Fantasy/Modern School AU RP

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  • #139757
      • Rank: Chosen One
      • Total Posts: 8156

      @esther-c Sounds great! I totally understand…I wouldn’t want to do it either 😅

      Keilah H.
        • Rank: Chosen One
        • Total Posts: 5919

        @esther-c Ok! Still gotta introduce some new charries though.

        "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

        Keilah H.
          • Rank: Chosen One
          • Total Posts: 5919

          @awsumfaith I’m not sure. I think RP randomly unless someone’s charries are in a conversation with yours, then we take turns randomly.

          @freedomwriter76 I’m good with that! I’m just gonna have to introduce my other dragon boys right now.

          @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper All righty! This fan art was the closest I found to what I’m imagining they look like. Just imagine the wings and tails on the characters.

          Left to right: Hunter, who has teal scales with a couple green stripes on his wings; Crosshair (yep, same one as in the character castle except he’s not married yet–obviously–and this version of him is a dragon), he has silver scales with a hardly noticeable dusting of darker gray on his wings; Tech, whose scales are sort of this slate blue color with white on his underside and wings; and Wrecker, whose scales are predominantly sky blue and periwinkle colored. And I’m going to go ahead and say the clothes they’re wearing in this picture are what they’re wearing here.

          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

            • Rank: Chosen One
            • Total Posts: 8156

            @keilah-h They’re actually really cute XD😍

            Who do you want to be with Steve/Bucky? bc I was thinking about RPing as them 🥰

            Keilah H.
              • Rank: Chosen One
              • Total Posts: 5919

              @freedomwriter76 Ha, yeah, they’re really cute. This is them when they’re, like, 8 or something. They’re 12 now, so probably a little bigger and sleeker, but basically the same.

              Hmm…..Maybe Crosshair or Wrecker? Those two will be fun to write…..

              Of course, I’ll have to choose one though……

              "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                • Rank: Chosen One
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                @keilah-h whoever you want to do! 😀

                Keilah H.
                  • Rank: Chosen One
                  • Total Posts: 5919

                  @freedomwriter76 Ok! I’ll go with Wrecker then. Hopefully, Steve and Bucky can handle his wildness.

                  That leave Crosshair and Tech alone….

                  @godlyfantasy12 @whalekeeper @awsumfaith Anyone got room for a fourth charrie in two groups? Or just one more character so we can have another group of three.

                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                    • Rank: Chosen One
                    • Total Posts: 8156

                    @keilah-h sounds good!!! You can add Wrecker in however you want, Steve/Bucky will be in their dorm unpacking a few things


                    Alright y’all @whalekeeper @godlyfantasy12 @esther-c @awsumfaith I’m skipping a couple of days to where the boarding room part of the school is starting



                    Steve put the last shirt away. He didn’t have much.

                    But somehow…some way…he’d been allowed to board at the school. Maybe it was only so the orphanage didn’t have to feed him…not that they gave him much anyhow.

                    He wasn’t entirely sure who their other roommate was, but he was glad to have Bucky around.


                    Even if Bucky was also at the school for more than an education.


                    Because who better to spy than someone who was going for an education?


                    Steve glanced over at Bucky, who slid a box underneath his bed…likely filled with weapons.

                    No one would expect it. A 16 year old boy still in high school that knew hand-to-hand combat, how to fight with knives and guns, and could drive a motorcycle better than many adults.

                    Pierce wanted Bucky to spy…it was one of the reasons why Bucky, and all of them, for that matter, had to go back to the orphanage on Friday nights…so Bucky could report what he had learned.


                    Bucky would learn all he could by spying.

                    If he gathered nothing important…Steve would pay the price for it.


                    Bucky grabbed a black hoodie and slipped it over his head, also putting on black gloves to hide his metal hand. He always just claimed that he got cold easily…made people stop asking questions.

                    “How are we going to keep that a secret from our roommate?” Steve asked softly.

                    Bucky shrugged. “We’ll find a way. I’ll just always wear long sleeves and gloves.”

                    “That will get hard to explain away at some point, you know.” Steve argued.

                    Bucky shrugged. “Like I said, we’ll find a way.”

                    A knock sounded on the door, it opened, and their roommate stepped inside.

                    Keilah H.
                      • Rank: Chosen One
                      • Total Posts: 5919



                      He walked down the hallway, fiddling with the ears on Lula (his stuffed cat).

                      Hunter had told him this would be fun. He hoped it would be….although he didn’t see any other dragons.

                      Were they the only ones?

                      He looked up to see the door to his room.

                      Well….this was it.

                      Maybe one of his brothers was going to be with him?

                      Wrecker opened the door and peered through.

                      No dragons.

                      Both humans, and older than him, although not much taller.

                      He decided to be assertive, or at least more so than he felt. “Are you my roommates?” he asked, swishing his tail.

                      "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                        • Rank: Chosen One
                        • Total Posts: 8156

                        @keilah-h I like him already! 😀


                        “Are you my roommates?” A boy asked, with blue-scaled dragon wings, swishing his tail.


                        A dragon mixed with a human boy?


