Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #139937
      • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
      • Total Posts: 692

      Could you guys mix up the rooms a little? I’d prefer my characters rooming with another author’s character/characters. Sorry if I messed things up. I feel bad since a lot has happened in the 10 days I forgot about this. I’m very frustrated at my email for having it go to my spam.

        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 6699

        @sarafini I believe @euodia-vision will be joining. If she has a female character your character can room with her 😊


          • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
          • Total Posts: 1308


           The more the merrier! I’ve got two dragon boys without a roommate, so

          Awesome! I have a male character that I think would love to room with two dragon boys.😆


          (btw, you’re new profile pic is just glorious. đŸ‘ŒđŸŒđŸ˜†đŸ˜)

          Why thank youuuu, hehe, I agree about its gloriousness. 😂


          I do have a female character that could room with yours @sarafini!

          I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 3716


            Why thank youuuu, hehe, I agree about its gloriousness. 😂

            You are so very welcome. (Fili may be my favorite character in the Hobbit


            Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 8156

              @sarafini good to know about what she looks like!!! (just for RPing, lol XD)

              And it’s okay! Emails can be DUMB 😅đŸ„șGlad to have you back tho!!!! ❀

                • Rank: Chosen One
                • Total Posts: 8156

                @esther-c @godlyfantasy12 @keilah-h I’m behind on these RPs 😅


                “Thanks. Hey, Sam, Bruce!” He waved to his friends, and roommates, before taking the seat directly across from Ami. “Oh, hey, haven’t met you two.” He nodded towards the two girls with Amidala.

                “I’m Clint, these two are Sam and Bruce,” he introduced as the two sat down. Bruce gave a soft, nervous smile and a wave. Sam gave them a wave and grin. “what are your names? I guess you two are Ami’s roommates, huh?”



                “I draw on occasion. Not much though.” Abelard replied.

                They both faced William. William gave a small chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. “Not exactly…I’ve been told I’m not exactly the…artistic type.” He laughed. “Let’s just say that everything I draw turns into blobs at some point.”


                Wolfgang (ahh, ikr!? The 3 of them are just…😍)

                Wolfgang smiled at Paxton and Lukas, watching as they communicated. “Don’t worry, Lukas, it’s fun around here!!! You’ll make so many friends and learn so many things!!!”

                His stomach growled.

                He chuckled. “Hey, Lukas, Paxton, you two wanna go get something to eat? I’m STARVING!”




                She and Natasha followed after Luna into the dining hall, which was abuzz with activity, it being lunch time and all.

                “Wow…there’s so many people here.” Aadelheide whispered, looking around, grabbing a lunch tray.

                Natasha shrugged. “Eh, I’ve seen more. What do you think of this school, Luna, Aadelheide? It’s my first year…is this place good or not so much?”



                Tony smirked at Ev before hopping off the bed. “I don’t know about the two of you, but I’m hungry. Do you two want to go to the dining hall? If not, I’ll just go on my own.”

                “Are you one of those loner types?” Arthur asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

                Tony rolled his eyes. “Alright Blondie, me and Ev will go. We can leave you here.”




                OH, and @whalekeeper, here’s Leon/Ezra…totally forgot about them for a while 😅😂


                “This’ll be fun, don’t you think?” Ezra asked Leon, throwing his few bags onto one of the beds in their dorm room. It was certainly less crowded than his house when all of his siblings came over…but then again, it was too quiet in the dorm.

                There wasn’t a baby sister around to make it loud.


                “Huh? Oh, sorry…what did you say? I didn’t hear you.” Leon mumbled, already opening his suitcase and pulling things out. He’d been distracted lately, to say the least.

                “I wonder who our other roommate will be. I reckon they’ll be fun though.”

                  • Rank: Eccentric Mentor
                  • Total Posts: 1308


                  You are so very welcome. (Fili may be my favorite character in the Hobbit


                  AH whaaaaat, same! Fili is my favorite majestic dwarf boi. 😂

                  I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick and I was like, "That log had a child

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 3716

                    @freedomwriter76 @godlyfantasy12

                    *gasps* I have an idea

                    What if we had a school dance?!?!

                    That would be so fun!!! And adorable with all our charrie ships!! đŸ„°

                    *clears throat*

                    Ok, now for the RP. XD


                    Eva and Ara introduced themselves and the group chatted as they ate their lunch. While they ate, Ami saw that Lukas and two other boys his age were sitting down at a table to eat. She knew that Ev would be glad to know that Lukas was already making friends.

                    The group finished their lunch and lingered around their table, still talking. When they came to a pause in their conversation, Ami stood up and grabbed her empty tray. “I’m going to go put my tray away then take a walk through the gardens. I’ve been dying to see them. Anyone want to join me?”


                    Lukas took a final bite of his food and leaned back in his chair contentedly.

