m called Elishavet around here, and I also mostly write realistic medieval fantasy, and a bunch of random stuff.

                                Hi Elishavet! I love your name! And yay, we write the same genre!

                                Your WIPs sound most intriguing, but especially your trilogy. I’m mildly partial to trilogies, because I still have the idea that my first WIP is a trilogy…. Even though it has five-six books…and yeah, I’m still plotting.

                                Oh awesome! I love reading trilogies, and it’s proved to be fun to write too! Writing series just gives you that extra room to explore some more things!

                                I also love history, especially the Medieval ages. And art. I love art. I mostly draw using graphite, but I want to work on color pencil and water color. What do you like to use?

                                Awesome! I’d love to see some of your art if you feel like sharing it! I use a little of everything, but Digital art is my favorite! I’m trying to work more on traditional art though!

                                I really need to draw my characters, especially since I can’t find any face pictures of them. (Call me over cautious, but I don’t want to sift through piles of junk to get one half-right photo.)

                                Oh same! It’s so hard to find pictures that are just right! I still haven’t found anyone who resembles my MC in GB and I’ve just about given up. *deep sigh* But, to make up for that I draw her all the time! (Actually it’s been too long since I drew her, it’s been months!)

                                (Oh, and HEMA is awesome. I don’t do it, but still, it’s great that you do. I think I’d like to get into traditional archery…)

                                That’s so cool! I love archery too, it looks so fun and challenging!

                                For my first WIP, Kingdom of Shadows, probably flame red, shadow black, sky blue, sunlight gold, soft green, blood red, sapphire, and burnt umber. Or maybe greys too… It depends on the characters/books.

                                For my second WIP, Heir of Ashes, probably honey gold, Forrest green, pure blue, ash grey, and well, I think just a touch of blood red. Just a touch.

                                Oh those are so pretty! Those colors sound like they look so pretty together too!

                                What about yours?

                                Hmm, lemme see!

                                GB is shimmering gold, poppy red, sky blue, and streaks of bright aquamarine!

                                MoS is dark forest green, misty gray, chocolate brown, with streaks of ballet-slipper pink and blood red veins!

                                It was awesome to meet you!

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 8156


                                  *High fives in homeschooler, music fan, and love of historical fiction* And always feel free to infodump! I love hearing people get passionate about an interest even if it’s something I know nothing about! (Which… I’ve never seen a Marvel movie *Sheepish laughter*)

                                  What’s your favorite kind of music?

                                  YES! *high-fives back* Aww, thank you! 🥰 But just know this…when I get started on Marvel, it takes a lot to get me to stop. 😂 (Aww, you’re fine girl! I used to not be a fan of Marvel until I finally watched Captain America, and then I was hooked. 🤣)

                                  OOH, great question! Most of what I listen to is Contemporary Christian, quite a bit of Christian Rock (meaning Skillet, LEDGER, and Switchfoot, lol.) and here recently I’ve been listening to music from the 1940s to get a feel for my books! Which is actually some epic music, btw. 👌🤩 What about you?

                                  Oh that’s a lovely balance!

                                  Thank you! 😄

                                  I have to pick? *Heartbroken sobbing* Ummm… Okay, I will attempt it. I love mysteries, and Historical fiction, and fantasy. Of the three, I think I read historical fiction most often! But any combination of the above is the absolute best!

                                  YESSS!!!! *high-five for Historical-Fiction* Most of what I read is Historical Fiction, or, here recently, Historical Romance, hehe. 😅 I used to LOVE Nancy Drew, but I grew out of that. 😆 Fantasy is never my go-to, but fantasy without magic…I’d love to see more of that. 😍

                                  Again, I have to choose? Umm… hot chocolate is my absolute favorite, but I like both coffee and tea! I don’t like coffee that tastes like coffee though, I love when it’s mostly sweet coffee-flavored milk XD Which is why iced coffee is the best!

                                  Hot Chocolate…good choice! 😁 But being down South, it’s rarely ever cold enough for that. 😂 I have never drunken coffee before though, so I can’t say much about it, lol.  😝

                                  None of the GB characters have last names because I was lazy and used a ‘son of/daughter of’ system. However, in MoS, that would have to be Spurling and Schwann!

                                  Girl…I LOVE those names!!!! 😍😍😍 So much fun and uniqueness! 🤩🤩🤩

                                  Oh yesss I feel you XD Anime can get weird fast, that’s why I haven’t watched that many either XD But that’s an easy answer! Haikyuu!! Honestly, one of the best-written pieces of media I have ever read/watched in my entire life! I love every character as though they were my own. It’s basically flawless, I adore it so much.

                                  It does! 😂😂😂 Haha, good to know I’m not the only one that hasn’t watched a lot because it gets weird…😆 Don’t think I’ve ever heard of that! What’s Haikyuu about? 😀

                                  Oh yes those are incredible! I love writing about belonging/finding a place to belong, unconditional love, and redemption too, it’s just always an excellent trope!

                                  YESSS!!!! Those themes are epic! 😁

                                  What’s your current WIP about? Who is your main character, and where is it set?

                                  Ooh…here we go…writer rant time!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩 (Every writer loves to do it…😂) Well, being very much a multitasker and procrastinator, I often have many WIP’s in the works at one time, lol, but my main one right now…It’s about WWII and The Holocaust. It has two main Characters, Leon, a Jewish young man, husband, and father, and Riker, a German young man, husband, father, and SS Lieutenant. 😉 (who also happens to be my fav of the two…😅) But anywho! 😁 It takes place from early 1944-early 1946. Leon is thrown into a Concentration Camp, and Riker, because he didn’t know about it yet, discovers…The Holocaust. That’s very brief, but hey! 😂 It has many messages: love, mercy, guilt, grace, grief, hope, loss, hatred…that’s not even all of them…but the main message is Forgiveness. God’s forgiveness, forgiving others, and, as it is SOOO often overlooked…the importance of forgiving ourselves. Leon struggles with hatred against the Nazi’s and Riker specifically, and Riker struggles with guilt and forgiving himself for the mistakes he made. 🥰 It’s also book 1 in a planned trilogy. The MC’s aren’t the same, but the books overlap so much, I was like: Well…they might as well be a trilogy! 😂

                                  Woo! That was long. 😅 But what writer doesn’t like talking about their books!? 😂😂😂

                                  It’s awesome to meet you too!

                                  Absolutely! 😁🥰

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