                        Steve smiled and nodded, always friendly. “Yeah. I’m Steve, and this is my friend Bucky. What’s your name?”

                        Keilah H.
                          • Rank: Chosen One
                          • Total Posts: 5919



                          “Yeah. I’m Steve, and this is my friend Bucky. What’s your name?” asked one of the boys.

                          They were friendly.

                          He could be more confident now.

                          “Call me Wrecker.” the dragonet replied.

                          His claws flexed when he mentioned his name……

                          Of course, he hadn’t been named that for nothing. He wanted so badly to sink his claws into something, but he doubted these boys would like it if he messed with their stuff.

                          Save it for later.

                          “Where did you come from?” he asked. “Like, uh…..what’s your family like?”

                          "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

                            • Rank: Chosen One
                            • Total Posts: 6722

                            @freedomwriter76 OK!!! Yay this is gonna be so much fun!!! @keilah-h @awsumfaith @esther-c @whalekeeper
                            OHMIGOSH YALL I FORGOT ABOUT CORVINA!!!!! Who can she be with???


                            “This is going to be amazing you guys!” Jocelyn squeaked, the bags all over her shoulders flying as she spun around. November barely dodged them, moving quickly away as the excitable blonde beamed.

                            Grimm held out a hand, getting smacked in the face by a small purse. “Lyn-watch it!” Nyx hissed as one flew at his ear.

                            “I’m glad the Headmistress let us move everything in a few days early,” Ara laughed, “Imagine if we were trying to carry the rest of Lyn’s things.”

                            All of them paused, remembering the day before, trying to move all of Lyn’s clothes, which had made up most of her stuff, into her new room. Along with her tech, which she used for streaming.

                            Nyx groaned loud. “That was terrible. Remind me to never do that again.”

                            “I still don’t see how you fit all of your stuff in one bag…” November shook his head. Nyx shrugged, smirking.

                            “It’s called Talent.”

                            “Trust me, he’s going to remember things he wants later and have to grab them from home,” Jocelyn teased. Nyx stuck his tongue out at her.

                            “I’m just so excited to stay with other people! I’d never even had a sleepover before until I met you and Jocelyn!” Luna said, looking at Ara, all smiles. “This is going to be like one really long sleepover! I’m really surprised the Commune agreed to this. It took FOREVER for them to agree to let me come to the academy.”

                            Ara smiled. Her eyes drifted for a moment. November gently bumped her in the shoulder.

                            “You alright?”

                            She nodded. “Just…thinking. I heard Paxton is getting to stay somewhere…away from his brothers.”

                            “Seriously?! That’s…like…insane.” Jocelyn said, stunned. She blinked before shaking her head. “I didn’t think they ever loosened their leash on him.”

                            “He’s not animal,” Grimm growled.

                            “Of course not! I didn’t mean that,” Jocelyn frowned, shaking her head. “But that’s how they treat him…That’s really awesome though. Any idea who he’s with?”

                            Ara shook her head. “No…I…I hope they’ll take care of him…”

                            November gave her a small smile, gripping her hand. “You’ve gotten really close to him, huh?”

                            “He just…he’s so sweet. It’s not fair…” She looked into her friend’s bright eyes.

                            Just how it’s not fair for you…

                            “But I haven’t really had the chance to talk to him much recently.”

                            “Me neither,” Luna kicked the ground, frowning. She slipped her hands into her hoodie pockets. “His dumb ole brothers started tightening their reign a couple weeks ago…”

                            Ara placed a hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Well…perhaps this will help a bit.” Luna looked up, smiling a bit.


                            (okay this has brought me back to my Luna + Paxton XD) but school always has drama so uhh we could always have crushes that go now where or broken hearts….etc XD


                              • Rank: Chosen One
                              • Total Posts: 8156

                              @keilah-h uh oh…🤐😢 Wrecker’s probably touched on something neither of them want to talk about


                              Steve blinked a couple times. “We…uh….uhm…we…”

                              “What about you?” Bucky asked, trying to divert the attention away from him and Steve.

                              Wrecker raised an eyebrow. “I asked you first.”

                              Bucky glanced at Steve. Their blue eyes met.

                              Steve faced Wrecker again. “It…it’s a little…complicated…”

                              “We’re orphans.” Bucky replied, kinda rough, but he caught himself and sighed. “Sorry about that…tone…”

                                • Rank: Chosen One
                                • Total Posts: 8156

                                @godlyfantasy12 we could put her with Hilda…and then we’d just need 1 other girl

                                That’d be…interesting 😂

                                Keilah H.
                                  • Rank: Chosen One
                                  • Total Posts: 5919



                                  “We’re orphans.” Bucky growled. He sighed.

                                  Wrecker curled his tail around his legs and sighed also. “I understand all too well…..”

                                  He folded his wings toward his body. “My siblings and I have lived with our older brother for as long as we can remember…..but he went off to fight in the war, and our guardian…..unintentionally hurt us. So we’re kinda in a tough spot ourselves.”

                                  "When in doubt, eat cheese crackers."-me to my charries who don't even know about cheese crackers

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