                    Paxton looked at his empty plate, his eyes wide. He wrote:

                    You eat very fast.

                    Lukas chuckled. “I have two older brothers, so sometimes we compete to see who can eat the fastest. I think it’s become a habit.”

                    A hint of a smile was on Paxton’s face while Wolfgang was laughing. He suddenly started coughing and his eyes watered. Lukas turned in his seat. “Are you okay?”

                    Wolfgang held up a hand and continued coughing. Finally he stopped and cleared his throat one more time. “Woah!” He said, taking a gulp of his water and chuckling. “I’m all right now. I guess I just choked or something.”

                    “Or something,” Lukas repeated, raising his eyebrows.

                    He and Wolfgang looked at each other. Wolfgang started laughing again, and Lukas couldn’t help but join him.

                    “What’s so funny?” Lukas asked between fits of laughter.

                    “I don’t know!” Wolfgang replied, his rich laughter carrying across the dining hall. After a minute or two, the two boys finally stopped laughing. Lukas took another drink and sighed.

                    “I don’t even know what that was all about.” He said.

                    The smile had grown on Paxton’s face and now was almost evident. He wrote in response to Lukas:

                    Me neither. 

                    Lukas simply grinned. It was great to have friends like this.


                    Ev and Tony left their dorm room and headed to the dining hall.

                    “Wait!” Arthur’s voice called out, as they were about to turn the corner. “I’m actually kind of hungry too.” He jogged down the hall and joined the two. “Alright, let’s go now.”

                    Ev rolled his eyes as they continued down the hall. The three guys piled their plates high with food and found an empty table to sit at.

                    Ev dug in immediately and gobbled down his food, barely pausing to take a drink. In the matter of a few minutes, all three teenage boys were done eating. “Well
” Ev said. “That was quick.”

                    Tony chuckled. “We’re not done yet, though. You almost forgot dessert!”

                    Ev grinned. “Right. Let’s go.”

                    When they were seated again, Ev asked, “So Arthur, since this isn’t your first year here, do you know anybody else who goes here?”

                    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Esther.

                    Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 3716


                      AH whaaaaat, same! Fili is my favorite majestic dwarf boi. 😂

                      Yesssss!! 😆

                      That’s awesome. 😉

                      Write what should not be forgotten. — Isabel Allende

                      Keilah H.
                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 5801

                        @whalekeeper Just so you know, Beta is a velociraptor, and Omega appears human in all respects except she has talons for feet, a tail, some spikes, and wings.


                        “I am Harriet Adelaide Thorn, of the Thorn House. People just call me Thorn. But I’m less sharp than rosy, to tell you the truth. Who are you two?” Thorn asked.

                        “I’m Omega, and that’s Beta.” Omega flicked her tail at Beta to introduce her. “How’d you do that? The thing with the hat, I mean. It was cool!”

                        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5801



                          “I draw on occasion.” Abelard told him.

                          William chuckled. “Not exactly…I’m not really artistic. Let’s just say that everything I draw turns into blobs at some point.”

                          Hunter laughed also. “Ha, you’d sympathize with my siblings then. You should see what happens to whatever Wrecker draws.”


                          You said you wanted your charrie with mine? Just making sure before I introduce my boys.

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 4212

                            The school dance idea is TOtaLLy RAD!!!


                            Why is it so satisfying to use old slang?

                            "If I don't like something, it's probably sanctification. Ugh." -E.C.S.

                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 6699

                              @whalekeeper @keilah-h @sarafini @esther-c @kyronthearcanin @freedomwriter76



                              hey Freedom I’m gonna skip where Aramis and them are with Bucky if that’s ok cuz everyone is at lunch??? XD



                              (ahhh I’m so glad y’all like my baby! I was afraid he was starting to get annoying with his trauma 😅)


                              Paxton let a small giggle slip through his lips at Lukas and Wolfgang’s antics. His heart felt much lighter than it had in a while, and he hoped it would stay that way. He adjusted his backpack in his lap, still staring at his full plate.

                              “You gonna eat?” Lukas asked.

                              Paxton glanced at him, a bit searching. Questioning. He shook his head, remembering this was school, not home. And these were his friends, not his brothers. He slowly picked at his plate.

                              The boys around him continued to laugh and joke, making him smile as he ate. Somehow
Wolfgang ended up flinging a piece of food at Lukas, who, in retaliation, grabbed his drink and splashed it at the boy.


                              Wolfgang laughed, a shrill laugh full of mirth, and readied another spoonful of food. Paxton was giggling now, also wondering how in the world the boys were able to

                              Make such a mess

                              Without any sort of

                              Did they get to do this all the time? Was this what
other families were like? Other boys?

                              Wolfgang let the piece of food fly, but Lukas ducked before it could hit him and it went flying behind them.



                              Paxton stiffened immediately, stomach recoiling at the exclamation. He whipped his head around, face white as a sheet as he spotted his brother, wiping mashed potato from his face.


                              Paxton’s breaths became quick as they met eyes and he turned back to the table, hunching over it, his chest tightening. He squeezed his eyes closed as the sounds around him amplified against the beating in his heart, sounding too much like footsteps, coming toward him.

                              “Axton! Pax!” A hand touched his shoulder, the contact making his skin burn. He yelped and jumped, falling off of his seat and onto the floor.

                              He wrapped his arms around him, pulling his knees to his chest as he heaved, tears streaming down his face as groans escaped him.

                              Too much
too much!


                              (so idk if that was very good but it was kind of a quick writing of how I’d see Paxton having a panic attack in that moment. Also Aramis is definitely coming over
.thankfully they’re in a public space)



                              Ara smiled at the new friends Ami had introduced them to, listening as they conversed.

                              Ami then asked about the gardens, sparking Ara’s mind. She smiled, turning quickly. “Oh, I would! My family and I love planting flowers in our own little garden, and volunteering at the local greenhouse in town. My mother is actually part of a Floral association of sorts.”

                              Ami grinned, “Alright then! Anyone else wanna join?”


                              “Oh yea, I’m pretty well known around here,” Arthur said, turning his head and giving a wink at a nearby table full of girls. They all giggled and waved in response, proving his point.

                              The boys sitting with him glanced at each other, one letting out a long suffering sigh, reminding him of a certain Raven-haired female.

                              “I ah
know a few you should probably steer clear of too

                              Tony frowned, “I think I’ve already had a run-in with them.”

same,” said Ev.

                              “Ha! Big wings? Nothing but air in their heads?” He leaned up and whispered.

                              They both snickered but nodded. “Yea,” he said, “They kinda run the joint around here. Sorta. If you know what you’re doing, like me, you can get past the system. But
otherwise?” He shrugged.

                              Ev and Tony raised a brow, “How do you beat it?” Tony asked.

                              Arthur coughed a bit.

                              In truth
he’d only been lucky thus far

                              Lucky that
Corvina had, for some reason, taken to protecting him.

                              Not that he was going to tell these guys that (XD my boys fragile ego)

                              “I have my ways,” he merely said, smirking.

                              Tony and Ev glared some, but Arthur just shrugged, ignoring them, searching to see if Corvina was anywhere around.

                              From what he could see, she wasn’t.

                              He sighed.



                              “A-Alright,” November smiled, holding his bags close to his chest. Honestly
he didn’t have a whole lot.

                              Which was strange considering his father’s
financial position.

                              Most kids knew about it
or at least there were rumors circulating (just what he needed, more rumors about him.)

                              And his friends knew
but he wondered if some of the other people around him knew
and what they’d think of him if they found out.

                              He knew how people acted sometimes
when they found out he had money.

                              Suddenly they’d start treating him better than usual. Though all of that had stopped mostly once he’d reached high school age, and especially after he passed this last grade unworthily.

                              No one but his friends wanted much to do with him after that

                              Not that he could blame them

                              But he couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if his new friends ever found out he was


                              Well off.


                              Not that it mattered much. November didn’t really look the part

                              Or see the money.

                              Not that he lived badly! Of course! He had what he needed
wasn’t spoiled. That was all.


besides, it probably wouldn’t matter anyway, right?


                              He shook his head of all of his pounding thoughts, setting his stuff on an empty bed.

                              “Hey, what were you playing Riker?” Leo asked, taking the other bed. November tuned into the conversation, curious himself. He began to unpack, pulling out various belongings: clothes, schoolbooks, shoes, paper, a few cookbooks-which he tried to subtly hide under his notebooks along with how How-To-Do-Origami guidebook.

                              Pulled out a few photos of him and his friends. He
embarrassedly realized that most of the pictures happened to be of him and Ara-but
they were best friends anfter all! That
that was it!- and decided to keep most in his bags. He hung up only two; one of them as kids, and one taken a month back, at the cafe Lyn worked part time at.

                              He smiled, staring at it for a moment before turning back to his roommates.



                              “It’s really great! I’ve made a lot of friends! But
there are some bullies
mostly the headmistress’ sons.” Luna’s face contorted amusingly at the thought.

                              “They’re mean! Well
not all of them. Just the oldest two. I don’t know much about the third one. And the youngest is really nice, and shy. He’s my friend. But the others?” She huffed. “They have like
this gang type thing going on. Real creepy stuff. But yea. Other then that it’s nice.”



                              Ava Murbarger (Solfyre)
                                • Rank: Knight in Shining Armor
                                • Total Posts: 718


                                Love it! But… I don’t think I’m in this RP. 😅 Seems cool, though.

                                Published Author | Havok Editor | Interning for Nova McBee

                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 6699

                                  @kyronthearcanine WHOOPS XD


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